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As I mentioned in my introduction post, I have a '68 Charger 'General Lee' and I thought I should share a pic or two.

This photo shows the car when I first imported it to the UK. It was just a rolling shell, already painted in Hemi Orange with a 440 and a mismatched set of Vectors, and not much else!


This is the Georgia-era inspired nudge bar I designed and made. It's not accurate to the show, but it fits the car really well and gets a lot of interest.


This one shows me and my good friend Nick applying the flag decal. He's from Tennessee working in the UK, and we became good friends when he found out I was a Duke fan and General owner. He said he didn't think he'd travel half way round the world to find a General Lee!


The last one is at a friends wedding two weeks ago. It was a huge success and the General was very popular!


I've got hundreds of photos, choosing just a few to share was very difficult!

Let me know if you'd like to see more. Thanks for looking!



As I mentioned elsewhere, this General has a few subtle alterations and modifications to make it more friendly to use. One of these is my choice of seats. I'm sure the purists will cringe, but the Recaro seats are really supportive. My lovely wife paid to have them trimmed in the '69 seat cover pattern - I know, I'm a lucky guy!


The 440 motor was in the car when I got it, but wasn't hooked up


Halogen lights - a fantastic upgrade!


12 note Dixie horns present and correct. The hard lines and short pipework, along with relays and fat power cables really help with the speed:


Thanks for looking. I'd love to hear your views, good or bad. Cheers!


This was the first time I brought the General home. Prior to this, it had always been kept at work, and my five year old son Jimmy can't believe what's parked on the front lawn!


My son, Bo Duke! Yeeee-Hawww!


CB and correct antenna.


My favourite view. Really looking forward to getting the 68 markers shaved', WB style.


Thanks for looking. All comments welcome!

My son, Bo Duke! Yeeee-Hawww!


I only got to sit in my first General a couple of years back, and I had the same look on my face :).

A couple of questions:

1) Do you plan to add the vinyl roof trim below the Charger emblems?

2) Is that Boss Hogg's Caddy next to the General in your workshop?


Hoss, he's a happy bunny whenever he sits behind the wheel. I think it works the same for everyone! He said to me just last week: "This will be my General Lee one day, won't it Dad!? Funny thing is - He's probably right!

I would like to add the vinyl top trim, but finding it in the UK will be difficult. I might look to get it sent from the States. It would certainly 'finish' the rear quarter area.

That Caddy belongs to one of my shop customers. It's a '68, so it's not quite right, but we just HAD to park it with the General! ;)

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