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Posts posted by TRPColtrane95

  1. hi guys,

    I wonder if any you like watch Doctor Who on Sci-Fi channel will coming back on July 6th on Friday with 3rd Season right now in two week away.. any who love this show series? from past 1 Season.. and we had new actress girl.. who change from Billie Piper 'Rose Tyler' as well.. So they will start on July 6th Friday not forget that but I think would be on 7 or 8 pm as well.. not forget that okay guys? that all thanks. I just read news from Sci FI com on http://www.scifi.com/doctorwho/ that is it.. thanks. :)

  2. I would love to see that, maybe the General could actually be a transformer in your story as well.

    lol and thanks I would be because I plan making Alternator general lee , dixie jeep from G1 Hound's repaint and Sheriff car repaint from G1 Prowl's and also I will add Movie tow truck as Cooter's truck as well that why I plan make up that and you will see in other thread someday.. thanks. :)

  3. nice, so I not see either Rosco or Enos often eating when after off duty like Enos like go to cafe or daisy's picine and also Rosco often eat lunch with sandwiches in car with flash or his mom bring lunch to his office.. why we not seen often on only see few times.. and only see daisy's or boss's as well.. but I not know about Cooter as well does he often out eat his own during anywhere? thanks :)

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