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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Luke nodded a little, not revealing that he had still worried about that...up until he left for the Marines...
  2. Luke turned his head towards Jesse gently. "She...she don't want me to date anyone..."
  3. Luke nodded a little resting his head back agaist his pillow biting down against the pain.
  4. Luke moaned softly blinking his eyes open with a grimace as he noticed the pain more being awake.
  5. Luke continued to toss and turn nt really making any noise, just moving about restlessly. Daisy quickly said her good bye to Jesse and ran out of the house, knowing if she was late she'd hear it from Boss. Jumping in her jeep she took of intending to take afew cross country shortcuts on the way.
  6. Luke meanwhile had fallen into a restless sleep his pain medication having started to wear off.
  7. The nurse nodded. I'll take good care of him Mr. Duke..." she said before heading into his room.
  8. "I beg your pardon...I thought..." She bit her lip ahsaking her head unable to get over the uncanny resemblance.
  9. The nurse flushed. "Yeah...I just....I didn't realize they found a relative of Troy's..."
  10. hmmm lemme try... Ned Benson Niedecker's Egg Farm Ma Harper from Chickasaw County
  11. Troy nodded his thumb finding its way back in his mouth as he felt the gentle hands tuck him in and he soon gave in to sleep.
  12. Troy rubbed his eyes, part because he was sleepy and part because he didn't want Bo to see him cry again.
  13. Troy sniffed and crawled out of his lap, hiding his face in his pillow upset that Bo was going.
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