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I'm not sure if this is the right forum for this. But if its not please move it.

I'm looking for the Enos series(or season)

I dont remember this show when I was a kid. And Enos was my fav. I was wondering if anyone knows of where I can find the show. Does anyone have it on tape or that other form of media :wink:


You can find the Dukes on DVD (Season 1 and 2). Also, Columbia House has Dukes on video, although the videos are not necessarily released in the same running order as when the episodes appeared, but there's approximately 30 some odd tapes available. :wink:


Oh sure. ROFL. Sometimes you can't even cram it into a minute. Even when ya double clutch it. LOL

Well now that my reply looks retarded there, lemme try to redeem mahself.

I don't know where the hell the Enos series is available on video or DVD. LOL. I don't remember the show either, but it only lasted one season I think. Maybe they'll make the Enos series a DVD extra for the 5th season of the Dukes, heh heh!


Somewhere there's a poll that asks if you'd like to see the Enos series released on DVD. I think it's on Sonny Shoyer's website, which has a link somewhere in the forums but I forget where.

I'm sure we're a lot of help <sarcasm>


I dont have a DVD burner so I dont even know if one can get them through those..ya know certain websites....

Yeah, it would be nice for it to come out on DVD or something.


Actually, yes you guys are being helpful. I'm narrowing down my options. One mission I have is to find out if I can get a copy. :)


Let me throw in my own worthless input to this question:

Nope, ain't seen the Enos series nowhere.

The Enos series lasted one season, 18 episodes, and I'm not sure if that season was ever rerun. I'm fairly positive it never hit syndication.

Ironically, the Dukes of Hazzard cartoon made it to 20 episodes, even with 16 of them featuring animations of Coy and Vance. ( the cartoon versions being more popular than the live actors, apparently.)

In fact, I've found copies of the cartoon series on ebay before. But in years of searching for the Enos series, I've had no luck either.

Let us know if you find it, 'cause we're interested too!



Well, to date I found that there are two episodes on the net..well this one place has two


Also found out that Daisy made an apperance as did Uncle Jesse. The show was narrated by Enos as he wrote letters to Daisy. Now, being the Enos/Daisy fan I am...now I must have this.

The search contiunes.......


There's an episode guide for Enos at tvtome.com which gives a lot of info about it. It may not help in your search but it will give you an overview of the show.


The odds of finding that whole series on tape = pretty slim. It aired from November 1980 to May 1981. VCR's were still quite expensive back then and not very common. On top of that, it has been about 24 years since the last episode aired. The general rule for syndication is that a show needs 4 seasons minimum, though there have been exceptions (such as with "The Greatest American Hero" and "Sledge Hammer!") and I'm pretty sure that "Enos" with its one season, has never been syndicated.

Alan Spencer (the creator and producer of "Sledge Hammer!") worked hard to get his show onto DVD, doing much of the legwork himself. Before that, he had bought the complete rights to the show and at his own expense, had them professionally put to video tape and sold the set on eBay for large sums of money (they usually sold for several hundred dollars for both seasons). Getting a DVD release paid off though as it has been selling surprisingly well (only surprising to dimwitted industry execs who have no clue what the public wants) and is even being sold in big chains like Best Buy. The second season has already been slated for a DVD release. Of course, "Sledge Hammer!" was one of the funniest shows ever on TV (the funniest show ever, IMO) and had quite a cult following; I don't think that "Enos" could be put in the same category. It didn't do too well when it was on and I'm guessing that today it would only be of any interest to the most diehard of Dukes of Hazzard fans.

Someone above mentioned the idea of including it with the season 5 DoH DVD release and not only is that a great idea IMO; as a nice incentive for people to buy the season of the DoH that [almost] no one really cares about (besides the last few episodes when the real Dukes are back); but I also think it would be the only financially feasible way for a big company like Warner Brothers to release the "Enos" series.

I only remember seeing one episode of it when I was a kid. I remember being bored and not really caring if I saw another episode or not (The DoH had big appeal to kids and adults alike; "Enos" wasn't geared toward kids at all). I would definitely like to see the series now though.


Yeah I'm coming up with a whole lot of nothing.

There was someone selling one episode on VHS for 20.00 but I couldnt justify that. And apprently there are two episodes kicking around but neither of em have Daisy or Uncle Jesse as the guest stars. One of the episodes is Cops out to Sea..or something like that.

I did find the poll about the Enos show and over 1000 people have signed it and said yes they wanted it. However, making a DVD of Enos make little profit :( We can't even get the MOTU 200X show on DVD and that was just over a year ago because the fanbase isnt big enough.

I guess it looks like I'll never see the show. :cry:

There was someone selling one episode on VHS for 20.00 but I couldnt justify that. And apprently there are two episodes kicking around but neither of em have Daisy or Uncle Jesse as the guest stars.

I would be most interested in seeing this episode:

"11. Horse Cops

gs: Lee V. Gordon () Alex Henteloff () Ed McCready () Ned Flory () James Best (Rosco P. Coltrane)

When Sheriff Rosco P. Coltrane comes to the big city, he finds more excitement than he expected.

b: 28-Jan-1981 pc: 167264 w: William Kelley & Leonard B. Kaufman s: William Kelley d: Bruce Kessler"

That, combined with the Uncle Jesse and Daisy episodes would be like being able to see 3 "new" episodes of the Dukes of Hazzard. If nothing else; they could include those 3 episodes of "Enos" on a bonus disc with the season 5 DoH set; 3 episodes fit perfectly on a single-sided DL DVD-5 "bonus disc".


I'd like to see that Rosco episode of Enos too. I always thouht it was called Grits and Greens Strike Again. Hmmm.....now I'm curious! But the idea of puttin' the three episodes (Jesse, Daisy, Rosco) as bonus material for season five would be super! (WB?? You out there boys? You listenin' heah?!?!)

Regarding Sledge Hammer.... I loved that show when it first came out. "Trust me, I know what I'm doing."

"I hate to tell you this, Hammer. BUT YOU'RE RIGHT!!"

My brother has the season one DVD. Great stuff!!



If we cant have the entire season of Enos on season 5 I'd take those 3 episodes because they would be the most interesting anyways...well most likely. :D

Can we petition WB?

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