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Mean while Back in Hazzard. Luke Kathy and Judd is tring to find infomation on his half brother.

When the phone rang Luke picked it up and said Duke Farm Luke Duke Speaking. Hay Luke This IS sherriff Rosco we need to Talk you where right I do know about your half brother his name is Michael and He called me and I told him about you and Judd So he's on his way to Hazzard. To met you he should be here in a few days. I hope that you will forgive me But I did prommis my sister that I wouldn't tell anyone about him. but you where right you do have a right to know. When he get gets here I will tell him how to get to the Farm.Rosco Said. Thanks Rosco. Luke said as he hung up the phone.

2 Days Latter.... Michael and his family pulled in to town . Michael looked at his wife and said I will be right back I need to go and see my Uncle Rosco and get some infomation about my brothers. So he got out of the car and went into the courthouse.


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Cooter had seen this younger version of Luke and his Dad "Frank Duke" he was walking in the Courthouse he had wondered who this guy he was just curious. You seen he had the air of Luke, but very determined and he when he behind Cooter he passed just Luke used to do. And he had will ask who this guy was when he came back out again, he had seen that he had his wife and kids with him. He was driving a Charger, and the plates had said on them "California" and that was a nice car.

Michael went to the Sheriff's office took Enos by surprize and he ask what he wanted , he had said that his name was "Michael Frank Szenger" and he wanted to talk to his Uncle Rosco (Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane) he had mentioned that he was from California and his Uncle had important family information for him.

cue dukesrule2000


Enos said ya The Sherriff is in his office. and at that moment Rosco walked out of his office and said Enos I'am going on potrol. Rosco Said. But before Enos could say any thing Michael Said Uncle Rosco Iam Michael. We need to talk. Oh ok come into my office. Rosco Said. So They walked into the office and shut the door. they sat down.

meanwhile ouside.... The General Lee come speeding around the cornor. and pulled into Cooter's Garage. and Luke,Judd and Kathy got out of the General Lee. and Cooter said Hay Lucas you would never guess who i saw going into the courthouse. Who Crazy C. Luke Said. a guy that looks just like you but he was a few years younger. Cooter Said.Luke Look looked at Kathy and Judd and then he said thanks Cooter. Then Kathy,Judd and Luke headed for the courthouse. but when they got on the steps of the courthouse Rosco and Michael was coming out.


MIchael had asked "Now how do I get Mill Pond rd again Uncle Rosco, I am new to the county?"

Nichael had seen Luke, Judd and Kathy walk up to him, and said " are you Luke and Judd Duke, but who are you now my Uncle didn't tell anything about a sister now".

Just then Ross gets out of Michael"s black 69 Charger and accidently hits his horn, and dixie plays from under the hood. Jessica is yelling at her son about hitting the horn getting out of the car, she sure did wish they had taken the Caprice Classic that she drives down to Georgia. Jessica tells Ross that he doesn't know where he is going around here and he should get back here right now. Ross just ignores his Mom and walks right over to Cooters and over to Rhuebottoms store and by now Jessica as gotton out following the five year old and she goes to Rhuebottoms store as well. Michael by now sees his son get out of the car and hears him accidently sets off his horn as well, he is wandering in the rush did Jessica take the keys out of his car as well or just went following with car running. He wanders somedays about his wife, she was pretty but sometimes she just forgets the most important things to make sure of and stuff like that. And also Judd, Luke and Kathy are noticing all this going on as well, and they see that Ross and Jessica go over to Rhuebottoms with the car still running. Michael says excuse me while I turn off my car and get the keys out, this has happen before. Jessica has locked the keys in the cars with it running and by the time I could get them out with my spares I was out of gas.

Cue Anybody


Luke, Judd and Kathy helped Michael and Jessica get their son Ross. and then Luke interduced Kathy he said this is my wife Dr Kathleen.and michael said cool we have a doctor in the family. Luke looked at him and smiled as they walked over to Cooter's garage.and they interduced Cooter to them and Cooter said cool another Duke. Oh Luke The General Lee is ready to go I noticed when you pulled in that the tail light was out so I fixed it. Thanks Crazy C, (Looking at Michael)Why don't you follow us back to the farm and we cant get to know one other better. Ok Luke Michael Said then they all got in their car and headed for the farm.


Ross had said to Michael and Jessica "This is going to cool , I have never been to farm before. I wonder what their farm is going to be like then."

Michael had said "Son, this might be a small farm, it don't look very big then."

Ross had said " Dad I wonder what kind of animals they are going to have their then."

A short time later they were at the Duke farm and Ross just loved the place, he couldn't help to keep asking questions to Uncle's about the place and if they had grown-up here.

Cue Anybody.


By all this time, Rosco was on Patrol and he had seen the General and Michael black Charger headed to the Duke Farm. He had known that he done the right thing by telling Michael about his brothers he was just think wait till he meets his cousins now, this ought to be colorful now and this would be intersecting. Michael's wife Jessica was the dumbest Blonde he had ever met in his wife , she was always locking her keys in the car. Rosco sees why Michael lhad married her for, and she is a good wife and mother to him and his Ross. Rosco had got on the cb and wanting to talk to Michael to see how he liked getting to know his brothers but he had kept off the radio. He had remembered six years ago, Michael had gotten back from Prom weekend only to hear to his parents died from a fatal car accident and then he to somehow make to throught to graduation and then he had married Jessica after all that they had somehow gotten closer. Him and Lulu went to his Graduation for him and he was crying after the ceremony wishing that his parents could've been there and seen him make it through high school and on to the next stop with life. He was also at his wedding as well, and been there when his son Ross was born he was named after Rosco after all. He had a couple of years ago given Michael a puppy of Flash in which he named "Velvet" and that that dog is getting bigger and just her Mama. He had seen that "Velvet" was with them, how could Jessica lock at cute dog like that in a hot car today.


Mean while back at the Duke farm. ...... They where all sitting in the living room Talking. Hay Luke where is our father I would love to met him. Michael Said. Michael I hate to tell you this but our father along with my mother died in a car accident when I was 2 years old. they where on their way home from a trip to Alanta I was in the back seat in my carseat So Iam the only one who servived. and thats when I came to Live with Uncle Jesse and Aunt Leventa and they Raised me like I was their own. Luke Said. oH . Do we have other family Michael Said. Ya we do. We have cousins. Bo Duke, Coy Duke,Vance Duke, Jeb stewart Duke, And Daisy Duke. Luke Said. I would like to met them Michael said. Luke smiled and said I will give them a call. Then Luke went to the phone and started to make calls.



Wow Dad, you went from no family to a whole bunch said Ross. Jessica said oh by the way our son's full name is "Rosco Jesse Szenger" and she had said he hates it when I use legal name to get his attention. He does look like alot like Michael but the whole time I had known his dad Joseph D. Szenger I couldn't figure out who he looked like. His Uncle Rosco said that he looked like him but something about that sounded like up great big lie. Hey did you know that my Uncle is Richerd Petty stock car driver, and everytime he sees Michael he keeps trying to remember where he knows him from. I guess I know he keeps thinking of now, did you race at one time Luke judging from the photos up on the Mantle over there. My Uncle Richerd and my grandfather Lee Petty keeps telling he is a natural behind the wheel, he doesn't like when I drive his car keeps telling me that I putting carbon in the engine and that I drive too slow.

Cue Anybody


Ross was still excited about meeting his family and always hated when his mom used his full name to get his attention. Michael had asked Judd and Kathleen so what is my cousins like then , I mean I have never met them before. Jessica is asking so this looks like you're are having quite alot of surprizes right now,. and this and now getting to meet your cousins that you didn't know that you had. Ross had spotted a picture of old gentlemen standing by a strange looking stove and he wandering what is doing in the middle of woods. And there is glass jars with water in them and he is curious and wandering what is going with the pictures and waiting till his Uncle Luke gets off the phone so he go ask what is up with the picture.

Cue Anybody


Luke put the phone down and walked over to Kathy and the others. he said they all are coming they will be here in a few days.

Ross walked over to Luke carring a picture he said Uncle Luke who is this and why does he have jugs of water by him? Luke took the picture from Ross and he looked at it and said with a smile on his face and said this is Uncle Jesse and he's standing by a still and those Jugs ain't filled with water. They are filled with moonshine. you see we use to make and run moonshine. Until Bo and I got cought running moonshine and Uncle Jesse promised the USA Goverment that he wouldn't make moonshine again. and then Bo and I where put on pobation.and Uncle Jesse never made moonshine again. we Just resenlty lost him. he raised me when Mom and Dad was killed in a car accident.



So Brother tell me more about the family are the Duks a close nit Family? Michael Said. Ya we are a close Family. Judd travles all over with his boxing. he's a boxing champ now. Daisy works as a stunt women in the movies. She lives in Hollywood California, Bo he's a race car Driver He's one of the best. Vance he's now a lawyer and his wife Tracy is a socal worker and they Live in Tennessee and They Have a 6 Month old Daughter Named Courtney Ann Duke, Coy is a Texas Ranger, Hes married to a girl Named Kris. She's a nurse. and they have a 3 year old son named Coy jr. and They Live In Dallas Texas. and be fore Uncle Jesse Died and We came back home We Lived in Chicago. I 'am a firefighter and Kath is a doctor and we have no children yet. But even thought we all live in different states we all keep in touch. Luke said.


Michael had said that is something there, as a matter of fact I am a Border Patrol agent down by the California and Mexico.der crossers come up the darnest thing but they never get past me and my Charger out there. Every once in while Velvet goes along as well, I suppose I should get her a little badge for her collar one of these days, Luke. Ross never goes anywhere without his bike he was riding a two-wheeler with training wheels by two years old, and last month he tried to jump the pool and he didn't quite make and him and the bike went in the pool. Ross was bugging me to get his bike out eariler and maybe in a little bit I'll go get out of my trunk. Right this week is my vacation week from Border Patrol and it is relief not to be doing that this week.

Cue Anybody.


Michael said I should ask everybody to come to California sometime, y'll will love it . I was raised there and how I met Jessica is a story in itself.

Eight years ago on hot summer day

Michael is drivning his Black Charger and he sees a Blonde on the side of the road she has a flat struggling with the four way to change her tire on her Caprice classic. She was Borrowing her dad's car right now and he said that everything was okay, but she about to find out that the spare was flat as well. Jessica walks over to the trunk of the car and she looks at her spare tire and it was flat as well. Just out of nowhere she sees this good-lookin dark guy teenager coming to her and he is asking is there a problem with your car. Jessica says oh I am Jessica and aparantly I have a flat and my Spare tire is flat as well. Well, my name is Michael and that is a problem you want to toe your car to the gas station for ya and you can get to know me better on the way there. Jessica and Michael got to know each one another on the way to gas station and by the time they knew they was at the gas station about to take car of Jessica's problem with her car here.

And the rest is history.


Jessica walks over to Luke, Michael and Ross and she is looking at them and at her husband and says " Is he telling you the flat story again, he just loves to tell people about we met Luke." Ross is looking and says " How come you never told me about the story Mom, it is a neat story and I could go tell my friends at school later." Jessica says " That is exactly why I never told you Ross, because you don't keep a could secret or anything in fact to yourself." Ah, Mom but that is such a neat story I could tell at story and the boys will just love, can't I atleast tell Adam about how you and dad met then Mom. Jessica says " Sure , he is too little to tell anybody and beside his dad alreadry knows because he is alway teasing me about everytime I see him anyways. Luke ask are talking about the driver Kyle Petty and who is Adam, Jessica?

Oh, ya he is my cousin I sure that Bo has met him before then, oh by the way Adam is Kyle's son and he just follows Ross around everywhere. Ah, when he see him they are best buddies right now even Ross gets mad about Adam sticking like glue to him

Cue Anybody


Ross looked at Luke and said Uncle Luke How did you and Aunt Kathy Meet. Well Ross, It was 9 years ago,Bo and I was being chased by your Uncle Rosco and his Depudy Enos strait. and Bo Wsn't paying attion where he was going and out of nowhere came a red convertable with a pretty dark haired blued eyed beauty driving it. I bet that was Aunt Kathy.Ross said. Luke smiled and said yup you bet it was, Bo was headed right for her and I said Bo look out and Bo turned the General Lee to the right and Kathy turned her car to the left and Kathy went into the ditch. We lost Rosco and Enos by Jumping the creek and then we headed back to where Kathy was and we stopped the Generallee and we got out and we helped her out and I drove her car to Cooter's . and 3 years latter we were Married.Luke said.

Then Jessica Said ok Ross time for bed. then they all went to bed.

2 DAYS LATTER.......Luke was showing Michael the General Lee. Judd was helping them. Ross was riding his bike and Kathy and Jessica was in the house talking. When they hurd a car pull up. they went to the door and a blond guy got out of the car Kathy ran to him and said Bo and gave him a hug and Luke Michael and Judd walked over to them and Luke Interduced them all to Bo. and then Bo took his things in the house and then he came out and started to tinker on the General Lee. Michael Said You KNow this a great car. It reminds me of my charger sitting over there.



When Luke , Bo , Michael , Ross , And his wife got back in Michael started asking question's about when Bo and Luke was little babies and if they could tell him some stories about that time.

Then Luke said " Well of course i can but i remember alot more stories then Bo here does considering i was Uncle Jesse's first baby so i'll go first since Bo came after me but i wasn't that much older then he was then i was only 2 months old then Mike said " Maybe Y'all could also tell me stories about like when you and Bo would get a little wild what Uncle Jesse would do to you.


Ok, I remember a time when Uncle Jesse told Me and Bo to go to bed and we did go to our rooms but we didn't go to be we started to play and have a good time Uncle Jesse would Yell Boys It's time to go to sleep now Lie down and close your eyes and go to sleep. Well we did as we where told for about 5 minutes then we started to Jump on our Beds then Uncle Jesse came in to our room and said Boys and he spanked us and we Cried and Then I looked up at Uncle Jesse Face and he was cring too.


Then Michael said " Well do you have any more stories Luke ? Then Bo chuckled said " Well i remember this one time when Luke was just a little infant he was only 2 months old and uh Uncle Jesse had just set him down in his playpen for a nap so Luke was almost asleep when he felt this funny itchy feeling in his diaper then he began to cry hystarical ", Then Uncle came running into the den which is where he had mine and Luke's playpen's he picked up Luke who was crying , screaming , Uncle Jesse said " What's a matter boy huh you had a bad dream ? , shh shh , shh shh, Luke kept crying until Uncle Jesse felt Luke's diaper he said " Oh somebody has a wet diaper so he carried Luke into the Nursery which is now our bedroom he began to pull down Luke's pants he lifted Luke's legs up and Luke was squarming and moving ", Uncle Jesse said Stop moving Luke i can't tell what is wrong if you don't stop wiggling .", So he eventually got Luke's diaper off he noticed that Luke's bottom was all wet and red so then he said " Luke you got yourself a case of Diaper Rash we is gonna take care of that right now ", then he got the baby powder out he brought it over to Luke who was now naked he was just about to pour the powder out when Luke started moving again his leg accidently kicked the bottle some of the powder fell out on Luke , Uncle jesse of course Uncle Jesse began to laugh and he said " Oh look what you done now ", then Luke began to chuckle too then Uncle Jesse went over to the table he got a new diaper he began to put it on Luke he said " Now you is all set and ready for bed then he put Luke down in his cradle he fell asleep then Uncle Jesse said " Goodnite Luke see ya in the morning .


Luke was about to say something to Bo about telling that story. When he hurd some cars pull up. He looked out the window and there was Daisy and Enos.Coy,Kris and Their son CJ, Vance,Tracy and their daughter Courtney. and Jeb.

They all came in the house. and Luke interduced them all to Michael and his family. and told them that they where just telling storys about Uncle Jesse. Daisy Said I got one. and they all sat down. Well I was 6 years old when my father died and I came here to the farm to Live with Uncle Jesse Aunt Levenda and the Boys. I remember I was so sad and all I could do was cry. and I did that for a few days.Then Uncle Jesse to me and said come here girl. and I went to him and I sat on his lap. and he said you know Daisy I know you miss your Daddy. You know I miss him too. he was my baby brother. and I feel I let him down cause as the oldest I was suppose to protect him. and I failed him. I looked up at Uncle Jesse and said Uncle Jesse you didn't fail Daddy he told me once that he loves and respected you and Uncle Jesse I love you too. and then I gave him a hug and then we cried together. I miss that old man he was very wise.



Luke turned to Bo and said " Hey do you remember that time when we was very little and Uncle Jesse was giving us our bath"? Then Bo chuckled

" Yup I remember that one he was not happy but he did realize that we was just little babies .

Then Mike said " I'd like to hear that story it sounds funny i bet y'all was quite the handful back then and Luke said " Well i wasn't that much of a headache as Bo here was ", then Luke began telling the story well it was a Rainy day which was rather unsual for Hazzard anyway it was nearing mine and Bo's bath time we was just sitting in our playpens playing with our toys when Uncle Jesse came in he said " It is bath time boys we is gonna have some fun ", so then he picked us up carried us into the bathroom and he began to start the shower then once the tub was filled he began to undress us he put our dirty diapers in the trashcan unfortunetly the smell of the dirty diapers was in the bathroom .

So Uncle Jesse said " Well you boys sure made a mess in them diapers ", of course we couldn't talk yet so we just chuckled then he picked me up first he put me in then he went back over to the counter he picked Bo up Bo started crying for some reason Uncle Jesse figured it was because he was afraid of the water he said " It's okay little one don't worry it won't hurt you look Luke is happy he ain't worried ", so then uncle Jesse put Bo in he began to wash us he was just about to wash my face when the phone rang he said " boys now you stay here and be good i'll be right back", but unfortunetly Bo and me began to splash eachother all the water, the soap, fell out onto the floor we was just having fun .

So as he was talking to Aunt Rose he said " Well Rose i gotta go i left the boys in the bathtub they is probably getting goosebumps by now so he hung up the phone came into the bathroom and we was too busy having fun to notice his face he was not happy he stepped into a big puddle then he began to look at us and say " You boys is in trouble..... he was about to whip us then he realized that we was just little boys he laughed instead he got a towel he walked over and got me wrapped up first , then he wrapped Bo up , we was crying unfortunetly because it was late we was sleepy he said " well boys it is time for bed " , as he was drying us off i was crying still and Bo had stopped which was weird cause Bo normally is still going on ", So anyway he got our Pajamas out he put them on us they had the little footies on them he saw i was still crying he said " shh shh , shhh shhh , Luke , c'mon it's okay boy , shh , shh , :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: then Uncle Jesse got me my teddy bear he handed me it then he layed me down in my cradle he said " sleep tight Luke he kissed me on my forehead , he got Bo settled down who was crying also he said " Oh you boys is overtired huh well their is only one way to fix that ", so then he layed Bo down he said " Sweet Dreams Boys i love ya ".


Luke knelt in front of his Uncle Jesse's grave, starting at the lettering through tear filled eyes. He didn't know how much longer he could go without losing control. He fought to be strong for his younger cousins but the longer he went without releasing his emotions, the harder it got for him to be keep on being strong for Bo and Daisy.

He heard footsteps behind him and turned partially to see Bo approaching, his handsome face lined with concern. Luke smiled when he realized his youngest cousin was there to lend the moral support that he needed so much.

When Bo reached him he knelt beside him and reached over resting a gentle hand on Luke's shoulder. Luke turned and smiled at his cousin. "When I was two I had pretty bad colic and could not settle down and go to sleep." He started.

Bo managed a small smile and motioned for him to go on, knowing Luke needed to share these memories with him. "Uncle Jesse stayed up till One in th mornin' with me, until I finally settled down enough to go to sleep." He said.

Bo nodded and watched as his oldest cousin, the one who never cried, broke down and sobbed. He reached out and wrapped a gentle arm around his cousin's shoulder's and pulled him into a hug.

Luke was grateful for Bo's support, even though he'd never told him so. The two boy's continued to kneel in front of Jesse's grave until dusk started to crawl over them, making the cemetary and the area surrounding it seem dark and eerie.


Luke said " Hey Bo remember that time when i was 21/2 you was 2 we couldn't wait to eat and decided to go get our own breakfast it was cookie's. Then Bo said " Uncle Jesse scared you out of your wits you screamed and cried then Mike looked over and said " Boy y'all must have been little trouble makers ", Luke said " No we ain't just Bo here was always getting these wild ideas i'll tell ya how it happend ",

Bo and Me was just waking from our nap and Uncle Jesse had gone out to feed the chickens and we was hungry we couldn't wait so Bo said " Luke wa cookie ", Luke said " yes me wa COOKIE ", so then me and Bo went into the Kitchen we unfortunetly had a little trouble reaching cause it was up high then i went and got a ladder and set it up then i got up on it and got the Cookies me and Bo was muchning away we didn't even see Uncle Jesse come in ",

He scared the wits out of me and i started crying , Screaming , he picked me up he said " Luke it's okay don't cry boy it's okay , shh , shh , shh , i didn't mean to scare you ", then I relaxed some just i was so sacred he said " Their we go why was you eating cookies i don't want you boys to choke you can't eat them yet you is too little now c'mon i'm gonna feed you some nice mushed peaches", So then he set us down in our highchairs

he feed us some peaches which tasted Luke chuckled rather bitter but boy he was so good to us and i miss him very much.


Ross said so did anyof you ever get into any trouble around the county or anywhere, because daddy says he doesn't know how I get in to so much trouble. Jessica had mentioned that one time Uncle Rosco was visiting and me and Michael had to get some things for Ross's birthday party one year and whatever Ross did, he had said just like your father kid. Ross says he always calls me Rosco , and I don't like it when he calls me that and it just because I like Ross so much better anyways. Jessica says " I know what you do now Ross, you dropped the cat in the pool trying to get Patches to swim and I he swam to the shallow end and got out and ran up in a orange tree and stayed until your father and me got home. Ross looked shy and said" But Velvet loves to swim why wouldn't Patches want to join him in the pool that day, it was hot. Jessica had seen all of her in-laws in stitches about the cat and the pool story. Michael had said it not that Patches can't he prefers not to swim Son. Ross had ask well Uncle Luke , I thought that patches wanted to swim that day and Uncle Rosco had said something to me that Id didn't understand that day. Luke had asked what did he say to you Ross? Well Uncle Luke he got all mad at me and said your a Duke allright Ross.


Michael had said " That was the funniest thingest I ever came home to in my life, Uncle Rosco was mad." Because apparently not only was Velvet in pool so was Flash and Patches and the dogs didn't get along. Can you guys show me dad's gravestone in the cementary here , if it here's in this county. Jessica is just looking and seems that her husband really wants to know about his father that he had never really knew about until his Uncle told him

Cue Anybody

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