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Michael and Jessica was happy that all his family was happy for him and his good news, but how was he going to tell Jessica about how he really got fired for something a jealous co-worker and his buddy cooked up to get rid of him. Michael didn't even tell his Uncle Rosco about his troubles right now, what his Uncle think of this pickle he was in right now. Little Ross was estatic about the new little brother or little sister he didn't want his son knowing what really happened to him at his job. He remembers Harry talkie to a Hughie Hogg about a week before he was fired and they did sure seem like they was in a hurry. He had wandered did Harry and Hughie see his letter from his Uncle , is that what had caused all this to happen in the past week. Michael had asked Luke have you haerd of somebody named Hughie Hogg around here, and he got sttrange look from everybody as if they knew who he was talking about it at the time. He had went on to tell him that his buddy Harry is who Jessica dumped when she had met he that fateful on the side of the road and we just happen to work at the same place years later.

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Well, he told he about the One-Armed Bandits, and about the about the taxi incident and some other things. Ross had asked Luke can I ride in your car Uncle Luke sometime. Jessica had told Ross did you know that was a pair of brother involved in something real important back in 1788 and they had to take their horses to help with writing something important and they had to keep it real quiet. Ross was real curious by now and Jessica said those brothers were "Richard Henry Lee" and Francois Lightfoot Lee" and they was helping with Declaration of Independance and they had signed this little thing on the botton of it with a bunch of other gentleman as well , Ross.

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Ross looked at his mother and said Cool.

Luke said Ya Ross you can ride in the General Lee as soon as I/am able to drive. and I think I still owe you a fishing trip down at Hazzard Lake. Mabe your Dad would like to go with us. Michael Said I would love to go. and then the men statarted to make plans to go fishing.

Kathy wasn't feeling too well she was getting sick and she was getting dizzy. Jessica walked over to her and said Kathy are you ok. Iam fine I have just been running raggied sence Uncle Jesse Died and it's my body is tell me to slow down. Kathy Said Are you sure. you could be pregnet. cause I felt the same way when MY FIRST trimester with Ross. and I haven't felt sick with this baby. Jessica said as she touched her stomach.


Ross had asked his Uncle Luke why is the car named "General Lee anyways, Uncle Luke. Dad, always has some choice word is his car doesn't6 start up. I am beginning to think that he named his car a word that Mom doesn't like me saying around anybody."

Michael looked at Ross and told him , that it isn't polite to snitch on somebody like that anyways. Michael had smiled down at his son and told him that his Mama was right about this right here. Jessica , Kathy and Luke thought this was kind of funny. Michael had said that Velvet is loving being around her Mama and is getting lots of friends around the house at his Uncle's Rosco house. Kathy had said that she didn't know they staying with Rosco, and how is at their house anyways. Jessica had said that she is hoping for a girl this time around and that Uncle Rosco and Aunt Lulu is so happy about the new baby coming. In fact Aunt Lulu is asking what colors do I want the baby blanket that she making for the baby. Michael had said that I guess she is just starting early on this baby, and Uncle JD had Ross over at his house last weekend you know they get along great but Jessica just doesn't like him right now.

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Luke said Well, It takes a little while to get to know Boss. Uncle Jesse had known him for 30 years. They had run moodshin together. and they where friends at one time.

Kathy looked at Luke and said I will ne right back and she ran upstairs. then 2 minutes latter Kathy came back down Luke looked at her and said Sweetheart you ok. Y a Luke Iam fine. Kathy Said. Well Roos we named the General Lee after General Robert E Lee he was a General in the cival war a war between the states he was the General of the confrete Army.Luke said.


Uncle Luke was he related to Richard Henry Lee and Francis Lightfoot Lee that my Mom was talking about. You know those two brothers that went on that road trip to write some paper or something. I was just wandering on this right here, because they sound related and I still do like your car. But how your doors don't open on it I have noticed that as well. Michael couldn't believe his son asked that question to his brother and he was wandering as well , but didn't want to ask that right there. Jessica had said that is beatiful coutry around here and it's smog free around here wouldn't you agree Michael.

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Jessica had told Ross that paper that Richard Henry Lee and Francis Lightfoot Lee wasn't just some road trip like you think it was. They was help write the Constition of the United States of America and it still around. Ross said so this paper that they had helped write why didn't they take cars there instead of horses. It wouldn't have been alot faster especially if they would drove Uncle Luke's car to Philly. Michael and Luke couldn't help but laugh at what Ross said about how they got there and he was cute but five years old and sometimes you just to explain things to Ross just a little bit at times. Jessica had sigh and told Ross that back in 1788 they didn't have car yet, and there was only horses in those days.. Ross had said that would must have been cool to have been a part of that in those days, so this General Robert E. Lee is the guy you named your after Uncle Luke. Jessica had hoped that one this days her son would understand about history and if he loves history this much at five years old. School is going to be no problem for him, she won't have bug his to do his homework.

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Luke looked at Ross and said The reason why the doors on the General Lee won't open is because Bo and I welded them shut you see General Lee is a race car and Doors on race cars are usrally welded shut, Uncle Jesse use to complain about the doors and he always threned to un welded the doors but he neved did. to get into the General Lee you have to go threw the window. when my leg is better I will show you. Ross looked at Luke and said Cool. and then he went outside to play.

mean while Kathy was thinking what Jessica had told her about being pregnet. So she decited to go see Doc Applebe to tommorrow and get a test done and then she will know for sure. She will asked Jessica if she wanted to go with her.



Jessica had asked Kathy does Luke know yet Kathy. Of, course I be glad to go with ya lets take that white pick-up over there and that. Besides who was that old truck over there anyways , I can't see the harm in driving. Ross was still excited about the General Lee and he was still talking to his dad and Uncle Luke about the fishing trip they was going on pretty soon. Ross has never been fishing before and in the two- three weeks he has been here has never seen Hazzerd Pond yet. Ross had heard his dad and Uncle says something about getting fishing license's and he had asked do you have to study and take a test for a fishing license. Michael had time couldn't believe what his son would come up with at times, he sure get along with Luke lately he has so many question for him and all the time. Luke sure did like Ross they got along great and he did mind all the question that he had for him.

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It looks like the Duke family is getting larger, Ross sure does ask alot of question he is going fishing. Kathy might be pregant , and Jessica is for sure I hope I am keeping up with all this. Michael is keeping a big secret from his family here. I wonder what it his, oh I know now he is really a Republican , imagine that right there. Jessica is Petty and Michael sure is lucky to have married here all those years ago.


Ross had remembered that his Uncle Bo and his Uncle Luke was taking him fishing. He still wanted to try jumping the Hazzerd Creek with his Bike. Even though his Uncle Bo said to wait till he had a car, It didn't sound that hard to the five year old boy. He wasn't scared of anything and besides this would be fun and exciting to do. But he wanted to wait until his parents stopped telling about that something might happen if he tried. But Ross had one problem he didn't know where the Hazzerd Creek was right now, maybe his Uncle Luke could tell where it is at. Oh Ross knew now he would get his Uncle Rosco to drive him and his bike there, oh stratch that he would follow his Uncle Ross out till Hazzerd Creek when he drives out there. And Beside it must be fun if everybody says not to do after all, they just trying to get him to not do this after all. He had seen his dad and he wanted his attention and he had said to "Rosco Jesse Szenger stop pulling all those tricks at your Uncle Rosco's house" and Ross had said dad but it fun and he never catches on to the tricks that I have been pulling anyways. Son all this trick you pulled on him when he came out to California wasn't very nice to do, especilly when my Uncle somehow lost the keys to house but you knew where they were and it was raining. Ross had said that part he wasn't expecting and that is where it backfired on him right there. Ross said " I should've listen to weather before I did that right there especially I ain't never Mom so mad at me that day, Dad." Well, me and your Mom and Uncle Rosco was mad at you for that trick but it was so fun pulling that trick on him. Ross what I am going to do about you, all you ever do is pull tricks on people and always trying to pull the wool over somebody eyes constantly. I just don't get I Never di think like that when I was I your age. Ross had said "Dad, you never pull trick on your parents at all, really.".

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Nope not me Michael Said with a smile on his face.

Meanwhile at Doc Applebe's office. Kathy was waiting for the Doc to come back and he walked to the door and he shut it and he said Congradulations Kathy You are Pregnet. Kathy Said Thanks doc and she went out to the waiting room and Walked towards Jessica and said I 'am Pregnet. and Jessica Gave Kathy A hug and said congraulations. and then they went back out to the truck and headed back to the farm.

Back at the farm.. Kathy stopped Uncle Jesse's truck bye the General Lee. Luke Was showing Michael the engin of the General Lee. and Luke looked up at Kathy and said What's up Sweetheart.Kathy walked over to him and took his hand and placed it on her stomach and said Luke I would Like you to meet your son or daughter. Luke looked at her and he smiled and said a baby. We are going to have a baby. Kathy shook her head yes and Luke Said YEEEHAAA.


Michael congradulated then and he said boy the Duke family is getting larger. They all laughted.

Luke looked at Kathy and said Kath you need to call your parents and tell them they are going to be grand parents AND your sister Tina that she's going to be an Aunt.

Jessica Said Kathy what do your parents do. Well they live in Chicago. Dad is a judge and Mom is a Lawyer. they wanted me to go into law infrcement but I wanted to become a doctor. My Parents names are names are Rebecca and Kyle Jorden My Sister is 20 and she's going to collage. and my parents Just love Luke and they will be thrilled about the baby.

So Kathy took her cell phone and called her parents. and they where really happy about the baby.and Kathy filled them in on what was going on in Hazzard, and they said that they would like to meet Luke's brother and that they would be there in Hazzard in a few weeks and Kathy Said Ok and she said she loved them and then she hung up.


Luke meanwhile was telling Bo how happy he was that he was gonna be a Daddy then Luke looked at Bo and said '' Bo do you think i'll be a good Daddy i hope i'm half as good as Uncle Jesse i would like to be i'm just so nervous but i'm so happy i feel like i'm walking on air this is such a good feeling cuz ".

Then Bo said " Luke i think your gonna do a good job every parent is at first nervous and scared your going through normal emotions but i'm really happy for you and Kathy i just wish that Uncle Jesse could be here to see this but i don't want you to be sad so try not to think of his death cuz", Then Luke chuckled " Thanks Bo i wish he was here too :( i miss him still but at least i have a new brother , now i'm gonna have a baby but i feel so mixed emotion i feel so happy but at the same time i feel so sad cause Uncle Jesse couldn't be here and i'm really gonna need alot of help when the baby comes .

Then Bo said " Well Luke i'll be here for you and Kathy when you have the baby and i just wanna give you something to think about " Could you consider raising your son or Daughter here in Hazzard that way i can see you cause if you move from Hazzard i'll miss you something awful .


Bo,Kath and I all ready Moved to Hazzard we live at the farm and I think that Michael and Jessica are thinking about moving to Hazzard.Luke said. That's Great Luke, I will be in Alanta in a few weeks cause I have a race there. Si I will see you then. Bo Said. Yuo Bet coz. Then he hung up and then he called Daisy . He told Daisy about the new Duke and she was excited and she said Oh Luke you will be a great Daddy. I hope so Daisy. Luke said. Then he hug up with Daisy and he called the rest of the family and told them about the new Duke coming and they where all where Happy.

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