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Redneck girl 01

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Status Updates posted by Redneck girl 01

  1. Howdy Howdy! Hows you? Yea I'm ignoring you! ;) lol.not really.I just ain't had the time to get on the computer.I only have a couple minutes right now...wow I haven't been on here since December 2nd! wow! Anyways I'm just like overwhelmed at the moment, and school ain't helpin none...I have a term paper for english to write, I know what I'm writting bout I just don't know how to go bout writtin it.it is due before we leave for Christmas break! AHHHHHHHHH Christmas is only 8 days away.uhhh ohhh! Have you got all your shoppin done? All your decorating done? All the wrapping done? I got all my shoppin done tonight.I have a lot to wrap.*laughs*.most of it is for my friends at school though! I LOVE wrapping presents!!! But this term paper is like killing everything! I need to do a lot more research.well I hate to cut it short but I have a lot to do but very little time to do it.Merry Early Christmas.hopefully I am on before Christmas.maybe I can catch you at the same time I'm on! lol

  2. Howdy Howdy! Hows you? Yea thursday was when I was goin to our county fair, but I ended up goin friday too!! :D n then Saturday I went to an Oak Ridge Boys concert....awesome times! lol....n now today truck show,along with yesterday...yay more concerts! lol...well hope yer havin a great day! I gotta go...bye byes

  3. Howdy Howdy! Hows you? YEEE HAW!!!

  4. Howdy Howdy! Hows you? Yer Welcome...Im sure you'll make a lot of friends on here...I see you have 11 now..everyone is so friendly on here. I see that you got yer avitar thingy up...well talk to ya later...oh yea I really like yer signature.

  5. Howdy Howdy! Hows you?

  6. Howdy Howdy! Hows you?

  7. Howdy Howdy! Hows you?

  8. howdy Howdy! Hows you?

  9. Howdy Howdy! Hows you?Just wanted to drop in and say Howdy to everyone! :) Hope you have a great day!

  10. Howdy Howdy! I left you a comment...oh gosh...well...uhh I was gonna say somethang but I fergit....dang! Ahh oh well I think of it later...its bed time now so talk to ya later...lol...bye byes

  11. Howdy Howdy! I read the message....LONG! lol...Oh well give me somethang to do!

  12. Howdy Howdy! I see that you are on? Do you have time to chat? Yea I really wish I could have gotten to go to Canton....it sounds like the ones who went had a really good time....n yea I loved John the first time I met him....LOL....who wouldn't???

  13. Howdy Howdy! I see that you are on...do you want to chat? Well we got dependin on where you stand or attempted to stand..between 31 and 37 inches...I think...lol...I love it....And we are posed to get more the next two day....YAY! They did cancel the dance...and they rescheduled it on the day that I was plannin to go to Pittsburgh n see John...n I could ever find out what times he is gonna be there...lol...but he is gonna be there Saturday and Sunday...but I would rather go saturday...but I wanna go to the dance..but much rather see John again...lol...but I dont know for sure if I am gonna git to go...so Im not goin to get all excited...lol...awww...don't you just love computers? How was yer day?

  14. Howdy Howdy! I'm doin ok...how bout yerself? Nope this summer I'm just gonna sit back n relax, hopefully...unless I git a job...but otherwise I ain't gonna do nothin...ok well I will git bored so I will do somethang but Im gonna take it easy...lol....n hope the Oak Ridge Boys come back to town...but I highly doubt that...lol...So what do you have interestin planned fer this summer....if ya don't mind me askin.

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