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Will white Ford truck be in movie which Uncle Jesse used to drive? I bet they might replace to white Chevrolet or white Dodge Ram like as they did to Movie's Cooter??? Maybe they use different color, multicolor or primed gray? I hope they better not to put Uncle Jesse in tin Nissan, Mazda or Toyota pickup because I heard movie director is Nissan Nut.

White Ford pickup was loyal to Uncle Jesse.

Any Idea or update from production about this??? I was very curious.




I don't blame on you. I hope someone will spy and find out what Willie Nelson drive in new movie and report to us on HazzardNet.com. We hope for Ford.

Since I look around on website for police crusier in moive. I notice they use mid 80's Chevrolet Caprice Classic and some of current Ford Crown Victorica Police Crusier. I heard they make DOH movie for today (2005), not late 70's/early 80's. If they use 70's Dodge or Plymouth as Police Crusier in movie as today (2005), it will make look like Boss Hogg have bad and tight budget for Rosco's Hazzard Sheriff Dept.

That why I was wonder which truck will Willie Nelson drive as Uncle Jesse.


I'd imagine that Uncle Jessie will still drive an old beat up pick-up truck. The Dukes never had much money, so it makes sense that tney would still be driving cars and trucks from the 70's, while Hazzard County would be able to get newer cars. Besidess, Roscoe, Cletus & Enus already wrecked all those old Plymoths. :D

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