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Everything posted by DixieRose_00

  1. yeah....I am is that so bad?
  2. The remaining Dukes and Jessica sat down for a bit to eat. Uncle Jesse looked at his younger nephew and his nephew's pretty girlfriend. "I want the two of you to get out there and see if you can find out what happened to Luke and who did this to em." He said. Bo and Jessica nodded and slid their chairs back simultaneously and headed for the door. "Wait for me, I'm going with y'all." Daisy said, hurrying to join them. They went out the door and over to the General Lee. Jessica and Daisy got in the passenger side with Jessica in the middle while Bo slid in the driver's side and started the engine, heading out of the yard. "I hope Luke ain't too upset when he wakes up and finds we went without em." Bo said. Jessica smiled. "Bo, he may not even wake up until mornin' and if he does wake up and is upset cause we went along without him, he'll have to deal with Uncle Jesse." She said. Bo shook his head as he pulled up next to where he and Jessica had found Luke the night before and slid out his window while Jess and Daisy got out their's and walked around tthe car to join him. "What do you expect to find here,Bo?" Daisy asked. Bo shrugged. "I dunno, I just know we better not go back to the farm until we've searched this area good." He replied.
  3. Luke wasn't too happy about having to use the wheelchair, but Bo wouldn't let him walk after he'd almost passed out, so he made no argument, although he did notice that somewhere along the line Jessica had disappered and he wondered where she'd gone too. That mystery was solved when Bo took Luke outside and Luke saw that Jessica had pulled the General up to the doors. She was sitting on the edge of the passenger side door, her arms resting on top of the car. "I coulda walked." He grumbled. Jessica caught Bo's gaze and raised her eyebrows curiously. Luke never acted like that. She wondered what had gotten into him. Bo shook his head and shrugged. Jessica slid in through the window and moved inot the middle. Bo helped Luke in through the passenger side and then took the wheelchair back inside. Jessica didn't say much as she was stuck in there with Luke but when Bo came back out and got in the driver's side she lit right up and seemed to slide closer to Bo. Luke watched them for a moment and then turned away to look out the window. "So when you gonna take me to where you found me?" He asked. Jessica looked over at Bo, waiting for him to answer.
  4. well I'm sure anyone who likes Bo and reads stories where Bo has a girlfriend just imagine that the girl is them.
  5. Bo and Jessica exchanged glances and then sat down in the chairs beside the bed. "What's going on guy's?" He asked, fear racing through him. Jessica squeezed Bo's hand and then leaned forward towards Luke. "We just got done talkin' to the doc." She said gently, not quite sure how to begin. Luke stared at her and Bo. "What did he say?" He asked. Bo leaned towards him and studied him curiously. " He said that the reason you don't remember what happened is cause of your head injury and that you may have a slight case of Amnesia." He said softly. Luke shook his head. "But how can that be? I remember you and Jessica and Daisy and Uncle Jesse and even the General, the only thing I don't remember is how I got hurt, why I got hurt, or when I got hur t." He said. Jessica sighed and got to her feet, walking over to the window. Luke watched her as she stared down at the parking lot below. "Isn't there some way for me to get my memory back?" He asked. Jessica turned back around and smiled gently at him. "We'll work on that tomorrow when we get you home. We'll take you to where it happened." She said. Bo nodded in agreement.
  6. Bo nodded though he wasn't convinced. He'd never seen his cousin act like that before and he was worried. "Let's go see the doc while Luke is restin." He said, and led the way down the hall to see about talking to Luke's doctor. The nurse smiled at Bo but he basically ignored her and asked to talk to Luke's doctor. "I'm sorry, but you can't right now." She said and flashed him another smile. Bo opened his mouth to reply, but Jessica rested a gentle hand on his arm and moved forward, her blue eyes flashing. "Look, the doc told us if we had any questions about Luke's condition we were to ask one of the nurses to get him, so unless you want me to go above your head darlin' I'd suggest you do as we ask." She said. The nurse stared at her in surprise and then her surprise turned to a glare though she did go to find the doctor. Bo and Jessica went to the waiting room and sat down to wait for the doctor to come and talk to them about Luke. Bo watched Jessica as she stared out the window, gazing down at the parking lot. He didn't remember the last time he'd ever seen her so mad. She was even more beautiful when she was mad and he liked that.
  7. Luke blinked sleepily and stared up at his younger cousin and his cousin's pretty blond girlfriend, who stood next to Bo, her hand held in his, concern in her pretty blue eyes and across her pretty features. He'd always admired Jessica. Not only was she pretty, but she was strong, had a good head on her shoulder's and didn't put up with any of Boss and Rosco's crap. She was a good driver and instead of learning to shoot a gun she had insisted on learning to shoot a Bow and Arrows, just like him and Bo. She had learned very quickly for a girl. He remembered it taking them longer to teach Daisy how to shoot. He felt Bo and Jess' eyes on him as he pushed himself up with his arms and felt a sharp pain go through his head. He released a groan and caught Bo and Jessica exchanging glances and then Bo went over to the other bed and grabbed one of the pillows, propping it up behind Luke's head so he could sit up better. Luke smiled gratefully at his cousin and wondered if he should ask when and how they had found him the night before. "When did y'all find me?" He blurted out, surprising Bo and Jessica. "We decided to take a walk after our date and we found you laying by the pond." Jessica said softly, tears in her eyes. Luke wondered how bad he had looked when they had found him and how much it had hurt both of them to see him that way.
  8. Luke knelt in front of his Uncle Jesse's grave, starting at the lettering through tear filled eyes. He didn't know how much longer he could go without losing control. He fought to be strong for his younger cousins but the longer he went without releasing his emotions, the harder it got for him to be keep on being strong for Bo and Daisy. He heard footsteps behind him and turned partially to see Bo approaching, his handsome face lined with concern. Luke smiled when he realized his youngest cousin was there to lend the moral support that he needed so much. When Bo reached him he knelt beside him and reached over resting a gentle hand on Luke's shoulder. Luke turned and smiled at his cousin. "When I was two I had pretty bad colic and could not settle down and go to sleep." He started. Bo managed a small smile and motioned for him to go on, knowing Luke needed to share these memories with him. "Uncle Jesse stayed up till One in th mornin' with me, until I finally settled down enough to go to sleep." He said. Bo nodded and watched as his oldest cousin, the one who never cried, broke down and sobbed. He reached out and wrapped a gentle arm around his cousin's shoulder's and pulled him into a hug. Luke was grateful for Bo's support, even though he'd never told him so. The two boy's continued to kneel in front of Jesse's grave until dusk started to crawl over them, making the cemetary and the area surrounding it seem dark and eerie.
  9. The General roared to a stop in front of Tri County hospital and Bo played Dixie letting the doctors and nusres inside know that they needed help right away. Bo got out and helped Jess out his side as some interns ran out and eased Luke out of the open window since the doors on the car were welded shut. Jessica took Bo's hand and they followed the interns inside and over to the information desk to tell the secreatary what had happened and how they had found Luke so she could write it all down in Luke's chart. Jessica went back out and parked the General ad radioed Uncle Jesse and Daisy letting them know what was going on and why she and Bo hadn't returned from their date yet. When she got back inside the doc had just come out and stood talking to Bo. "What's the news?" She asked. "Well he's lucky, but he does have a concussion." The doctor said.
  10. I think it's good to have Bo with a girlfriend....cause he was always after the girl's in the show so why not actually have him get a girlfriend
  11. Jessica and Bo had a great time at the Boar's Nest, drinking and dancing and just plain having a good ol' time. When they got home Bo didn't want the night to end so he asked Jessiaca to take a walk with him around the pond and she eagerly agreed and took his offered hand. They both jumped when they heard a low groan. "What was that?" Jessiva asked, peering into the darkness trying to see whatever it was that had made the noise. "Bo, there's someone there." Jessica said and took off ahead of him before he could stop her, but a scream from her moved him into action and as soon as he reached her he slid to a stop. "Luke." He cried and dropped down next to his injured cousin. Jessica reached out and gently turned Luke over. Bo gasped when he saw Luke's pale face and the large bruise on his cousin's forehead. Jessica looked up at him. "We gotta get him to the hospital and get him some help, it looks like someone hit em over the head.' She said. Bo nodded and lifted Luke and placed him over his shoulder and walked towards the General with Jessica close at his side. They got in the General and headed to the hospital.
  12. I've seen some of the advertisements for the movie and it seems to me like they are trashing Bo and Luke and making them both look like a couple of idiots which they were never like that in the series and I'm not even sure I'm gonna go see it
  13. ok I'll do that....I'd really love to go to next year's Duke fest and meet John Schneider who I have always liked ever since I saw the first episode of the Dukes
  14. does anyone know yet what cast members are gonna be at next year's Dukefest cause my sister and I are seroiusly thinking about going and were wondering if John Schneider is gonna be there again as he is my favorite?
  15. Bo was starting to catch up with Luke and the two girl's, though he was having a tough time since the General was about ten times faster then Dixie was and even if Luke was driving it would still be faster then Dixie. Besides him Jessica was one of the fastest drivers in Hazzard and he knew if she was the one driving her that he may not catch her. Suddenly he lost sight of the General all together and knew that it must have been Jess who was driving and not Luke or Daisy as he had orginally thought and hoped. As he neared where he had lost sight of the car he heard giggling over the sound of Dixie's engine and swung around catching a glimpse of the front of the General and a pretty blond girl sitting on the edge of the driver's side door with her elbows resting on the top of the car. Bo braked and backed up stopping in front of the General so they couldn't escape and then jumped out of Dixie and stomped over to where the girl's sat. "What did y'all think you were doing?" He yelled angrily. Jessica swung her head around and leveled steely blue eyes on his. "It was just a joke Bo." She said calmly and swung her legs out of the car and landed lightly on the ground. Bo flushed when he realized that it had been all in goodd fun and no one had meant any harm. "That darn Shampoo." Luke muttered and heard laughter from Bo, Jessica, and Daisy. "Not funny." He muttered.
  16. I'm thinking about writing a story with Bo and his girlfriend both getting Amnesia and I would like to know what everyone thinks and if anyone one has any ideas please feel free to share them with me....thanks
  17. Luke heard giggling coming from Daisy's bedroom as he passed and wondered for a moment if the girl's had heard his con verstaion with Bo and found out about the shampoo in his eye and the redness but then he caught part of the converstaion and realized they were plotting a trick to play on Bo and wondered if they'd allow him to help. "Let's get Luke to help us and get Bo good." Daisy said with a laugh and Luke grinned to himself continuing down the hall to his room to get dressed. Bo was singing loudly in the shower forgetting about the girl's and Luke until he heard laughter coming from outside the door and rolled his eyes in mock annoyance. "Y'all better be gone by the time I'm outta the shower or I'm gonna make y'all wish you had." He yelled, but all hea heard was more laughter and then soft whispering. He shut the shower off and stepped out, wrapping a towel around his waist and stepping to the door, ready to open it. Just as he started to turn the knob he heard a female squeal and then feet run down the hall, the screen door open and close and the General's engine roar to life a moment later and knew Luke and the girl's were about to make an escape in the big orange stock car. He opened the door and ran down the hall to his and Luke's room and grabbed some clothes and pulled them on and then ran outside in time to see the General take off, with the musical notes of Dixie trailing behind. Bo jumped in Dixie and started up the engine, speeding after the his cousins and girlfriend in the General
  18. Even though Bo was exhausted from his hard work on the back 40 he was grinning from ear to ear and it wasn't just because he was driving the General but also because he'd run into his girlfriend Jessica in town and convinced her to go back to the farm with him. He looked over at her, where she sat on the passenger side gazing out the window. Her long hair blew in the wind that came through the open window. She looked over and caught him looking at her and smiled. Bo found himself once again taken in by her beauty. She was definitely pretty and knew it though she didn't let it go to her head. Suddenly sirens started wailing behind them and they turned to see Rosco's patrol car pull out behind them. "You better step on it Bo or the only dinner we're gonna be eating tonight is gonna be jail food." She said. Bo nodded and pressed his foot down hard on the gas and tightened his hands on the steering wheel as the General shot forward, racing towards Hazzard Pond. Rosco was muttering softly as he followed the retreating General Lee. "This time I'm gonna getcha, I'm a comin', I'm a comin'." He said, chuckling smugly. But he wasn't prepared to see The General turn around and come racing back towards him. "Bo, what are you doing?" Jessica cried, staring at him, her blue eyes wide. Bo turned and grinned at her. "Just you watch Jess, he ain't gonna catch us." He said. Jessica rolled her eyes. She was used to Bo's daring stunts when he was driving and knew that when she drove in chases with Rosco she tended to be the same way. Bo skidded to a halt and spun the wheel, turning the other direction. "Bye Rosco." He yelled, and turned heading back to Hazzard Pond. Jessica tensed for a moment and then relaxed when she felt the General hit the ramp and make a clean jump through the air and over the murky pond water. "YEE-HAW!!" She heard Bo yell and couldn't help but laugh. When they reached the Duke Farm Luke had just returned from the back 40 and Daisy had gotten home frpm the Boar's Nest and dragged Jessica off to her room for some girl talk. Bo watched the two girl's disappear down the hall and then turned to Luke. "You wanna shower first or should I?" He asked. Luke grinned and gave him a gentle shove. "I'm going first, then I'm gonna go find out what them girl's are saying bout us." He said and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.
  19. Uncle Jesse hugged Bo. "I love you too, Bo." He said and then gave him a gentle shove. "Go n' finish your chores now." He said. "Yessir, Uncle Jesse." Bo replied, and headed for the barn door, just as Luke walked in. "Uncle Jesse, can I talk to you?" He asked. Uncle Jesse nodded and sent Bo a look and he hurried from the barn. Uncle Jesse looked back at Luke. "I'm listening." He said. "Uncle Jesse, I'd just like to tell you how sorry I am that I wrecked the car and ruined your faith in me." He said Uncle Jesse smiled slightly. "Luke, you're my nephew and I love you no matter what you do that upsets me, and I will never stop loving you, not in a million years." He said. Luke smiled and hugged his Uncle. "I love you Uncle Jesse." He said and then went out the barn door. Before Luke could reach reach the house a car pulled inot the driveway and a horn honked. Luke turned to see Patty waving at him. ' What am I gonna do?' He thought to himself.
  20. Later that evening Luke was laying in bed when he heard a car pull into the yard and got up to look out the window. He watched as Bo and Liz got out of her car and stood illuminated by the headlights. Bo wrapped his arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck, and then they kissed gently. Luke felt jealously run through his veins and felt bad about it. He hated the fact that his cousin was dating one the prettiest girl's in Hazzard. He'd hit on Liz too but she had eyes for Bo and Bo alone. Luke wished he'd never disobeyed his uncle as he watched Bo and Liz step out of the headlights and walk hand in hand out to the barn where Uncle Jesse was still working. He walked back over to the bed and lay down again, letting his thoughts take him elsewhere and before he knew it he'd fallen asleep.
  21. Bo and Luke were almost done with their chores when they heard a car horn in the yard and Bo ran to the open barn doors and grinned when he recognized Elizabeth Parker, otherwise known as Liz or Lizzie. "Uncle Jesse, Liz is here, can I go now." Bo yelled. Uncle Jesse stepped out of the barn behind his nephews and waved at the pretty dark haired girl. "Go ahead, Bo." He said. Bo grinned and ran across the yard to where Liz stood waiting for him. Luke watched wistfully and kept watching until Liz's car was out of sight. He'd never been jealous of Bo before but now that he was in trouble with Uncle Jesse and unable to go do anything because he didn't have a car he found himself intensely jealous of his younger cousin. Jesse Duke watched his nephew for a moment and then turned around and walked back into the barn.
  22. The following morning Luke awoke with a massive hangover and alone in the room and knew he must have overslept. "Oh waht's Uncle Jesse gonna say?" He groaned as he rolled out of bed and wandered down the hall to the bathroom. When he got outside he saw Bo and Uncle Jesse in the barn and slowly walked their direction, knowing that he needed to take whatever punishment from Uncle Jesse that he was gonna give him. Bo looked over at him in shocked surprise and then turned and walked back into the barn when Uncle Jesse said something to him. Once Luke reached his Uncle he stood in front of him with his head down. Uncle Jesse shook his head. "Luke if ya want me to trust you again, ya gotta stop running around like this and be responsible for your actions." He said. "I know Uncle Jesse, I'm sorry." He said and hung his head again. "Luke one of these times all your fun is not going to end the way you want it too." Jesse Duke told his oldest nephew. Luke nodded and slunk away, feeling Bo's and Jesse's eyes on his back.
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