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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. "Sweetheart, think about Troy. Daisy'd be just as much a stranger to him as the folks in the orphanage."
  2. Luke had heard enough. Hobbling into the room he took the phone from his daughter and after apologising to the receptionist hung up the phone. "Jaime...I know ya mean well but..."
  3. "I'm sorry....but if the father doesn't want him he'll be placed in an orphanage...provided he leaves he hospital. Unless some adult wishes to provide for him."
  4. The receptionist nodded. "I'm sorry Jaime...that's just not old enough."
  5. The receptionist smiled a little. "You'd have to be a bit older to do that sweetheart."
  6. The receptionist frowned. "I'm sorry...but Troy's father has been located." Luke stood outside the door listening.
  7. Jaime stood staring after him in shock a moment before turning tail and running to her room crying. Luke meanwhile, finished up with the chores he could do even though he should have been off his leg and slowly hobbled to the house.
  8. Jaime had angry tears pouring from her eyes. "And what about me huh? What woulda become of me if Daddy woulda been as assanine as you's bein?"
  9. Jaime was near tears. "Yo afraid he's gonna put a damper on your good times...is that it?! He's sick an you don't wanna hafta spend your saturday nights at a hospital?!"
  10. Luke was in the barn and hadn't heard a thing....but Jaime had. Storming out after him, she dodged in front of him turning to face him. "How could you?!"
  11. The doctor swallowed. "Mr. Duke please.." Jaime meanwhile stood on the other side of the door hearing everything.
  12. The doctor sighed. "I'm sorry Mr. Duke...we just had a hunch...and given the circumstances....we thought it migh give him a better chance if we could find his family medical history."
  13. The receptionist swallowd. "Yes sir, hold please" She then went to get his doctor.
  14. A receptionist answered as she wrote some things on a chart. "Tri County Hospital..."
  15. Willow Creek Road Benson's Gulch Hazzard Emporium
  16. Luke wished with all his might that he still wasn't confined to his crutches. As it were he certainly couldn't carry Bo inside. In fact he couldn't do much of anything, besides hold him, trying to calm him any way he knew how.
  17. Luke nodded a little and helped him stand, though he was half carrying him to their room. "Sok Bo...I gotcha."
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