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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Luke watched him for a minute not sure what to do. He got the feeling it wasnt the time for small talk.
  2. Luke glanced out the window and saw Bo moving around. Carefully he made his way outside and lowered himself carefully onto the porch.
  3. Luke sighed softly not seeing anyone. By nature he was a loner, but sometimes he craved his family... Going to the cupboard he got out a glass and turning on the faucet let it run cold before getting himelf a drink, bracing himself on his wooden crutches.
  4. Luke woke up three hours later blinking as he did so, looking about the room restlessly. He had never been one to stay still, and now when he was forced to, he felt as if he would go crazy. Biting his lip he reached for his crutches and hobbled out of bed, slowly makng his way to the kitchen.
  5. Im not sure so heres a guess.... Eugene Jackson Mickey Gilley Jackson Swamp
  6. Luke slept on, the medicine and the stress of the past week exhausting him.
  7. Jesse sighed heavily before retreating down the ladder and out of the barn.
  8. Jesse sighed. "That there is a decision only you can make son. I'll stand by you...whtever that decision is....and so will Luke an Daisy an jaime."
  9. "You aint gotta son...just beause Luke did it an it was right for him...dont mean its right for you."
  10. "Just cuz ya feel trapped dont mean ya are...there's aways a choice son.." said jesse taking Bo in his arms and hugging him.
  11. "Well..you had lots of little ones look up to ya....ain't none got to ya like this one seems t have done."
  12. Jesse nodded. "I thought as much" he said as he climbed up. "Taking a shower works best with water though, not hay, " adds softly pointing to where Bo lay.
  13. Luke obediently closed his eyes, the pain killers taking effect. Soon he was fast asleep. Jesse had gone to the barn to hunt up Bo. "Bo...son you out here?"
  14. "Yes sir," answered the dark haired Duke quietly settling back into his pillow.
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