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deesgirl last won the day on October 16 2024

deesgirl had the most liked content!

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Member (2/4)



  1. did any one notice when they pulled the car from the water it all ready had the flag on the top but when they first pulled from the garage it didn't
  2. i have allway wanted a general and have been looking for a car to start with hard to find one in good shape
  3. if ican find it i will check it out
  4. my promblem is i am looking for the real sounding tone i have the one from my provider i will try that wild bill 00
  5. i hang around im in and out wild bill 00
  6. need real doh ring tone any around email wild bill 00
  7. the south will rise again good or bad its always there just like the dukes and the general lee
  8. 1.kiss any thing that makes sense
  9. we need a channel just ror shows like the dukes,fall guy,streethawk,etc wild bill 00
  10. i love the general and would like one of my own looking for good information on a car wild bill 00
  11. rosco allways called flash a good girl
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