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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. JR started to laugh and said there is no chance. MEANWHILE AT SOUTHFORK Bobby was coming downstairs when the phone rings and Bobby picked it up. and it was Kathy and she told him everthing. and she also asked him not to tell Jr or anyone else that they where on to him and he agreed. and she promised to keep him informed. and they hung up.
  2. UPSTAIRS Luke was with Kathy in their room. and he held her, and said Sweetheart we need to talk about the miscarrage. Kathy looked at him. with tears in his eyes. Luke Iwant to have your baby and I don't know if I can. Luke took Kathy in his arms and said we will have a Baby when God says the time is right for us. Sweetheart I love you with everything in me, and I don't know what I would do without you. Luke said
  3. Clark just smiled andsaid I just came to see Uncle Luke. Just then Luke's cellphone rings and Luke answrs it and said Luke here. Oh ok Bo, do you want me to tell here? you are where? Just coming into smallville ok see youin 2. and then he hung up. Reba looked at him and said what is going on Uncle Luke
  4. IN HAZZARD Uncle Jesse said we will find him Kathy. we need tolet Bobby know what is going on.
  5. She wasn't acting like a mother who's daughter was just kiddnapped from the hospital. and She just rubbed me the wronge way.Kathy Said. IN DALLAS TEXAS. AT THE RANGER HEADQUARTERS Bo had told walker about what his nephew saw and Walker said Bo you know we can't go barging onto southfork. Bo said I Know, But I need to know. Walker smiled and said Ok we will check it out but without steping foot on Southfork. Walker got up and him and Bo left. AT SOUTHFORK. Emma was injoying herself at the pool. and she thought this is the life. meanwhile Bo and Walker were watching southfork and Bo saw her and he said she is alive that seaking*****. Walker said what do you want to do about it? Bo said nothing now let them think they have one over on us.I'm going to call my cousin Luke. he is with my daughter Reba , her and JR are up to something. Then he picked up his cell and he called Luke. IN SMALLVILLE Luke was helping Little Bo with the chores. when his cell Rang and he said Luke here. Oh hay Bo. Ok I will I will stay real close to them ok then see you soon Bye. and then he called Clark. and told him what was going on and Clark said Ok Uncle Luke I will be right there. and within 2 seconds Clark was there. Little BO said wow. Clark looked at Little Bo and Said Shhh Noone can know abou this not even your mother ok. and Little Bo smiled and said ok. and then They all went in the house and Luke told everyone the news and that Bo and his Partner Ranger Walker where coming.
  6. Kathy was on her bed looking at the ultrasounds of her baby that here and Luke lost at 6 months pregnet. and she started to cry. Luke walked in and he saw her crying and he walked over to her and he held her. meanwhile downstairs.. Emma was putting on a good act. and Dusty was starting to feel the same way as Kathy.
  7. Back at the farm Luke walked over to Kathy and said Kath Where was he born. Kathy looked at Luke and said he was born in Dallas General Hospital. Kathy said We need to call the hospital and find out. So Kathy picked up the phone and Called the Dalas Hospital. and she talke to the Hospital imastrator. and She said that Dr Gorden isn't with them anymore he was disbared because of baby snaching. Kathy said so my baby could be alive. and the women said there is a good possablity let me check into it more and I will call you in a few days. and Kathy gave her the number and said thanks. and she looked at Luke and said he could be alive.
  8. Luke called his brother and told him about Adam and Michael said Ok we will be looking for him. and we will give him the keys. Kathy looked at Reba and said Reba, I need to tell you something and I hope you don't get mad at me. but When you where taken I had this strange feeling that your mother had something to do with it. But I never said anything. because I didn't want it to sound like a joulous wife cause your uncle use to date your mother as well. and when she first came to Hazzard she was telling everyone that you where Luke's daughter. But Luke had a perenty test done and when the tests came back it said you where Bo's daughter. and At that time. Luke and I had lost our first child. so I was feeling voluble. IN CHICAGO... Jesse was geting ready to go to the hotel when his cell phone rings and he lookes at the number and he smiled and said Ha brother. how are you? Adam smiled and said we are fine we are headed for Hazzard. and I didn't get a chance to ask Dad but is Reba's mother still alive. Jesse said Well I think Reba's Mother is dead Why? Cause I saw a women that looked liked Reba. But I forgot to tell Dad when I called him and Mom. Jesse smiled when Adam called Luke Dad. and then he said When you get to the Farm call dad and tell him. Adam said Thanks Jesse I will. and then he said good-bye and he called Luke and told him and Then Luke called Bo and Told Bo what was going on and Bo said him and his partner will check it out and then I will call you back.
  9. Meanwhile in DALLAS Adam was getting ready to leave because the stress of the Ewongs was getting to him and He knew if it was getting to him it must be getting to Kaityln.Adam called Luke's cell. and then he hurd Luke's voice say Luke here. Adam said Hay Dad we are on our way to Hazzard. Luke said Ok but we aren't in Hazzard we are in Smallville Kanas. With Reba. But if you want to got to Hazzard and stay at the farm goahead Just stop off at YOur Uncle Michael's He has the keys to the house I will call him and let him Know you will be coming and here is his number. Adam said I think we will go to the farm cause all of this travling is getting to Kaitlyn. Luke smiled and said Ok son we will be home as soon as we can. Adam said Ok dad Bye.
  10. NEXT MORNING Kathy didn't sleep a wink. she just layed next to Luke.Luke woke up and he said Good morning beautiful. Kathy Smiled at him then Luke noticed that she had been crying he sat up and said Sweetheart what's wrong. Kathy Said Baby I have something to tell you. Remember When I told you I never had Bobby's Baby. Luke shook his head yes. Well baby that wasn't the truth. I did. But he was stillborn.But before the doctor came in and told me he was dead I was sureI hurd him cry. I guess I didn't wan to relive that pain. Luke loked at her and he put his arms around her and held her and he said I love you Kath. and then he had this strange feeling and he said Kath, you said that you heard him cry.Do you think JR took him. Kathy said I wouldn't put it past him. How old would your son be right now? Luke said He would be 10 now. Luke got up and got dressed and went out. Kathy did the same. Out in the living room he picked up the phone and called one of his buddies that is a police officer for the state of Georgia. and asked him some Questions . of how we can go and find a child that was kidnapped when it was born right out of the hospital. and the officer told hm that a place to start was the hospital the baby was born in. and Luke said thanks and he hung up.
  11. Kathy smiled and said I bet her was ferm with you too. Luke smiled and said Hay I didn't give him as much trouble as Bo. and Besides Bo always got us into trouble and I always had to think of a way to get us out of the trouble. and Now I cant't beleave that he's a Texas Ranger. Wel lUncle Jesse would be so proud of him. Kathy smiled and said He would be proud of you also. Then she kissed him.
  12. Kathy had this strange feeling that something wasn't right. and Dusty saw that Kathy was bothered. Dusty walked over to her and said Kathy are you all right? Kathy looked at her and said Ya I'm fine. and then Kathy went in her bedroom.
  13. Luke smiled and said well Uncle Jesse was always ferm with Bo. But he also showed him Love
  14. After that dream Kathy didn't sleep. So she went to the living room and sat in the recliner. Uncle Jesse comes out of his room and he saw Kathy and he walked over to her. and said Kathy What's the matter? Kathy had tears in her eyes and said Uncle Jesse I have told Luke whole truth about Bobby and I and I don't know what to do. Uncle Jesse said Girl you better tell Luke what ever it is so JR can't use that agust you later. Kathy looked at him and said you are right Uncle Jesse I will tell him everything tommorrow. and she went back to bed.
  15. LATER THAT NIGHT Kathy was sleeping ans she was dreaming about going into labor but not with this baby with her first child Her Son with Bobby.She though she heard him cry but when the doctor came back the doctor he was still born. and she yelled NOOO. She sat up. Luke looked at her and said Sweetheart are you ok. Kathy said I fine Baby Just a bad dream. and then Luke said Ok and Kissed her. But he senced that Kathy wasn't telling him something.
  16. AT THE FARM Luke told Uncle Jesse about the baby coming. and he was thrilled. and then they called coy. and Vance and that's when they found out that Vance was dating Kathy's sister Tina. Luke laughed and said you have your hands full partner, Vance just laughed.
  17. The kids went to the door and they said who is it and Luke said it your uncle Luke who else would it be. and the kids let them in and they all tacked their Uncle Kathy just laughed and then reba came out and she hugged Kathy and she said ok Kids let your Uncle up. and Bo said oh come on mom. Reba just gave him a look. and he did what he was told. Luke just laughed and said That Boy is so much like his grandfather it's scary.
  18. bO WALKED OVER TO eMMA ANd saod Sorry we didn't find her. Emma Started to cry and she hit Bo and said you let them get away and then she walked out
  19. I know he will say That, and it's going to be heard for me to do that cause I'm always on the go. I have an appoment with him tomorrow at11:30 in his office. and we will discuss all that. Luke looked at her and said well I will be right there with you tomorrow.But lets get you home so you can rest up and so we can let the rest of the family know. So Luke and Kathy got up and they headed for home.
  20. For some reason Kathy was remembering back when Jr and Billy took Reba. She felt she could have prevented it. if she had told Luke what she was feeling at the time. and thenshe thought why was she thinking about something that happened 25 years ago, MEANWHILE IN DALLAS" Adam and Kaitlyn was visting Bobby when they saw a women in the guest house. Adam though she looked alot like Reba. but he shook it off.He was getting to know his brother Christhopher. and wht he saw if the Ewings he was starting to see his mother was right. even his brother Chiris IN SMALLVILLE Reba was tring to cook supper and keep an eye on her kids cause she knew billy was in the area. Just then she hurd a car that sounded like the General Lee. she looked out the window and she smiled and it was her Uncle Luke and Aunt Kathy
  21. Kathy knew that something was off with Emma. She didn't like Emma but she didn't know why. She Just had this feeling about her. But she lepted it to herself. Then she hurd the General Lee. She smiled. and then Bo came in Luke was right be hind him. Luke looked at Kathy and shook his head and she ran to him and cried. Luke held her. Bo walked up to Emma?
  22. Kathy Said Thanks Dusty. Doc Applebe and I are taking all the becausons. because of where I have misscarried before. He's watching me closely
  23. Kathy was still waiting for a worrd from Bo and Luke. Meanwhile on the Road. bO STOPPS THE gENEWRAL lEE and they get out and the walked over to the car and no one was in it. and all they found was a little sock. Bo picked it up and said Luke We will never catch them. I have lost Her. what am I going to tell Emma? and Bo walked back to the General Lee holding the sock. he got in the passanger side. Luke walked over to the General and got in and Drove back to the farm. and Bo looked at Luke and said I will never give up looking for her.
  24. OUTSIDE Luke said Sweetheart a Baby.we you need to becareful cause where we lost a baby before. Kathy smiled and said don't worry Baby. Doc, Applebe and I have all ready discussed what needs to be done. Come on lets go tell the family.Lke said. then they walked into the Boars Nest. IN THE BOARS NEST Luke walked up to the table where his family was at. and he seen thet smile on Dusty's face and he lnew that she all ready knew. so he looked at the rest and said Kath and I have something to tell everyone. Kath and I going to have a Baby.
  25. Luke looked at Leventa and said you be good for your Uncle Michael and Aunt Jessca. and Help Your Aunt Jessica with Baby Jacob. Leventa looked at him and said don't worry Daddy I will be a big girl and help. Luke gave his baby girl a hug and said I know you will.
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