bethie88 Posted March 8, 2005 Posted March 8, 2005 Luke looked at Dixie in shock. "I... uh...""Luke, are you crazy? Our wedding is in less than two days, and you're trying to get your a-- put in jail."Luke didn't say anything. He couldn't come up with anything to say. Not in the face of the kind of anger Dixie was showing at this particular moment.BJ and Enos were standing side by side, Daisy staring them both down. "Now, you two, especially you, Enos, ought to know better than that. Luke's wedding is Saturday, and you're helping him get himself in one bad situation. What if he'd been caught, and had to go to jail. Oh, boys, how could you?"BJ looked at Daisy for a long moment. "You know what... You're right. I'm sorry.""Me, too, Daisy," Enos added.Daisy shook her head.Beth was standing with her son and her husband. "What is wrong with you people?" she asked, driving her finger into Bo's chest.Bo grabbed her hand, trying to stop her, and hopefully butter her up at the same time. He gently stroked her hand with his thumb, and said, "Nothin'. We were just relivin' old times."She snatched her hand away. "Don't you turn your Duke charm on me, Beauregard Jackson Duke. I'll have none of it."Bo shook his head. "OK. Whatever you say."He stood there silently as Beth said, "Bo, are you crazy? Reliving old times should not include drag racing 2 days before your cousin's wedding. What if he'd gone to jail?""He didn't, did he?""Bo, don't even pull that crap with me. It doesn't matter whether you got caught or not.""But...""No buts. Just get back to the garage before I kill you. All of you."Bo, Jr. grinned at his mother, but immediately took on a solemn look when her look told him he was asking for it.Debbie, meanwhile, was still sitting in Stormy, wondering what she should do. That was when she noticed a laughing Jeb Stuart Duke....Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted March 8, 2005 Author Posted March 8, 2005 Luke for about a minute thought his Duke charm was working. Dixie had gotten her second wind and sighed, "Luke, Honey I'm sorry. I know you guys were just having a little fun." She smiled very sweetly and stepped closer to him. She reached up for a kiss. (She wanted to know if he had been drinking.) After a quite passionate kiss, Dixie was seeing red after tasting the beer. She said just loud enough for Luke to hear but he heard her quiet clearly, "I have been waiting since I was FIFTEEN to be your WIFE! Not only are you out here racing but you've been drinking too."Luke knew Dixie was right and so was Beth for that matter. He and Bo were reliving how Hazzard was. It was true, that Luke hadn't had much to drink, though he legally could be over the limit. He too had waited to have Dixie as his wife and he was out here acting like he was seventeen without a care in the world. He was risking Dixie and the life they had planned as well as a lot of explaining at work had he gotten into 'real' trouble. Though this was Hazzard and Enos could have probably pulled some strings with Sheriff Strate, Luke was wrong. And he knew it. He reached in his pocket, got the keys to the General Lee and said as he handed Dixie the set of keys, "Do you still remember how to drive him?"Dixie felt really guilty for the scene she, Beth and the others had caused though it was justified. Luke's quiet surrender of the General's keys said a lot to her. It said she was right. It also said, 'Let's not have this out here and now. Please.' Dixie's eyes filled with tears as she quietly and subtly won their first arguement by accepting the General Lee's keys. She bite her lip as she said, "Uh-huh."Luke said with a smile, "Come on then, show me."At the General Lee, Dixie stopped, "Luke I played dirty back there. I was mad. I know you'd not do anything to purposely jeaprodize us or our wedding. I love you. I know how things can go really bad in Hazzard really fast. Call it nerves or histaria, what ever you want. Please drive us out of here? If you need me to, I'll drive to the garage, but I won't make a fool out of you at YOUR party in front of your friends."Luke smiled with his approval, "That's my girl! I knew there was a reason why I waited for you to come back here." He kissed her very passionately and she returned his passion. Several minutes later, Luke said, "Dixie, I love you. I'm really fine or I would not have been behind the wheel. But, there is no excuse for me taking ANY chances this close to our wedding. Yes, I'll drive us out of here, then you can drive to the garage or the farm or the next wide spot, ...... your choice!"Dixie replied, "Luke as much as I'd like to stay out here with you all night there is NO WAY that I'm going to make it look like you are wrapped around my finger. God knows, we have showed out tails enough tonight. I'll drive us to the garage, then I'll see you at the farm tomorrow --- probably afternoon. If you think Beth is even half way serious about killing you ALL then you don't want to see ME IF you are not at the church AT LEAST ON TIME Saturday! I swear, I'll KILL you all TWICE if this wedding is held up. Luke, it's been FAR too long. If we're going to do this it needs to happen Saturday without a hitch." She looked in his eyes, hersdancing with demons, "Luke. ...... This should have happened years ago ....."He stopped her by putting his finger to her lips. "I may not have been a Saint waiting for you but I DID wait for you. I promise I will not let you down."~~~~~~~~~~~Debbie approached Jeb, "What's so funny?" asked Debbie.Jeb replied, "Those four. Two who probably aren't taking things as seriously as they should. The other two taking thing far more seriously than they are in Hazzard!"Debbie asked, "What are you talking about?"Jeb enlightened her. "Ok. Take Bo. He hasn't given Sheriff Strate any hard times all the while she's been Sheriff. If Luke is anything like Bo, let him get married and he'll settle right down and give her no trouble. Then there is the girls who know how things SHOULD be. But, this is Hazzard! Everybody's Daddy ran shine right along with everybody else's Daddy. Therefore, we grew up 'sampling' the shine. The beer the guys and ME were drinking is like Spring Water compared to Uncle Jesse's Moonshine. We all havve drank our air share and know when we are too 'bad' to drive. Luke would not have ran Mark if he was 'drunk'!"~~~~~~~~~~~~It must have been the hormones, but Bo was still not getting through to Beth. ...Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted March 9, 2005 Posted March 9, 2005 "Honey," he protested. "I didn't drive that car... Luke did.""I don't care who drove the car. Any of you could have gone to jail... You were all drinking... Even the boys... which... If you weren't going anywhere, I wouldn't mind AS much, but... Bo..." At that point, Beth lost it and burst into tears. "Da-- hormones," she thought.Bo opened his arms, and Beth couldn't say no, she just stepped closer to him and let him hold her. Bo just stood there helplessly, stroking Beth's waist-length brown hair. "It's OK, honey."She was still crying. "No... I need to..." she sniffled. "control my tem... temper. I'm... I'm not... your Mama..."Bo smiled. "Good thing. I like you better as my wife."Beth sniffed again. Bo was so sweet to her, that it made her feel bad, but still, they shouldn't have been messing with something like racing when Luke was getting married in 2 days. She hated her hormones... why couldn't a pregnant woman think clearly?Bo pulled her close. "I love you, sweetheart. Now dry up them tears, because this is supposed to be a fun night for all of us."Beth smiled through her tears. "OK. I love you, honey.""I love you, too."Beth directed the girls back to Bo, Jr.'s car. "Son?" she said, tapping Bo, Jr. on the shoulder."Yeah?""If y'all are comin' on, I'll leave Stormy and take the Camaro. That OK?""Yeah. Sounds good. Uncle Coy's got the keys, though."Beth shook her head. "All these crazy Duke boys drivin' my car all over creation."Bo, Jr. grinned. "It's OK, Mama, she's still in one perty piece."Beth smiled. "Love ya, son.""Love you, too," he replied.Beth expertly swung a leg over into the window, followed by the other leg, then slid in behind the steering wheel. She led the parade of Dukes back to the garage, being followed by the guys, who knew they were in trouble if they didn't follow suit. Beth gave Bo, Jr. his keys and took her beloved Camaro back to the relative safety of the Duke farm. Bo, Luke, and the rest were all relieved that the police hadn't come in on their fun, but Bo for one, knew he'd be living hard for a few days, once Beth returned to her senses.~~Cue Dixie~~ Quote
DixieDavenport Posted March 10, 2005 Author Posted March 10, 2005 The ladies got the fellas back to the garage safely, then headed back to the farm. It was getting kind of late by this time. Though Beth and Dixie knew the guys would be up most of the night. Several mintues after the girls left and the guys had settled back in with a glass of Jesse's 'water'. There was another vehicle outside. Luke went to the door to see not one but two king cab trucks that he knew well pulling in. Randy was the first out of the truck. "Man, I though we'd never get here!" "Well, you are all here come on in and meet the others." said Luke.Lisa and Casey looked at each other. Casey was the that you couldn't take anywhere. She looked to her superior and said, "Cool! This is my first bachelor party!"Luke just shook his head. He put his arms around both his co-workers, sighed and said, "Come on guys!" The group worked together really closely. They were a family of their own. Luke knew the girls knew he meant nothing by this but also knew the looks he would get walking into his bachelor party with two girls on his arms.Bo, Bo, Jr., Jake and Cooter all about spit there shine across the room when Luke returned with the 'guys'!"Fellas, I'd like you to meet my team. This is my Captain, Casey. My safety officer, Lisa. Randy here is my right hand man. Then there are the rest of the crew Snake, Bugs, Steve and Ryan.Bo managed to find his voice, "Ah, Luke, ...........""Would you relax! You're as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs." Luke said, "Smokejumpes meet my very nervous cousin and father to be, Bo. This is the best mechanic in Hazzard, Cooter Davenport, and he is also brother of the bride. My other cousins, Jeb, Coy, Vance. This is Bo's son, Bo, Jr. and my son Jake. Then there is Enos who came all the way from California for this, he used to be a Hazzard County Deputy. This is Mark, a friend from high school. And last but not least is BJ McKay. We were in Vietnam together and after one of those times I jumped out of a perfectly good plane behind enemy lines, BJ and his crew came in and saved my bacon. BJ was the best Med-evac chopper pliot I know." Luke saw that they all had a drink and motioned for Bo. He walked to the backof the garage where the other phone was. He picked up the phone, asked Maybelle to ring the farm. "Dixie, honey, I hope you all aren't in bed yet?" he questioned."No?" she replied, "What's wrong Luke?""Would you relax! I just called to let you know that Randy and ALL the crew are here." said Luke."That's great!" She paused, "Luke why aren't you that excited? What aren't you telling me.""You know that Randy and Snake and I share the upstairs of the house. Bugs, Steve and Ryan share the bottom of the house. Well, that's six of us but the team is made up of eight. I couldn't invite them with out inviting the other two. I had not idea any of them would come but they are all here.""Great! So what's the problem?" she asked."You know we are all a close knit 'family' kinda like you were telling me that you knew how some of the guys you work with like there hamburgers but didn't know how Cooter drank his coffee?" Luke paused."Yes?" she said. There was something this man she had known all her life was trying to OR not to tell her."Lisa and Casey showed up with them. Bo is about to freek. I thought it was a good idea to call you and let you know they are here. If you want you can come on down and take them back to the farm or I'll give them directions in a bit." he said.Dixie laughed, "Tell Bo to calm down. If they think they can find us send them on when you're ready. If they don't think they can find us I'll be up and ride in to get them. Luke?"He replied, "Yeah?"She said, "Thanks for calling." she sighed, "I work with a bunch of guys had I told them about it and it not have been this far they might have shown up at the bridal shower!""What bridal shower?" he asked."The one we had earlier before we heard about the race!" Dixie replied.Beth asked from behind Dixie, "What NOW?" ..............Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted March 14, 2005 Posted March 14, 2005 Dixie smiled. "Don't worry, Beth. We just have a few extra visitors coming over.""Oh?" Beth said."Some girls who work with Luke. They've come for the wedding, and knowing Hazzard County, the hotel's already full."Beth smiled. "Well, we'll just tidy up Bo, Jr.'s room, and he can stay downstairs.""Well... his five housemates are coming, too."Beth's eyes widened. "Good Lord!"Dixie smiled. "Oh, well. We can make do, can't we?""Yes."Dixie nodded. "It's OK, then," she said to Luke."Alrighty. I'll see if Lisa and Casey think they can find it on their own, and I'll call back if not.""OK, honey. Love ya.""Love you, too."Dixie grinned when she heard the guys on the other end going, "Awwww!"She shook her head. "See ya later."As she hung up the phone, Beth jumped into full on busy mode. "We've gotta go put new sheets on the other beds. They've gotta have clean sheets."Dixie laughed at her friend as they headed up the stairs.Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted March 14, 2005 Author Posted March 14, 2005 "Beth take it easy. It's only two more for tonight and remember the guys better not try to come home tonight. Besides, tomorrow night we can stick all the guys in the barn if we have too. We've both seen this old farm have it's fair share of company." said Dixie.Beth smiled, "You know you are right. I don't know how Uncle Jesse did it. There was always room for one or two more of us."They changed the sheets, picked up the dirty socks from under Bo, Jr's bed, dusted a bit. Dixie said, "Luke hasn't called back so the girls must think they can find us OK. Beth, Honey, go on to bed. You need some rest. Besides, I need to go over my list of things for tomorrow just once more, so I'll be up when they get here. I think Luke just wanted us to know they were there and are no threat. They will probably stay at the garage for a bit."Beth replied, "I'm not so sure I like that."Dixie smiled reassuringly, "Beth you can look in Bo's eyes and see that you are the only woman on Earth for him. As for Luke, he has worked with these girls for years. If something was going to come of them working together it would have happened already. Remember, they spend days on one fire. Where there are days there are nights, too. Luke and I have talked about these two ladies. Casey's older brother and father are firefighters too. She decided to up the anty and become a Smokejumper. She is the clown of the bunch until they are on a fire. He says he can't count on anyone more than her when it's time to be serious. Then, there is Lisa. Her father got Luke into the Smokejumpers. She has more certifications than Luke. He said she can be a reral 'spit fire' when she's mad but knows her stuff on a fire. She is also trained as a EMT if any of them should get hurt. They are co-workers and I'm sure they will be here in an hour or so. Now, off to bed with you."Beth was tired. It had been a long day so she agreed. "Ok, but wake me up if you need anything.""I will." replied Dixie. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Beth had been in bed maybe an hour. Dixie was rechecking her list and seemed to be adding even more things to remember for tomorrow. The farm house was very still and quiet. Dixie loved this time of night. She took a drink of coffee and was thinking whe she heard Beth's bedrrom door open quickly and saw Beth heading to the bathroom. She smiled just a bit, got up and went to the kitchen for a glass of ginger ale and a few saltines. She went to the bathroom door and said, "Beth are you Ok?""Lovely." was Beth's first answer. Given a few seconds she realized her sacrastic answer, "Yeah, sorry, I'll be fine in a minute.""Take you time. I'm right here if you need anything. I have you some ginger ale and crackers in the kitchen if you think it might help." said Dixie.Daisy had heard them talking and came out with her robe one. "What's wrong. You're still up?"Dixie replied, "Yeah, that's a long story. But, Beth is having a spell of night sickness again."Daisy replied, "Oh, goodness."As Beth came into the kitchen just a bit pale, Dixie and Daisy joined her. It was at this time that knowing the sound of an engine all three looked a bit surprised to hear Luke's truck pull up to the house.Daisy replied, "What is he doing home?"Dixie smiled, "It's probably not him." as she walked out on to the porch. "You must be Lisa and Casey? I'm Dixie. Come on in."Coming into the house were two girls that were several years younger than Daisy, Beth, or Dixie. Casey had long brown hair, Lisa had medium lenght blonde hair. Both were pretty small but their strenghts showed. Introductions were made and by this time Beth was finally able to go back to bed. So everyone headed to bed for the very short night.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back at the garage: Quote
bethie88 Posted March 17, 2005 Posted March 17, 2005 The boys were drinking hard. But, they weren't planning to go anywhere, so they were drinking with that in mind. Which meant they were drinking hard. Bo, Jr. and Jake were having the time of their lives, although Bo, Luke, and the other older men knew that the next morning the younger two were going to have the headaches of their lives. The "boys," never having had more than a sip of Jesse's shine, were going to pay for drinking that much the next day.None of the older group said anything, though. They just let the boys have their fun, especially since they were surrounded by men to keep an eye on them.Randy and the other smokejumpers were quickly assimilated into Hazzard society, and they each had their own Mason jar of shine. "Good Lord, Luke!" Randy said. "You told us what your Uncle made was good, but I never thought it would be this good."Luke grinned. "Uncle Jesse was proud of his..." he looked over at Enos with a grin. "Of his 'water.' He wanted it to be the best quality 'water' available."Bo agreed. "Nobody made 'water' like Jesse. That's why him and his former associate JD Hogg ended their business partnership."Bo, Jr.'s interest was immediately piqued. "Daddy, tell a story about y'all runnin' shine. I wanna hear a good one."Bo grinned. "You two never quit, huh?""Nope," Bo, Jr. replied."OK," Bo said. "Here goes."CUE DIXIE Quote
DixieDavenport Posted March 18, 2005 Author Posted March 18, 2005 NOTE: Parts of this post refer to one of my favorite Dukes of Hazzard shows Swamp Molly. If you haven't seen it you will like it! It's number 6 on the first season.Bo was still trying to think of which stories to tell the 'boys' and their friends that had no idea of some of their 'stunts' when Luke suggested, "How about the 'last run' when Swamp Molly came over?"Bo laughed to himself. "Guys now you want to talk about a day starting off badly. Bo, Jr. you weren't very old then at all. Luckily your Mother had taken you to see her Aunt or I'd still hear about it." he paused thinking back. "It all started simply enough. Luke and me were out behind the house doing a little target practice with the bows and arrows. Our target was painted on the old outhouse....."Luke interupted by including, "Bo here had made 'duds' out of old dynamite casings .....""Thanks, Luke!" Bo said, then continued, "Well, he's right I had made those 'duds' we were using. We had practiced for sometime when I shot one at the outhouse. The next thing we knew we were on the ground! Then entire outhouse was blown to smitherrings! ......""And five years on my car magazines!" added Luke."Uncle Jesse came running out of the house to see what had happened." said Bo as he continued the story. "Well, before the flames had died down here came Swamp Molly and Cousin Alice. Now, Luke and me knew she was up to something as soon as she pulled up. Jesse probably did too, but Swamp Molly always had Jesse a bit wrapped around her finger. Now we all knew she had saved him from the Feds back in 36 but we also figured that debt had been paid long before we were born. Jesse let her talk him into letting us drive a truck load of moonshine for her. We were suppose to pick up the locked truck and deliver it. Now, Rosco and Enos had been seen sneaking around and if Molly was involved we knew things were going to be 'interesting'. So Luke here, came up with the idea of letting Cooter paint the truck and then make the run out in the open."Cooter was smiling as he remembered the paint job."Well, Cooter painted it up as an Ice Cream truck. Now he put all the flavors, cheribs, clouds, flowers and the whole nine yards on it." Bo took a sip of shine and said, "So Luke drove it where we thought Rosco would be least likely to be. I took the General Lee and was hoping to take Rosco on a wild goose chase. Daisy even took the pickup with some oil, fire crackers, and dynamite. In case we needed them and hoped to give Enos a run for his money."Luke asked, "Sounds like we had all our bases covered didn't it?"BJ McKay said, "Yeah, sounded like a good plan."Luke shook his head. "You are forgetting we are talking about Hazzard County!"Bo looked at the two younger Dukes. They were on the edge of their seats and so were the Smokejumpers. Bo said, "Yeah, being in Hazzard though things were bound to get complicated. We left Cooter's going different directions. About thirty minutes outside of town Luke called on the CB and asked if we'd had seen either Rosco or Enos. Well, neither Daisy or I had. It wasn't five minutes later Luke was back on the CB telling us he found Rosco and his road block and that there was NO way he could get over, through or around it on his own. So, I hammered down, cut cross country and was trying to get there before he had to stop. Luke?"Luke continued for him, "So I slowed to a snails pace hoping Bo would get there soon. As luck would have it Jesse's truck had gotten a flat and Daisy was delayed. Well, I pulled right up to the road block which covered the entire roadway. One a main road! Luckily it was hot and Enos happened to be there instead of Rosco. I turned so he hopefully couldn't see me as he had his attention on the flavors of ice cream I supposedly had."Bo said, "I knew things weren't good when Luke called over the CB 'Bo where the He-- are you?' so I had already planned what I was going to do when I got there.""Yeah, and its a good thing you did to." said Luke. Then, looking right at Bo, Jr. "Enos by this time figured out which flavor he wanted and was coming back to me. I reached out a tapped him on the shoulder. About the time he saw me I heard your Dad coming in behind me. He had the General Lee wound out, he hit the horn to distract Enos as he slide in behind the truck side ways, he jumped out with his bow and arrow and fired into the road block of hay and sand bags. When the dynamite arrow hit and exploded it cleared the road enough for me and him to get through. Enos had taken cover when he heard the brakes lock on the General Lee."Bo, Jr. couldn't stand it anymore and said, "So you all were home free?"Together Bo and Luke said, "Hardly!"Bo contined, "See, there's one thing to remember about old Rosco. He used to be on of the best lawmen in the State. Then when his retirement got shot down he became the best lawman you could buy. Well, there is always a since of justice when things happen like that and most of his and Boss's illegal schemes failed. But, sometimes when you were about to count Rosco out he'd do something you wouldn't figure one and it would actually work. That day was one of them. He had set up a second road block a few miles up the road that we didn't expect. When Luke rolled up on it we didn't have any time to do anything but stop. Rosco had us get out of the vehicles and wanted us to open the truck. We said we didnt' have any keys hoping to stall him. Well, wouldn't you know it he had bolt cutters with him. I'm thinking that your Mother is going to hang me!"Luke picked up the story, "Well, he cut the lock and opened the truck. Even Rosco was shocked at what he found! It wasn't what Bo and me expected to see either. Instead of jugs of moonshine it was all sorts of automatic weapons, ammunition, hand grenades which just blew the he-- out of our probation. They had us on a Federal Firearms Regulation. Thank goodness for two things. First, Daisy could qualify for Richard Petty's pit crew when changing a tire. Secondly, Rosco was a slow reader since he wanted things nice and legal."Bo continued, "Now, mind you in a situation like this you never give up but I just knew our goose was cooked. When, from out of no where we here fire crackers! Since Rosco had just found all these firearms he thought it was shooting and took cover. We jumped back in the vehicles as Daisy ran Jesse's truck through the smaller road block. While she gave Rosco and Enos grief by making an oil slick we headed on down the road quickly finding a hiding place for the truck which we had no plans of delivering.""Where I gave a quick course in camouflage. After finding out that Molly had hit Uncle Jesse our we were forced to contine on the run of the truck." said Luke. "As we continued the run we ran into Jesse and explanned everything so we planned to take it to Black Hollow and get ride of it." Luke was interupted by Bo who wanted to tell the next part. "So Luke here grabs an arrow that he had put the dynamite on since he didn't trust me after the outhouse thing. As we all took cover he fired an arrow into the back tire of the truck and NOTHING!!!"Luke said, "Kiss my foot Bo!"They all had a good laugh at the two before Bo continued. "So I said something like, 'So what's worse having one go off when you don't want it to or not going off when you do?' Luke answered, 'So we're even!' Jesse said a bit upset with us, 'No your not even we're behind! Company's coming!' so he told us to push it back to get a run at the lake and sink it."Luke said, "Well, Bo got in to steer it while we pushed. We had it about where we wanted when Rosco came down the hill flying. We barely had enough time to get out of his way, but Bo didn't have the time to get out of the truck! When Rosco hit the truck it went straight into the lake with Bo in it! It's a good thing he can swim! He came swimming out a minute or so later. The truck and all the guns are still under probably two hundred feet of water up there. That lake is a filled in rock quarry. Even Cooter, if he wanted to, didn't have the equipment to pull it out. So we went back to the house and Jesse and Molly had a long talk while we rebuilt the 'new' outhouse that is still standing out back as more a tool shed than an outhouse."Bo replied, "And after all those years Jesse got to eat some of Molly's crawdab bisk."Unbelieving Jake asked, "No one was charged with ANYTHING?"Luke replied, "That was the beauty of this place back then. The 'bad' guys tried but never won, but they never quit trying! Things just had a way of working out."BJ McKay replied, "Reminds me of Lobo, Perkins, Caine and a few others I know! you got to admit it sure keeps a fella on his toes though!"Bo, Luke and Cooter all replied, "Yes, it does!"~~~~~~~~~~~~```With in the next couple of hours the party headed began to head down hill. Enos left for his parents house. Due to moonshine, fatigue or both several guys had decided to head to bed or had been put to bed. By 4am there was only six veterans still quietly talking. Luke, Bo, Cooter, Randy, BJ and Mark. Conversation had begun to die down. They had even taken sleeping bags to the back room and were lounging as they continued to talk. Luke looked at Bo seriously as a wave of nervousness washed over him, "Bo?""Yeah?" he replied on the verge of sleep.No one was paying Luke much attention as he asked Bo, "This is REALLY going to happen?"Bo heard the concern in Luke's voice and was now totally awake, "Luke, your not getting cold feet?"Luke smiled, "Absolutely not. It's just......."Bo smiled, "Are you nervous?"Luke sighed, "Yes. ......... NO!, ......... He--, Bo, ......... I don't know!"Bo knew Luke better than anyone in this room and it had been Luke who had gotten him through the hours before he married Beth so it was his turn to help Luke. The others sat quietly waiting to help Bo if needed. "I know you have loved Dixie since you were what 18 or 19?""Yes. It's not that. He--, Bo. I loved Robin first and wouldn't commit to her to keep her from marrying Ralph Green. I loved Candy Dix too, but wouldn't cross that line because I didn't know IF I'd come home to her. I loved Amy but I wouldn't cross the line to keep her here because I knew I wasn't ready to stop chasing girls! When I thought I had my sh-- together and met Anita Blackwell I forced her into leaving me to try her wings at a career. The next time I saw her she was married but still want to start something with me!" said Luke.Bo added, "And in the back of your mind has been Dixie the whole time because you didn't get to finish what you started years ago because of her father?""Something like that." added Luke. "Bo, I'm not having second thoughts. It's just I'm waiting for something to happen to prevent it. Lord, knows I've ran around far too much. I'm not proud of some of the things I've done. But, it is just hard to think that after all this planning that something I've wanted so long and tried so hard to find after Dixie left is REALLY going to happen with her!" he lowered his voice a bit, "Cuz, I know I gave you a hard way to go back when Beth got pregnant with Bo, Jr. but I have envied you for a long time now......"Bo looked at Luke in surprise, "Me? You envied me?""Yeah." said Luke. "No one knows what would have, could have or should have happened if Beth hadn't gotten pregnant, but the bottom line is mistake or not you loved her and stuck with her. You have had someone to keep their feet warm, be with and talk to all these years. Now, there have been girls here and there but for the most part I couldn't talk to them or I didn't want them to stay or they didn't want to stick around." To his partner, Randy, "Tell him Randy. I've had girls over or I've stayed with them but since Dixie came back I've not even looked at anyone else. I'm just afraid someone will change her mind, the church will collaspe, a tornado will hit?"Cooter smiled, "Luke, wild horses couldn't keep my sister from marrying you. How many of these (holding a glass of shine up) have you had?"Luke simply replied, "Not enough. I was keeping an eye on the boys."Cooter and Bo both handed him a glass and said together, "Here drink this." They both laughed as Luke reached for both glasses! Saying, "Ok! Just make sure I'm on time or she will kill us all (remembering Dixie's words.) TWICE!"The five managed to keep each other awake until they knew Luke was out for the night. He managed to drink both glasses of shine handed to him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Morning found the farm full of activity. The girls decided to get the 'needed' chores done first while Beth and the younger girls fixed breakfast since none of the guys had came home. Lisa and Casey insisted on helping. By the time breakfast was ready the morning chores were done. Dixie asked, "Beth, you know how the old church holds moisture? Do you think we can put up the streamers tonight or wait until tomorrow?"Beth replied, "Honey, I know you want to get everything you can done today, but I'd be afraid to try the streamers today. With all of us we can do it in no time tomorrow. What about the reception?"Dixie waved her hands, "Luke said he had taken care of that. Now, I'm almost afraid to ask but that's what he said!"Beth replied, "The boys swear they will have the General Lee ready to eat off tomorrow! Are you sure you don't want to take my car or Luke's truck?"Dixie thought back to the first night she and Luke had make love in the General Lee and said, "No, we both agree that we'd like to tke the General!"Beth replied, "Under the circustances that might be the best plan!" Beth and everyone else familiar with the General Lee knew that you could count on him!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the garage, Luke opened his eyes to the darkness of the back room. He listened. Nothing? Surely, after all he'd had to drink, he was not the first one awake? If so he was awake far to early. He turned over. Sometime later he heard someone in the bathroom throwing up for all they were worth! Someone had overdone it. Luke decided he better make sure it wasn't Jake or Bo, Jr. Luke got up. Steadied himself and made his way towards the sick individual. He found Steve, (one of his fellow Smokejumpers) awake and sick!Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted March 19, 2005 Posted March 19, 2005 Luke shook his head, trying to get the cobwebs loose as he walked over to Steve. "You OK, man?" Luke said, his speech still somewhat slurred, though it was more from being tired than from being drunk. Steve looked up at Luke with a grin, and said, "Oh, yeah, just dandy."Luke shook his head. "I should have warned ya not to drink too much of that stuff. Jesse's shine sure don't settle good when you're used to beer."Steve smiled. "That's the dang truth."He sat there a little longer, just to make sure he was done, then stood up. "Is the shower in here operational?" he asked."I think so," Luke said. "But maybe you better wait a while. The others still ain't awake, and when they are, this bathroom's probably gonna get real popular real quick."Steve shook his head. "Good Lord... how much alcohol's in that stuff?"Luke just grinned and said, "You don't wanna know."Steve looked at Luke for a long moment before saying, "You're probably right.""Now I'm really worried. Beth and Jake's parents are gonna tan our hides for bringin' home a couple of hung-over kids."Steve shook his head. "Can't disagree with that."By this time, Bo, Coy, Vance, Jeb, and Cooter were stirring around a little bit, since they were used to Jesse's shine, unlike the rest of the crowd. Bo, Jr. was awake before Jake or the younger smokejumpers. And he was sick, but not to the extent that Steve had been. He was a Duke, and it was almost as if moonshine ran in the Dukes' blood, so that it rarely made them too sick. But as much as he'd had the night before was gonna hurt someone who'd never been a shine-drinker, whether or not he was a Duke. He got pretty sick, but once it was out of his system, he felt alot better, with the exception of the splitting headache he had.Jake was up next, also sick despite his Duke stomach. After a few hours, tho, everyone had pretty well gotten as sick as they were going to. And then they just tried to get straightened out before they had to go home and incur the wrath of the women.Cue Dixie! Quote
DixieDavenport Posted March 19, 2005 Author Posted March 19, 2005 After they had pumped the guys and 'kids' full of coffee and had even showered themselves Luke, Bo and Cooter figured it was time to take the group out ot the farm about noon for a little lunch. They hoped that if they tried to eat it would stay down or else the women would know how much they had 'LET' the others drink. Bo didn't tell Luke but he was sure that the girls would have them doing errands the rest of the day! Cooter had told Bo earlier that he needed to go to the church sometime today and finish 'wiring' it. Unknown to Luke or Dixie it was going to be his gift to Luke and his sister to catch the event on film. He wanted a flys burp to be caught on sound as he knew Hazzard wouldn't see a wedding like this in another lifetime! Cooter also had plans to film to entire reception at the Boar's Nest.Daisy grabbed Dixie and lead her to the barn saying, "You wanted crystal to toast each other at the reception. Come on!" Daisy lead her to a cedar chest packed safely away in the barn. "Sugar, if it wasn't something this important. We'd not disturb this." Daisy smiled, "But, I know my Aunt Betty." she said with tears in her eyes. "She'd want us to, for this." Daisy opened the cedar chest. Inside amoung other things was a set of hand carved crystal. Daisy reached carefully for two goblets. As tear steamed down her face, she said, "These have been here waiting for a time like this since Luke's Mother, my Aunt Betty passed. This way she will be there."Dixie was choked up by this but managed to say, "Daisy. Are you sure Luke won't mind?" "You know men. If he'd thought of it he'd been out here himself, but with so much on his mind he'll never think of it until it's too late. Now, just take them in the house, wash them and pack them for the reception. When the time is right, he will know these." assured Daisy.One of Luke's missions today was to pick up the rings. They were using Dixie's Mother's ring from her Father since they had been separated for years (though never divorced) for Dixie. Dixie would give Luke his Father's ring from his Mother. Dixie wore Luke's Mothers diamond engagement ring from an erra when times were good here. The ring was a little bigger than Dixie would have liked but being Luke's Mothers made it more special to her. It was made up of five diamonds. All were oblong with the center one larger than the other four. The next two, one on each side were smaller, then the next two on each side of them were even smaller. They had had them resized and cleaned. Both had planned to have the dates put into the rings for their first annniversary. Luke had picked up the rings before heading to the farm. He hestiated giving them to Bo just yet though, so he held on to them.The ladies kept them busy with other missions the rest of the day. Mark did manage to pick up Judge Milton Hardcastle at the airport on time (Who would be staying at the Hazzard Hotel). The ladies feed the entire bunch. They knew there would be drinking in the barn tonight but Dixie and Beth hoped it wouldn't equal last night's bachelor party. Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted March 23, 2005 Posted March 23, 2005 Beth couldn't remember the last time so many people had eaten at the Duke house. There was more food than most had ever seen, except maybe at a church's coverdish dinner. She shook her head as she looked at Bo, Jr. and Jake, whose eyes were bloodshot. She looked at her husband, and the other Duke men, as well as Cooter, but said nothing. She and Bo would have a talk later. And Bo wasn't gonna like it.Dixie was also a little aggravated at them for drinking so much. But she couldn't stay too mad at Luke. Not when she was head over heels in love with him, perhaps more than she had been in high school.Beth, however, in love or not, was going to be giving Bo what for later.Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted March 23, 2005 Author Posted March 23, 2005 After lunch Bo, Jeb, BJ, Debbie, and Daisy met Cooter at the church to do all the decorations that could be done today. Beth supervised the others with things that needed done at the farm, as no one was letting her over do herself. Mark McCormick was living a bit hard about last night himself. Judge Hardcastle hadn't stopped fussing yet. Now, Mark was stuck taking him around the County to see how things had changed since he had went to California. Sometimes being the Judge's 'right hand' man felt more like being a 'hen pecked husband'. Hazzard was the one place Mark thought he could go with the Judge and not get shot at and could relax. Hardcastle had other ideas.Luke and Dixie had their last meeting with Mr. Brown the minister in his office while the others prepared the chuch. Luke and Dixie were setting in chairs holding hands on one side of his desk as Mr. Brown sat on the other side and smiled at the couple, "Well, are we getting cold feet yet?"Dixie blushed a bit but said certainly, "No way. I've waited way to long for this."Luke smiled at her, "I'm not getting cold feet just can't help wondering what's going to go wrong to stop it."Mr. Brown looked a bit confused, "What do you mean Luke?""Well, it is Hazzard." he sighed, "I have though I was in love before, but something always happened. I have run around and did things I'm not really proud of now. In all these years do you know that Dixie is the only one I ever asked to marry me. The first time was years ago and now. So I can't help but wonder what will happen this time.""Luke, why didn't you all marry before?" asked Mr. Brown.Luke sighed and decided the shortest version of the truth would serve him best. "Dixie wasn't eighteen and her Father wouldn't give us permission.""I see." said Mr. Brown. "Did it ever occur to you in the bigger picture that maybe all those other things happened so that your lives together could happen and that it just wasn't ya'lls time before?"Since Dixie too had felt about like Luke was feeling the wisdom of Mr. Brown's words made perfect sense. They looked at each other and smiled. Luke spoke first, "Mr. Brown, you knew my Uncle Jesse very well. That sounded like something he'd say to me at a time like this. He seemed to know just what to say in any given situation to make anyone feel better."Mr. Brown sighed, "Jesse was a good man who had a lot of wisdom."Dixie spoke up as she squeezed Luke's hand, "I'm glad you voiced exactly what I have been feeling." Then, to Mr. Brown, "What you said makes a whole lot of sense. Before everyone told us we were too young. I'd like to think we weren't, but had we married back then maybe we would have ended up hating each other by now, though I don't think we could ever hate each other. But, things may not have worked out if it wasn't our time."Again Mr. Brown spoke with wisdom, "That's one thing I like about marrying couples who shall we say have lived a bit. You have both sampled life, have seen a bit of the world. In your case you loved each other before and now have found your way back to each other. I vaguely remember the trouble you all had as teens. Remember two things and you two should be Ok. What doesn't kill us, makes us stronger and what God has joined together let no man put asunder. The lives you two have led have made you strong and if God has led you two back to each other then it is your time to be together. Cheerish the time you have together with each other and don't worry about the past. Now, I understand you will be moving back to Hazzard?"Dixie replied, "Yes, I'm transfering to a closer jail and will drive back and forth most days. We have redone a couple rooms over Cooter's Garage until ....."Luke finished for her, "Until I can build on a part of Jesse's property. I figure it will at least be Spring before we can get started. I intend to stay here as much as possible but there could be times I'll be gone a week or so at a time."Mr. Brown looked a bit surprised, "You are both Ok knowing that there may be times that one or the other or both of you aren't home?"Luke smiled, "From where Dixie will be working it is about as far for her to drive to where I work out of as it is to drive here. In bad weather or if we have to work over we both have places to stay so that the other won't worry if we're not here. I know if she has worked a sixteen hour shift and has to work again in eight hours I'd rather her go to her friends, shower, and sleep instead of driving here to see me for fifteen minutes before having to drive back. I'll be home most of the time when it's not fire season. I've lined up some training sessions to do during the off season so that's a 8-4 or a 9-5 shift."Dixie had to smile too, "Besides, I have shared an apartment with a friend for awhile. I can always stay there if I need to. Besides, I'm sure that we will value our time together because of our time apart."Mr. Brown smiled, "It sounds like you two both have good heads on your shoulders and are ready to face all the challenges that lie ahead of you. I will be proud to marry ya'll tomorrow. From the sounds out there you all may need to go see if they need you out there? Stay as long as you need to tonight."Luke stood up and extended his hand, "Thank you Mr. Brown. If there is anything I can do to help around the church here just let me know. I intend to be at services as often as I can though I know from experience I'll not have a perfect attendance by any means."Dixie echoed Luke's statement, "I'm not sure what off days I'll have being in a new place, I may not have a choice but I will be here when I can."Mr. Brown said, "I understand that you are both welcome anytime."Both Luke and Dixie thanked him again as they all headed out to see what help the others needed.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Not wanting Luke or Dixie to see the finished church until tomorrow the group insisted that they go take a drive, take a walk or go for a beer just as long as they weren't here. Daisy said as they were walking out, "Luke, remember Dixie turns into a pumkin at midnight! You can't see her after midnight until she comes down the isle."Luke shook his head and waved her off, "I know. I know!"Outside Dixie asked with a smile, "Do you get the feeling we just got kicked out of the church?""Looks, that way!" he said, "So my lady, what is your pleasure?"Dixie gets a mischievous grin, points her finger at him, and says, "Never mind about my pleasure tonight!" she looked into his eyes and surprised him by saying, "How about going to the Boar's Nest for a game or two of pool and a beer. I haven't done that in years."Luke smiled she and Beth may be best friends but Dixie was just a bit different. "I knew there was a reason I love you!"~~~~~~~~~~~The band had talked Coy and Vance into helping them out after they escaped Beth. They wished Jeb would show up but felt certain he had other ideas with Debbie. Bo was being a good sport about the General Lee since he had driven him anytime he wanted to since Luke left Hazzard so Luke and Dixie had him tonight. They parked outside hearing the music from the parking lot. Dixie hoped out of the General before Luke had a chance to help her out. Luke opened the door with his left hand as his right arm was around Dixie's waist as they walked into the Boar's Nest. Vance nodded to Coy who had also saw them come in. Luke noticed a couple empty stools at the far end of the bar and motioned to them. At the bar, Luke ordered, "Two beers and a roll of quarters."Dixie nodded towards the pool table, "I intend to see if I can still play pool." They all laughed. Dixie and Luke sipped on a couple of watered down beers and shot pool for quiet sometime while enjoying the band. A couple hours later Jake, Bo, Jr., Jessica and Laura came in all ordering a beer before they noticed Coy, Vance, Luke or Dixie was there. Bo, Jr. had said to Jake as they ordered, "I think we better make the best of this before my Mom has a chance to 'talk' to Dad. She didn't look real happy this morning!""That's why I asked to spend this week with you. I figure all I have to worry about now is Luke, and Dixie has his attention." laughed Jake.Bo, Jr. looked over Jake's shoulder as he talked, "I'd not be so sure about that. He seems to be sizing you up pretty good right now.""Huh?" said Jake looking over his shoulder he saw his Father watching the four of them. ~~~~~~~~~~~Luke and Dixie finished their game of pool and also their second round of beers at the same time. Luke said, "What do you say we head out and give them some space after I ask Vance to keep an eye of them?"Dixie smiled, "Sounds good I'll be back by the time you talk to Vance." She headed to the ladies room.Luke walked over to Vance in between songs, "We're getting ready to head out. Keep them out of trouble, huh?"Vance too his opportunity for a little black mail, "I'll do my best if I can talk you two into singing something. Your choice?"Luke sighed, "Fine by me, I guess but you have to convience Dixie."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Vance was able to convience Dixie. She and Luke sang Charlie Pride's 'Behind Closed Door's'. My baby makes me proudLord, don't she make me proudshe never makes a sceneBy hangin' all over me in a crowd'Cause people like to talkLord, don't they love to talkBut when they turn out the lightsI know she'll be leavin' with meAnd when we get behind closed doorsThen she let's her hair hang downAnd she makes me glad that I'm a manOh, no one knows what goes on behind closed doorsMy baby makes me smileLord, don't she make me smileshe's never far awayOr too tired to say I want youShe's always a ladyJust like a lady should beBut when they turn out the lightsShe's still my baby to me'Cause when we get behind closed doorsThen she let's her hair hang downAnd she makes me glad I'm a manOh, no one knows what goes on behind closed doorsBehind closed doorsAs the finished, Laura looked at Jake, "Wow! That was cool! I could never imagine seeing either of my parents let alone both of them sing something like that to each other in front of all these people!"Jake had never been ashamed of the Miller's but though they had raised him well he could never be 'proud' of them like he could of Luke and Dixie for that matter. As a matter of fact, the whole Duke clan was like a bunch of kids who never grew up! "I can relate to that being raised by the Miller's."As the younger Dukes continued their conversation, Luke and Dixie slipped out, arriving at the Duke farm well before midnight. Being an unusaully warm night Luke and Dixie drank another beer on the porch. The house was quiet, as everyone was either in bed, still out, or in the barn. Luke brushed Dixie's hair back as they sat facing each other on the swing, and said, "You still have time to run screaming into the night, you know!"Dixie smiled, "Yeah, I do. But you had better NOT!"Luke leaned closer, "You are stuck with me." he said as he kissed her. ~~~~~~~~~~~Upstairs in Bo and Beth's room, Bo said, "Come on Beth, don't be mad. It's not like I have or will let Bo, Jr. drink like that, often. He--, I haven't drank like that in years myself. Besides they paid for it. So maybe next time when they can drink and Luke and me aren't there maybe they won't want to drink heavily."Beth layed with her back to Bo trying to be mad at him. It worked for about thirty minutes after they layed down. Just as they were about to make up Beth felt like she had been on a roller coaster for days as her stomach flip-flopped. She sat up suddenly and headed for the bath room.Bo had to smile just a bit as he heard her utter, "Da-- it!" as she left the room. As he slide on his jeans to go check on Beth, he had to admit that all six of his children had his and Luke's timing! Lousey! But at least maybe Beth wouldn't be mad at him about the boys drinking, though she would now probably be mad at him for her getting sick! He sighed and smiled. He made sure all signs of that smile was gone before he went in the bathroom.~~~~~~~~~~~~~Just before midnight, Jeb pulled up to the farmhouse with Debbie. Luke and Dixie were still on the porch kissing. Of the four it wasn't clear who was the most embarrassed. The ladies went to the house, the guys to the barn. Luke wasn't sure how the females planned to keep him from seeing Dixie tomorrow but was sure they had something in mind. Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted March 23, 2005 Posted March 23, 2005 "Beth, honey," Bo said softly. "Are you OK?"She sighed. "Yeah. I guess."Bo stroked her hair, then said, "Lemme put your hair up, honey."She nodded, and Bo sat down beside her in the floor. He brushed her hair back, and pulled it into a ponytail. "What can I do for ya now, Sunshine?"She just sat there a minute. "Just let me brush my teeth.""OK." Bo stood up and went to their bedroom. She brushed her teeth, and went back to their room. Bo was lying down with a slight smile on his face. As Beth lay down, Bo smiled at her, and pulled her close to him. "Now where were we before our little one decided to interrupt?"Beth smiled wickedly as she pulled his head down and kissed him.~*~*~*~*~*~Debbie was blushing bright red as Dixie walked with her into the house. Dixie was a little embarrassed herself, but blushing wasn't something she did often. Debbie couldn't bring herself to look up. "What's wrong with you?" Dixie asked."Uh... nothing... nothing at all.""Nothing my foot," Dixie replied. "But don't worry about it. Believe me, we know these boys. They're Dukes. And everybody knows that Dukes like women."Debbie smiled. "I hope they don't like too many women. Especially not at one time.""Oh, don't worry about that. Once you get one settled down, he's yours. Look at Bo and Beth! He'll never admit it, but she's got him wrapped around her little finger."Debbie smiled. "Well, in that case... I might have myself a Duke to tame."~*~*~*~*~*~In the barn, the guys were beginning to wonder what was taking Bo so long. It was Bo, Jr. who stood and said, "I'm gonna go get Daddy."Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted March 24, 2005 Author Posted March 24, 2005 Luke was near the door. He put his arm in front of Bo, Jr. "No, ...... you're not." Said Luke with a calm yet firm voice. "Huh?" asked Bo, Jr. It had been awhile since Uncle Luke had told him anything that firmly."I said, 'No, your not.' " repeated Luke.Bo, Jr. asked, "Why not?""Never mind. Just stay put. Your Dad might not come back out tonight." said Luke.Cooter helped, "Luke's right. Don't bother your Dad, Bo, Jr.""But, he said he'd be back out." Bo, Jr. insisted. Luke tried to explain to his naive nephew. He still couldn't believe Bo's SON could be that innocent at his age! He--, he and his Dad was not just chasing but catching girls by the time they were thirteen. Luke said, "Maybe he got a better offer."Bo, Jr. wasn't as innocent as Luke may have thought but he sure wasn't thinking either. "What kinda offer could he have gotten that was better than swapping lies with you guys?"The guys all got deathly quiet and looked at him like he was from Mars. Luke said simply, "He has been spending a lot of time with us. Maybe your Mother needed a little of his time."The imagine of Luke's suggestion crossed Bo, Jr's mind. He said, "Oh. ..... YUCK! .... Uncle Luke, I could have went a life time with out that imagine!"Even Jake had to laugh at him! Luke almost fell in the floor laughing so hard.~~~~~~~~~~~~It had been a couple of hours since Beth had gotten sick. Beth looked up at Bo. He looked a million miles away. "Bo?"He didn't move. He just continued rubbing her shoulder and staring into space.She knew he wasn't asleep but deep in thought. She said a bit louder, "Go."Bo looked down at his wife confussed, "What?"Beth smiled, "Go. ..... Go on outside and check on Luke.""He'll be fine. He has everyone else out there." said Bo trying to convience himself as much as he was Beth."Bo, where were you and who were you with the night before we got married?" she asked. He smiled at her, "In that same barn out there with Luke, Cooter, Jeb, Coy, Vance, and even Jesse came out for awhile." He hugged Beth, kissing her gently. "I love you." He said as he slide away from her to the edge of the bed and reached for his jeans. Beth laughed, "Give Luke my love." she said as she watched Bo dress. "Honey, I do expect you right here" She patted his side of the bed. "Tomorrow night.""You got it! I do love you, you know?" he said reaching for the bedroom door."Bo Duke you had better." she said as he closed the door. Calling after him. "Remember we have to keep those two apart in the morning so make sure you let us know before Luke comes in the house." Beth heard the front door shut as Bo was going out to the barn. She rubbed her growing stomach and said, "Little one what are we going to do with your Daddy? You may just grow up before he and Luke do."~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bo walked across the yard. For December it was still pretty warm outside. Bo opened the barn door and stepped inside. Being one to agg things on Cooter asked, "How'd you escape?"Bo replied, "Easy. She kicked me out, ...... AND sent," looking at Luke, "you her love and me."Luke laughed. "You can go back to bed with your wife Bo. I'm fine. Tell him guys.""What kind of a best man would I be to desert you," Looking at his watch. "Oh, .... only ten hours before you give up chasing girls for good?"Luke acted confussed, "Wait a minute. I never said I was going to give up chasing girls!""Say WHAT?" said Cooter setting up straight from a bail of hay."Luke! ?" exclaimed Bo.Luke grinned, "Gotch ya!"They all had a gut bursting laugh.~~~~~~~~~~In the room where Dixie and Debbie were staying they heard Bo going outside. Debbie asked, "What was that?"Dixie thought a second, "Probably Bo going to the barn."Debbie asked, "He and Luke are really close aren't they?"Dixie shook her head yes, "Honey, those two are more like brothers. No wait, you know how they say twins can know what the other is thinking? They are more like twins, in that aspect, than any cousins I know."Debbie just smiled. Something was on her mind. Dixie was pretty sure she knew what it was, well, who it was!"As devoted as Bo is to Beth, I can't imagine him chasing girls like you all say." she continued, "I've also heard the stories you all have told about Luke, but watching him with you it's hard to believe.""Honey, let me tell you something. Those five Duke boys out there could have had ANY girl in the tri-counties they wanted and probably still could have most of them, married or not." Dixie said matter of factly. "Bo obviously found what he wanted in Beth. You see it in his eyes. And, Luke, ......"Debbie finished her sentence, "Has the same look for you. You may not realize this but I swear it's true. You can be in a room of fifity people and Luke walks in and the room lights up. A blind man could see the light in both your eyes even if you all are talking to someone else. I swear all the other has to do is walk in! It's like something I've never seen before.""Luke once tried to describ what happened when we got close to each other. He said it was like two magnets. Debbie I still get butterflies when he walks in the room." said Dixie. "That's good. Right?" asked Debbie."Oh, yes, that's good!" said Dixie with a smile. "So tell me about Jeb?"Debbie replied, "....................."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Bo had explained that Beth had gotten sick and he had stayed to make sure he was OK before he came out. There were several rolled eyes, a couple of 'Sures' and a 'Right' or two mumbled. Bo just smiled like the cat caught with the family canary in his month. He couldn't help but look guilty. Mark McCormick said, "Bo this is what number six?"Bo said proudly, "Yeah."Mark said, "Cooter you are honest and impartial. I have a bet to make. Would you care to hold the money?"Cooter said, "Sure. What kind of bet? I might want in on it!""Oh, I'm sure you will. But, we all know you can bet and hold the money too. Luke you have to be quiet until all the bets are made. Cooter get a pen and paper."Cooter took out a small notebook from his pocket and a pen as he had on his work shirt. "Got it."Mark said, "I bet Luke and Dixie are bouncing their own little one within ten months from tomorrow!"With in a few mintues all the beats were made. They ranged from six months past the wedding date to two years. Luke said, "You all might have come out better betting on Beth's due date. Dixie is starting a new job when she goes back to work. We've talked. The last thing she wants is to have to be off work real soon after starting at a new place."Mark looked at Luke. "Beat stands! Bo tell him, babies don't always listen to YOUR plans!"Bo even blushed on that one. "He's got a point Luke. Mark can I double my bet?" He had bet they would have a baby within nine months. Meaning Dixie would become pregnant on their 'honeymoon'.Luke laughed at his friends and family. "I'm telling you, you are all way off base!"Mark went a step further. "If we are all wrong and your not a 'new Daddy' by your second anniversary then the pot goes to you two as an anniversary present!""I'll hold you to it!" said Luke. He and Dixie had talked many an hour about this. They agreed they were not getting any younger and wanted children but they also wanted to wait awhile so Dixie could get settled in at the new job and Luke wanted to have the house finished. Luke was lost in thought as Vance said, "Luke after the wedding are you all going on a long honeymoon?"Luke said, "Well, I have a surprise for Dixie tomorrow night. I figure since she has the week off," he paused looking at his buddy Randy, "And Randy there isn't going to call me unless a the tri-states are on fire. Right, Randy?""We'll be fine without you. Besides you got a couple months before fire season." said Randy."Good. Just remember that. So I figure we'll try to settle in at the garage over the next week. We should be back there by Sunday evening. Why?" asked Luke.Vance explained, "Coy and I have to leave out the day after Christmas. I was just making sure you'd be back by then."Luke assured him, "I certainly intend to spend this Christmas with all my family." Luke continued, "Besides from the signs I'm getting around here, ....... you all might be back sooner than you think, ..... for another, .... wed, .... ding ...... or ....... twwooo before you know it."What happened next was priceless!Bo, Coy, Vance, Cooter, Mark, Randy and the other Smokejumpers all asked with a look of surprise at Luke's statement, "What are you talking about?"At the extact moment, Jeb and BJ, and even Jake and Bo, Jr. all looked VERY GUILTY and blushed at the statement, each thinking Luke had meant them!Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted March 25, 2005 Posted March 25, 2005 In Dixie and Debbie's room, Debbie was quietly explaining to Dixie what being with Jeb was like to her. "Dixie, when... when I see him, it's like... like I know all he sees is me. And all that matters to me is that he knows that all I'm looking at is him."Dixie smiled at her friend. "Debbie, you've got it bad."Debbie shook her head. "B...But... Jeb's... I don't know. I just can't... Dixie, I've waited so long to find the right guy... and now, it seems like I really might have found him. And I can't believe it. I almost don't want to let myself believe it... Because I'm scared of another disappointment. I don't want to get hurt again. I mean, I've heard all these stories about ther Duke boys and how they've run around and chased women. And I just don't want to be another one of Jeb's conquests."Dixie smiled at Debbie. "Honey, I've known Jeb Duke a long time. A very long time. And I've never seen any woman make him light up like you do. Even Luke and Bo say he's different around you.""Good different or bad different.""Oh, Debbie. Good different. Very good."Debbie smiled. Maybe there would be another wedding or two in Hazzard County soon enough.~*~*~*~*~*~In the barn, the guys were having quite a time. Bo was drinking only beer, though. He really had no intentions of ticking Beth off again. Especially not when they had such an important appointment the next night.Bo put his arm around Luke in a brotherly manner. "Well, cousin, all these years of waitin' and it comes down to this."Luke grinned, his eyes bright. "I'd say this is worth it. She's worth it."Bo grinned. "I'm tellin' y'all, Luke sure has found the right woman. Dixie's the only one who can settle him down.""More like the only one who can put up with him," Jeb said."Cute," Luke said sarcastically."Hey, Bo," Coy said. "Did somebody just pull in the drive?"Bo nodded. "I'll go see who it is."Bo walked to the door, and smiled to see Enos walking that way."Hey, Enos!" Bo said with a smile."Hey, Bo," Enos replied."Come on in. We're just reminiscin' about old times."Enos grinned. "That sounds like fun."He followed Bo inside. All the guys said, "Hey, Enos!"As Enos looked at BJ across the room, everyone felt the tension, but very few realized what it was all about.Bo and Luke looked at each other warily, wondering why nothing in Hazzard could ever be simple.Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted March 26, 2005 Author Posted March 26, 2005 "Bo, you get the picture we have a couple fellas here for the same reason and it has NOTHING to do with my wedding tomorrow?" Luke whispered quietly to Bo."Surely, you don't think......" Bo started.Luke interupted Bo's question with a look that meant that he did indeed 'think' that."So what do we do?" asked Bo.Luke again shot Bo a look that said, 'We?'Fortunately, for Luke, Cooter walked up and heard Bo. "What are we doing about WHAT?"Luke said, not looking at any watch, "It's like eight hours to my wedding and this fool wants to know what WE'RE going to do....." Luke had said in a bit of a raised voice. He caught himself before continuing, "about our lover's triangle going on here."Cooter replied, "Just which lover's triangle would that be? And I might, remind you, it had better not involved you!" Cooter said looking at Luke.Luke rolled his eyes at Cooter, "Give me just a little credit here. You're suppose to be the bride's brother and I think you are more worried than I am!"Bo spoke up, "Maybe because he knows YOU so well!""Thanks! A lot both of you!" huffed Luke. "Now, for what we were talking about. Have you noticed the tension between BJ and Enos?"Cooter replied, "You don't think Enos has some competition do you?""I think Enos thinks he does. And he just MIGHT." replied Luke. "I've known BJ awhile now. He's a pretty smooth operator. I had never really considered the fact before but I wouldn't mind having him as a cousin-in-law but I sure don't want to see Enos hurt in the process. BUT whatever you all plan on doing I'm afraid this time you will have to count me out." Luke said reaching for another beer. He was drinking tonight to be social and had no intention of being hung over tomorrow which was Dixie's plan when she arranged the bachelor party for the night before. "I think I'll go talk to BJ."On his way across the large barn Luke was stopped by Jake. "Can I talk to you a minute?"Luke replied, "Sure, let's walk outside."Outside Jake started, "Luke, do you have any idea how weird the last couple of months have been?""I have a confession, son, they have been kinda weird for me too!" replied Luke."Don't get me wrong, the Miller's have been great. They were the 'perfect' family. Everything was on time and on schedule and planned. Then, I find out I am also a part of this family...." Jake was interupted."Which is not on any schedule and can be a bit spontanious?" asked Luke.Jake continued, "A lot spontanious! I could never imagine being backed in a fight by Robert Miller, let alone going to jail with him......"Luke replied, "You are telling me I have a lot to work on as a role model!""No, I'm not! Like the race the other night. That was so COOL!" exclaimed Jake.Luke replied, "No, that was totally stupid on my part! I knew better......""But, you raced anyway!" said Jake."Yes, I did and I risked a lot doing it. There is a time and place for such things. I should have waited and went out on the track and raced Mark. Your Uncle Bo was alway the spontanious one. I was the one who thought things through." explained Luke.Jake smiled, "Hear me out. You and Bo are your own people. I am proud to be your son. I know I owe a lot to the Miller's but once you and Dixie get married, ..... I heard the bets. I know you will start your own family some time. I want to be a part of that family. I've heard the stories and I know Uncle Jesse steered you all in the right direction but there were times that you chose a different road -- he was still there for you....."Luke smiled at his son, "And I will be there for you. I want you to know that no matter if none other follow you, or a dozen follow you, you are my son. I will back you like Jesse backed me. I will also expect you to follow the rules and laws when you can. You can also know when things go wrong you can always call me. Marrying Dixie doesn't effect that in the least.""Thank you. Luke." said Jake.Luke asked, "What do you call Mr. Miller?"Jake replied, "Pops."Luke said gently, "Why don't you call me Dad, then?"Jake's eyes lite up like Christmas candles, "Really? I mean sure. Thanks, Dad!""And you are welcome at our house, wherever it is, anytime day or night." said Luke."Thanks, Dad!" exclaimed Jake."Let's go back in, there's something else I need to see too." said Luke.~~~~~~~~~~~~~Inside the barn Luke approached BJ who was talking to Randy and the other Smokejumpers. "BJ can I talk to you a minute?" asked Luke."Sure. You're not wanting any advice about tomorrow night are you?" asked BJ."Funny!" said Luke. "No, actually I wanted to talk to you about Daisy."BJ asked, "What about Daisy?""A few years ago this would be Uncle Jesse's line, but since he's not here, I need to ask 'What are your intentions as far as Daisy is concerned?' " asked Luke.BJ replied, "Don't you have enough on your plate with the wedding and all tomorrow?"Luke replied, "Yeah, actually I do. But I can't help thinking there's more going on than meets the eye."BJ replied, "Well, Luke, I have to admit I came back to attend your wedding, but I also came back to see if there was anything still left between Daisy and me.""Is here?" asked Luke."I think so. I intend to stay around long enough to see." said BJ."Luke said matter of factly, "I don't think you are the only one who came back more for Daisy than the wedding. I just don't want to see anyone hurt."BJ replied, "I certainly don't plan on hurting Daisy."Luke sighed, "Well, that's good. But Daisy isn't my only worry." Quote
bethie88 Posted March 27, 2005 Posted March 27, 2005 BJ looked confused. "Well, Luke... what're you talkin' about?"Luke looked at BJ for a moment, trying to decide how to put this. "BJ, I'm gonna tell you something, but you have to keep it between us. Enos Strate, the fella from California? Well, we all grew up together in Hazzard. And he's loved Daisy since before he could talk.""Oh, no!" BJ said. "He has?"Luke nodded. "He sure has. He loves her more than anything."BJ's facial expression changed. He didn't want to hurt anyone. Not even Enos, who he didn't really know. "Well... I... I guess maybe Enos'll be going back to California soon.""And then you'll be going back on the road, and where'll that leave Daisy?"BJ looked at Luke seriously. "I wasn't... I was hoping I wouldn't have to go back on the road."Luke looked at BJ in shock. BJ not driving a truck anymore? For Daisy?After a long silence, Luke said, "Oh, Lord."~*~*~*~*~*~Meanwhile, Bo was talking to Enos. "What's wrong, buddy?""Well, Bo, it's just... Well..."Bo smiled at his friend. "Now Enos, how long have we been friends.""Long as I can remember, Bo," Enos said with that innocent grin of his."Well, in that case, I'd say you can tell me whatever's botherin' you."Enos smiled weakly. "Oh, Bo, you know how I feel about Daisy. I've liked her since I was a little boy. And she..." he trailed off.Bo patted Enos's shoulder. "Go ahead, Enos.""Well, you see how Daisy looks at BJ. And if she wants him, I want her to be happy."Bo looked at Enos, who now looked sadder than a hound pup left alone in the woods. "Now, Enos, you know Daisy. Sometimes she only sees what's right in front of her. Just giver her some time, and we'll see how it goes."~*~*~*~*~*~Meanwhile, in the house....Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted March 27, 2005 Author Posted March 27, 2005 Beth has come into the kitchen hoping a little Ginger Ale now will prevent her being up all night. As she opened the refrigerator a voice from the dark living room asked, "Sugar are you alright? I'll go get Bo if you want me to."Beth smiled at her friend. It had been awhile since she had had so many people concerned with her episodes of night sickness. "Daisy I'm fine really. Uncle Jesse always told me this was a sign that the baby was growing. What are you doing up at this hour?"Daisy blushed, even in the dim light, "I've got a problem." Beth replied, "It wouldn't be in the form of a handsome trucker? Would it?""Well, that's just part of it." said Daisy. "I know Enos came back because he wouldn't miss Luke's wedding for anything but I hoped he came back for more. Then there's BJ. You know Jesse even let me ride to Wisconsin with him when I was 16?" Daisy blushed again, "BJ is everything Enos isn't. He's sure of himself. He has style, class and charm. I know I'd be lucky to have either of them but I don't want to hurt either of them. Who knows with Enos I might wait an eternity before he asks me on a date.""So Jesse approved of them both?" questioned Beth as she reached for a few crackers."Yeah." said Daisy. "The last time BJ was here was just after Luke got home from Vietnam. He was here quiet often for awhile but, then, well, we never heard from him much. The local Sheriffs in the other Counties gave him a hard way to go everytime he came or went. I think he is responsible for Orley County buying about four sets of cruisers. Not to mention Caine in Bishop County had to replsce a fleet or two of cars. He was in trouble making a truck payment once and bought a load of Jesse's finest to make the truck payment but by the time he had it delivered it was too hot to come back. We talked tonight, he said he wanted more than anything to come back but at the time he wanted no ties to anything or anybody. Beth not many people know this about BJ but he was a POW in Nam. When he got back he put all his savings on that Kenworth out there he wanted to travel. He's got lots of friends but basically it's been him and Bear ever since."Beth asked quietly, "Daisy, do you love him?""That's not a fair question. Any girl who could look into his eyes and see what I see couldn't help but love him." replie Daisy."Ok, then," Beth asked. "Do you love Enos?"Daisy rubbed her head, "That's not fair either. I know Enos has loved me since we were like seven. I love him. I love Cooter. I love Mark. I love Brody and Dobro....."Beth tried another avenue, "Who do you feel safe with?"Daisy shook her head, "Beth, if it weren't for BJ Luke may not be here. As for Enos and the others I'd trust my life to any of them."Beth had one last way to get to Daisy, "Sugar, close your eyes. If you had a raging fire that needed to be put out and only Enos or BJ could do it which one do you see?"Getting Beth's meaning Daisy opened her eyes in total shock.Beth asked, "Well?"Daisy bite her lip, clasped her hand over her mouth as tears formed in her eyes.Beth said again, "Daisy I know you have an imagine in your mind. Who is it?"Daisy looked at the floor and whispered, "B .... J!"Seeing the frightened look on Daisy's face Beth opened her arms, "It's Ok. No one will judge you. Everyone wants you to be happy!"Daisy said into Beth's shoulder, "Yeah, but neither has even asked me anything yet. What if they don't?"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In the barn BJ explained to Luke, "I have seven other trucks running out of Bear Enterprises. Man you WOULD NOT BELIEVE these drivers either! Seven of the finest looking truckers you ever looked at. Of course I shouldn't be telling stories like this to a almost married man!" BJ punches Luke in the arm. "I could always haul local or pay someone to run my rig. Luke I've run every road between here and California so many time I can do it in my sleep. Me and Bear aren't getting any younger and neither is that Kenworth out there. Believe me I've met many girls along the road, but for some reason Daisy just keeps coming back into my mind. Then there was your wedding. I figured it was a perfect excuse to show up and at least see where I stood.""Well, Buddy, I wish you luck. But, like I said you're not the only fox scouting the hen house." said Luke.BJ replied, "Well, that's good to know in any case. Hey, it's getting late. You had better hit the hay or you might just sleep through your wedding."Luke replied, "Not likely! Besides that's what I have you guys around for." Luke sighed, "BJ, I know it has been years, but do you remember me telling you about Dixie when we were in Nam?"BJ thought for a minute and replied,"Yeah. Yeah I do."Luke sighed, "Kinda hard to believe after all this, it's finally working itself out."Looking at his watch, BJ replied, "Yeah it is. In just over five hours you'll be walking down that church and forever give up chasing girls.""You know everyone has been trying to rub that in, but believe me when I tell you it doesn't bother me in the least!" said Luke as he smiled and walked off. Quote
bethie88 Posted April 7, 2005 Posted April 7, 2005 Early the next morning, Dixie was up and at 'em. Daisy was busily helping her get ready, Debbie was making sure everything Dixie needed for the church was in line, and Beth was trying, although the other girls were trying to make her rest. She was getting a little annoyed at being left out, but she knew that it was just because the girls loved her.As they fixed Dixie's hair, Beth was smiling. "Honey, you look so pretty. Luke might just faint dead away at the altar.""He better not faint till he's said some vows."The girls all laughed. Dixie looked around her. Ruth Anne was awake, and had joined in on getting Dixie ready. Laura and Jessica had also arrived early to help. As they all sat around, Dixie, Daisy, and Beth were all fighting back surges of memories. The younger girls knew something was up, so they immediately tried to figure it out. Ruth Anne put her arm around Beth. "What is it, Mama?"Beth smiled. "Nothing, honey. Nothing at all.""Something's on your mind," Ruth Anne said. "Tell me."Beth smiled again. "Being with Dixie and Daisy again... It brings back memories."Dixie nodded, only for Daisy to put her head back like it was. "It sure does. This has been quite the adventure these past few months."Daisy agreed. "It sure has. It's been really nice.""I only wish you were staying in Hazzard, too," Dixie said, patting Daisy's hand.Jessica smiled. "I'm glad I've been able to meet you all, and find out how wonderful you all are. No wonder Bo's so proud of you."Beth smiled fondly. "Bo's a good boy. A real good boy."Jessica nodded. She loved the Duke family. So did Laura, who was just a little shy, and didn't voice anything, although she was enjoying just being with the Duke women.The girls were having alot of fun. Beth smiled when she heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?" she called."Luke," said a voice on the other side. Luke was hoping to get to talk to Dixie."Well, I'm afraid you're going to have to stay out there, Luke."Luke sighed. "You women."To which all of the girls replied in unison, "You men!"Daisy waited until Dixie had eaten, although she ate very little, to apply her makeup. Dixie never was much for wearing makeup, but when she did, she made it count. Daisy was a genius with hair and makeup, and Dixie knew that no salon could have done better. Beth knew how to do hair and makeup, too, and she and Daisy were quite a team. Jessica, Laura, and Ruth Anne mostly watched, but they helped however they could. Ruth Anne was the official guard to keep the men from joining the party.Bo and Luke were downstairs, Bo trying to keep Luke calm, and Luke trying not to lose his mind with excitement. Luke was pacing in the kitchen. Bo grinned and said, "Cousin, if you don't calm down. You look more like a man about to be a father than one who's just gettin' married.""Just gettin' married?" Luke asked. "In Hazzard, you're never 'just' doing anything."At this moment, Ruth Anne walked into the room. "Daddy, Uncle Luke... Mama said for y'all to get ready and head on to the church. She said for me to go with y'all to put up the streamers, since she and Dixie and the others don't have time.""Why can't we put up the streamers?" Bo asked his daughter."Daddy... Mama said she knows you too well."Bo grinned, "Yeah.... I guess she does."Luke clapped Bo on the shoulder. "Well, cousin, I better go hit the showers before I get dressed."Bo nodded. "Go ahead. I call 'em when you get done."Coy, Vance, Jeb, Randy, Bo, Jr., and Jake were all awake as well. Coy and Vance waited in line for the indoor shower, but Bo, Jr., Jeb, Randy and Jake opted for the shower in the barn. The rest of the guys were going to take their showers once the others left for the church.As Beth, Daisy, Debbie, Laura, and Jessica worked on Dixie's hair and makeup, then their own, Lisa and Casey woke up and made breakfast, with alot of coffee. After eating, Luke, Bo, Jeb, Coy, Vance, Cooter, BJ, Bo, Jr., and Jake left for the church, taking Ruth Anne with them.Before long, the other girls had Dixie all ready, except for the dress. She was wearing jeans and a button top until she got to the church, so that the dress would be safe. Beth laughed as she walked into the yard and realized that the men had taken the General and Stormy. She shook her head as she thought of the men, all in suits, climbing in and out of car windows. The girls loaded all of the bridesmaids dresses and Dixie's gown into the back of Beth's car.All of the ladies, except Lisa and Casey rode in Beth's car. The two of them stayed back at the house to make sure coffee pots and stoves and curling irons were off.Beth, Daisy, and Debbie nearly had a fit when Luke came to see who had pulled up outside. Daisy shooed Luke back in, saying, "Luke Duke, don't you dare try sneaking a peek!" Daisy followed Luke into the church so that the other girls could get Dixie in without his seeing her.Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted April 8, 2005 Author Posted April 8, 2005 The little church in Hazzard was decorated in both wedding and Christmas floral arrangements. In one room were all the guys. Dixie and Luke had selected a dark gray tux with light grey vest, white shirts and white and grey ties for all the guys. Young Jesse was not happy with not only having to be clean but having to dress up. He was at the age that he thought this whole thing was 'corny'. He liked his 'Uncle Luke' or he would have never agreed to carry the rings. Bo was torn between trying to keep Jesse in line and calming Luke down who was not happy with Daisy and the others who had not let him see Dixie all day. In the other room were all the ladies. Daisy did touch ups to everyone's hair and was working on Dixie's last. The ladies had indeed been busy as they had made all the bridesmaid dresses as well as Dixie's wedding gown. Beth was busy trying to contain Michaela's excitement. She had been chosen as flower girl.The guests were gathering outside. Amoung them were Enos Strate who had come in from California. BJ McKay and Bear had arranged to be in town a couple of days. It wasn't everyday that he got to see one of his buddies from the war get married not to mention see his lovely cousin again. Dixie's Mother was expected any minute. She and her husband Luther would be giving the Bride away. Sandy and Robert Miller took seats toward the back of the church. Mark McCormick and Judge Hardcastle had also traveled from California. The Judge had flown in. Much to his displeasure Mark had driven his car, the Coyote, cross country. Mark had to see how the Coyote stood up against the General Lee. He wondered if his Sister, Robin (Who Luke had dated years ago before Dixiei came back to Hazzard the first time.) knew about the wedding? He wasn't saying a word until afterwards! All Luke's Smokerjumper team was also there. An older Rosco made his way up to set by Enos.Dixie's parents had arrived at the church and waited in the hallway per Dixie's request. She truely wanted her and Luke to do this on their own. She was shocked that her Father and Mother had agreed to come. As a peace offering from a war that had long since been fought between Dixie, Luke and her Dad; her Father offered to give her away if she'd let him. Wanting nothing to spoil this day she agreed only after both Luke and Cooter convienced her to leave the past in the past and for them all to move forward. The ladies were lining up in the hallway in the back of the church. Beth held her breath hoping that Michaela and Jesse would do what they were supposed to. Instead of taking her place in line Beth stayed close to the door with Michaela until time for her to go out. Daisy was the closest to Dixie at this point and saw her shaking. "Cold feet?"Dixie nodded, negatively, "No way. Just praying the roof holds!"Daisy looked up, "It looks pretty sturdy to me!" she patted Dixie's hand in an attempt to calm her.Mr. Brown checked with the ladies then came to the men's dressing room that was at the front of the church and knocked. He then took his place up front. You could have heard a pin drop when the door opened. Luke took his place at the center of the church. He was followed by his best man, Bo, then Cooter, Jeb, Coy, Vance, Jake, Bo,Jr., and last Jesse.The music began playing the traditional 'wedding march' as the back door to the church opened. Michaela started down the isle looking like a little princess dressed in a powder blue gown identical to the bridesmaids though it was several shades lighter. She dropped a blue and white mixture of flowers. She was followed by the bridesmaids in slightly darker gowns. First was Jessica, Laura, Caroline, Ruth Ann, Debbie, and Daisy. Next was Beth, the Matron of Honor, in a dark blue gown which was much like the other gowns but had a few more gathers added to hide the slight bulge in her waist line that was now showing more that Beth would have liked. Luke found himself holding his breath waiting with anticipation for Dixie to come through the door. Thanks to Cooter all this was being video recorded. He had spent two days wiring the church with cameras and mics. Luke was glad because at this moment he only had eyes for Dixie. Her Mother and Father stepped through the door first. As Dixie stepped through into the church they took each of her arms and escorted her to the front of the church. Dixie wearing a one piece strapless corset with front wrap and asymmetrical drape. The bodice flowed into a sweetheart neckline and is accented with blue floral embroidery and beading. The back of the gown and chapel length train is also accented with more embroidery and beading. The gown is snow White with Light Blue embroidery trim. She had decided it had just enough blue that she would not look like hypocrit to anyone who remembered her and Luke's past. She is carrying a bouquet of white, and mixed blue roses. Dixie was sure that the church had grown. Luke was so close yet so far away. With the luck they had had she wasn't sure even at this point that they would actually be married.At the front Mr. Brown asked "Who gives this woman to this man?"Mr. Davenport answered, "Her Mother and I do." Mrs. Davenport lifted Dixie's veil before Mr. Davenport traded places with Luke. As he stepped to the side, heard only by Luke, Dixie and Cooters hidden mic, he said, "I have trusted you with my trucks I think I can NOW trust you with my only daughter." Though the guests didn't hear what was said it was obvious something had been said. As it was, the three who were prividged to his comment, tried to keep from laughing out loud. Mr. Davenport took his wife's arm in his for the first time in years and escorted her to their seats on the front row.Mr. Brown began, "Dearly Beloved we are gathered together,......."Cue Beth Quote
DixieDavenport Posted April 11, 2005 Author Posted April 11, 2005 All eyes were at the front of the church on the couple who had waited so long for this day and that most felt deserved this day as much as anyone in Hazzard. No one noticed the brunette slip into the church and take a seat far in the back. She was about the same age as Bo and Luke with collar lenght hair. Her eyes settled on Luke as she sat down. As she listened to the words the Mr. Brown spoke to the couple she could not help shead a tear for she knew deep in her heart she could have stood in the place opposite Luke Duke at one time a very long time ago. She knew she had made her choices way back then. She would and could live with those choices but at this moment she did admit only to herself that she wondered 'what if '. She had had a good life though things never are the fairytale you dream of ......... her thoughts went back to a time when a dear friend had called her and asked, 'You made choices, married, and divorced. If you could know what you know now and could go back in time would you have chosen Luke?'. Her answer that day had been, 'No. I've had a good life, had fun, I have no regrets.' She thought to herself, 'I may not have regrets but who am I kidding? I used to see this scene in my dreams for years.' She sighed as Mr. Brown asked, "Is there anyone present who knows a reason this couple should not be united in Holy Matrimony?" You could have heard a pin drop during the brief pause before Mr. Brown coontinued, "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride. I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Lucas Duke."Luke gently lifted Dixie's veil. The audio recording later will discover that at this point Dixie and Luke had both let out a sigh of relief as they looked into each others eyes, smiled, then kissed most passionately like they had been practicing the last several days. After a slight laugh on his part Bo moved to Luke's side as Beth moved to Dixie's side, Bo tapped Luke on the shoulder where everyone couldn't see as Beth handed Dixie her bouquet. The four tried hard to contain their laughter. Luke took Dixie by the arm, she picked up her long train and the started toward the back of the church followed by Bo and Beth, Jeb and Debbie, Coy and Ruth Ann, Vance and Caroline, Cooter and Daisy, Jake and Laura, Bo, Jr. and Jessica, then Jesse and Michaela. Jesse figured to get out of the church and to the food even he could take Michaela's arm. The crowd hurried to watch the newlyweds drive off and to get to the Boar's Nest before all the tables were taken. Luke lifted Dixie into the window of the General Lee who to Luke's surprise wasn't decorated at his request.On the church steps Luther fussed, "Do you believe them? Using that car when all the others were around."His own wife (even after all this time apart) said, "Would you let them have fun? This is their day and far to long in coming, but I'll leave that subject alone. Nothing is going to ruin this day for Dixie. Come on."The brunette managed to slip out of the church without being noticed by anyone.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~In the General Lee, Luke looked at his bride and said, "Well, Mrs. Duke are you happy?"Dixie looked at him as he drove the familiar car and said, "Yes! Do you know up until we started down the isle I couldn't help but think something would happen to keep us apart again." A tear filled her eye."Look when I make a promise I make a promise. Of course it may take me years but I keep my promises." said Luke."I love you, Luke Duke." said Dixie."I love you more Dixie Duke!" Luke replied with certainty.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the Boar's Nest there were tables put together at one side for the entire bridal party with name tags at each glass to insure the seating arrangement was as Dixie planned which would only last long enough for the short reception and pictures before the real party waould get under way. Dixie had made sure that Debbie and Jeb were seated together. To the side of this table was a much smaller one with a four tiered wedding cake complete with a waterfall underneath. It was solid white with blue ribbons and doves topped with the bride and groom. The brides cake was decorated with a set of handcuffs and the word 'Corrections' above it while the grooms cake had a U.S. Forest Service Smokejumper Fire Patch on it since they were both very involved in their jobs. There was also a small table set up with a bride's book for the guest to sign as well as many rice bags. Luke and Dixie walked in several minutes before the rest of the crowd. Luke walked over to the lady who was fussing with the last minute touches and said, "Brenda, thank you so much for everything. Do you remember Dixie?"Brenda smiled, "Congratulations! Yes, I remember Dixie though it's been awhile. Luke, I once thought you'd be a part of my family. Just be happy and take care of each other." she said as the others began to come in.Luke hugged the older lady that he had once been so much apart of her family, "Thank you again for everything."Dixie echoed Luke, "Yes, thank you. Everything looks beautiful."Brenda replied, "It's the least I could do for you both. Consider it my wedding present."They both knew that cakes like this from a bakery would cost a fortune. Luke had talked with her prior to this and asked her to do the reception intending to pay her well. He spoke up, "Brenda I can't let you do all this .......""Well, it's already done. Now, go enjoy yourselves!" she said.As Luke began to turn he said, "Mark is in town."Brenda simply nodded. Things had been difficult between her family and her oldest son for years now.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After eveyone arrived and got sort of settled down Bo stood up and said, "Could everyone take your places?" He waited for everyone to get to their tables before saying, "Luke I wished Uncle Jesse was here to see all this. ......" He paused to clear the lump from his throat. "He should be standing here before you all not me. ....." Bo continued ..............Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted April 14, 2005 Posted April 14, 2005 "But here I am anyway. Luke, You are my cousin, but I've never felt like you were just a cousin. I've always felt like you were a brother. You... You ARE a brother, really. And as someone who knows you in the way a brother knows another brother, I know you've been to h--- and back. More than once. Sometimes I wondered if you'd ever settle down. 'Course, Uncle Jesse always wondered about both of us." He smiled a little. "But anyway, the point is, after all you've been through, you deserve this. The two of you are so right for each other, and now noone can ever take this away from you."Dixie," Bo continued, "You are a wonderful person. And I know you'll keep this cousin of mine straight. I don't know if he'll be able to keep you under control, but anyway..." Dixie smiled at Bo, but in a playfully threatening way. "I know you two will be happy. Because, through all these years of being apart, you never gave up on each other. And if you've held on to hope this long, I don't think that hopeful spirit will ever die.""So," Bo lifted a glass of shine, "Here's to Mr. and Mrs. Luke Duke."Everyone raised their glasses to toast the couple. Dixie and Luke were smiling at one another. Neither wanted to look away from the other from fear that they wouldn't be there when they looked again.After all of the pictures were taken, the real fun began. Jeb, Coy, Vance, and some others who had once played in a band at the Boar's Nest pretty often, had gotten together and practiced a few times. They had all stayed with music to some extent, so thankfully, they weren't too rusty. They set up, and began to play. Beth and Bo were the first to sing, a song they dedicated to Dixie, Beth saying, "Honey, this was your theme song for too long." Dixie smiled, when she recognised the beginning notes of Waylon Jennings's "Good Hearted Woman."She's a good-hearted woman in love with a good-timin' manShe loves him in spite of his wicked waysShe don't understandThrough teardrops and laughter,They'll pass through this world hand in hand,She's a good-hearted woman loving a good-timin' man.Well, a long time forgottenDreams have just fell by the wayAnd the good life he promisedAin't what she's living todayBut she never complains of the bad timesOr bad things he's doneShe just talks about the good times they've hadAnd all the good times to come.She's a good-hearted woman in love with a good-timin' manShe loves him in spite of his wicked waysShe don't understandThrough teardrops and laughter,They'll pass through this world hand in hand,She's a good-hearted woman loving a good-timin' man.He likes the bright light, the nite lifeAnd good-timin' friendsWhen the party's all overShe'll welcome him back home againShe don't understand him,But she does the best that she canThis good-hearted womanLovin' a good-timin' man.She's a good-hearted woman in love with a good-timin' manShe loves me in spite of my wicked waysShe don't understandThrough teardrops and laughter,They'll pass through this world hand in hand,She's a good-hearted woman loving a good-timin' man.She's a good-hearted woman loving a good-timin' man.Next, Luke sang to his bride, Conway Twitty's "Lay You Down."There's a lot of ways of sayin' what I want to say to you,There's songs and poems and promises and dreams that might be true.But I wont talk of stary skies or moonlight on the ground,I'll come right out and tell you, I'd just love to lay you down.Lay ya down and softly whisper pretty love words in your ear.Lay ya down and tell you all the things a woman loves to hear.I'll let you know how much it means just havin' you around.Oh darlin', how I'd love to lay you down.There's so many ways your sweet love made this house into a home.You've got a way of doin' little things that turn me on.Like standin' in the kitchen in your faded cotton gown,With your hair all up in curlers, I'd still love to lay ya down.Lay ya down and softly whisper pretty love words in your ear.Lay ya down and tell you all the things a woman loves to hear.I'll let you know how much it means just havin' you around.Oh darlin', how I'd love to lay you down.When a whole lot of Decembers are showin' in your face.Your auburn hair has faded and silver takes it's place.You'll be just as lovely and I'll still be around.And if I can, I know that I'd still love to lay you down.Lay ya down and softly whisper pretty love words in your ear.Lay ya down and tell you all the things a woman loves to hear.I'll let you know how much it means just havin' you around.Oh darlin', how I'd love to lay you down.Lay ya down and softly whisper pretty love words in your ear.Lay ya down and tell you all the things my woman loves to hear.I'll let you know how much it means just havin' you around.Oh darlin', how I'd love to lay you down.Lay ya down and softly whisper pretty love words in your ear.Lay ya down and tell you all the things my woman loves to hear.I'll let you know how much it means just havin' you around.Oh darlin', how I'd love to lay you down...Dixie was smiling brightly as everyone started to yell that it was her turn to sing. As she approached the stage.......Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted April 15, 2005 Author Posted April 15, 2005 Dixie stepped on the little platform that they had used as a stage. Luke started to step back. She touched his arm and shook her head, "I need you for this one. OK?"Luke smiled, "Sure." Dixie and Luke had sung this many times years ago so she knew he knew the words. She talked a second to Jeb then the music began to play: Kathy Mattea's - Where Have You BeenDixie sang -- Clare had all but given upWhen she and Edwin fell in loveShe touched his face, and shook her headIn disbelief, she sighed and said"In many dreams, I've held you near.Now at last your really here.(Then Luke joined her in the CHORUS he continued to sing with her the rest of the song. They knew where she'd sing quieter and he'd sing louder in all the right places.)"Where have you been?I've looked for you forever and a day.Where have you been?I'm just not myself when your away."VERSE:He asked her for her hand for lifeAnd she became a salesman's wifeHe was home each night by eightBut one stormy evening he was lateHer frightened tears fell to the floor'Til his key turned in the door"Where have you been?I've looked for you forever and a day.Where have you been?I'm just not myself when your away."(Bridge)They'd never spent a night apartFor sixty years she heard him snoreNow they're in a hospitalIn separate beds, on different floorsClare soon lost her memoryForgot the names of familyShe never spoke a word againThen one day they wheeled him inHe held her hand and stroked her hairAnd in a fragile voice she said,"Where have you been?I've looked for you forever and a day.Where have you been?I'm just not myself when your away.No, I'm just not myself when your away."When they were finished there wasn't a dry eye in the house. Laura looked at Jake, "I didn't have a clue they could sing like that.""Hey, me either, remember I'm new to this family too." he smiled.By now most everyone had gotten out of their more formal wear and traded them for jeans even Luke and Dixie had gotten more comfortable after the pictures though they were still dress nicely.Jeb being the Duke clown took a cordless mic and set it on the table where the bridal party had been seated. He knew this bunch and the song he intended to play it should work well. BJ McKay was now setting beside Daisy as they had all began moving. Jake and Bo, Jr. had also went to another table. Beth was shuffling Carolyn, Jesse and Michaela out the door with friends who had offered to let her stay with Bo. Carolyn complained, "Why do I have to go and Ruth Ann gets to stay?"Beth replied, "She's older. She will be home soon. Don't make me bother your Father. This night is as important to him as it is for your Uncle Luke. You got to come and stay this long. Not another word."The three youngest Dukes went but didn't like it.When the song started they all knew it and as Jeb had planned the bridal party took certain lines that fit them and sung along then passed the mic to someone else for the next line.Jeb -- I saw star wars at least eight times Coy -- Had the pac-man pattern memorized Vance -- I've seen the stuff they put inside... Stretch Armstrong yeah Luke -- I was Roger Staubach in my backyard Vance Had a shoe box full of baseball cards Jeb -- And a couple of Evil Knievel scars on my right arm Dixie -- I was a kid when Elvis died And my mama cried... ALL ---- It was 1970 something In the world that I grew up in Farrah Fawcett hairdoo days, bell bottoms and 8-track tapes Lookin' back now I can see me And oh man did I look cheesy I wouldn't trade those days for nothin' Oh, it was 1970 somethin' ALL -- It was the dawning of a new decade Debbie -- We got our first microwave Cooter --- Dad broke down and finally shaved those sideburns off Daisy I took the stickers off of my Rubix Cube Debbie Watched MTV all afternoon BJ --- My first love was Daisy Duke BJ --- With them, cut-off jeans Coy --- Space shuttle fell out of the sky And the whole world cried ALL --- It was 1980 somethin' In the world that I grew up in Skating rinks and black trans ams Big hair and parachute pants Lookin' back now I can see me And Oh, man did I look cheesy I wouldn't trade those days for nothin' Oh, it was 1980 somethin' Bo ------ Now I got a mortgage and an SUV But all this responsibility Makes me wish sometimes... ALL ---- It was 1980 somethin' In the world that I grew up in Skating rinks and black trans ams Big hair and parachute pants Lookin' back now I can see me And Oh, man did I look cheesy I wouldn't trade those days for nothin' Oh, it was 1980 somethin' 1970 somethin'... Oh, it was 19 somethin'...Daisy was having a great time with BJ she was trying hard not to think about Enos being hurt. Not tonight. She just wanted to have a good time and enjoy Luke and Dixie's happiness. The thought started to form in her head but she soon chased it away she couldn't allow herself to think that maybe some day this joy could be hers ........ and ....... BJ's.Luke walked up to Bo who was talking to Cooter. "Do you guys think you can help me slip us out of here in the ...... " looking at his watch, "say next hour or so?"Bo was curious, "Well, sure, Luke but are you slipping out a little early?" Bo gave Luke a mischievious smile."Actually I think its years late! I have a surprise for Dixie. I'll let you in on it say, ........ tomorrow, or ......... the next day."Cooter smiled, "Well, if that's the case I better go get Daisy. She has a couple of things to see to." Cooter slide off his stool and went over to Daisy."Bo do you think you could give me a few minutes head start then bring my pickup toward the County line? I know we decided to leave in the General Lee but he just won't be the best vehicle for what I have planned." explained Luke."Sure." replied Bo even more curious.Daisy was busy getting set up for the throwing of the bouquet and garder. Then she'd have to check out the rice bag supply.Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted April 17, 2005 Posted April 17, 2005 Daisy smiled as she walked across the room to Dixie. "Well, honey," she said, "It's about that time."Dixie smiled. All of the unmarried women gathered around for the tossing of the bouquet. Dixie was smiling as she turned her back to the group of women. Most of them had a very important reason to want that bouquet. Dixie carefully, but with no planned receiver, tossed the flowers over her head. They landed neatly in Debbie's hand! She blushed bright red as Jeb winked at her. She couldn't believe this!Then Luke had to throw the garter. Luke wasn't altogether comfortable with the idea of holding something like a garter. It made him feel funny, but he smiled. It was worth it. He took the garter, and tossed it into the waiting group of men, grinning when he turned around to see a highly uncomfortable Jeb holding the garter.Bo told Daisy to get the rice ready. Then he nodded to Cooter that it was time to help the bride and groom get out.Bo quickly took over the mic. And in true Bo Duke showman's fashion, he said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, if you'll just step outside and see Miss Daisy, the bride and groom will be out presently. And then, it's off to the honeymoon for them."Dixie blushed again. She'd get Bo when she and Luke got back from the honeymoon.Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted April 18, 2005 Author Posted April 18, 2005 Dixie whispered to Luke, "Your cousin is a dead 'Duck' when this is over!"Luke just smiled. "Come on Mrs. Duke."It felt like all of Hazzard was there to see the bride and groom off by the rice that was hitting them as Luke helped Dixie into the General Lee. Luke fired up the General and hit the horn as they pulled out playing 'Dixie'.Bo whispered to Beth, "Honey, I'm not real sure what's up but I need to take Luke's pickup to meet him and bring the General Lee back. Shouldn't take just a few minutes and I'll be right back.""Go on. I'll be right here." replied Beth.Bo walked around to the side of the Boar's Nest where Luke's truck was parked as everyone else was going back inside to finish the party. As Bo opened the truck door he heard something, so he closed the door and walked toward the back of the Boar's Nest. Standing in the dim light of early evening with her back to him was a familar female though her hair was different Bo Duke would recognize any female that he knew a mile away. He walked over and gently put his hand on her shoulder as he asked, "Robin?"Robin turned to him, "Bo you scared the life out of me.""Sorry about that. Why are you out here and not inside?" asked Bo."I wanted to come in, but the more I thought about the more I felt I couldn't." she said, "I didn't want to cause Luke any problems especially today. I would have liked to have wished him well, ..... I even came by the church for the wedding but couldn't bring myself to talk to him.""Robin, your not saying? .... I mean, you don't?......" Bo studdered. Robin smiled, "Bo! No. I still love Luke but I am not in love with him. I only want to see him happy. I had my time of happiness and though you may not know this he showed at my wedding too." she smiled. The look on Bo's face was priceless -- he indeed didn't know that Luke came to see her at the church just before she married Ralph Green. "I know I made a mistake that caused us not to get back together, but I don't regret that. We had something special that never would have worked at that time. Luke was right about that though I couldn't see it then. I really just wanted to stop by and wish him and Dixie well.""You mean with all the trouble he and Ralp had he showed up at the church with Ralph and everyone there?" Bo laughed!Robin smiled at the thought, "Yeah, he sure did."Bo recovered from the curve ball Robin had thrown him and said, "Well, I can let him know you were here or ......" Bo was trying to think but him mouth had already ran away without him. He just hoped Robin would turn down his offer. He wasn't sure what Dixie or Luke would think about him and Robin showing up to switch vechicles AND what would Beth say later? "I am just on my way to meet Luke and Dixie to trade out vehicles, ........ you could ride with me if you want?"Robin thought for a minute before replying, "........ Quote
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