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Everything posted by holly13

  1. Chapter 6 Enos arrived. To Daisy it seemed like she had waited forever for him to arrive, but in fact it wasn't. He entered the reception and approached the desk. He was just about to ask the receptionist for Daisy's room when he heard a scream. He turned and just in time too, as Daisy was running, no sprinting into his arms. He grabbed her to catch her and took a few steps back to regain his balance. Both Enos and Daisy laughed. "It's a good job you called my name or i could have joined that receptionist behind the desk". Daisy laughed and continued to hold Enos. Enos slowly put Daisy to the floor. Everybody had now stopped looking at them. "You look as pretty as ever" Enos said as he gave Daisy a loving look. For the second time, Daisy felt like crying and acknowledged Enos's words with a smile. Enos looked down at his clothes. His worn jeans, black converse and plain grey t-shirt suddenly caught his eye. "As for me, i look, well" and gestured to his clothes. Daisy smiled and laughed softly. She grabbed his hand, "I don't care you look just fine to me" Enos smiled back as they made their way outside. "I don't know any place round here very well" Enos said. "Doesn't matter, we will find some place" Daisy replied. As they walked around, Enos wondered whether he should bring up the phone conversation and Daisy's husband. "Daisy, on the phone earlier, you sounded upset" Daisy sighed. "Are you ok Daisy?" Enos was worried about her. "I don't know Enos" Daisy replied, her voice much quieter now. They continued walking the busy street in San Diego. Enos spotted a bar, similar to one in L.A where he and his friends would go. Enos led Daisy into the bar. Daisy smiled and approached the free table. Enos fetched the drinks. Since there was no buttermilk for Enos, he stuck to root beer. Daisy sipped her drink and looked at the table. Enos noticed that Daisy was ready to talk so he didn't interupt, policeman's hunch thought Enos. Daisy stared at her glass and ran her finger slowly around the rim of the glass. "He leaves me in the hotel regularly now, he didn't start like that, in the beginning of our marriage i would go everywhere with him. Its as though he doesn't want to be with me, doesn't want to be seen with me" Enos let Daisy continue again. "i don't know what he is up to at these shows, or who he's with." Daisy took a drink. "All my life i have dreamed of my wedding, my perfect husband and heres my reality, i am so stupid, so blind" Enos found his cue, "Daisy you are not stupid at all, your dreams just important to you thats all, and your not blind, just in love" Enos hated to say it, Daisy loving another man. "those two words usually show up in the same sentence" Daisy laughed softly. but the the smile faded fast "The thing is Enos, i don't know if i am in love with him anymore" Enos could see where this was going he hated to see Daisy upset. He turned and noticed the pool table free. " I said we would have some fun, so lets make it a challenge, Miss Duke, like old times" "You mean when Cooter wasn't hogging the table" Daisy joked, they both laughed. Daisy stood and grabbed two cues and gave one to Enos. She realised that what she needed was some fun, take her mind off her problems, besides she couldn't say no to a game of pool. "Your on Mr Strate"
  2. (Ok i thought that i would carry on and set it later, Thanx i1976 for the idea, let me know what you think) Chapter 5 Daisy was now married to a man named L.D. They had been married for just over 2 years. But for Daisy, something wasn't right. Again she was spending another night alone,her husband was away touring with a band. She stood and walked over to the window. She looked out of their hotel room window onto the San Diego streets below. Walking into the bedroom she grabbed her case. From it she took a letter. It was now crumpled so Daisy straightened out the edges. It was one of the letters that Enos had recently sent to her. They still wrote to each other. Enos was doing well for himself in L.A, he was enjoying himself anyway. On the other hand Daisy wasn't. She pulled the letter closer to her face and picked up the phone and dialled. Daisy needed company and who better than Enos. The phone continued to ring, Daisy was about to give up realising that he must still be at work, until "Hello" "Enos" "What.....Daisy?" "Yeah, i hope you don't mind me calling you Enos" "Don't be silly Daisy, for you i have all the time in the world, you know that" Daisy smiled things like this should have been coming from her husband , but they weren't and nobody said them sweeter than Enos. Enos recognised the silence and broke it "How have you been?" "OK" Enos recognised something wrong in Daisy's voice. "What's the matter Daisy?" he asked with a serious tone, he was slipping into his police voice. "its , well......" Daisy sighed, for some reason she felt like crying. "Where are you?" Enos asked "In san diego, L.D has gone to play with the band he is with" She was cut short by Enos. "And he left you alone!" "I'm in the hotel, it's not the first time" she said quietly. "I don't want to talk about it over the phone" "what hotel are you staying in?" Enos replied quickly. "Hotel Del Coronado" She replied. "OK i will be there as soon as i can" "Don't be ridiculous Enos" "It's not i haven't seen you for ages, plus you need some company,we can some fun, my treat" "I suppose you won't accept arguments" "not at all" They both laughed.
  3. Hey just wondering what everybody thought about this RR.
  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIMMY!!! all the best
  5. its a great video as ever!
  6. The dukes carried on with their chores while Enos and Rosco went out to the porch to talk. "Your looking well Enos" "Thanks" Enos replied with a smile, he hadn't heard Rosco talk this way before. "I want to ask you something Enos" "OK" "Are you going back to L.A because i have heard Lulu talking about you and Daisy and it sounds like your staying?" "I am staying, i love Daisy" Enos smiled "you of all people should know that" Rosco laughed "It was all you talked about" "Enos i wanted to give you your job back, as deputy" Rosco wasn't going to let on to Enos that he had in fact missed his favourite dipstick. "Of course i will take my job back,sheriff"
  7. hey thanx i1976 i have added them to myspace. its my sort of music to sing along to when i am in a singing mood haaha
  8. i brought it recently, its great!
  9. the song on version 2 is good who is it??? i want to see this episode! i vote version 2! HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!!!!
  10. Their embrace was cut short by a phone call. Enos pulled away from Daisy and smiled a smile that read, ' what are the odds'. He answered. "Hey sheriff!" Enos said. "Enos, you dipstick, call me Rosco for once" "Ok" Enos replied. "How are you?" "Much better thank you sher...Rosco" "There you go see its not difficult" Enos laughed. "I just thought i would phone to tell you that i will visit you after work say 7" "great i will be at the duke farm" "OK i will see you then" Rosco hung up and smiled softly. He thought how Enos had been like a son to him. As much as Rosco liked to play the annoyed sheriff he knew of Enos's bad childhood memories and felt for his deputy.
  11. But to Gran Iris , Enos always would be. For her it was hard to let go, but now he was back and staying, it made it easier. After there hot chocolates were empty and they had chatted, Daisy visited. Gran Iris stood up and hugged Daisy immediately. "How are you dear?" "I am great thanx, Iris, you look great" said Daisy. "ahhh!" Iris waved off the remark with her hand. "not as pretty as you Daisy" Daisy laughed. Gran Iris sat Daisy down on the sofa. "Now Daisy, let me tell you about Enos" Enos turned away in embarassment. "Gran, what are doing?" Gran Iris and Daisy laughed. "He is always helpful and caring, sometimes too caring but nevermind, and he eats you out of house and home" Enos buried his head in his hands. Gran Iris laughed. "I'm kidding, but you do have a healthy appetite and yet you stay slim, i never understood that" Daisy agreed "that is true!" "all i am saying is i know that you will look after him, to me he is still that skinny 8 year old" Daisy took Gran Iris's hand " i promise, my love for him is just as strong as yours"
  12. Next for Enos was the hard part. He was back at his apartment. His excuse was that he needed some clothes because Daisy insisted that he carried on staying at the farm. Really he was just sitting there. Thinking. What was he going to tell Turk, more importantly though, how. Turk had been his best friend in L.A, even like a brother to him. He was about to call when someone burst into his apartment. The lack of force made Enos realise that it was his Gran, Iris. Enos stood and smiled. "Daisy told me you'd be here, i am so glad you two are together" she said in typical Granny fashion. Enos smiled. "don't i get a hug" she said. Enos hugged his gran. then out of nowhere she gave him a play slap. His gran Iris always did that, it provided amusement for the rest of the family. It was his gran's way of showing how worried she was or had been. "Why didn't you tell me that you had come back" "Gran stop it!" Enos's gran had raised him, his father had left when he was young and his mother had died when he was 8. Enos and his gran never talked about it, it wasn't pretty, lets just say it became Enos's sole reason for joining the police force. "I have been worried sick about you!" "gran i have had an accident, i don't think the doctors would be pleased with you hitting me" "I wish you would tell me, thats all , all i have done the past 2 years is worry about you, in L.A. Dangerous job, murder capital of the country" she turned to Enos " do you know that?" "Yes gran, i am not going back, i am staying with Daisy" "good you need a woman" Enos sighed "and Daisy is wonderful" Enos nodded in agreement. "do you mind if i take a call in my bedroom, please gran?" "Not at all, i will make us a drink" she smiled. Enos realised that arguing would get him nowhere, she had raised him and she wasn't going to stop doing things for him now. Enos reached his room and dialed.
  13. its a great video i love it!!! :D
  14. "Nothing happened, i fell asleep in his room, we talked last night thats all" Uncle jesse smiled he realised what the talk was about. "So what did he say?" Uncle jesse asked. Bo and Luke just stood in bewilderment. Daisy smiled and almost blushed "he said he would stay in Hazzard". Bo and Luke beagn to catch on. "You mean you two are an item?" Bo asked. "Yes you could say that" Daisy replied. Jesse smiled and Luke added "great news Daisy" Everybody was handing round congratulations when Enos woke up and entered the kitchen.
  15. He blinked his eyes, feeling that he must be dreaming. "What's the matter is everything ok? Enos asked, he realised that he was not dreaming as Daisy's touch felt truly real, he could feel himself scrunching up inside. "Nothing sugar, well, its just i have to talk to you Enos" she said in a meaningful tone. Enos sat up. Again Daisy noticed his arms and smiled. "What's so important" "Lately Enos" Daisy wasn't going to stop now. "I have realised that i love you" Daisy didn't stop for a reply, she wanted to continue what she was saying, get it all out in the open type of thing. She noticed the confusion in Enos's face. "since you've been in L.A i didn't think about it much, but Bo's arrest and the accident and seeing you again, made me realise, i missed you so much and i wanted you here walking into the Boars Nest smiling your smile, cheering me up. i wanted you here with me, i want you Enos, i want us to be together". Daisy held Enos's hand. Enos's squeezed it tight. "I can't see you leave me again Enos" Daisy said quietly. While Daisy was talking Enos had moved closer to Daisy. They caught each others eyes, as they did in the hospital. That look they shared seemed to stop time for both of them. Their lips met and engaged in a slow but sweet kiss, that became more and more passionate.
  16. "Don't be silly!" Jesse almost snapped. "How can you feel ashamed after what you have just told me" "what do you mean uncle jesse?" "You have told me how you understand what you have found with Enos, that is not something to be ashamed of but something to be proud of" Daisy smiled. Jesse continued. "You have to tell him, properly. tell him how you feel" Jesse placed a hand on Daisy's shoulder."I am sure that his reaction will only be good, he will love to hear you speak such words" Jesse turned away to clear up. "any man loves to hear that he is wanted by the woman he loves" He turned to daisy and smiled. She was smiling too almost in tears. She knew now what she had to do.
  17. Enos's head had slipped further and further down the seat and found its place on Daisy's shoulder. Daisy watched him sleep. He looked so peaceful, so sweet. Daisy felt something inside her that she couldn't explain. She had never felt it before. She felt it while she watched Enos. Maybe she was beginning to have strong feelings for Enos maybe even love. He didn't snore when he slept, he was a perfect sleeper. He then rolled slightly and swung his arm slowly. His hand landed on the lower part of Daisy's thigh. She felt a shive all over , not just her spine but everywhere even her feet. He did as an accident obviously but Daisy didn't care, if he made her feel like that then she wanted him to caress her more often. The car began to slow as they approached the farm.
  18. Daisy had saved Enos. He now had an excuse to stay in Hazzard. Daisy smiled back at Enos. Now was there chance, there chance to see if they could become a couple, a chance to see if they could become a married couple. At the farm that night Daisy was the happiest she had been. Enos was coming soon, staying for a month. Daisy was starting to feel awmost excited. She had missed Enos so much, been constantly worried sick about him. She couldn't wait for the day to arrive when Enos would leave the hospital.
  19. "What?" Enos replied as he sat up in bed. As he did Daisy noticed the strength he had in his arms. She smiled slyly and thought to herself ' I wouldn't mind being held in those arms' she snapped out it remebering that everyone was there, ' not know Daisy' she said in her head. "The woman who tried to kill you" Nice cheery topic thought Enos, especially, hey why is that good news, he said inside his head. Turk continued "she confessed, so we got the other two guys, everything's over, so you can come back soon" There it was, Turk had said it, here was Enos's or even Daisy's chance to confess to everyone what was really going to happen.
  20. The Aggrolites - Lunar eclipse L.A reggae band
  21. Everybody entered the room with smiles and greetings of pure happiness as they saw Enos awake. They chatted, Daisy however remained quiet, but kept her eyes on Enos. As talked he also kept catching Daisy's eyes. They were still the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen, in fact, she was still the most gorgeous woman he had ever seen. Daisy noticed that Enos was beginning to forget that everyone was talking to him as he lost himself, feeling hynotised by her look. She gave a smile. Enos felt himself go weak all over, he wasn't prepared for a smile like that at the best of times but now. The two of them continued to get lost in each others eyes until...... "right, sorry, its time for you to leave now, you most certainly can come back tomorrow normal visiting time" Daisy let out an angered sigh in her head, the Doctor was beginning to annoy her,'he certainly picks his moments' she thought in her head, that was the second time the doctor had disrupted something between her and Enos. Later that night neither Enos or Daisy could sleep. They couldn't stop thinking about each other. Both thought how they could stare into each other's eyes for ever. Daisy rolled over and hoped that her favourite Doctor would not disturb there conversations tomorrow.
  22. The Doctor checked everything his pulse, took a blood sample and took his blood pressure. "How are you feeling Enos?" he asked. Enos was very groggy and answered with a simple "Tired" Daisy smiled at him and caressed the side of his face. Enos was so groggy that he hadn't noticed Daisy there. "daisy" he said wearily. "yes its me honey" Enos was beginning to come back to reality, he looked around frantically. "Why am i in hospital" he said seeming scared. " your ok Enos, just calm down" daisy said reassuringly stroking back Enos's hair. "you were involved in an accident and you have to be our star patient, i must admit we thought that you wouldn't pull through" "Like Uncle Jesse said, your a fighter" daisy said with a smile that had not dissapeared from her face since Enos had woke up. "He certainly is" the doctor did indeed agree with that statement. "right everythings fine, i will check on you again soon" "Thank you" Enos replied They were alone again, except Enos was awake this time, Daisy was eager to tell him what she felt.
  23. "What" Bo answered beginning to panic. The doctor sighed. "He is barely breathing by himself, if this continues then we will have to consider stopping the machines" Daisy screamed and through her head into her hands. "you can't do that , you just can't!!" Turk pleaded with the doctor, he was also beginning to loose it. The doctor tried to calm everyone down. "if he continues as he is then we won't, but if he begins to rely on the machines as way of breathing or he goes into cardiac arrest, well then its just no point, he is suffering as it is" Daisy raised her head from her hands "can i see him alone please?" "certainly" the doctor answered "but i must warn you it may upset you"
  24. Daisy sat down still trembling. Once Turk had finished the phone call, he got Daisy a hot drink. The doctors and nurses had still not left Enos's room. Atlanta police had arrested the woman. Knowing Enos was in hospital they were close by. Daisy began to become more distressed. "i don't know what i would do without Enos" "don't talk like that he will be ok" Turk replied but he was just as scared as Daisy at this point.
  25. They both walked to Enos's room and spotted the doctor leaving. He stopped and turned to Turk and Daisy. "how is he?" they both said almost in time with each other. "he hasn't woken yet, but apart from that he is going back to his healthy self" He held the door open for them to enter. "sorry but you can only stay for half an hour, the visiting times are over soon" "ok" Turk answered. The doctor left. "only 30 minutes" Daisy sounded upset and dissapointed. Turk walked up to Enos. "its wierd not having you speaking all the time" he laughed. Out of his coat he pulled a card that he had recieved from L.A this morning, everybody had signed it. Daisy took it from Turk, she was eager to see what his friends had wrote. She smiled at the comments, "wow Enos has alot of friends" "Well its the way he is, he's really friendly and with all the people we have to meet and work with" "seems like he is enjoying himself in L.A" daisy said feeling dissapointed. "Yep he is" Turk noticed Daisy looking upset, "but he does miss his home, family friends and especially you" Daisy smiled, but she couldn't help thinking that she had lost Enos. Their visiting time was up. A female nurse entered. "sorry but you will have to go now" Turk and Daisy both left, as before , daisy gave Enos a goodbye kiss. as they were leaving, Turk looked back at the nurse entering Enos's room. "Does she look familiar to you Daisy?" "Turk there are loads of nurses, its a hospital, your just being paranoid" "yeah i guess" But he wasn't, the nurse wasn' t a nurse at all. She was one of the susupects they were chasing, the woman who shot the car down. She approached Enos with a needle. Her hand approached the drip in enos's arm. "We can't have you alive now can we"
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