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gahh i hate those numbers, well the 0, wrong shape and it isnt square in the middel its smaller version of outside, and the 1 has smaller top then yours but not much, and farther apart, i know i know it dont matter to ya but its still wrong, and the colors are wrong, should be bright red orange like hemi or corvette or the word dukes ya made, not light orange and crappy looking red, eather way good job just ima accuracy freak, lol, anyways ttyl peace

gahh i hate those numbers, well the 0, wrong shape and it isnt square in the middel its smaller version of outside, and the 1 has smaller top then yours but not much, and farther apart, i know i know it dont matter to ya but its still wrong, and the colors are wrong, should be bright red orange like hemi or corvette or the word dukes ya made, not light orange and crappy looking red, eather way good job just ima accuracy freak, lol, anyways ttyl peace

knightprowl, we know that you're not a fan here in the forum. Thank you.

Posted (edited)

i am a fan of dukes, i was just saying my opinion rly, so you dont have the right to say im not a fan because i like something diffrent then you do, anyways w/e man, idc what you say anyways, or anyone else for that fact, there good designs just not the ones i like, anyways peace

Edited by knightprowl

First off, English is not Alex's first language, so it's quite possible you misinterpreted what he meant. Secondly, your expletive laced response was much worse than anything Alex said and IS grounds for banning. I would suggest you apologize. How do you expect people to react when you criticize them and use the word "crappy" and "hate"? THAT was uncalled for and I think Alex reacted with good restraint. Others on this board would have unleashed on you with much worse than Alex said. And how do you expect the rest of us to react when you call us all freaks? Shape up, knightprowl, or else you won't even be able to access the board to get Hoss' stuff.


I see you already edited your post, knightprowl. Good decision. But just so people know what I was talking about... you original post is below. Next time, count to ten and cool off before you post.

a fan of the dukes? you kidding? i love the show and the movies and anything dukes, i mean its not my fav thing in the world but i still love it, and i was only saying what i think looks good man, dont go all im not a fan, sure i dont goto conventions or any of that stuff, and im not rich to afford travleing, or a general lee or any of those things you ppl can afford, ima poor redneck *******, but that dont mean i dont like dukes, so what if all im here for is for hoss to make me stuff for my mod, so what if i dont watch dukes every day or pray to the general lee or w/e you freaks do, it dont make me any less a fan, so that was very uncalled for, just because i like accuracy that makes me not a fan? you rly have a problem if thats what you think, tbh **** this, you done pissed me off with that remark, i tried to give an idea of what id like to say and you ****ing break out the *******, not cool man, screw you and screw your work, if your gonna be that way from someone saying his opinon which i am intitled to then you deff arent a friend of these forums, now ima go cool off, you best edit your stuff man, you have no right to say those things, and to someone saying there opinion, god your such a hipacrit, what, cant take an idea, or someone else dissing your work, geez what a hipacrit, and i hate hipacrits so your on my **** list, bubba, oh and dont ****ing worry, i will never post anything on anything of yours mr smart ass, hows that *******? forget you

Posted (edited)

ok im sry alright, ima ******* sometimes, he just pissed me off saying i ant a fan, how would he know anyways? im just saying he has no right saying somthing like that without knowing for sure, and as i said, it was just my opinion, what i like, his work isnt crappy i just dont like the versions he made, 01 and colors is all, so im sry for being a dick about it, anyways ill bbl im still pissed off, and plz dont go posting my previous stuff, no need in making more troubles, also plz remove the post you quoted if ya dont mind and lets drop it here and now, anyways peace

Edit: I'm only reposting these original posts because knightprowl is cursing and being a jackass to us and then trying to cover it up again. Let these stand as evidence as to why we just banned him. Should have listened to my warning about counting to ten before posting...

Original post:

ye ye ok, and it was only my opinion damnit, so leave me alone, and i didnt say his work was crappy, i said the colors he used was wrong, thats all i meant, what i think is right, and i did say im sry and that he did do a good job, it was just an opinion, so if your gonna reply just like he did because i said my opinion then ill just leave this forum, i wont take anyone being a dick cause i dont like something, so just leave me the hell alone, i have every right to say what i want, and theres nothing that is wrong with that, freedom of speech, and im my own boss buddy, you cant tell me wtf to do, anyways idc what you or anyone says, ill do as i want, you got that? so good ****ing bye

Edited by knightprowl
and you best remove that post from earlyer, you have no right posting this, i edited just cause i dont any trouble yet you had to go an be an ******* and post it again anyways, not ****ing cool, anyways w/e goodbye ill bbl when hes not such a cry baby

Behold, the last post by knightprowl.

Mufn, you have my vote.

and you best remove that post from earlyer, you have no right posting this, i edited just cause i dont any trouble yet you had to go an be an ******* and post it again anyways, not ****ing cool, anyways w/e goodbye ill bbl when hes not such a cry baby

This is MY forum. Yes, you are entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to remove it if it's uncalled for and/or causes problems with other members. I'm also entitled to repost your edits that I already replied to so that my reply makes sense.

Let's see...

1) You've acted like a jackass towards Alex and harshly criticized him when it was uncalled for.

2) You called the members here freaks.

3) You called Alex and I "dicks".

4) You cursed at me and called me something that obviously should remain censored.

Consider yourself banned. Go be a jackass somewhere else.

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