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Ben's already announced he's gonna do it again. Yes, Virginia, there IS a 2012 Hazzard Homecoming, August 11 & 12. Same location as last year in Sperryville VA.

This will be the biggest annual Dukes of Hazzard fan gathering of the year. (formerly known as "DukesFest".)

This is the fastest we've seen him announce the next year's event, so he must have somethin' cookin'! No other details are yet public. As soon as they are, we'll post more.

Any of ya'll coming from a distance might wanna read through our 2011 forum threads about Hazzard Homecoming, in reference to hotels and such. Sperryville is a scenic area, but the town itself is tiny. You'll have to stay at another town for a hotel unless you opt to camp near the event.

Ben usually has a hotel booking code that gets you a convention rate. But if you book via Expedia this far out, you might do just as well on cost.

Glad to see Ben's throwing another shindig. Hopefully we'll see a lot of the Dukes of Hazzard cast there!


You got your wish! I'm surprised they announced it already, but I'm glad they did. People ask about it all the time. And since it takes pulling together quite a few elements, the event is never exactly the same thing twice.

And now, for Wild Speculation. This is strictly my own personal creation from the rumor mill. But I'm putting 2 to 1 odds that Tom Wopat might show up at this year's Hazzard Homecoming. Let me explain my reasoning.

Tom's last Broadway engagement, "Catch Me If You Can", ended in September. He's doing a lot of touring at the present time, mostly musical performances. But he is signed on for one car show in February 2012. He also has a concert coming up with John in April 2012.

So unless Tom obtains a new Broadway gig between now and next August, I'm willing to bet he joins Hazzard Homecoming.

Contrary to what some beleive, Tom doesn't dislike Dukes of Hazzard, he just puts his musical career first, because that's where he makes his living. Remember, before Tom joined the cast of The Dukes of Hazzard, he was already performing in theater productions in New York. Tom's always been a singer.

Anyhow! Years ago, this same kind of pattern emerged; Tom had some free time between Broadway gigs, and appeared at DukesFest. So I figure there's a fair chance of history repeating itself for the 2012 Hazzard Homecoming.

Remember, I'm just speculating aloud here. I ain't promising anything; I have no crystal ball. Just got my fingers crossed.


Update on my own speculation re: Tom, above. Variety has just reported today that Tom Wopat has landed a role in Quentin Tarantino's 2012 southern-western, Django Unchained. The movie is in pre-production status. No telling what phase filming will be in by the time Hazzard Homecoming rolls around.

Doesn't mean Tom wouldn't be able to make Homecoming work, if he wanted to, but this does cast a shadow of doubt on my earlier, and optimistic, speculation. We'll have to see how things unfold.

*Update* The HazzardNet homepage has been updated with more details about this movie.

Variety has just reported today that Tom Wopat has landed a role in Quentin Tarantino's 2012 southern-western, Django Unchained. The movie is in pre-production status.

Heh, my friend Johnny McPhail also landed a role in that film.

We both can be seen with my General Lee in River City Dead.




  • 2 weeks later...
I will be there with bells on!! :D I can't wait!! Excited already!! :)

I'm hoping I can make it. Though instead of renting a hotel room, I might rent an RV and see how many friends I can pack into it.

Hmm. I'll need to make more friends...


Hi, Redneck girl. :)

I just wanted to say good luck to the show Duke Fest 2012 and I'm sure you'll be with actors John Schneider, Tom Wopat and Catherine Bach and many others.

The DukesFest is the best ever!

And you too, Brian.


would touch the sky with my hands being in dukesfest 2012, passports will in January with my wife, but besides that we have to travel to "U.S. Embassy" (buenos aires) to process the "VISA" and show whether we have money as we did are a little crazy but good Americans, the fest is the best.

Besides that we must have much money to fly 12000km.

I hope everything goes well and we can be there with our idols.

Greetings from Argentina.

: P: P: P: P: P: P

sería tocar el cielo con mis manos estar en dukesfest 2012, en enero haremos los pasaportes con mi esposa, pero ademas de eso tenemos que viajar a "embajada de estados unidos" (en buenos aires) para tramitar la "VISA" y demostrar si tenemos dinero y como lo hicimos, están un poco locos los americanos pero bueno, el fest es lo máximo.

ademas de eso tenemos que disponer de mucho dinero para volar los 12000km.

ojalá todo salga bien y podamos estar allí con nuestros ídolos.

abrazo desde argentina.

  • 2 weeks later...
I'm hoping I can make it. Though instead of renting a hotel room, I might rent an RV and see how many friends I can pack into it.

Hmm. I'll need to make more friends...

Hahahahaha... Soooooo How is that workin for ya? :p

Hi, Redneck girl.

I just wanted to say good luck to the show Duke Fest 2012 and I'm sure you'll be with actors John Schneider, Tom Wopat and Catherine Bach and many others.

The DukesFest is the best ever!

And you too, Brian.

:D Yeppers...I could use a John hug! :) Next year I will probably go get in Cooter's line first because ran out of time this year to see him. Unless Tom Wopat is there then I'll be in his line then my parents can stop rubbin it in they have got to see him and meet him...blah blah blah.... :roll: hahaha :) That is all I hear when I mention meetin the Duke Boys..

  • 2 weeks later...

Quick updates - early bird tickets are on sale for Hazzard Homecoming 2012 at Cooter’s Place. Looks like if you buy now through March 31, 2012, tickets are $20 for a two-day pass. However, there’s no announcement yet on the cast lineup or musical guests, or other entertainment. You save a little money getting tickets in the early stages, but you take your chances on what you’re gonna get.

Registration for General Lees and Hazzard vehicles opens on Feb 1st, 2012.

On an aside, Tom is currently on the movie set of “Django Unchained.” With any luck he’ll be done filming well before Homecoming, if he wants to participate. Thus far there are no new Broadway obligations on the radar, but that could change. Broadway shows run for months – Hazzard Homecoming is one weekend. If he lands a new Broadway role, Tom would have to go where the money is.

I take it as a positive sign that Tom is doing a concert with John Schneider in April 2012. It kind of sets the tone for another matchup at Homecoming. We made a subtle attempt to find out what Tom’s plans were, but so far we haven’t got a response. ( This is normal. If a Dukes of Hazzard website sent you email, would you take it seriously? Well, ya should, if it’s from us.)

For now, keep your fingers crossed, and we’ll keep ya posted!

  • 5 months later...

Well, I was wondering who all else was going? I'll be going to my first Dukes Fest ever. My husband isn't a fan (Heresy I know) but he isn't but he agreed to go for the music. I will also be taking the opportunity to meet some folks that I've only known through writing fanfiction so I'm looking forward to that. So, Everyone that will be going raise a glass :rootbeer: to the wonderful cast. :D

Well, I was wondering who all else was going? I'll be going to my first Dukes Fest ever. My husband isn't a fan (Heresy I know) but he isn't but he agreed to go for the music. I will also be taking the opportunity to meet some folks that I've only known through writing fanfiction so I'm looking forward to that. So, Everyone that will be going raise a glass :rootbeer: to the wonderful cast. :D

I'd really like to go, but I have to see if things line up in the right direction so I have the money and travel time. (I don't like flying, and this is several states away for me.) As said before in the post about the Galax shindig, the ticket price itself isn't a big deal, but the cost of gas and road trip chow and hotel stays are what really add up.


I can't afford to fly either. That's why when I go on vacation tomorrow to Florida we are taking the train instead since I WILL NOT drive for 14 hours. Plus my husband looks like a line-backer so he'd need a first class ticket if we fly. So instead of paying an arm and a leg for air-fare four of us are traveling for less than just his ticket alone would have cost.

As far as my hotel room for the homecoming, I was lucky to get some over-time a couple months back and used it for hotel then and I'll be getting more just before going so that will pay for the food and gas. :D


Cain't wait, though Kelsey won't be able to go, she's way to busy during that time! :/ Oh well...I am gonna be thar! :D Just gotta go to Arizona to see me gram gram and Aunt, then go back to Colorado for awhile and then eventually go back to Virginia...:D And well...yoll know whut I'd be-a doin! :D PEACE OUT!


I posted this under "news" but I'm posting it here too, just to keep everybody on the same page. We have an unconfirmed report that Tom Wopat will be joining the cast at Hazzard Homecoming. There are also reports of a stunt demonstration, but we're not sure what kind of vehicles/stunts are involved yet.

Cooter's Place has not yet updated it's website or Facebook page with this info, nor has Tom's site been updated with it yet. As soon as we have confirmation and further details we'll pass it along!

  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Guys,

It is official ...Tom Wopat will be joining his cousins Bo and Daisy along with Cooter, and the entire Hazzard County Police Dept. This may well be the last time this whole group will get together.

There will be a stunt demonstration organized by James Smith. The tentative plan is for a small ramp to ramp General Lee jump which protects the car and some other stunts that don't leave the ground.

We have changed the location to Ben Venue Racecourse at 38 Ben Venue Rd. Washington Va. 22747. This is about 10 min from Sperryville just off Rt 211 going east toward Warrenton from Sperryville. It is more centrally located and should be easier to get to. We are recommending all the same accomadations. Warrenton will now be slightly the closest big town.

Cootersplace.com is now being updated:D

Hope that answers some of the questions.

All the best,

Miss Alma aka Mrs. Cooter

  • 2 weeks later...
Hey Guys,

It is official ...Tom Wopat will be joining his cousins Bo and Daisy along with Cooter, and the entire Hazzard County Police Dept. This may well be the last time this whole group will get together.

There will be a stunt demonstration organized by James Smith. The tentative plan is for a small ramp to ramp General Lee jump which protects the car and some other stunts that don't leave the ground.

We have changed the location to Ben Venue Racecourse at 38 Ben Venue Rd. Washington Va. 22747. This is about 10 min from Sperryville just off Rt 211 going east toward Warrenton from Sperryville. It is more centrally located and should be easier to get to. We are recommending all the same accomadations. Warrenton will now be slightly the closest big town.

Cootersplace.com is now being updated:D

Hope that answers some of the questions.

All the best,

Miss Alma aka Mrs. Cooter

There ya go, you can't get more official than that! I like the idea of a stunt that doesn't completely destroy a Charger, how about ya'll?

I'm glad I procrastinated on the HazzardNet newsletter a little bit (okay, by a couple of months) so now we'll be supplying correct info on the location.

Thank you Miss Alma for providing the facts for us!

There are many Dukes of Hazzard cast appearances this year but Hazzard Homecoming is always special.


Just read the updates about Tom being there, also his website shows him scheduled to be there! Had an unexpected vet. bill but plan to arrange things to still be able to go. Resevations made have 2 1/2 paydays to get it paid for! See ya'll there!

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