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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Luke was talking on the mic to Bo and said Bo that was a great move now all you have to do is keep first place 1 more lap and you have this race. Luke it's easer said then done. Bo Said. Balladear: Ain't this Race getting exting. Now only if Luke Knew what was waiting for him when he got home. Last Lap: Bo Duke Is Still in the Lead, Then we have Jeff Gorden right on Bo's bumber. Come on Bo Michael Said. Jessica was even cheering for Bo.. The cars where coming to the finish Line and Bo crossed it first and everyone in his pit went wild. 2 nd was Jeff Gorden. 3rd was Richard Petty and 4th was Dale Earnhardt. Bo did the victory lap and then he went to his Pit and everyone huged him. Then everyone got in their cars and headed for the Farm. AT THE FARM... Everyone got tout of their cars and went into the house and then they started to talk about the race. and then they hurd sirens. Luke looked out the window and said it's Rosco and Enos. They all went out to meet them . Rosco got out of his car with a sad face and he said I have a search warrent to serch your propoty for the bamk money That was just robbed. Luke looked at Rosco and said go ahead Rosco and search you ain't gonna find anything. So they went into the house and Rosco found the money . and he took out the cuffs and said I'am sorry Luke and he cuffed Luke and Rosco Said Luke you are Under arrest. Kathy Statrted to cry and said Rosco you know Luke didn't steel any money.
  2. Right Bo Said. Then They said good-bye and they headed back to the pit. Kathy and Jessica was in the pits waiting for the boys to come back. Then the anouncer said Drivers to your Cars. and then Luke walked Bo to the car and helped him in and Luke put on the mic so he could talk to Bo in the car. Bo drove to the starting line and the gun went off and the race started.
  3. Right Bo Said. Then They said good-bye and they headed back to the pit. Kathy and Jessica was in the pits waiting for the boys to come back. Then the anouncer said Drivers to your Cars. and then Luke walked Bo to the car and helped him in and Luke put on the mic so he could talk to Bo in the car. Bo drove to the starting line and the gun went off and the race started.
  4. NEXT MORNING.... Everyone got up. and had breakfast and then they all got ready to head for Alanta Kathy and Jessica went and got Ross at Lulu's and Boss's so he could ride in the General Lee with Luke Bo and Michael Kathy was going to Drive Dixie and Jessica was going to ride with her. So they all headed out to Alanta. MEANWHILE ..Hughie and some of his friends where waiting for them to leave so they can plant the money in the house. and that's what they did. *CUE ANYONE*
  5. NEXT MORNING.... Everyone got up. and had breakfast and then they all got ready to head for Alanta Kathy and Jessica went and got Ross at Lulu's and Boss's so he could ride in the General Lee with Luke Bo and Michael Kathy was going to Drive Dixie and Jessica was going to ride with her. So they all headed out to Alanta. MEANWHILE ..Hughie and some of his friends where waiting for them to leave so they can plant the money in the house. and that's what they did. *CUE ANYONE*
  6. Hughie What's your plan?Boss Hogg Said.Well Uncle Boss Luke Duke is going to rob your bank. Well Iam going to make it look like Luke Has robbed your bank. I am going to but some of the bank money in the house when they are in Alanta. and then when they come back you can have Rosco and cletus go and arrest him. and then we will have him for good there is no way he can get out of this one.
  7. Hughie What's your plan?Boss Hogg Said.Well Uncle Boss Luke Duke is going to rob your bank. Well Iam going to make it look like Luke Has robbed your bank. I am going to but some of the bank money in the house when they are in Alanta. and then when they come back you can have Rosco and cletus go and arrest him. and then we will have him for good there is no way he can get out of this one.
  8. Bo Has gotten good too.But we will see tommorrow. but right now we have to try to find out what Hughie is up to. Luke Said, as Luke said that he seen a car pull and out of the car came Bo and Jessica's Uncle. and they gretted each other and went into the house and Luke told Richard Petty that he could stay at the farm if he wanted to. meanwhile in Town Hughie was in the Courthouse and he was tellin his Uncle Boss what he had in store for Luke Duke. I Know I get get him on probation violation anymore because he ain't on probation any more but I do Have A plan.
  9. Bo Has gotten good too.But we will see tommorrow. but right now we have to try to find out what Hughie is up to. Luke Said, as Luke said that he seen a car pull and out of the car came Bo and Jessica's Uncle. and they gretted each other and went into the house and Luke told Richard Petty that he could stay at the farm if he wanted to. meanwhile in Town Hughie was in the Courthouse and he was tellin his Uncle Boss what he had in store for Luke Duke. I Know I get get him on probation violation anymore because he ain't on probation any more but I do Have A plan.
  10. Kathy, Luke,Jessica, and Michael Seen a limo come down the road and Kathy smiledWhen she relised who it was. The limo stopped and out step an older couple. and Kathy walked over to them and said mom Dad and she gave them a hug. and then they walked over to Luke and Kyle Said. Well Hello son how are you doing? I'am fine Dad. Luke said. Then a girl walked out of the limo she had long blond hair and Blue eyes .and she said Hay don't forget about me. Tina said. Kathy interduced them to Michael and Jessca. and then they went into the house. Then the Phone rang. and Kathy answered it. Duke Farm Kathy Duke Speaking. Hay Kathy this is Bo I called to let you know that i'am in Alanta and I will be racing saturday. and Tell Jessica her Uncle is here too. Bo Said. Kathy Said good-bye to Bo and then she handed the phone to Luke and Luke told Bo what was going on. and Luke said that they would be there Saturday to watch him Race and Bo said he will leave some pit crew passes at the Desk and then they hung up the phone. *CUE ANYONE*
  11. Kathy, Luke,Jessica, and Michael Seen a limo come down the road and Kathy smiledWhen she relised who it was. The limo stopped and out step an older couple. and Kathy walked over to them and said mom Dad and she gave them a hug. and then they walked over to Luke and Kyle Said. Well Hello son how are you doing? I'am fine Dad. Luke said. Then a girl walked out of the limo she had long blond hair and Blue eyes .and she said Hay don't forget about me. Tina said. Kathy interduced them to Michael and Jessca. and then they went into the house. Then the Phone rang. and Kathy answered it. Duke Farm Kathy Duke Speaking. Hay Kathy this is Bo I called to let you know that i'am in Alanta and I will be racing saturday. and Tell Jessica her Uncle is here too. Bo Said. Kathy Said good-bye to Bo and then she handed the phone to Luke and Luke told Bo what was going on. and Luke said that they would be there Saturday to watch him Race and Bo said he will leave some pit crew passes at the Desk and then they hung up the phone. *CUE ANYONE*
  12. Kathy and Jesseca spotted the General Lee headed towards them. Kathy got on the cb and Preety Lady to Lost Sheep Come Back. Luke picked up the cb and said you got Lost Sheep here Pretty Lady. are you girls all right? Ya we are fine we left Hughie in the Creek. Why don't we head for home.And we will fill you in there. Kathy Said. Ok Pretty Lady we will follow you. Luke Said. then he turned the General Lee around and followed the girls home. BACK AT THE FARM... They stopped the cars and they got out . and the girls ran to Michael and Luke. and went into their arms. Then Kathy Said Luke hows your leg? If fine sweetheart. I drove the General didn't I. Luke Said. Kathy Smiled and said Ya you did sweetheart. and then she kissed him.
  13. Kathy and Jesseca spotted the General Lee headed towards them. Kathy got on the cb and Preety Lady to Lost Sheep Come Back. Luke picked up the cb and said you got Lost Sheep here Pretty Lady. are you girls all right? Ya we are fine we left Hughie in the Creek. Why don't we head for home.And we will fill you in there. Kathy Said. Ok Pretty Lady we will follow you. Luke Said. then he turned the General Lee around and followed the girls home. BACK AT THE FARM... They stopped the cars and they got out . and the girls ran to Michael and Luke. and went into their arms. Then Kathy Said Luke hows your leg? If fine sweetheart. I drove the General didn't I. Luke Said. Kathy Smiled and said Ya you did sweetheart. and then she kissed him.
  14. Cooter seen Hughie watching the girls leave Town and he had a grin on his face. So he went to the cb and said breaker one breaker on I may be crazy but I ain't domb Crazy Cooer coming at ya. Any Dukes on the Hazzard Net. He waited for a minute then then he hurd This is Lost Sheep Crazy C. What's up? Luke Said. Congradulations on the Baby. Oh the Girls where here and they are headed back to the farm. But Hughie seen them and he had that grin on his face. Cooter Said. Thanks Cooter. Luke Said.Then he singed off. and then he got a strang feeling and he said Come on Michael. And then They got to the General Lee and Luke started him up and took off. Luke picked up the cb and said Lost Sheep to Pretty Lady , Lost sheep to pretty Lady come back. No reply. Kathy couldn't reply cause Dixie's cb was off.
  15. Cooter seen Hughie watching the girls leave Town and he had a grin on his face. So he went to the cb and said breaker one breaker on I may be crazy but I ain't domb Crazy Cooer coming at ya. Any Dukes on the Hazzard Net. He waited for a minute then then he hurd This is Lost Sheep Crazy C. What's up? Luke Said. Congradulations on the Baby. Oh the Girls where here and they are headed back to the farm. But Hughie seen them and he had that grin on his face. Cooter Said. Thanks Cooter. Luke Said.Then he singed off. and then he got a strang feeling and he said Come on Michael. And then They got to the General Lee and Luke started him up and took off. Luke picked up the cb and said Lost Sheep to Pretty Lady , Lost sheep to pretty Lady come back. No reply. Kathy couldn't reply cause Dixie's cb was off.
  16. Well that's Cool. and Congradulations Kathy I will tell Lucas that too when I see him How is Lucas anyway. Cooter Said. Luke is fine Cooter he's healing everyday. and Ross is getting excited because he sees Luke getting better and Luke Told him when he gets better he would take him fishing down at the Hazzard. Kathy Said, Well I know Ross will have a good time with Luke. There you are all filled up. Cooter Said. Thanks Cooter Kathy Said as she gave him the money for the gas.Then they got in the the Jeep and headed for the farm. as the girls where headed out of town Hughie came out of the town office and he seen the girls head out of town. *CUE ANYONE*
  17. Well that's Cool. and Congradulations Kathy I will tell Lucas that too when I see him How is Lucas anyway. Cooter Said. Luke is fine Cooter he's healing everyday. and Ross is getting excited because he sees Luke getting better and Luke Told him when he gets better he would take him fishing down at the Hazzard. Kathy Said, Well I know Ross will have a good time with Luke. There you are all filled up. Cooter Said. Thanks Cooter Kathy Said as she gave him the money for the gas.Then they got in the the Jeep and headed for the farm. as the girls where headed out of town Hughie came out of the town office and he seen the girls head out of town. *CUE ANYONE*
  18. Jessica hung up the phone and then her and Kathy went outside with Luke and Michael. MEANWHILE IN TOWN.... Hughie was making a plan to but Luke Duke behind bars for good. BACK AT THE FARM... Luke and Michael was making a plan of their own. Luke looked a Kathy and said I want you to leave the farm and go into Alanta Bo will be their. Luke Said. Kathy Looked at Luke and said No way Luke Iam not leaving you. my place is here. Kath you have to think about the baby. I would die if something happened to you or our baby.Luke Said. and I would die if something happened to you. Kathy Said Michael was going to say something But Jessica interuped him and said I agree with Kathy I ain't going anywhere. I will call Your Aunt Lulu and see if she can watch Ross. So Jessica went in the house and called Lulu and Asked her if she would watchRoss for a while and she said that she would and Jessica said ok I will bring him into town. Jessica said. Than she put the phone down and went and told Michael and Luke and Kathy said I will drive you and Ross to town we will use Dixie So the girls got Ross's things and Ross and headed for town to the Hogg House. *CUE ANYONE*
  19. Jessica hung up the phone and then her and Kathy went outside with Luke and Michael. MEANWHILE IN TOWN.... Hughie was making a plan to but Luke Duke behind bars for good. BACK AT THE FARM... Luke and Michael was making a plan of their own. Luke looked a Kathy and said I want you to leave the farm and go into Alanta Bo will be their. Luke Said. Kathy Looked at Luke and said No way Luke Iam not leaving you. my place is here. Kath you have to think about the baby. I would die if something happened to you or our baby.Luke Said. and I would die if something happened to you. Kathy Said Michael was going to say something But Jessica interuped him and said I agree with Kathy I ain't going anywhere. I will call Your Aunt Lulu and see if she can watch Ross. So Jessica went in the house and called Lulu and Asked her if she would watchRoss for a while and she said that she would and Jessica said ok I will bring him into town. Jessica said. Than she put the phone down and went and told Michael and Luke and Kathy said I will drive you and Ross to town we will use Dixie So the girls got Ross's things and Ross and headed for town to the Hogg House. *CUE ANYONE*
  20. MEANWHILE IN TOWN A little white convertable Stopped in front of the courthouse and a little fat man walked in to the courthouse and said to Enos I want to talk to my Uncle Boss. Bosshogg walked iout of the office and he spotted Hughie and said Hughie What are you doing back in Hazzard. Well Uncle Boss I came to tell you that I got a better end of a Duke. Well tenecaly he just found out that he was a Duke But alls fair in War Right Uncle Boss. Rosco wasn't sawing any thing he was just listening to Hughie brag to boss how he out smarted a Duke. Then Rosco relised that the Duke that Hughie was Talking about was Michael so Rosco said he had to go on patrol and then he got in his car and headed for the Duke Farm.to warn Michael and Luke that Hughie was in town, Now he wouldn't help the Dukes but he didn't want Ross to get hurt. *cue anyone*
  21. Luke remembered that Michael had asked him about Hughie Hogg and all he gave his brother was a dirty Look he waled over to Michael and said Remember when you asked me about Hughie Hogg. Ya. Michael Said. Well everytime he comes to Hazzard or any where there is a Duke he always makes our lives misaberble and he cause trouble for us Dukes. Why did you ask? Luke Said. Well I seen Hughie talking to a friend of mine and then next think I knew I was accused of something I didn't do. and I was fired because of it and I think they found out somehow that I was a Duke.Michael I agree because if Hughie didn't know you where a Duke he wouldn't have bothered you. We nee to find out how he found out and clear your name. Luke said.
  22. Bo,Kath and I all ready Moved to Hazzard we live at the farm and I think that Michael and Jessica are thinking about moving to Hazzard.Luke said. That's Great Luke, I will be in Alanta in a few weeks cause I have a race there. Si I will see you then. Bo Said. Yuo Bet coz. Then he hung up and then he called Daisy . He told Daisy about the new Duke and she was excited and she said Oh Luke you will be a great Daddy. I hope so Daisy. Luke said. Then he hug up with Daisy and he called the rest of the family and told them about the new Duke coming and they where all where Happy.
  23. Michael congradulated then and he said boy the Duke family is getting larger. They all laughted. Luke looked at Kathy and said Kath you need to call your parents and tell them they are going to be grand parents AND your sister Tina that she's going to be an Aunt. Jessica Said Kathy what do your parents do. Well they live in Chicago. Dad is a judge and Mom is a Lawyer. they wanted me to go into law infrcement but I wanted to become a doctor. My Parents names are names are Rebecca and Kyle Jorden My Sister is 20 and she's going to collage. and my parents Just love Luke and they will be thrilled about the baby. So Kathy took her cell phone and called her parents. and they where really happy about the baby.and Kathy filled them in on what was going on in Hazzard, and they said that they would like to meet Luke's brother and that they would be there in Hazzard in a few weeks and Kathy Said Ok and she said she loved them and then she hung up.
  24. Nope not me Michael Said with a smile on his face. Meanwhile at Doc Applebe's office. Kathy was waiting for the Doc to come back and he walked to the door and he shut it and he said Congradulations Kathy You are Pregnet. Kathy Said Thanks doc and she went out to the waiting room and Walked towards Jessica and said I 'am Pregnet. and Jessica Gave Kathy A hug and said congraulations. and then they went back out to the truck and headed back to the farm. Back at the farm.. Kathy stopped Uncle Jesse's truck bye the General Lee. Luke Was showing Michael the engin of the General Lee. and Luke looked up at Kathy and said What's up Sweetheart.Kathy walked over to him and took his hand and placed it on her stomach and said Luke I would Like you to meet your son or daughter. Luke looked at her and he smiled and said a baby. We are going to have a baby. Kathy shook her head yes and Luke Said YEEEHAAA.
  25. Luke looked at Ross and said The reason why the doors on the General Lee won't open is because Bo and I welded them shut you see General Lee is a race car and Doors on race cars are usrally welded shut, Uncle Jesse use to complain about the doors and he always threned to un welded the doors but he neved did. to get into the General Lee you have to go threw the window. when my leg is better I will show you. Ross looked at Luke and said Cool. and then he went outside to play. mean while Kathy was thinking what Jessica had told her about being pregnet. So she decited to go see Doc Applebe to tommorrow and get a test done and then she will know for sure. She will asked Jessica if she wanted to go with her. (CUE ANYONE)
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