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Everything posted by holly13
Daisy went back to visit Enos again the next day. Boss had given her time so she could go and visit him. Turk was going to visit Enos too, so they decided to go together. In the car, there was not much conversation, Turk was still shook up from being in the accident and Daisy was deep in thought. Turk broke the silence "at least i have someone quiet in the car with me for a change" They both laughed "what do you mean?" asked daisy "Enos..... that guy doesn't stop talking" Daisy laughed. "no seriously he is a great guy" Daisy nodded and agreed. "all he would go on about was hazzard and you, occasionally our actual job oh and you again" "what would he say?"Daisy was eager to know what Enos said about her.
hey heres mine http://www.myspace.com/goody4
Turk sighed. "well the doctors haven't told us much, they just rushed him into the emergency unit, the doctors said they would keep us informed". Bo couldn't control his tears much longer, "Why did this have to happen? the arrest, everything, look where its got us, my best friend is ....... well we don't know" Jesse placed a reassuring hand on Bo's shoulder, "Enos is a fighter, he will be alright, he's in good hands" Spotting Daisy close to tears again he took her in his arms. She cried into his shoulder. Moments later, a middle aged doctor entered the room. Everybody stood up awaiting the news on Enos. "well, is he gonna' be ok?" asked Turk. He is still unconscious, we have cleared the wound he recieved to his head, but until he wakes up we won't know whether there is any long term damage. "he will wake up won't he?" "yes , we just don't know when, could be hours, dyas or even weeks, hopefully he wakes up as soon as possible" Daisy needed to see him, "Can i see him please?" Yes of course he is a private room now where we can observe him" Daisy approached the door and slowly turned the handle.
it was a good story great surprise at the end so sweet!
Both men began to panic. The car was still on its roof and there was no sign of Enos. Bo ran to the doors and knelt down. There was his best friend, unconscious. His face was no longer pale, but red with the result of the accident. Bo screamed to Turk "phone an ambulance , now!!!" tears were beginning to show with Bo. Meanwhile Jesse, luke and Daisy were worried. "Bo was supposed to be back by now" said luke. Daisy was getting worried to "Where are they" "I knew something was wrong i got that feeling in my toe again" Jesse said, he stood up and approached the C.B. Cooter was on the other end, he had gone spotted the ambulance and was at the scene of the accident. Cooter didn't start the conversation with his usual C.B talk, Jesse knew something was really wrong. "Cooter, whats going on?" "ahhhh........ uncle jesse there's been an accident" Who , cooter , who" Jesse said showing signs of panic in his voice. Both luke and daisy realised something was not right. "ok Bo and turk are alive at least, just injured but....." cooter's voice began to dissapear. "Enos is bad, really bad they've rushed him to hospital. Daisy fell into the seat at the kitchen table, lowered her head to the table and cried.
Its a great video!!!
While all this was going on, Jesse, Luke and Daisy were worried sick. Enos and Turk phoned very occasionally to keep them in formed of what was going on, well as much as they could tell them. Pretty soon the whole county knew, Jsee, Luke and Daisy had people telling them how sorry they were everyday. Boss even let Daisy have days off! But the dukes were getting upset, none of them could get any sleep, they hadn't visited him yet and they didn't want to. The sight of Bo in prison talking behind glass was something the dukes , Jesse especially, never wanted to see. Daisy was worried the most she didn't let on her grief as much as luke and Jesse. Not only was she scared about Bo but she was woried sick about Enos. His job in L.A worried her so much, after all it was murder capital of the country, now he had to try and save his friend from being framed for murder.
Enos and Turk decided to take a look at their victim and get L.A.P.D's resident expert Steven McBain to give them a verdict on what could have happened to Bobby Thatcher. They arrived at the Atlanta police department and procided to find Steven. They found him a large laboratory type room that housed people, all dead apart from Steven. "you know i don't how you stay in here alone with all these dead people " said turk shivering "well they don't say much, unlike you two" he smiled "how can i help you gentlemen?" "We would like you to tell us your opinion on the cause of death please stevo?" Stevo was everybodies nickname for him, when Enos arrived in L.A he knew steven McBain as stevo for 2 months before finding out his real name. "There is a ruptor hole just at the back of the neck" Stevo pointed as both officers looked. "Shot at close range" Enos said with no hesitation. "right " agreed Stevo. Turk looked deeper" shot with a 9mm, huh cause there is not many of them is there " he said sarcastically. "thats the least of your worrys " replied Stevo. "what do you mean" said Enos "well the shot wasn't the cause of death, he suffered a Haemorrhage before he was shot, he must have been hit hard, fell to the ground with the back of his head at some force, which forced the skull to crack massive bleeding exposed to the brain, voila one haemorrhage" "ouch" winced Turk "indeed, he was beaten pretty bad there is also lots of bruising and 3 broken ribs" "this looks to me like a hit, maybe some atlanta gang found out he was an undercover cop" Enos said realising this case was getting into something Bo could never have orchastrated.
Both cops continued to laugh. They were on there way to the address that Bo had given them. The pub, The Exchange, was relatively small and had an air of mystery about it, the sort of mystery you didn't want to get into. The dcoration was just about hanging on the walls and the carpet housed several patches of stale beer. both men took in their new surrounding. "This place obviously has it's fair share of fights" "your right there Turk" agreed Enos. At the bar sat 3 men, 2 engaged in conversation and 1 alone. Enos and Turk approached the bar and started conversation with the barman. "can i help you fella's, you look kinda official?" Both officers showed their badges. "yes sir, we are from los angeles police department and we are investigating a murder that has led us here" Enos said sounding serious. "Do you own this pub?" asked Turk "sometimes, you could say i might aswell, i do the dirty work the bar work, all the work , but not the paper work, so i don't officially own the place but i am sure i can answer your questions, sounds serious" "It is an undercover L.A.P.D officer was killed and we are trying to get it cleared up A.S.A.P, have you seen this man before?" Enos held out a photograph of Bobby Thatcher. cue anyone
During his time in L.A Enos had learnt that you had to use hard tactics to get information. Suspects lied too often, and too easily. Enos had learnt to take things seriously ,especially when one of his closest friends was involved. Bo looked away and sighed. he was beginning to realise the seriousness of the situation. "we were quarraling because...........well everything was fine we brought him a drink, and then he started asking these stupid questions about drugs and gangs, saying he was just talking about the news in the paper but he was implying that we were involved, fair enough the pub was a bit run down and dodgy but he shouldn't have gone accusing people!" "What was the name of the pub and the address?" asked Turk.
its great you should try and watch and the new companion is good too
great videos i1976 i like your choice of green day
What kind of music do y'all listen to??
holly13 replied to Capt_Redneck's topic in General Discussion
i like rockabilly, psychobilly, punk, ska, reggae, 60's garage, surf , stuff like that. anything on Hellcat Records really -
Bo was escorted to a small dull room. He was told to sit by the atlanta officer. Then Turk and Enos entered. Both officers signalled for the atlanta cop to leave. Bo stood up immediately and grabbed Enos's hand. "I need you Enos, someone has framed me!" "I know Bo but if we are going to free you, then we will have to do this officially. All 3 men sat down. Enos spoke, "Bo can you tell me how you know Bobby Thatcher?" "Well i didn't really i knew him cuz' he was being mouthy to one of my friends, the friend i was visiting" Who was this?" asked Turk. "Curt Coben" "where is he now?" quizzed Enos. "i don't know" cue anyone
Reunion idea
holly13 replied to daisydukesnumber1fan's topic in Story Ideas/Fics In Progress/Collaborative Efforts
wow i love your idea!! just let me know when you are gonna start! count me in xxx:) -
Enos disagreed "you can't come you won't be allowed for one thing and i don't want you to". "Daisy and luke stood up. daisy ranted at Enos. "He's my cousin Enos and he didn't do it!" "Daisy" Enos said calmly "I beleive you but before we say who did it we need to find out what happened , re-examine the evidence and well, go from there" Enos and Turk stood and got ready to leave. They both said their goodbyes. Jesse noticed luke and especially Daisy's reactions and spoke. "he knows what he is doing, they both do, they will get Bo free" cue anyone
chapter 4 is up!!
Chapter 4 Enos sighed he did not want to tell Daisy what he was thinking in case it made their friendship awkward or maybe even ruined, and that was something Enos didn't want. Daisy was one of this closest friends, always had been and he didn't want to lose that. "I ain't gonna let you leave until you tell me Enos!" Daisy warned. "Alright, its nothing,just that..." Enos was lost for words. He walked away so that he didn't face her, he thought that if he didn't look at her it would make it easier to tell her. He sighed and began. "Daisy i thought that this rumour would give me an opportunity, an opportunity to see whether you could...." he began to blush "..see,i mean eventually see whether you could give us a chance, even if its one or two dates i don't mind. Daisy smiled. "Well sugar , i must admit i do only see you as a friend to me, at the moment, but one or two dates could maybe help me change my mind" Enos blushed. He went to leave. "Don't i get a hug Enos?" Enos smiled as he opened his arms slowly. Daisy moved into Enos and threaded her arms around Enos's neck. She lowered her head so that it lay against Enos's shoulder. Enos began to relax and allowed himself to be inticed by Daisy's aroma. They stayed in the hug for a moment Enos suddenly realised what he was doing and moved away feeling embarrassed. "I'll go now Daisy" "Will you come to see me tomorrow?" she asked. Enos didn't have to reply to that he felt his smile and red cheeks said it all but he answered, "of course i will" "Take care sugar" "You too Daisy" Later on at the Duke farm , Daisy lay awake in bed thinking. Thinking about what Enos had said. A lot had happened in the last couple of days. She was glad that Enos finally broke the ice and escaped the shell he was nearly always confined in. She smiled, rolled over and closed her eyes. Daisy's drive to work involved some more thinking. She realised that the only person she had thought about all night was Enos. Daisy smiled to herself and thought, 'maybe it wouldn't be that bad to marry Enos after all'
Luke raised a smile at the sight of Enos and Turk. Daisy ran to Enos and hugged him and then hugged Turk , she remembered him from when she went to visit Enos in L.A. Enos approached the kitchen table and everyone followed his lead. Turk hestitated but his hesitation was cut short by Jesse insisting he sat. there was silence. Turk, surprising everyone, broke the silence.
The night dragged for the duke family. They were waiting for help from Enos and his L.A.P.D colleagues. Jesse realised that they must be good, he also noticed that Enos had grown up with his job. He seemed to know what he was talking about. Jesse lay in bed, he wondered if Enos had played the dipstick deputy all this time. He realised that he would soon find out. Jesse was woken by a continuous knocking at the door. He rushed up and opened the door to find Enos and his partner Turk. cue anyone
Chapter 3 is up!! enjoy
Jesse was furious with what had happened. "Daisy have you got Enos's number?" "Yes uncle jesse but.." "No buts Daisy we need something, advice , anything" Daisy sighed, she really missed Enos, and hoped that he would come, although she worried that he would be too busy to come. Cue anyone
Chapter 3 Daisy had not seen Enos for a couple of days now, which was very unusual. Enos always came into the Boars Nest to see her. In a way she missed seeing him enter the room wearing his bright , cheery grin that always made her want to smile. She decided that after work she would pay Enos a visit. Not only was she curious about why he hadn't been in the Boars Nest, but she was worried too. She realised that there must be something wrong. Daisy was just finishing locking up when she turned round to walk back to get her things. As she turned round she stopped. Standing before her was Enos. Daisy smiled "This is a nice surprise Enos" Enos smiled back. "I have missed seeing you sugar, whats been the matter with you?" "Have you really missed seeing me Daisy?" Daisy had never heard Enos speak like that before. "What do you mean?" "well , the other day your reaction" "my reaction to what?" "about the rumour, you acted as though you weren't happy about it, i mean you didn't take it lighthearted" "I was upset because you found out from the rest of the county, not because i thought it was bad" Enos didn't reply. "well Enos , this didn't mean that you had to stop seeing me did it?" "no, i just thought that you maybe wouldn't want to, you know, it might have been awkward" "No it wouldn't most people know now that it ain't true" "yeah but people still still make jokes, and say stuff" "i know but that doesn't stop me wanting to see my friend does it?" Enos didn't want to hear her refer to him only as her friend, the point of his trip was to see whether Daisy saw Enos as more than just a friend or could eventually. He decided that he would end the conversation. "i gotta' go now Daisy" Enos said in a quiet tone. Daisy immediately noticed that something was wrong, his body language had changed dramatically. "What's the matter, and don't say nothin' cuz' i know there is now tell me!"
All was quiet at Duke Farm. Bo and Luke were washing the dishes as Jesse dried and Daisy was tidying up. The tranquility that flowed through the house was abruptly disrupted by Atlanta Police officers breaking down the doors and flooding the house. "What in tarnation is going on?" Jesse shouted. An Atlanta detective entered the room in a calm mannered way and spoke "Beauregard Duke, you are under arrest for the murder of Bobby Thatcher, whatever you say will be taken down and used against you in a court of law" Two police officers grabbed Bo and stuffed out the door and into a patrol car. Suddenly the tranquility came back to the duke house but not to the Dukes. Cue i1976