Hey Roger, glad you liked it. I actually found that info by surfing the net for everything related to Denver and Sorrell. I then used zabasearch to find their living relatives. In most cases no phone numbers are given but you could probably pay the fee to have them then come up as unlisted. I did email John(B0) on his myspace page and suggested it. I figure they have probably already asked some of them to come but you never know. I doubt their relatives would be real thrilled to hear from somebody that's merely a fan and not an old friend or something like that. Here is an article with allot of references to his relatives as well as his life: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9406EED71631F93BA15751C1A961958260 Also, Denver's brother Willis is an animator of some fame and notoriety among cartoon buffs, here is a link that show's his picture from 2007. He currently lives in Seal Beach, CA. http://www.cartoonbrew.com/books/book-update-inside-upa Also, we could write to these people ourselves as in most cases their current addresses are given. For respect to their privacy I am not going to post anybody's addresses here but trust me if you know how to use zabasearch(if you can post here you definitely can) you can get the address and send a letter to them suggesting they come. Peggy's address as far as I know is current on zabasearch also. I think I will at least write to her. Wish these people could have lived forever but I guess that's not part of the master plan is it?