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I haven't seen these pics posted on this message board before, but if this is a duplicate, my apologies. I think it's worth being a duplicate. Damn she's a hottie... Here are some paparazi shots...







  • 3 weeks later...

Man Jessi she has my vote for daisy. and yes she is very very very very hotttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt. those are some goooooood pictures of her


Ya know the funny thing about her? Bless her heart, she had to maintain a strict diet, but she went overboard. There was this one party in particular, here in Baton Rouge, where she was eating some chicken tenders...with catsup (OMG SHE WAS SEEN EATING). One of the Special Effects guys said that in about 15 minutes she'd be in the bathroom throwing it up. You almost could have set your watch to it. 15 minutes later her bodyguard (the tall one from California) was standing outside the ladies restroom. Did she? Hmmm. Enquiring minds want to know.

Not that me or my wife witnessed any of this, noooo, it was a friend of my buddy's neighbor's mother-in-law's friend-girl's cousin's baby's daddy.

(Just in case it ever got back to me ya know? CYA)

I just hope she works out as Daisy. She does look good in her outfits and I don't believe I'd nudge her out of bed...but, when/if the part two comes out and she didn't work out too well in part one, then it'll be awkward to suddenly have ANOTHER Daisy to live with.

Just my daily rant there.

Hmm, I think Lindsey Lohan would do better.

Ah hell. . . .Lohan is a joke. She's just some jacked up teenaged smart@$$ who wears about 10 lbs of makeup to cover her stupid freckles.

I'm all for Jessica as Daisy. Sure, she's blonde where Daisy wasn't originally, but she MORE than makes up for it. She's hotter than 40 foxes in a wool sock.

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