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Hi guys, I am new to this site and I have started working on a large project that I am sure many of you will love as it is centred all around the DoH. I didn't want to immediately raid someone else's thread and ask for artwork as that is not right and very happy to start fresh with my project. Once I get a few general features designed I will ask for ideas and advice but until then I need to work on some mechanical designs and art.

Does anyone know what the font is for:

- the "General Lee" on the roof

- the "01" on the door

other wise any links to super clean, straight on images of the above.

Thanks for any help in advance.


It's probably not what you want to hear, but nearly all the text in my fan art projects is done from scratch. The "01" looks similar to various 'college' style fonts, but since it's all straight lines, it doesn't take long to draw. From memory, I think I based the "General Lee" text on a screengrab from 'Diamonds in the Rough'. When the boys get the Bugs Bunny doll out of the tree you get a good overhead view.

This was my second attempt at the General - my first try, and several weird and wild variations can be found in my General Lee Artwork thread. It's all vector artwork.




Great work on all the art, looks awesome and seen your other artwork as well, excellent as well. :tup:

I found this on the net when will help me with the 01. Once drawn I will post up here for others.


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