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Everything posted by G.D.

  1. WELL put cathy's face on jessica's body and watch out !!!!!!yaawhoooooo!
  2. well cathy of cousre except for one thing, her butt wasn't big enough!!! so i say give her more butt and NO ONE can or will EVER replace her!! cathy with a big back side = PERFECTION!!!
  3. yup!!!
  4. i dont think this is exactly right but it went something like this: ROSCO!!! WHY DID I MARRY YOUR FAT SISTER!!!!
  5. rosco!!!!! you dough dough!!!
  6. o.k. i remember now!!!
  7. i have a friend here in texas that has a 1968 charger, i dont know what model it is R/T, or what but it is complete no dents and no rust that you can see. it does have a vinal top (which i dont carefor) but it is in great shape! the sad part is that he wont sell it and he wont do any thing to get it running ! maybe some day i can get him to sell it to me!!!!
  8. where did they find it??
  9. what is kinda funny is that i have a uncle that use to fly the stars and bars on his boat!!!! what makes this funny is that we are a hispanic family!!!!!!!!!! but back 2 the topic i dont think nothing about the flag except that it is part of OUR history! just my 2 cents
  10. pardon my ignorance but what is "good-bye general lee??) thanks for any info!!
  11. hello i am new to this site and i just want 2 say hello, and that you and your family have my prayers, thanks and god bless!!
  12. i am wanting to see if anyone remembers the episode in which the GENERAL LEE was made into a 4X4. any help about which episode that was would be great!! by the way great site!!!
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