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"I`m sorry `bout your grandpa dyin`.He was a kind man,"Daisy whispered to her as they stood in front of the open grave.

"Thanks Daisy,"the young girl replied,her voice cracking a bit.

Toshia White had lost her grandfather,James White,a few days earlier to a massive heart-attack.She had never felt so alone.Heck,if it hadn`t been for Daisy and her family,Toshia wasn`t sure where she`d be right now.Daisy`s family,the Dukes,had been friends with her family ever since Toshia could remember.Bo and Luke were Daisy`s cousins.Bo was ALWAYS teasing her and she could never figure out why.Probably because she could climb trees,run faster and swim better than he could.Every time Bo would tease her,Luke`d jump in and protect her.

"Come on Toshia,"Uncle Jesse said softly."Lets go."

Later that night,Toshia had climed up in the oak tree in the Dukes` yard and was deep in thought.Her thoughts were soon interupted by Bo.

"Whatcha doin` out here,"he asked,curiously.

Toshia sighed."Just thinkin`.What are YOU doin` out here?"

"Just wonderin` who was out here so late."He had climed up and was now sitting beside her."Nice night,is`t it?"

All of a sudden,Toshia burst into tears."What`s wrong,"Bo asked her gently.He reached over and began rubbing her shoulders.

She quickly took a deep breath to calm herself."It`s just..it`s just I don`t wanna go live with my papa`s parents.I mean,what if they hate me?"

Bo sighed."Everybody likes you,Toshia.I even like ya."

She felt shocked."You do?I thought that you HATED me."

"No I don`t hate you.I`m just jealous that you`re better than me at stuff tha`s all."

All of a sudden,Toshia realized how close Bo was.'Mmm..his lips are so gentle,'she thought.


Toshia sighed as she pulled up in the front of a little bar called The Boar`s Nest.She hadn`t been in Hazzard in years.She felt nervous.'Are they still here?'she wondered.She sighed again as she walked through the door.She quickly found an empty table.


cue to Jamanda


Bo and Luke stroll into the Boar's Nest as usual. It had been a normal day. Boss sent Rosco after them with false charges, Enos managed to warn them, they hid out at Cooter's until they saw the real crooks, caught 'em, and cleared their names.

Luke: Yeah, another typical day.

Bo: You know Luke, I don't know how many more of these "typical days" I can take.

Luke: Oh come on. Life would be dull without it.

Bo: I guess. Maybe Boss'll give us a week off.

Luke: Right. He'll do that when Enos finally gets enough nerve to take Daisy off our hands.

Daisy: <coming up behind them> LUKE DUKE I HEARD THAT!

Daisy scolds Luke while Bo looks over at one of the tables, where a familiar looking girl is sitting.

Bo: No...it couldn't be...

Cue anyone


Toshia glanced up.Her sapphire eyes filled with suprise.She quickly ran her fingers through her dark brown hair.Was that who she thought it was?Was that Bo Duke,Daisy Duke and Luke Duke?All of a sudden,she felt nervous.Bo walked over to her.Clearing her throat,she walked over to them.

"Hey,aren`t ya`ll Bo,Luke,and Daisy Duke?"

Luke said,slowly,"Yeah.."

"Um,"she held out her hand."Toshia White."

Bo looked startled.Daisy let out a low squeal."Toshia!!Long time,no see!!I missed ya."Daisy gave her a quick hug."How long are you gonna be here in Hazzard?"

"I dunno,"Toshia replied."Probably not long."

"Why do ya have to leave?"Daisy asked.

Toshia shrugged."I guess it has to do with the fact that if I don`t,then my roommate will think I abanded her."

"Hey!!How `bout you come stay with us while you`re here,"Luke exclaimed.

"Sounds great!!I`ll come."

Later that night,after everyone had caught up with their catching up,Bo and Toshia were sitting on the porch talking.

"You what happened that night.."Bo started,but Toshia cut him off.

"Look,I`ve heard some stories coming out of Hazzard `bout you.I know that you have you`re first girlfriend that you actually are emotionally into.We can,for your sake,pretend that kiss had never happened."

"Are you sure,"Bo asked.

"Positive,"she replied.


cueing someone


Toshia stays up late that night, talking to Daisy.

Toshia: Daisy? Do you think I have a chance?

Daisy: With Bo?

Toshia: Yeah.

Daisy: You still hung up on him?

Toshia: I don't know...I didn't think I was. But then I saw him again and...

Daisy: I know what you mean.

Toshia: Has that ever happened to you?

Daisy: Sure has. An old boyfriend left for California and I didn't think he'd ever come back. I was so sure I was over him when he did.

Toshia: Did he still like you?

Daisy: Oh yeah. He never stopped loving me.

Toshia: So do you know if you still love him?

Daisy: Sure don't.

Toshia: Hmmm.

Daisy: So in a way, I'm in the same boat you are.

Toshia: Yeah, I guess so. Except you're really sure this fella loves you. I can't be all that certain about Bo.

Daisy: Well Toshia, I'll do what I can to help you find out.

Toshia: <smiling> I'd appreciate that.


It was the next day,and Toshia was feeling a little confused.Did Bo still like her.

'He probably doesn`t',she thought.'He`s got himself a steady girl.'She hated all the different feelings she felt.

Something else was also bugging her.Luke.Toshia couldn`t help but notice that Luke seemed a little nervous around her.'It`s like he`s kinda scared to be around me.Sort of like he`s got a crush on me.'Toshia dismissed that thought.'That`s just plum crazy.Why would he go for me?We was best friends back before Grandaddy died.'She sighed. 'Oh well,'she thought.'I`ll check on what Daisy says.either that or get the nerve to confront the both of them.


cueing somebody......

  • 4 months later...

Bo sat at the table in the kitchen of the old Duke farm house. He let out a low sigh, "What am I gonna do?" "What are you gonna do bout' what?" Jesse Duke interuppted his nephew's thoughts. "Huh? Wha... oh nothing Uncle Jesse, I was just thinkin'" Bo replied with another sigh. "By the looks of you I'd say it's some pretty heavy thinkin'" Jesse said. The two men were interuppted by a sudden crash from the second floor. "What was that?"Jesse shouted. But Bo was already on his way up the stairs before he could reply.

Bo shoved the door to the bedroom he shared with Luke open. Luke was laying on the floor, twisting and turning in agony. "Luke! What happened?" Bo asked as he knelt on the floor next to Luke, attempting to hold him still. Luke did not reply, he began to cry out in pain. "You stay here with him, try to calm him down. I'll go call Doc Pettycore!" Jesse yelled over Luke's cries as he turned out of the room and headed downstairs to the phone.

A bright light shone in Luke's eyes as he opened them. "Luke? Luke? Are you all right?" a familiar voice asked. "Daisy? I don't know. I feel like I just got hit by a truck." Luke was doing surprisingly well considering what had just occured.

Luke had been attacked, which is never a good thing. Someone had broken in to the farmhouse and hit Luke on the head and knocked him to the floor. Jesse was so mad that he vowed to catch the person who hurt his nephew, no one was going to get away with hurting the Dukes, not while Jesse was around. "Uncle Jesse, I know your upset, we all are but you should stay here with Luke, he needs you here."said Daisy. "No I don't need to be here I can go home, I fine guys." Luke said as he tried to stand up, Bo caught him by the shoulders and laid him back down. "The Doctor said you should stay here a few days. Daisy's right, I should stay with you." Jesse replied.

"Hey Ya'll, if I don't leave now, I'll be late for work,and Boss Hogg'll fire me then we'll have no way to pay for Luke's hospital bills. I'll be back after my shift at the Boar's Nest. Bye Luke get some rest!" said Daisy as she leaned over and kissed her cousin on the cheek. Daisy made her way to the door, and turned with a smile and a wave.

Toshia was pacing the waiting room at the Tri-Counties hospital. Was Luke gonna be alright. She wondered. The doctor's had not allowed her in to see him, she was not family. Toshia paused to gaze out the window, she was worried about her friend.

  • 2 weeks later...

"Bye Toshia! I'll be back!" Daisy called to her old friend as she left for work. "Daisy!" Toshia rushed over to her, "How is Luke? Is he gonna be alright? Can I see him?" She asked. "Slow down," Daisy smiled and put her hands on Toshia's shoulders, "He'll be fine. And I don't see a problem if you go in nowm we're all leaving." A confused look crossed Toshia's face. "What do you mean?" " Well I can't explain now, I'm gonna be late! Just go see Luke!" Daisy called as she raced for the elevator. Toshia walked slowly to the door of Luke's room. She paused, why am I so nervous? It's only Luke. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Jesse opened, he stuck his head out. "Toshia? Oh good, Luke's been asking for you!" "Me?" she asked the old man. Jesse nodded his head. "Hi!" Bo said looking over at the two in the doorway, "Luke i'll se ya later! If I don't take the General to Cooter we ain;t never gonna be able to win the Hazzard County Derby next week!" Bo smiled at his cousin, he couldn't stand to look at him like this. Bo waved as he walked to the door. He smiled at Toshia and put his hand on her shoulder as he walked through the door. "I have to go too. There's some sort of crisis at the town Hall. I'll pick you up later Toshia."Jesse whispered to Toshia. "Luke I'm goin' now I'll see you later. Toshia is here to see ya!" Jesse left the room. Toshia was still standing in the doorway looking at Luke. He sat up, "C'mere!" He motioned for her to sit beside him.

  • 3 weeks later...

Feeling as if her legs were made of led,Toshia slowly walked over to Luke`s bedside and sat down."What happened?"she asked,axnsious.

After Luke relayed the story to her,she felt something settle in the pit of her stomache.'Oh no!It can`t be him!He`s in prison,there`s a court order...Oh why is this happening again?'

Her face must have paled because Luke asked her if anything was wrong.Snapping out of her thoughts,she told him no,she was fine.

Toshia stayed with him for about half an hour when Jesse came back and told her that it was time to leave.


Later that night......

(cueing someone)

  • 1 year later...

Later on, Bo saw Madi come walking through the door. Madi was a Duke but she had moved to Missouri long ago. When she came in she had someone with her. It was a man a few inches taller than Bo with blonde hair. He put his arms around her waist and whispered something in her ear. Her first question: "Hey y'all where the heck is Luke?"

"FIRST, who is this good lookin' man?" Daisy asked.

"Oh! Y'all, I want you to meet my Fiance, Riley Talbut." Madi said. While Riley talked to Bo and Jesse, Madi showed Daisy pictures and then her diamond ring.

"It's huge!" Daisy said, holding it up to the light.

  • 3 months later...

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