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Val Strate

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Posts posted by Val Strate

  1. I hope this thread would be better than the chat.

    I'll try to help you.

    Anyway, speaking 'bout this story:

    1) I liked it. Very scaring. A real Halloween story.

    2) Characterization is very good. It seems to see uncle Jesse, Bo, Luke and Daisy as they were in the real show. Especially uncle Jesse's love for his nephews; so well described.

    3) Favourite part? Mhhhh, that black car and how it appeared (with dark clouds and that devilish wind) made me shiver. I liked how Jax describes characters reaction at this.

    4) Anything to change? :) Well, a huge Enos's fan like me would like to see a bit of Enos in the fic. I missed him.

    Yes indeed, I loved Jax's use of Uncle Jesse. She hit the nail right on the head with her characterization of him. She used him very well to help weave the story together along with Sam and Dean. Genius.

    I do agree, there needs to be Enos in the fic. *chuckle* Maybe this is a added challenge for Jax in the ahem 'Christmas Sequel'?

    Thank you for your comments i1976, great to hear your opinions. I hope this thread works out better then the chat as well.

  2. Yeah we do the big family dinner thing at the 'Strate' house too. This year we have a new twist. Grandma isn't making the turkey, my aunt is. Everyone else is bringing other fixings to go with the turkey and the ham, (yes we have both). The family is pretty big and keeps on growing. This year I think we're over 30 people. God help me if I ever get married because at least one third or more of the guest will be my family and that's just from my dad's side alone.

    Normally we eat then after the meal, the men folk go into the den to watch the game and the women folk clean up, then play board games with the kids or any guys that don't want to watch the game. It's also the way that new comers to the family tree are introduced to the clan, and on occasion friends or special guests are invited to join. Yes, holiday dinner always reminds me of the classic Norman Rockwell paintings.

    On Christmas, we have a similar type party a few days before Christmas because it's easier for everyone to take off of work on a day that's like a few days before the holiday than the actually holiday. One twist we do though with that party is we have a different theme every year of something funny to do. One year it was ugly sweaters, last year was crazy hats, this year I'm not sure of. Crazy underwear? Not sure if I want to see that! LOL. But yes we have alot of fun.

    Thanks for the topic Redneck girl 01!

  3. Howdy,

    Well our first meeting didn't go so well. It was a flop. No one showed. Oh well.

    I'm trying a new approach, having an open thread for the book club.

    Our fic that was in review, was "Dark Ripples" by Jax. In order for this to work, people need to read the fic and come up with questions or answer the questions that other readers put out there. There also might be questions for the author. Please say who you are directing questions to in your post. I'll start us off. Remember, that this thread has spoilers in it. So if you didn't read the fic, you're going to be spoiled by reading this.

    To readers:

    What did you think of the story?

    Was the characterization correct in your mind for the characters?

    What was your favorite part of the fic?

    If there was anything you'd want to change what would it be?

    To the author:

    What inspired you to create this fic?

    If you could change anything what would it be?

    I'll make comments about these questions later after some folks have had a chance to answer. Remember, no bashing.

  4. Ok, sorry about the confusion guys and gals but the chat has been moved to Friday at 7pm EST USA. If you can not make the chat you can still get in on the conversation about the story, by following a thread I will post in the Fanfic/ General Disscussion section. All are welcome.


  5. Hi all!

    I just wanted to post notice about the Book Club on Hazzardnet. It's a fanfic reading club where we read fics then review and talk about them. It's to help authors and readers get to know what kind of Dukes of Hazzard fanfic is out there. This is not an author bashing club or story bashing club. We also review fics that are on the PG or PG-13 level. We might do one or two that border on rated R but it's not a strong R, and there are special circumstances. No slash or X-rated will be reviewed in this group.

    Our first fic Dark Ripples will be reviewed in the Hazzardnet Chat Reading Room, on Wed. 11/12/08 at 8:30pm EST. The author Jax will be present to answer to question and comment. All are welcome to come, even if you aren't in the book club yet. However, the chat will only talk about things involving the story, (this is a book club, we talk about books). If you're looking to just 'chat' please stay in the lobby. Also please, please, read the story. We can't talk about the story if you haven't read it.

    Thanks and just go to social groups for more details.

    Val Strate

  6. You can't be a fruitcake. That's my department. KHEE!

    Ahahahah! Ok, all fruitcakes go to the Sheriff's Department! All Ding-Bells can go to the wildlife department. At least we don't have a Nutcracker department, because all the nuts would go there! Sorry could help myself.

    Awrighty, since Alex came up with the idea of the No Santa Claus clause and Val came up with the consequences, and since you both at least seem to be willing to take on the challenge, I think we can do it. I'll start a new O-fficial thread for it to post the particulars, time frame, rules an' regulations, disclaimers and whatnot. LOL.

    It'll be like our Ghost Post Challenge, where folks will have to post their intention to write a story in the thread and if they don't make the deadline they'll have to suffer the consequences.

    Which, atleast they won't have to post in italics for two weeks. ROFL

    Thanks MA. This is probably true but do you want to be on the shame, shame everyone knows their name, 'Naughty List'?

    I look forward to the thread, to post my intention.

  7. OH I think its clear you’re a little dingy even without bells... *laughs*


    Ring, ding, a ding, let Christmas bells ring! Well at least I'm jolly, festive and not a Scrooge! Things could be worse. I could be a fruitcake.

    Besides, even though we've both accepted the terms, it's still not deemed o-fficial until the officials get a hold of it and announce it all.

  8. *Sipping apple cider and patting full tummy from the delicious traditional Strate baked spaghetti dinner and trick-o-treat candy*

    Mmmm, yes Happy Halloween indeed. I guess I don't lay yellow eggs, Hhhmm Alex?

    Since you have stepped up to the plate and did such a fine job on Dark Ripples, Alex, your Dukes/Supernatural Cross over, maybe you should do a Christmas story as well?

    Hhhhmmm, which gives me an idea. Well, really, it is your idea and I just elaborated on it, because you did challenge me by throwing the gauntlet down to do a story. Why don't I challenge you now to do a Christmas story with the Winchesters returning to Hazzard? There is a catch; you cannot mention Santa at all in the story.

    Now if anyone else wants to partake in the challenge you do not have to do a Dukes/Supernatural cross over but you cannot mention Santa. I would be held to those rules as well.

    Looser could have to tote around an icon in their signature that had lumps of coal and say something along the lines that we were bad because we did not complete our challenge stories. In addition, we could have Grinch Avatars for the losers for a few weeks. I'm sure MM, Brian, and MaryAnne could come up with something in photo shop for those of us who make the 'naughty' list.

    What do ya say Alex? You up for it? Or are you a frozen chicken?


  9. Khee! That'd probably be more appropriate for the HNet Personals (HNet Love Connection?!) but I dunno if we're ready to be startin' a Hazzard County Online Dating Service. I mean...lookit what happened to Rosco. ROFL

    Ah yeah, I see what ya mean MA. Knowing my luck, I'd end up gettin' a lumberjack for a boyfriend who drives a car that gets two miles to the gallon, believes that gobal climate change is not man made, and thinks recycling is something you do to your engine.

    Oiy! I think I'll stick to my rommance novels and a stiff glass of chocolate milk.

  10. Creative post Artykidd!

    Today, I woke up late. Showered, dressed then went to my brother's house and babysat the nephew with my dad. We had drivethrough for lunch then went home when my sister-in-law arrived. Once Dad and I were home, my father decided to take his motorcycle to therapy and ended up falling over on his bad knee with the bike in the driveway. Talk about a scare! So I run out to him and help him get the bike back up and back to the barn. So then he decides to take the truck to therapy and I go back to the house. Later I get a phone call from his therapist saying, my father can't move his knee and needs a ride home. By this time my mother comes home and we bring father home. Once we're home, I go out and feed the barn cats, the dog, and the cows. I then come back inside and have ham and bean soup for supper with the folks and help mom can peach jelly. Now I'm on the computer with ya'll and I go to work in about two hours.

  11. This has been addressed before.One huge problem.Where are you gonna find 69 Chargers? There aren't enough to do a weekly series with the amount of stunts everyone expects to see.CGI? There goes your low budget.Miniatures? Looks too fake but low budget.Change the car to a newer car or introduce a new car with a different name? Won't watch it period doomed for failure. Every Knight Rider fan I've spoken to hates the new KITT so a new General won't work.Even with a new car it will be a huge budget.So I don't see it happening.

    Tim, as much as I want to pummel you right now for being a 'Debbie Downer', I have to admit you are right. However, as a fan, don't you ever think about the possibility of 'what if'? Yes, we have addressed this issue before but as a fan, it never seems like a dull subject to speculate about. Have you ever seen 'Field of Dreams', 'Build it and they will come'?

    As a fan of anything you kind of have to squawk about what you like in order to get what you want or even have a remote possibility to even maybe, just maybe, someday someone someplace might be watching and paying attention and say, 'Hey, maybe that just might work‘. Sure it's a half baked idea but it just might work!' Believe me there are worse things on television than the remake of Knight Rider.

  12. MaryAnne--

    I have to agree with Brian here, some of us are nearly done with our stories! *chuckles*

    Oh great! Looks like the law might not win this fight! *facepalm*

    The black Stetsons are going to win this one and justice won't prevail!

    Eeeek! The suspense is killing me now because this is almost scary as the challenge. The outlaws plan to out the law with this challenge. Crickets and crocs! I don't think we can let this happen MA!

  13. Roger that's exactly what I want as well. Happy endings are good but in some eps. they might have to have cliff hangers.

    But yes all of it could be done and done right. The question is would anyone be willing to fund such a project and would enough of the orginal cast be able to be involve at one point or another.

  14. I agree that some of the cast is kind of old and wouldn't be into doing a TV series again maybe. However if they focused on one or two main characters and their respective families, such as Daisy, or Bo, they could then just have guest apperances by other old orginal cast if they want to.

    What if they had John be Bo all grown and he Balladeer the show but also star in it? Like it focus on his work around Hazzard in a Mayberry kind of setting? Many of the people who grew up loving Dukes as kids are now grown up that it might be refreshing to have that kind of sitcom on again instead of reality TV junk.

  15. Hi. Yes, I know I'm making a shameless plug for the Hazzard County Book Club in the groups area.

    Just so you all know, there is a group in the group area for people who like reading Dukes fan fiction but not nessarily writting it called 'The Hazzard County Book Club'. So far there are only four members but I would like to see that increase. What the group is about is reading a fan fic then getting together and talking about it. Right now, no fan fic has been assigned as the fic to read because of the Ghost Post Challenge that is up and lack of membership.

    If you are interested in reading Dukes fan fiction and talking about the stories with friends please join. If you have any questions, please post them here. This group is open to everyone.

  16. I've said this for years and I'll say it again. My personal view is yes. It would be nice to see a new Dukes of Hazzard but, and I say but... I would like it to have a mix of new and old cast. John himself is still young enough and so is Cathy even, that if they really wanted to do another TV gig they could. Tom could even be in on the project or maybe not at all depending on his attitude and take on it. Other cast members could be guest appearances but my idea is this, why can't they have a new Dukes that would still have the same action, but a little more home town family drama too it. Have the show focus on Bo and maybe Daisy. Daisy won't be the little girly sex symbol she was but an independant woman with a family and a job. Show the Duke family grown up and have an extension of their family, like children and give the kids some drama and action to do. Maybe Bo has a daughter in the show that is the sex symbol of the series. Maybe Daisy is married to Enos and they have some hunkie young boys. Maybe Daisy is a single parent? I would love to see that and see maybe Bo run the local race track or run the local Garage while Cooter is away helping to run the country. Maybe Bo's married or more likely maybe he's divorced or just a single parent too? Maybe Rosco's relative of some sort is the new law in town. These type of connections could lead into interesting story lines and give the opportunity for guest appearances if desired. Luke coming home at some point could be a good episode. There are a million ideas that people could come up with for a show that would work and would help tie things together to pull in new viewers as well as old. As much as I really don't care for Coy and Vance, I'd hate to say it but they might come in handy for family extension. It's just a thought.

    There could be alot of car stunts as well and with the new affects they can do with TV these days, there can still be plenty of Hazzard action and probably on a smaller budget level. Seriously, if someone wanted to cash in on Hazzard again they could and they could make it a respectable series if they would consider the elements of ideas. The only thing though is most likely it will probably never happen, due to legal reasons and Hollywood's excuse of 'lack of interest', (even though we all know that last part is not true). So Julie I think that the idea of a new DOH show would be cool and it should be a little more angsty and maybe even family drama like, like Dawson's Creek, but still contain some of the major stunts and live action that made the show great in the first place, (plus having some orginal cast as well as new would help).

    But, as great as all these ideas may seem, I feel that no one in the industry really wants to take up the Hazzard torch again, beings the two movies pretty much wrecked those hopes. The first movie I think did so much damage that the second wasn't going to be accepted even if the actors did Oscar winning performances. Which the second wasn't that bad in my mind. So sadly, no, I don't think Dukes of Hazzard will ever see the TV again, even in a new re-creation.

  17. We've got 3 stories in, and plenty of time for the rest of ya'll to finish yours. Looks like plenty of spookifyin' stories are in the works!

    I can't resist giving MaryAnne a peek into the abyss...


    Hey I got a little de-layed and distracted, by almost going to the federal pen! :o

    I'm still on page 10.

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