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Status Updates posted by LoriDavenport

  1. *grins*

    The other twin to Bo.... finally has returned....

  2. I went to the Black Gold Festival here in Hazzard lol

  3. I just realized somethin...I spelled Hazard the way it is on the Dukes of Hazzard ROFL! I did find Dukes of Hazzard things tho' while I was down here, Cooter's tow truck and Daisy's Jeep, I bought them both, Cooter's truck is rare too khee!

  4. I like those. if you're gonna be on for long, go to the chat, itll be easier.

  5. Lol, if ya feel like talking about then go to the chat and we will. Im always here to help a friend in need, sometimes venting about it helps. And I know, I didn't think you was trying to be offensive on there.

  6. LOL oopsie, didnt know if that was you or not, ill be in there in a sec.

  7. LOL In all honesty, I don't think you'd ever let me forget it.

  8. hee hee. Hey, I may be slow in replying to everything today I gotta work on some school work, i have three projects to do but they're really easy to do. So if I dont replyu straight away you know where i am.

  9. LOL I coulda told ya what it did darlin but do you ever ask me? No.. khee!

  10. well pooie on you then LOL! leavin me for a race *sniffs* Ill be done with two of them here in a sec and one of them is a writing assignment so you know how long that's gonna take me heh

  11. LOL oh yea I hear ya needs your support! LOL No, Don't weaves me unless ya hafta. Then I understand. I told ya LOL you spoiled me yesterday by staying on so long. Do ya know when youll be back on tonight if any at all?

  12. Nah I understand, I never get anything done cause mainly I am a procrastinator and don't want to do it. Cale Yarlborough LOL he's my only favorite and no, not cause of Dukes either! LOL and I gues Dale Jr I s'pose.

  13. I think I may LOL ah yea I guess, I like NASCAR I really do, don't get me wrong but im not one of these huge fans..no offense! LOL ya know I love ya!

  14. LOL well I got done with my projects just got the written assignment to do now its over WW2 which it wont take me long, but my hads are black and blue from markers! LOL... hmm lemme guess is it Jeff Gordon?

  15. LOL I did not cheat im just really good at guessin games khee!

  16. *sniffs* it aint no fun round here without garrett or you LOL have fun at the races! Hopefully i have something written to the story by this evening well, here in an hour or so.

  17. Hey Dix, sorry if I didn't get to ya message in time lol I was replying to mine and Garrett's story and roleplaying with a couple friends of mine, and finishing up my homework for tomorrow. Khee!

  18. Lol thanks, I'll pass it along to Garrett if ya haven't already told him. If ya wanna go and chat we can, I'm free now, finally... LOL

  19. Hey hey handsome.. Ok ok ok...I'll restrain her! LOL anyways, we got us a review from DixieRoss on our fan fic m'dear. She said it was awesome and she used the word WOW too LOL.

  20. Sadly, Garrett isn't on LOL or I'd be talking to him, his author is gone to the races and said that she didn't know if she'd be back on or not...if she did it wouldn't be for long cause she had work to do.

  21. LOL yeah I am too, I finally got done with everything so now am relaxing.

  22. LOL oh trust me I am! I love to write!

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