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  1. http://movies.yahoo.com/mv/news/ap/20060317/114262512000.html
  2. someone has some anger issues
  3. found this on a site...its a bunch of clips from the movie played with the song "Animals" by Nickelback...pretty sweet vid: http://www.youtube.com/?v=nTqRpIv200Y
  4. hooked on phonics would help too
  5. sry thats not it...i listened to the whole song and its not it....sorry
  6. hey i can help u out with the cage 9 one go to this other dukes site and go to the sounds page and its there: www.hazzardretreat.com
  7. yeah ive been trying to make out some of the stuff the singer is saying but its too fast...
  8. just the girls at the university basically
  9. sry dont kno it but that scene shouldve been an alternate beginning in its self
  10. i thought they should have put them in the movie, they were hilarious!...you guys should check em out, im sure you guys would like em...
  11. to tell you the truth, do u really think that if it were EXACTLY like the show people would come and see it? they had to make a movie where it would catch the eye of people today...i highly doubt that the producers and writers hoped to please only the "true" duke fans.
  12. showoff
  13. NICEE i love the unrated cover version alot better...i cant wait for it to come out!!
  14. How does that actually work? is it a type of manual transmission? cause i remember bo always shifting it down to speed up and stuff...heres a pic
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