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Bo Duke's Girl

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Posts posted by Bo Duke's Girl

  1. I've not seen it for over a year - I will be watching it in the next day or so, and get back to you. Incidentally, the twins (Cindy and Sandy) were played by Randi and Candi Brough who also appeared as Francee and Floralee in 'Arrest Jesse Duke' in season 2.

    Of course I know the actress twins name and I know that they were in Arrest Jesse Duke.

  2. Bo keeps climbing higher and higher on the big oak tree as he climbs he looks for clues and signs, but there is nothing unusual about this big tree. Bo calls down on Courtney "Do you see anything yet?" Courtney turns and goes back to the base of the tree and calls up "You be careful, honey! I haven't found anything down here." Bo takes one last look around from up high and starts retreating from the top of the tree and carefully climbs down the tree.

  3. They get up the hill & where there's a big tree & try to find some clues & look around. But there doesn't seem to be anything unusual. Bo tries to climb the tree & tries to look for something unusual & Courtney gives him a boost grabbing and squeezing his butt. Bo managed to get up to the first limb & begins climbing & looking for clues. Courtney begins hollering "Be careful, honey! Don't fall!" "Don't worry!" Bo calls back. "See if you can find something on the ground!" "Okay, honey!" she said "Be careful. If you fall out of that tree it'll be a long time before the ambulance gets here." Courtney starts looking around the tree and the underbrush that's under the tree.

  4. So there they were standing in the meadow where the buck had been. Bo said to Courtney "There is something familiar about this place!" As he gazed around at the hillsides. Then Bo asked Courtney to give him the map one more time. As he unfolded the map & looked at it he said "That's what's so familiar" Bo held the map up to the sunlight and said "Look here, Courtney, if you look at the back from the map, you can still see the deer that marks the spot where we're standing & you can see that there's another map on the other side. There's not much drawn there set for a trace outline for those hills over yonder!" Bo held up the paper and turned until he matched the horizen to the line drawn on the map. Bo says "See look here Courtney, it matches perfectly!" As he holds the map at arms length. Courtney steps in front of Bo and ducks into his arms & says you're right. it does match the horizen!" And look that dark line on the map. matches the great big tree standing on the horizen Bo says "Do you think that's a coincidence?" Courtney says "No way! Nothing has been coincidence so far! Let's go see what that big oak tree has to offer us. Bo & Courtney head off arm and arm filled with the anticipation of finding treasure.

  5. Bo said "Come on let's go!" As he started down the same path where the deer had gone many times before. The path was clearly worn into the underbrush. It was easy for Bo to follow although sometimes Courtney and Bo had to get on their hands and knees to get through the underbrush. They went for 100 yards or more. When Bo said "Oh there's a clearing ahead!" as they walked a little further they came to a large meadow "Look Courtney!" Bo said, "If that's the darnest thing, that old buck is just standing right there in the open." "Isn't he beautiful?" said Courtney. "He sure is but it's just not like an old smart buck to stand on the open like that. Bucks that do that don't get to be old, if you get my drift." Bo remarked, "It's just not natural. Let's me see that map,one more time." Courtney reached into her pocket and handed the map to Bo. "Well I'll be" said Bo "This here meadow that we're a standing in is on the map." "Let me see" says Courtney "You're right,Bo!" And not only is it on the map but it looks to me like there's a set of antlers drawn in here in the middle of the meadow" "That's kind of spooky!" says Bo. Courtney & Bo looked back to where the old buck was standing only to discover that the buck was gone Courtney grabbed Bo's arm & hugged to her chest & said " I don't know about you Bo but I just got chills down my spine" "Me too" says Bo,"Let's go have a look where that buck was standing" Bo and Courtney began walking across the meadow through the high grass. It was clear where the buck had gone. As they followed the buck's trail Bo and Courtney kept a sharp eye for any signs of that old buck Bo wondered to himself "If the deer had just laid down or had he run off while he and Courtney we're looking at the map. One thing was sure the buck was there one moment & gone the next.

    Now Bo was a very good tracker as were all the Dukes and he was sure he would find where that buck had stopped to look back at him and Courtney

  6. They go over to the big stump. As they fight their way through the tangle of underbrush they lose site of the tree stump. Courtney says to Bo "I can't believe this brush is so thick. That tree trunk is so large & yet from down here on the ground, it just disappeared!" "Don't worry,honey, I'll be able to find any old path!" replies Bo. Courtney says "I'm not worried, I know you'll find the way!" Courtney follows Bo through a tangle of branches that are so thick that sometimes she even loses site of Bo, even though he's only a few feet in front of her they press on getting scratched and poked for what seems to be much further than it should be.Courtney says "Bo are we lost?" To which Bo replies "Don't worry, babe, I found the stump but I don't know if we'll ever be able to ever find some old trail." No sooner do those words leave Bo's mouth, then up jumps a large buck & runs through the brush. Bo turns to Courtney & says "There's our trail, that old buck has just shown us the way!" Courtney grabs the opportunity to give Bo a quick pinch on the butt and says "Let's go,baby cakes! I'm following you!"

  7. So Bo says "I'll bet the person who cut these trees down has something to do with this treasure map, that someone didn't want these trees to be found. Let's have another look at the map." Bo says to Courtney. The map shows a trail heading west from the base of the largest tree. "That tree over there looks like the largest tree stump to me." said Courtney pointing to a stump about 15 feet away. "Let's go take a look" the Bo jumped down then reached back to help Courtney. Courtney jumped back into Bo's arms & felt the strength of his muscles. Then she couldn't help herself but she had to kiss him on the lips. It was a wonderful sensation as she kissed his soft tender lips & felt his hard strong arms.

  8. There's Courtney standing on the stump, Bo rushes over. He says "Look at the size of these trees, they are enormous!" There the trees lied there on the hillside, where they fell after being cut. Bo looked down at the stumps and saw that they were neatly cut by a chainsaw. Courtney looks at Bo saying "Why would someone cut such beautiful trees!" Bo said "Well it wasn't for the lumber by the look of these things I'd reckon these trees were cut in the last 10 year. I guess that's another mystery we'll have to solve later, but I think it has something to do with this treasure map!"

  9. There's Courtney standing on the stump, Bo rushes over. He says "Look at the size of these trees, they are enormous!" There the trees lied there on the hillside, where they fell after being cut. Bo looked down at the stumps and saw that they were neatly cut by a chainsaw. Courtney looks at Bo saying "Why would someone cut such beautiful trees!" Bo said "Well it wasn't for the lumber by the look of these things I'd reckon these trees were cut in the last 10 year. I guess that's another mystery we'll have to solve later, but I think it has something to do with this treasure map!"

  10. Bo:We should see every pine tree for miles. "Maybe we read the map wrong." says Courtney. Bo says "Whoa! What a disappointment I was really excited about this treasure hunt!" Courtney says to Bo "I'm going to look for an easier way back down the hill. Bo says "I'm going to look at this map one more time!" Courtney starts wandering around looking for another way down. Bo stays at the pinnacle of the hill. Looking at the map seeing if he miscalculated the directions or the distance. Bo keeps looking at the map & looking back in the direction of the cabin. Dang it all!" he says to himself. "I wish I had a compass I should have been a boyscout. Bo looks up and looks around & doesn't see Courtney anywhere. All of a sudden Bo gets worried. "Courtney where are you?!" "Courtney! Courtney!" Suddenly Courtney screams back. "Bo! Bo! Come quick! Bo runs in the direction of Courtney's voice. Bo says "Courtney where are you?!" "Over here!" Courtney says back. Bo runs over the hill & thinks to himself "Why did I let Courtney go off by herself?" Bo says "Courtney where are you?" "Over here." she says. As Bo turns around he sees Courtney standing there with her arms raised in the air. She's standing there alright right on the top of a huge pine stump. She says "Look Bo! There's 2 other stumps just like this. Someone cut down the pine trees!" "Wow! Bo says "You found the 3 pines!"

  11. So they headed down to the woods to the east. It was so steep that Courtney thought she would fall off the earth. They kept climbing Bo lead the way & Courtney held on to his shirt. They kept climbing till they finally came on the top of the hill. When they got there it was a beautiful view that they could see for miles. Courtney says "I've never been here before. Because I've been too afraid to climb the hill!" As they stood there they looked around. Bo said "I don't see any pine trees! Surely if there were I would see them."

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