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This is Part 2 of "A Hidden Secret"

It starts off as Vicki relunctantly goes undercover for the FBI to catch serial killer/bank robber Jasper Johnson just before she gets married.

TIMELINE OF STORY---> Late 4th Season to Early 5th Season - June, 1982

If y'all want to add comments or anything, please private message me or E-mail me at


Adding to the story might conflict with original storyline that I originally written back in December 1998 when I first created the character of Vicki Lynn Jones. I have updated the storyline & ending since then.

Take Care Y'all and Have a Great Night! :wink:





"Here's everything leading up to Vicki's meeting with her supervisor...

1) As her vacation starts, Vicki is confronted by Sheriff Little and FBI agent Jim Barnes, who was wanting Vicki to go undercover for the FBI to catch Jasper Johnson.

2) Despite Bo's protests, Vicki decides to go after Jasper Johnson.

3) Bo talks to Luke, Daisy, and Jesse at the farm about Vicki.

4) Jasper reads a 'phony' newspaper article about Vicki robbing the Capital City Bank.

5) Vicki has her 1st meeting with Jasper Johnson at Mountain Creek Lake.

6) After Jasper leaves the cabin, Sheriff Little & Agent Barnes show back up.

7) Katie talks to Vicki about her weird behavior.

8) Bo leaves the farm during a thunderstorm to make Vicki talk to him about the way she has been acting, not knowing that he was being followed by Jasper's henchmen.

9) In the blinding rainstorm, Bo is forced off the road by Jasper's henchmen.

10) Bo confronts Vicki about the way he feels for her, and she tells him the way she felt about him too.

11) Vicki happily accepts Bo's marriage proposal.

12) After Bo leaves the cabin the next morning, Vicki gets a CB call from Jasper Johnson. Without him knowing about it, Vicki tapes the conversation for the FBI.

13) Vicki begins to have second thoughts about going undercover, and worrying about Bo's safety...

BALLADEER: "Friends & Neighbors, that sounds like a lot happened so far. But I wonder if Vicki will have to go into hiding? Who knows!" :wink:


Wednesday, June 2, 1982---->Mid-Morning


**BALLADEER: Uh-oh, y'all. Vicki is starting to pace back-n-forth. She must be having second thoughts about capturing that crook...**

While Bo was talking to Katie & Luke about everything that has happened, Vicki stopped pacing in front of where her supervisor Jim Barnes was listening to the tapes long enough to sit down on the front hood of Katie's red camero. She was thinking about everything that has happened in the last 24 hours.

"Vicki, are you okay? You've been quiet in that last few minutes," said Katie as she walked over to the redhead.

"I'm doing good as can be expected from me right now, Katie," said Vicki as she smiled at her best friend then added, "I was just thinking of what I'm going to expect in the next few hours. What I'm going to do in the next few hours will be dangerous. I just don't know about it."


Jim smiled as he walked over to where Vicki & Katie was.

"Don't worry about it, Red. I have everything set up with Sheriff Coletrane & Mr. Hogg for you to rob the Hazzard Bank later. Mr. Hogg is going to let you have some 'phony' money out of the bank," said Jim as he was trying to calm the redhead down.

Vicki giggled. "Only JD will get out his counterfeit money for me. That's unusual for him to do that."

Jim laughed. "Ain't that the truth! By what you told me about him, and after I met him & Sheriff Coletrane, all he thinks about is money."

Vicki giggled. "Yep. My god-mother Lulu told me that he even sleeps with his real money at night under his pillow."

"And he loves spending it too," added Katie.

Vicki laughed, but then frowned. "That's good to know. I wonder if Jasper will think that the phony money is real when I give it to him?"

"What's that supposed to mean? You did well earlier when you were talking to him on the CB. After overhearing that conversation and after listening to the tape recording that you made, l think that this crook will believe that it is real," said Jim.

"I hope so, Jim..." said Vicki doubtfully as she was taking a drink of her soda...


As Vicki was talking to Jim about what she's about to do, Katie walked back to where Bo & Luke were standing next to the General.

"How's Vicki, Katie?" asked Bo anxiously.

Katie frowned at Bo. "She seems okay on the outside, but she's scared on the inside."

"That doesn't sound like Vicki. She usually brave most of the time." Luke said, glancing over at Vicki.

"Yeah, that doesn't sound like Vicki at all. Y'all, I'm going over there and talk to my fiance'," said Bo as he started walking over to where Vicki was talking to Jim...


"Vicki, are you sure that you're okay about doing this for us? You don't sound too good about it right now," asked Jim, as he was watching Vicki taking a drink of her soda.

"I guess so, Jim. I'm just having seconds thoughts about the whole mess that we're in," said Vicki uneasily as she stared at the clouds overhead...

*I hope so, I hope so...* thought the redhead.


"Honey, why are you having second thoughts? Are you thinking about us?" asked Bo, walking up to Vicki & Jim. He had overheard Vicki's conversation with her supervisor.

Vicki glanced away from Bo, then looked at Jim. Not saying a word to either of them.

Finally she spoke up. "Yeah, I'm thinking about backing out of the whole thing. I'm worried."

Jim put his arm around the redhead's trembling shoulders, trying to calm her down.

"Vicki, don't worry about it right now. I know that you can do this job. Bo will be following you in case something happens."

Vicki smiled a little more. "I just don't want anything bad to happen. Suppose Jasper finds out that I'm a 'phony' crook?" asked the redhead worriedly.

"Sugar, he won't find out," Bo said, putting his arms around Vicki then added, "I'll make sure of that."

"Yeah, you keep telling me that, Bo. I know that you will keep me safe, but what will happen if Jasper catches you following me to his hideout?" Vicki asked fearfully as she held on to Bo.

Bo tilted Vicki's face slightly so he can stared directly into Vicki's fearful looking eyes.

"Sugar, you just have to trust me that I will keep you safe."

"I know, Bo. I know that WE will keep each other safe out of Jasper's clutches," said Vicki, giving Bo a hug...


:wink: *AUTHOR NOTE* - Sorry for delays on this story y'all. I've been busy off-line studying for my final nursing exams and taking care of my family. I will only be on-line periodically for the next few weeks until after I finish taking my final exams at school. Sorry for the inconivence! Take Care Y'all & Have a Great Night! :wink:


About an hour later as Katie was pulling up in front of the Boarding House in Chickasaw, Jasper's voice came over the CB. "LadyRed, do you have your ears on?"

Vicki groaned. "What does he want now?" she asked, taking off her seat belt.

"Who knows, Vicki. I bet that it has something to do with the bank that you're robbing later this morning," said Katie as she watched Vicki pick up the CB mike.

Pulling up behind them in Vicki's black mustang, Bo got out of the Ford and walked over to them.

"Good luck, sugar. You're going to need it talking to that creep," said Bo as he kissed Vicki's cheek. Vicki's face flushed slightly as she smiled back at Bo shyly.

"Thanks, sweetheart," said Vicki, hitting the record button on her tape recorder. She then spoke pleasantly back into the CB mike. "Go ahead, Jasper."

"Well, Hello LadyRed. Dave & Harry was just telling me that the bank in Hazzard will close in about 2 hours. Are you about ready to do that job for me?" Jasper asked as he laughed meanly back into the CB mike.

Vicki glanced at Bo, then at Katie before answering back to Jasper in the CB mike. She knew that her undercover assignment would be a dangerous one. She knew that once she starts working for Jasper, she knew that her & Bo would be watched dangerously by Jasper & his men.



"Why isn't Vicki answering me?" asked Jasper impatiently after putting the CB mike down.

"I don't know, sugar." Lucy said, putting her arm around Jasper's shoulder. She looked at her wristwatch. "If Vicki is going to do that hick job in Hazzard when the bank closes, we need to try again to get ahold of her."

"Yeah, I'll try again," Jasper said. As he was about to call Vicki again on the CB, Dave walked inside the small cabin.

"Hi, BossMan. Did you want to see me about something?" asked Dave as he grinned at Jasper.

"Yeah, yeah, I do. Is everything ready for the heist at Hazzard Bank?" Jasper asked as he smiled at his henchmen.

"Yeah, Harry & I will be watching the bank when that friend of yours will be robbing it. We'll take care of anyone that tries to catch the redhead in the act," said Dave as he laughed meanly.

Jasper joined in as well, but then stopped. "I need to try to get ahold of my friend again. LadyRed, do you have your ears on? ANSWER ME RIGHT NOW!!!"


Meanwhile, Back in Chickasaw, Vicki was staring at the CB receiver in her room at the Boarding House as she was listening to Jasper's impatient voice. She was trying to decide if she should answer it or not.

"Vicki, COME BACK RIGHT NOW!" yelled Jasper into the CB mike.

"Honey, I think that you should get that. That killer is getting impatient with you. He's been calling you ever few minutes," Bo said as he sat down on the bed next to Vicki.

"I really don't have no choice, Bo," said Vicki, picking up the CB mike, then turning on the tape recorder so she can tape her conversation with Jasper she added, "What do you want now, BossMan??" Vicki asked sarcastically back into the CB mike.

Bo stared at his fiance' in shock. He couldn't think that Vicki had ever used that tone of voice before...


"LadyRed, why are you so jumpy?" asked Jasper, surprised by Vicki's tone of voice.

Vicki grumbled. "Why shouldn't I be jumpy, BossMan?? I don't think that I should do this job in Hazzard."

"Why not? It should be easy for you to do that bank heist in that hick town," said Jasper back into the Cb mike.

Vicki stared at Bo for a second before answering Jasper.

"Okay, if I do that bank heist, what's going to happen if I get caught?"

"Vicki, calm down. You're not going to get caught stealing that money. Dave & Harry will make sure that no one catches you in the act," said Jasper back in the CB mike, reassuring the redhead to calm down.

"That makes me feel better, even though I still think that it's a bad idea. I just know that I'm going to be followed after I make that bank heist," said Vicki worriedly back into the CB mike as she tries to calm herself down.

"Don't worry about it, LadyRed. This will work out. Just think, in a few hours, you will be much richer than before," said Jasper, laughing back into the CB mike.

"Probably so, BossMan," said Vicki with a giggle.

*This shuck-n-jive is working to my advantage* thought Vicki, smiling to herself... :)


Jasper glances over at his girlfriend Lucy before answering back to the redhead.

"What is with that redhead, Lucy? She doesn't seem quite right about doing this for us," asked Jasper to Lucy before answering to Vicki back in the CB mike.

"Why don't we ask her when we see her in a couple of hours," said Lucy as she smiled at Jasper.

"Fine by me," said Jasper as he grinned back at his girlfriend then added back into the CB mike, "Vicki, where are you at right now?"


"Bo, if I tell Jasper exactly where I'm at, I'm liable to blow my cover," said Vicki as she puts down the CB mike.

"Ya got that right, sugar. We can't let that happen this close to catching him. You need to tell him something," Bo said as he gave Vicki a kiss on the cheek.

"I know, Bo. But what to tell him?" said Vicki as she picked up the CB mike.


"Vicki, are you going to answer me or not?" asked Jasper impatiently again into the CB mike then added, "Are you close to me right now??"

Vicki looked at Bo before answering Jasper. Picking up the CB mike, Vicki took a deep breath before answering. "BossMan, I'm just at my apartment in Chickasaw. If ya want me to be in Hazzard, I can be there in an hour or so."

"Sure, LadyRed. That should be just about the right time for you to rob the bank for me. I'll tell Dave & Harry to meet you behind the bank in about an hour, Okay?" said Jasper back into the CB mike.

"10-4, BossMan," said Vicki back into the CB mike.

"Do you know the combination to Hogg's safe?" asked Jasper back into the CB mike.

"Yeah, I think so, BossMan," said Vicki sweetly back into the CB mike.

"That's good," said Jasper cheerfully. "I think that you're going to do just fine for me."


----AT CHICKASAW COUNTY COURTHOUSE (Several Minutes Later)----

"I hope that crazy deputy of mine knows what she's getting into," remarked Sheriff Little worriedly as he listened to Vicki's conversation on the CB.

"I'm sure that she can handle it. She did really well capturing those 2 jewel thieves in Atlanta a couple of weeks ago for us when she was working as a fence for the crooks," said Agent Barnes.

"But going undercover as a crook is what I don't like. It's too dangerous," said Sheriff Little as he walked over to the window and gazed outside across the street as he stared at Vicki's black mustang.

Agent Barnes walked over to the phone that was sitting on Sheriff Little's desk, and picked it up.

"If ya don't mind me making a long-distance phone call, I'm going to tell Mr. Hogg to have his bank ready in an hour so Vicki won't have any problems when she steals the 'phony' money out of his bank."

Sheriff Little laughed at Agent Barnes' remark. "That'll be the day. Imagine Hogg giving Vicki all that 'phony' money."

---Just then, Vicki, with her arms around Bo, walked inside the booking office.

"Yeah, this will be the 1st time that Boss Hogg is actually going to give her that money," remarked Bo jokingly as he joined in on the conversation.

"Yeah," said Vicki, brushing her red hair away from her face then added, "And JD isn't even upset about it either."



After getting everything set up with Jasper, then with her supervisor, Vicki pulls her black mustang up in front of Cooter's Garage about an hour later.

"Sugar, are you sure about this?" Bo asked as he was getting out of the passenger side of the mustang.

"No, Bo. I'm having second thoughts about the whole thing," Vicki said, Brushing her long red hair away from her eyes.

"Honey, quit worrying about it. You'll do fine," said Bo as he walked around to Vicki's side of the car, opening the door, he gently helped Vicki out of the car.

Vicki sighed loudly. "I guess that I have to do my job. Everyone is depending on me to handle taking care of Jasper Johnson."

Bo gently pulled Vicki into his arms, and gazed into her eyes. "Correction, sugar. Everyone is depending on us. Don't forget that I'm going to be in a loner car from Cooter so I can follow you to Jasper's hideout."

Vicki held onto Bo lightly as a stray happy tear fell down her face. She realized then that she wasn't handling this dangerous situation alone. "I'm glad that you're here for me, Bo."


"Sugar, you know that I'll always be here for you. I believe in you," said Bo as he & Vicki walked slowly towards the Garage.

Vicki's eyes welled up with tears. "Y-You believe in me, Bo?" she asked as she stared directly into Bo's eyes.

"Sugar," said Bo as he gently placed his hand on Vicki's chin to make the redhead look at him. Vicki turned her face to look into Bo's eyes.

"Of course I do. I know deep down inside my heart that you can do it. I love you, sugar. Both the junior federal agent, and the ChickasawRedhead deputy."


Vicki sighed loudly, not believing inside her heart if Bo really means what he just said to her. "Bo, I thought that you didn't like it when the FBI unexpectedly calls and wants me to work for them."

"Sugar, you know that I don't have a problem with it. I'm deeply in love with the both of you," he said, taking a step away from her. Vicki lightly smiled at Bo as she took his hand.

Bo stood back and looked at Vicki for a moment. She was a woman of so many different moods and attitudes. Her long strawberry red hair was the most cause of her fiery temper.

Bo enjoyed looking at the play of emotions that the small endearment caused to flow over her face. If she realized how easily her emotions registered on her beautiful face, Vicki would have been disconcerted.

Turning away from Vicki for the moment as he looked at Cooter talking to Luke inside the Garage, Bo fought his hidden emotions inside his heart to hold Vicki, and to tell her not to go after Jasper Johnson.

"Sugar, I need to go talk to Cooter & Luke," he said as he walked away from the redhead.

"Bo, are you okay? You seemed to drifted off a little," asked Vicki in shock as she watched Bo walk away from her...


"Bo! Wait a Minute! We weren't done talking!" said Vicki grumbled as she stopped Bo by grabbing his arm.

"I think that we are, sugar. If I told you what was on my mind, you probably wouldn't like it," said Bo, hestiantly getting out of Vicki's light hold on his arm.

"Bo, what do you mean by that??" she asked.

Bo stalked over to grab her shoulders and spun her to face him.

"Nothing special, sweetheart," he said. "All I want from you is not to do this job. It's too dangerous."

"Bo, I have to do this," Vicki said in a choked voice. "I can't get out of it. In a few minutes, I have to go meet Jasper & his men at the Bank."

"Oh...okay. I still don't like it. Sugar, I need to go inside and see what car I'm borrowing from Cooter to tail you to Jasper's hideout," said Bo as he walked away from Vicki.

"Okay, sugar," said Vicki relunctantly as she walked away from him...


After leaving Bo at Cooter's, Vicki slowly drives towards the back of the Hazzard Bank.

Looking at a red Ford sedan that was parked in front of her, Vicki brushes her long red hair away from her face as she got out of her car. She then walked over to where Jasper's henchmen were waiting for her.

"All set to do the heist?" asked Dave, laughing meanly as Vicki approached him & Harry.

"Yeah, let's go," said Vicki with a mean giggle then added, "Just think, in a few minutes, we'll all be richer than Boss Hogg!"

Dave & Harry just laughed along with the fiery tempered redhead. :lol:


**BALLADEER: "Y'all tell me that Vicki isn't about to do something illegal..." :o

About 10 minutes later, a black mustang and a red Ford sedan (more likely an early model Taurus or a Crown Victoria) pulls up in front of the Hazzard Bank.

Hesitantly, Vicki gets out of the car, followed by Jasper's henchmen, who was in the red Ford. They didn't know that they were being watched from the Gazebo by a white sportscar. (most likely an early 80's camero or Trans-Am)

"All set to go inside the Bank?" asked Dave.

"Yeah, I'm ready to go," said Vicki, taking her key that Boss gave her out of her purse.

"Go for it. We'll keep an eye on everything outside," said Harry, looking around at the near deserted street.

"What about if someone is watching us?" Vicki asked as she noticed a white sportscar parked at the Gazebo. *At least I'm not alone...* Vicki thought as she glanced at Bo inside the sportscar.

"Don't worry about it, Red," said Dave as he looked at Vicki then glanced at the white sportscar, "If that car starts to follow us, we'll handle it."

"That makes me feel better," said Vicki as she puts her key into the lock...


Watching from Cooter's white loner sportscar, Bo was watching Vicki go inside the bank. He noticed that Jasper's henchmen was outside keeping guard.

Not taking his worried eyes off Vicki, Bo picked up the CB mike and turned it on the police channel.

"As much as I don't like the idea, but Little Red is inside the bank, according to y'alls plan," Bo said back into the CB mike.

"Judist Priest on a Pony!" Rosco exclaimed excitedly back into the CB mike then added, "She actually did it. I hope that she knows not to take Boss's REAL money."

Agent Jim Barnes shook his head as he was talking to the Sheriff. "She won't take the real money, Sheriff Coletrane," he said. "I know that she won't do it. She's only supposed to take Mr. Hogg's phony money."

Looking at the clock on the dash, Bo begins to look around impatiently.

"Y'all, I'm getting outside to take a closer look at Vicki inside the bank," said Bo back into the CB mike.

"Bo, you be careful! Don't let yourself get caught by Jasper's men!" said Agent Barnes back into the CB mike.

"Don't worry, I will be careful. Call y'all back in a minute." Bo said as he put the CB mike up, then get out of the sportscar as he heads quietly towards the Bank...


Meanwhile back at the Hazzard Bank, Vicki had taken her keys out of her pocket. *Thanks to Boss Hogg for giving her the keys about 5 minutes before she had met Jasper's henchmen*

After Vicki unlocks the door to the bank, she quietly goes inside and walks directly over to where the safe was.

After taking the combination to the vault/safe out of her purse, Vicki begins reading the combination, and then puts her left hand on the dial to the safe. Hestiantly, she then unlocks the safe.

After a few minutes, Vicki opens the vault and walks inside. There, she found 2 stacks of money laying out for her on the table. One stack was the 'phony' money that Boss Hogg had laid out for her, and the other stack was real money.

Glancing at both stacks of money, Vicki decided to take the 'phony' money.

*The reason why the money is phony is because the serial numbers are slightly smudged and blurry*

After picking up the phony money, Vicki then put several real bills on top of the phony money to make Jasper think that she really did steal the money.

As she was shutting the vault/safe door, Vicki glanced outside at Bo talking to Dave & Harry. *Oh...no. Bo shouldn't be here. He knows not to follow me...* Vicki thought worriedly as she glanced at Bo through the front Bank window.


While Vicki was inside the vault, Bo had cautiously made his way over to the bank and looked inside the windows. Astonished, he could make out Vicki, who was inside the vault. He couldn't believe that his bride-to-be was actually stealing the money.

As Bo was looking inside the bank window, Dave had sneaked up behind Bo.

"Looking at something interesting inside the window?" Dave asked as he pokes his hand gun into Bo's lower back.

"Yeah," Bo said, turning around giving Dave a sarcastic smile then added, "That girl stealing the money for y'all looks very familiar. Why is she in there robbing the bank for y'all??"

Dave gave Bo a dirty look as he waved his gun directly in front of Bo's face. "Yeah, and you're pushing your luck with me. Why don't we take a walk over to my car and we'll have a chat about what you saw just now."

"Maybe later," Bo said as he pushes Dave into Harry, then he ran as fast as he could back to his car.


Putting a stack of money into her purse, Vicki walks out of the vault. After locking the vault back up, she then goes out the front door, locking it behind her.

In shock, she sees Dave chasing after Bo.

"What's going on?" asked Vicki, locking up the bank as Harry approached her.

"Nothing, except that kid saw you & us at the bank," Harry said.

"Figures that someone wants to spoil our fun," Vicki said sarcastically, brushing her long strawberry red hair away from her face then added through her thoughts, *Figures that Bo couldn't leave me alone with Jasper's men very long...*

"How did it go, Red?" asked Dave as he approached Vicki about a minute later.

"It went perfectly well," Vicki said as she showed Jasper's henchmen her purse full of money.

Dave smiled as he walked back over to his car. "That's good. I'll tell BossMan on the CB that we're much richer now."

Vicki giggled wildly. :) "I'm sure that Jasper will like that." She then frowned as she spots a white sportscar parked at the Gazebo. "We better get out of here before someone spots us. I would sure hate to start getting tailed by a ameratur detective or something."

Dave laughed at the fiesty redhead's remark after he got off the CB with Jasper. "Yeah, this hick town is loaded with them."

Getting back into the mustang, Vicki smiled at Dave & Harry. "Let's go. Maybe if we leave right now, we won't start getting tailed by a cop or something."

"Sounds good, Red. Lead the way," said Dave as he started back up the Ford, then following Vicki out of Hazzard.

*BALLADEER: "What has Vicki gotten herself in? This doesn't seem to get any better, does it??"*


**AUTHOR NOTE: Sorry y'all, I've been taking a short break from writing with me spending time with my family and going to school, and I just completed my nursing course so I'll be online more. Yay! LOL! =) :D **



Vicki sighs loudly as she turns her black mustang onto Hazzard Swamp road. She glanced into her rear view mirror as she noticed a white early 70's sportscar (probably a Camero or a Trans-Am) coming up fast behind her.

*I can't believe this. I really can't. I know what I did could be a bit illegal, but technically it wasn't. It just looks like it was illegal when I stole that money out of Boss Hogg's bank.

*Sometimes, I think about why I did it, and Why I'm involved with that crook Jasper Johnson. Well, not really involved. I'm just an associate of his while I'm working undercover for the FBI.

*I really didn't want to go undercover for my supervisor & Sheriff Little in the first place. I knew from the start that it was risky and dangerous.

Vicki glanced back at the white sportscar again. She made direct eye contact with Bo as he was following the redhead. Bo was looking at Vicki in front of him, studying her.

Vicki swallowed hard as her heart started to pound.

(Sighing Loudly) *Bo's the reason why I want to back out of this whole mess. I really love and care for him very much. I really don't like it when Bo follows me when I'm working undercover. Everytime he does, it always lead to trouble somewhere.

Slowing down the mustang slightly, Vicki noticed that Bo was coming up fast behind her.

Vicki's heart start to pulse rapidly as Bo pulls up beside her.

A flush swept through her body, and she realized in horror that she felt more alive at that moment than she had in months. Because of Bo, this. Because he wanted to protect her as much as possible, and she wanted to protect him square on. And she won. Her throat tightened, and her mouth dried out as Bo smiled at her.

*Because of Bo, I want to get out of this mess. But if I do, what will Jasper do in the meantime? Will he get his revenge on Bo? I can't let that happen no matter what it cost!*



Vicki speeded up slightly as she turned onto a old dirt road that was towards Jasper's hideout. She looked in her rear-view mirror that Bo was directly behind her. Little did they know that they were being followed by Dave & Harry in a red Ford sedan.

Pulling up beside Vicki, Bo picked up the CB mike. "Sugar, do you have your ears on?"

*I'd figure that he would call me,* thought Vicki with a smile then added back into the CB mike in a nervous voice, "Go ahead, sweetheart."

"Sugar, are you okay? You seem a little nervous," Bo said back into the Cb mike.

"I'm all right," replied the redhead back into the CB mike. "How are you doing? Did you get caught when you were tailing me at the bank?"

"Well..." said Bo as he glanced at Vicki. "Considering that I was nearly grabbed by Jasper's men, I could be doing better."

--->A red Ford sedan starts to approach Bo rapidly behind him.

"Bo, you've got to be more careful! You're lucky that you didn't get captured by Jasper's men. No telling what they'll do to you if they catch you," said Vicki worriedly back into the CB mike.

"I know, sugar. But I am a Duke. I have at least nine lives like a cat!" said Bo as he laughed back into the Cb mike.

---> Dave accidently 'bumps' into Bo's back bumper.

"Oh, no. Sweet Angel! I'm being forced off the road by Jasper's henchmen!" yelled Bo back into the CB mike.

"Bo! You hang on for me! I'm coming back to help you!" said Vicki worriedly back into the CB mike.

Putting the CB mike up, Vicki then turns unexpectedly in the road...

*Please let Bo be safe...* thought Vicki as she closed her eyes. Vicki blinked back the fear that was going to happen when she arrives at Jasper's hideout.

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