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Bo Duke's Girl

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Everything posted by Bo Duke's Girl

  1. Along comes a girl named Courtney Benton and asks Jessica to come and talk to her. Courtney says to Jessica "Hey Jessie, you deserve to die and be dead for being in a relationship with Bo! He's the guy of MY dreams and I want him for myself! It's time for me to get back at you for being in a relationship with him!" So Courtney acts on her feeling of wanting to physically hurt Jessica!
  2. There's more added to the story
  3. "KILL JESSICA MAE PARKER!" Courtney Benton thinks to herself because she absolutely hates any other girl having Bo Duke. Courtney has a crush on and lives in a dreamworld with Bo and wants to punish any girl who's in the place that she wants
  4. Brakes on the schoolbus screach as the bus comes to a stop at the Duke place. The door is going to open as Bo gets off the bus & pats Sam on the shoulder & says " Thanks for the ride ,Sam, see you tomorrow!" Sam says "What are you talking about? It's Friday, you won't see me tomorrow. Unless you see me at the racetrack." "You bet I will!" Bo says "My Cousin Luke and I are in the race". Come on ,Bo Courtney says Let's get off this bus!" I'm staying over for dinner today with you and your family, let's do it!" "Okay okay!" says Bo "What's your hurry?" I've been sitting all day in these tight jeans & I need to move around!" she says. They get off the bus Bo picks up the mail in the mailbox, Courtney follows close behind him as they hurry down the path to the front porch. "Hey Uncle Jesse!" Bo says "I invited Courtney to dinner tonight!" Uncle Jesse said "Great!" We're having a special dinner tonight! And Daisy made a fresh apple pie. Luke and Daisy went to get some ice cream." - "What's the occasion?" said Bo. "well now, Bo just like you to be forgetting things in life, this here is my birthday!" said Uncle Jesse. "Jesse, Happy Birthday!" said Courtney. Do you mind me asking how old you are?" Courtney continued- "Shucks no!" Uncle Jesse replied "If you don't mind me not telling you how old I am." Courtney said "You're only as old as you feel."-"In that case I'm 30 today" said Uncle Jesse. Everyone just laughed Bo said "Enough of this sillyness, I got to go to the bathroom!" Bo said "Come on, Court, Let's get some lemonade!"-But first I got to hit the head!" Bo followed the screen door & followed her in. Bo gave Courtney a pinch on the butt & said "I'm heading for the head" Courtney said "Okay no problem." So Courtney opens the refridgerator door as Bo closes the door to the bathroom. Courtney goes to the cupboard and gets a couple of glasses. Gets some ice from the freezer pours herself and Bo a nice cold cup of lemonade. And she takes them out just in time to see Luke and Daisy coming back from the store with the ice cream. "Hi Courtney!" Daisy said "What brought you here?" Courtney jokingly says "The schoolbus!" Daisy giggles "Oh Courtney you're funny sometimes! Did you come here to see Bo?" Courtney says "Yep! He invited me over after school"-Daisy said "Great! You're just in time to celebrate Uncle Jesse's birthday!"- "So I've heard!" Courtney said "What kind of ice cream did you get?"-Daisy says "Uncle Jesse's favorite, Cookie Dough."-"Wow that's mine too!" says Courtney. Uncle Jesse says "That doesn't suprise me. I knew I had good taste with Courtney!" Just then Bo comes out on the porch & Courtney hands him his lemonade. She says "Here Bo here's some lemonade"-"Thank you,Courtney!" "Hi Luke, Hi Daisy! How about we start the party" Bo said- "Sounds good to me!" says Uncle Jesse "At my age it doesn't make sense to wait." Daisy called everyone inside the house and got Uncle Jesse's cake. Daisy put one big candle in the middle and said "Okay everybody let's sing Happy Birthday and they did. And Uncle Jesse blew out the candle and they all laughed so hard! The End
  5. I know a few episodes where Bo has a temper, like "Carnival of Thrills 1 and 2" "10 Million Dollar Sheriff" and "Twin Trouble" I don't know this other eps
  6. What eps was this picture from?
  7. Oh that's right! Mason Dixon's girls! Which season was it?
  8. Where these 2 women are in like racecar suits and they come and punch Bo and Luke and then they take off their helmets and Bo is suprised that him and Luke are getting beaten up by women
  9. Courtney says to herself alone: "I want to be Bo Duke's Girl, I want to be Bo Duke's Girl, that's the most important thing to me! I will destroy Jessica Mae Parker for sure! I will! I will! I WILL!!" There's no right for any gal but me to have Bo Duke, he's the one who I dream of. any girl who's with him will soon be destroyed!
  10. What was his cause of death?
  11. And it's also terrible that he was still young and still had alot of his life ahead of him! I think he went way too soon!
  12. Are you saying that Christopher Mayer is gone?
  13. There's a few Dukes cast up in heaven, like:Sorrell Booke,Denver Pyle,Waylon Jennings Peggy Rea,Nedra Voltz and Neva Patterson. May there be Dukes in heaven and some still on earth and when it's our time to go we'll join Hazzard up there.
  14. I remember one episode where Boss Hogg eats saurkraut and kielbasa
  15. Carnival of Thrills 2 and 10 Million Dollar Sheriff 2
  16. I love your avatar image!

  17. Like in "Arrest Jesse Duke" That tune played by a harmonica is being played while those gals are stripping cars and I realize that it's always being played whenever somebody's taking parts off a car
  18. Of course he's cute and a guy who likes girls. Since he was always after the girls "I" would be going for him and hope that no other girl goes for him.
  19. He also had an injury in "Find Loretta Lynn" That guy ,Bubba gave him a punch
  20. Why did Luke Duke always get hurt alot?
  21. Listen (Jessica Mae Parker) character, Bo is *MY* dreamlover since he was on the look out for girls *I* want to definately be his girlfriend! it's un acceptable for a different gal than me to have him. If so I'd want to harm her

  22. I forget the name of that episode. Which is it?
  23. So one day Courtney plans to throw Jessica Mae Parker out of the relationship with Bo. She thinks about hitting her on the head with a garden shovel! "Look Jessie! Bo is the boy of *MY* dreams, it's unexeptable for you (a different girl than me) to have him!" Courtney says to her
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