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Well now we know why Ben Jones is so upset about the movie.


This is absolute BS! I thought for a second that we might have actually escaped hollywood political correctness long enough for us to actually have a Dukes movie that would bridge the gaps of me and my son's generation. But nope! not a chance.

"The film has subtle nods to the TV show without excluding those who never saw it. For example, the confederate flag isn’t on the roof of the car for the first part of the film, it is added after their car is totaled and is given emergency repairs by a group of hillbillies. They also are unable to fix the doors, leaving them having to slide in and out through the side windows."


This explains that beat up weird looking General Lee in those pictures we seen not too long ago. They obviously must trash that car, and here we go with the "totally ok to offend Southerners" by having a "hillbilly" put the flag on the car without them knowing.

Let me tell you folks something..

We now live in a country that it's almost a crime to offend anyone or any creed. EXCEPT SOUTHERNERS!

That's right my friends, that is what this movie is about.

It's not celebrating what the old Dukes were, IT's MAKING FUN OF THEM..

Once again, it's those backwards, stupid, redneck Southerners! AW Shucks!

Well, this was the nail in the coffin why I am boycotting this movie.

They could have had some courage like the makers of God's and Generals and make a pro Southern movie inspite of all the condemnation and attacks of the left, but no, they caved in and made a politically correct, let's make fun of this silly redneck Southerners movie.

That is what this movie should be called, because it ain't the Dukes of Hazzard.

Now if only there was a way for us to show these hollywood "elitists" they can't get away with it. But no, like sheep even real Duke fans and Southerners will go and actually put money in their pockets to sit there for 120 minutes and be patronized and made fun of.


Wow, redneck...that was deep.

Either way, I just shrug and roll with it. Regardless of anything I'm told or will/have read, I'm still seeing this movie. Hey...maybe you can help Baton Rouge boycott the movie and I'd be the only one in there!! That'll never happen. This movie's sold out even before it plays. Down here anyway.

Not to start another argument here, but I really don't think that this movie will be as demeaning or stereotypical as rumored. Granted, this forum is the only place I hear about this movie, but out on the streets there are no stories or plans of "boycotting". If you wanna talk about a demeaning or stereotypical movie, try WaterBoy with Adam Sandler. Us Louisiana folk hadda put our alligators up in the back and get new paddles for the boat ride to skool. After that movie we were all ready to go do bad things to Adam Sandler.

After reading much of the script (I mean, after a friend of mine read much of the script) I feel this movie might actually be good and fun. I refuse to follow the sheeple (sheep/people) that just walk around following other sheeple that just walk around following other sheeple and all jump at the same time. I'm a rebel-kinda-guy. Every now and then I don't wear long pants when I cut the grass. Yup, livin' on the edge here!


Let's put it this way, me and my wife are spending our HONNYMOON at Dukes Fest this year, and when we are in Tennessee, I'll ask the boys and Cooter what they really think and come back and report it.

The original cast have pretty much already said in public that they hate the script. I don't need anyone else telling me about the movie to know what it's all about. If the real Dukes hate it, that's enouph info for me.

Any real Duke fan, or anyone who cares about their Southern heritage and proud culture should think long and hard before putting money in these people's pockets.

Listen, we know that Cooter in this movie is portrayed as a hillbilly who wears a bathrobe over his underwear and is a paranoid pervert who thinks he's being watched by the Government. If that isn't a negative Southern stereotype I don't know what is.

This movie is going to flop and it should, when it does, I'll be in Gatlinburg Tennessee sharing a cold pepsi with Ben Jones and I have a feeling we will be sayin God save the South, and I TOLD YOU SO!


Your description of Cooter is disturbing...it reminds me of half my realitves down here. I thought bathrobes and underwear went hand in hand. Hmmmm, just as long as you don't run to the mailbox like that.

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