DixieDavenport Posted January 26, 2005 Posted January 26, 2005 It was late afternoon as Dixie returned to her small apartment she shared with her friend and co-worker who had talked her into going home to close or open a chapter in her life. She took her small bag out of the little Ford Aspire. She had taken a bit more things but had left what she didn't figure she'd need for a few days at Beth's. Her roommate, Debbie, saw her take one bag out of the car as she walked into the building. 'That's unsual. She always carries ALL she can and then some in a load.' thought Debbie. Debbie met her at the door excited to see how things went. "Wweellllllll???" she asked even before Dixie got in the door.Though Dixie had her left hand in her pocket, she could not help the beaming glow in her eyes, when she smiled at her friend. "You HAD a good time! I TOLD you you WOULD!" replied Debbie talking louder by the minute as she shut the door. "Come on talk to ME! He was there, right?""Yes, he was and I did have a good time." Dixie said slowly and calmly. "You know how stressed I've been at work and how I said I felt 'burnt out'?" she asked her friend.A bit confussed Debbie said, "Yeaaahhh. AND?""Well, I think I found a relaxation technique." she still said slowly and calmly."WHAT? Driving ME crazy? OUT WITH IT already!" said Debbie. Dixie replied, "NO." she paused again, "Oh, see you have to just stretch your arms out ...... like ...... this"As she stretched her hands out in front of her Debbie saw the diamond solitaire golden ring on Dixie's left hand. "I told you! I told you so! If this guy was as special as you said he was I knew things would work!" exclaied Debbie. "So when is the wedding?"Smiling broadly, Dixie replied, "December 21. You have got to put in for the week before tomorrow before I talk to them.""Just what are YOU going to talk to them about?" said Debbie. "I'm going to check into a transfer, but you KNOW if they know that they won't let you have that week off so you have to not say anything about this until you have that week off." said Dixie.Debbie nodded, "Your right."The girls stayed up late that night talking and planning the next few weeks.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Luke pulled his truck up in front of a old large house in a small neighborhood near the Smokejumpers base camp. Luke and five of his team rented the entire house which was divided by floors. Luke and the older two guys of the crew shared the top floor while the three younger ones shared the bottom floor. The team members were close and got along well so this arrangement had worked out well. A couple of the guys vehicles were there. Luke took his large bag out of the pickup walked up to the unlocked door and went upstairs. He was immediately greeted by his three dogs at the top of the stairs. 'They will love the farm.' he thought. It took several minutes and much petting to quiet them down. Randy greeted him in the dining room area. "So you did make it back for work in the morning?"Luke smiled, "Sure I did. You had your doubts?""About Mr. Dependable. No, I really didn't." he joked. "What's been going on?" Luke asked. He was always bunisess first even at home. Smiling to himself, 'that was one thing that would have to change.'"Nothing much. A few small potenially bad fires are going. Nothing looks like we'll get to jump anytime soon. They may use some 'Hotshots' this week though." replied Randy. Luke had entered his room as they talked. He reached over putting his portable radio on charge. He had let its batteries die while he as gone. It would be charged in about 45 minutes for use but would be good by morning. He reached over, turned on the computer, flipped his TV on to the weather channel, and headed for the frig to get a beer as they talked. Luke sat down at his computer chair to check the weather for the week. Randy sat on the foot of his bed. "So how was your week?" the guys all had heard about Luke's family."Well, everyone showed up. After this week my cousin's son is transfering back closer to home to GA Tech. Bo and Beth are expecting again. Our buddy, Cooter came in too. He brought his sister that I dated just after high school,......" Luke paused, "we're getting married December 21 he said calmly as he broke into a wide smile at the expression on Randy's face.Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted January 26, 2005 Posted January 26, 2005 Bo, Jr. arrived at his dorm on the campus of Mississippi State University later on on Monday. His roomate, Matt, wasn't home from classes yet, so Bo took it easy a few hours. His friend finally arrived at the dorm, and Bo was glad to see him. "Hey, man!" he said, shaking hands with his friend."Hey," Matt replied. "How are things back in Hazzard County? Your family and all?""Well, my mom's having another baby... and my Uncle...cousin... Luke is getting married now... after forever... and I met this girl, and she's absolutely awesome. And I'm transferring to GA Tech to be closer to home.""Dude, no way!" Matt said. "Leavin' me here with Professor Evil?" The young men had one class together, and it had to be taught by the meanest professor at MSU. But it was OK.Bo did hate to leave his friend, but he wanted to get back home, near Hazzard. There was too much excitement going on at home.He still had to finish his classes for that semester. Which reminded him... He hadn't done Professor Evil's homework.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Beth and Bo, Sr. were at home, sitting on the couch, resting. Beth was leaning on his arm, nearly asleep, when she looked up at him. "We have to start all over, Bo," she said softly."Huh?""We haven't had a child in over 10 years, 11 by the time the baby's born.""And we're gonna be just fine. Don't worry.""I know, it's just... worry... worry that we won't do it right this time, or that we'll be worn out by the time the baby comes, and we won't be good parents this time.""Beth, why don't you just calm down. Everything's gonna be just fine."As Bo pulled her closer, Beth realized that he was right. Everything would indeed be "just fine."Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 26, 2005 Author Posted January 26, 2005 Always the early riser, Luke was up with his coffee before dawn. He looked at the clock on the wall seeing that he had several minutes of quiet before the others got up. He picked up the phone dialing Dixie's home number.As Dixie's tried to figure out the annoying sound her alarm clock setting on the dresser across the room went off. She now realized it was the phone. She hurried to grab the phone and said very sleepily, "Hello?" as she checked the clock. 'No, I'm not late. Who in the world would call at 7am?' She thought.She heard the laugh in the other end of the phone as Luke said, "Get the clock."She smiled. "Morning."Debbie came up the hall. She had heard the phone ring too. She gave Dixie a puzzled look as she too wondered who would call that early."Luke said, "I see it was a good idea to call and make sure you were up.""Yeah, we were up late, but the clock just went off." she said.Debbie said in the background, "Hi, Luke."Luke heard her, "That would be Debbie? Tell her good morning too."Dixie relayed, "He said, 'good morning'. We should get paid the 14th so Debbie is asking for the 14th through the 26th off BEFORE I go ask about the transfer.""I see, you all are plotting to be evil already?" Luke lasughed as Randy walked in seeing him on the phone. Randy said, "Thought you'd lost it there. I KNEW the others weren't up yet.""No, we just know the administration. By the way, we talked last night. We are both off Thrus and Fri. We might go to Hazzard and start cleaning on the garage. (Luke knew she meant the rooms above the garage.)""Great. I hear we most likely won't be flying anytime soon so you should be able to reach me at home after 6 or I'll have my cell phone if we do go out and I'll try to reach you. I've got to finish getting ready and you have to leave soon so I'll let you go." Luke walked toward his room as he continued, "I love you.""I love you too, BE CAREFUL!" Dixie said.Luke smiled. "You want me to be careful. I'm only dealing with fire NOT inmates!""It's not the inmates you have to worry about its the other Officers! Besides I get to tell them all where to go and how to get there! Yikes, I do have to hurry. Love ya.""Love you too." Luke hung up and headed off the finish getting ready. He was a little out of sink as he'd been off for the longest he'd been off since he started the jobs several years ago. He really like his job. He wasn't that happy that Dixie had become a Correctional Officer. He worried about her, but she'd been doing this also several years and really seemed to like it, though she was tired of some administration problems. She had told him she had became a Correctional Officer not to side with the 'Rosco's' but to try to make up for them by doing her job well, which largely involved taking care of the inmates. Looking at his watch Luke had to hurry himself. Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted January 27, 2005 Posted January 27, 2005 Bo, Jr. was alone in his dorm room. Matt had gone out with his girlfriend that night, and Bo was chilling out at the dorm room. He had started unpacking his clothes, and found the little pocket notepad that held something very important. A phone number belonging to Jessica Hansen. He looked at his watch, and it was still early enough that it should be OK to call. He dialed the number, and waited patiently."Hello?" said a female voice on the other line."Is Jessica there?" he asked, just to make sure, although he would have recognised her voice anywhere."This is Jessica," she replied."Jessica! Hey, this is Bo Duke. Bo, Jr., I mean.""I know," she said. "How are ya?""Just fine, and you?""Great. Even better since you called," she replied."Um... well, I'm... Next semester, I'm planning on going to another college," he said."Is it closer to Hazzard?""Yep. I'm going to GA Tech.""What!? Wow! That's great!" She was so excited to hear from Bo, and now this news made it even better."And I was wonderin' if you'd mind if... If you'd like to go out with me when I get back. Be my date to Luke and Dixie's wedding.""Oh... well..." she trailed off. "Sure!" She'd thought he'd never ask. So many guys she'd danced with at the Boar's Nest had asked for her number, but never called her. This Bo Duke was quite extraordinary."Um... Luke and Dixie are gettin' married December 21, but I'll be back by December 14. So maybe we can get together before the wedding a time or two.""OK."Neither of the young people had ever been so excited. Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 27, 2005 Author Posted January 27, 2005 It was Wednesday morning (well it was still night) when Luke's radio went off. he was standing in the middle of the floor before he realized why. The page on the radio advised Luke's team to be at base camp ASAP and ready to leave by dawn. Lights began coming on throughout the house as the six began to get ready. Before leaving Luke looked at the clock on the wall 3am. 'No way I'm waking her at this hour.' he tucked the cell phone in his pocket and the team headed off to the base camp. By 5am they had readied their equipment and the plane was warming up. Luke counted his men and two women as they got into the plane as he dialed his cell phone. Dixie blindly reached for the phone, saying, "Hello?" before she heard Luke's voice she could hear noises she couldn't identify. "Honey, sorry to wake you. I know you are going to Hazzard after work, right? I wasn't sure when I'd be able to call but we are flying out on a fire as I speak. Wanted you to know in case you try to call and I'm not there. I'll call you when I can." Luke said in one breath. He had heard his team many times in the past make such phone calls.Dixie tried to process the rapid information being given her. "Luke," she knew he didn't have much time to talk. She wanted to know more than he had time to say. She was going to have to get used to this and it wasn't going to be really easy. She continued, "I should be in Hazzard by 6 if I don't get stuck working. I'll let Maybelle know where I am when I get there. Be careful and I love you!""Love you too. I'm holding up the world here. Got to go." Luke said as the phone went dead. Dixie was now awake. She went to the restroom then to the kitchen for a glass of pop. She checked the time. It was 5:15am. Normally being awaken at this time of the day she would have went right back to bed and the idea was appealing to her body but knew her mind wouldn't rest. ~~~~~~~~~~By Wednesday 4pm Debbie had been approved for the time off in Dec. It was Dixie's turn, "Clock me out. I'm going upstairs (to the Administrators Office) be back in a minute." She reached the Office knowing that only the Dep. Administrator would be in this time of day. "Can I talk to you a minute before ou leave?" she asked of the woman who was slightly older than herself. The woman sat her stuff back down and said, "Sure. Something wrong?""No, not really. As a matter of fact I think things are trying to go my for a change. You know when I was off last week? I went back to my home town." she paused. "I purposely went back looking for someone to either finish something, ..... or, .... start something. Well, he was there. We had a good time. Then we talked, and well," she smiled, "the feelings are still there for both of us." she now showed off her left hand, "He asked me to marry him and I said 'yes'."The older woman studied her hand, "Well, congratulations!""Thank you." she said, "Now, you know I love my job, but this is quiet a drive to drive everyday. I was wondering what I'd have to do to get transfered to Tri-Counties Regional? I've talked to there transportation people when they are here and I know they have a turn over." Dixie also knew the the older woman took training with the some of the head people at the Tri-Counties Regional.She looked at the schedule. "You're off tomorrow? When do you work again?""I'll be back Sat." replied Dixie.The older woman said, "I should have at least the information for you by Monday. I hate to loose you, but I knew you had been waiting for something. I hope this is it. Congratulations, again. When do you want to transfer?" she said picking up her things.Dixie thought about it. "We are getting married Dec 21. If it was before that would be OK. I could get things set up, but I'd not get anytime off. Do you think it would be possible to set it up for after the first of the year? I could work here until Dec. 14 and take vacation time until I'd start there?"As they walked, the older woman said, "That will put me really short but since we know about this far in advance we can go ahead and hire and have them trained some by the time you leave. I think it maybe able to work out. I just need to run this by the 'boss'." she said. Both females knew that the older woman ran the place, the 'boss' was looking to retire soon, so he let her run things pretty much her way these days. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dixie and Debbie left heading for Hazzard in Debbie's little car. They had it packed tight with their things for their days off and cleaning supplies. Not to mention things that Dixie had packed that weren't going to be used. She had figured to bring a little load everytime she came. On the way she took her cell phone and called Bo's house. Beth answered, "Hello.""Beth, this is Dixie. I thought I'd call and let you know things did work out so I could come in for a couple days. I have a friend with me and we will be by later. Don't you dare go to any trouble. I thought I'd go by the garage and get the keys from LB and see what I'm up against at the garage. With no one staying up there for so long, Lord only knows what Cooter and him have put up there." said Dixie."Ok, but I expect you both for dinner and there is NO way that place is fit to stay in yet so I also expect you to stay here. No, excuses! The girls will just have to move over." Beth said in a matter of fact tone. Dixie knew Beth was right about the rooms over the garage though they would have made due had Beth not insisted they stay at the farm. "Ok, you have got a deal but don't go to any trouble. Are you feeling OK?" asked Dixie.Beth smiled and replied, ".....Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted January 27, 2005 Posted January 27, 2005 "I'm just fine, honey! Don't worry about me. It's gonna be awhile before this baby starts causin' any trouble. Unless it's a boy."Dixie laughed. "Oh, Duke boys are trouble. But it's worth it, huh?""Oh, yeah. It's definately worth it." Beth smiled again."How are Bo and the kids?""Oh, they're just fine. Bo's workin' on General Lee right now. Something's wrong with the distributor. And Bo, Jr. called last night. The girls are at school, so I'm trying to catch up on my housework.""Elizabeth Anne Smith Duke, you go sit down right this minute and rest! No more runnin' like a chicken with your head cut off. You need to rest!" Dixie said."I'll rest when the time comes. Besides, I'd feel bad resting with Bo out there working like that.""Honey, when Bo carries the baby, Bo can rest. Now you go lay down and take a nap."Beth laughed. "I owe him at least a clean house.""You better not be cookin' supper!""I'm not," Beth said, grinning. "Bo insisted that until I had the baby, that was the girl's job. But I'm allowed to help. You'd think the man had never been a father before."Dixie smiled, knowing full well that when and if she and Luke had kids, he'd be exactly the same way. "Well, I'll be there soon. Love ya.""You, too! Be careful!"Dixie promised. She smiled as she drove on. She loved her new family.Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 28, 2005 Author Posted January 28, 2005 Dixie told Debbie as the crossed the County line, "Keep an eye on your speed. This place still has its speed traps."Debbie who was a 'city' girl tookin the view. "Oh, my, it is simply beautiful here."Dixie replied,"Yeah, it is, but Hazzard is really different! You have been warned!"Debbie just laughed. 'All the tails she had heard about this place had to be just that!' she thought.Dixie directed her to the Hazzard Garage. Debbie took in the building that appeared to have needed painted 10 years ago. "This is it?" she questioned."Yeah, and if you're thinking that the outside is bad, then the inside may scare you off for good! No one has lived upstairs in years. A couple of times Cooter, Luke and even Bo thought they wanted to be on there own and tried it for awhile. The guys stayed here sometimes too when they had big jobs to do or a race to get ready for and wanted to drink afterwards. Come on, let's find LB."Debbie wasn't sure what an LB was or if she wantedto find it!Dixie swung open the sliding door and called, "Hey, cousin, where are you?"The answer came from under the old car that was in the garage. "Right here. Dixie is that you?" Dixie pointed the boots sticking out form under the car. "Yes, it's me.""Congratulations! Finally hooked Luke, huh?" asked LB.Dixie kicked his boot hard. "Owww! Hey, Cooter called said you'd be by soon to fix up the upstairs. Hey, hand me that 3/4 inch socket on the bench." LB requested.Dixie without thinking reched for the socket and handed it to him. Debbie was shocked, She didn't know one tool form the other.LB continued, "The upstairs is open, Keys are on the peg board.""Thanks, LB. I'm going to use the phone too." she informed. Picking up the phone she got the Hazzard operator. The phone system hadn't changed even its operator since she was in school. "Maybelle, this is Dixie Davenport. I am expecting a call sometime tonight. I'll be at the garage if it comes through anytime soon." she paused. "Yes. Thank you. December 21st. Yes, of course you are. I haven't even had time to think of invitations. There is so much to do." she paused again listening. "Sure I will. I'll talk to you about it later." she said being nice but she needed to get busy. Hanging up she told Debbie, "Last chance to back out. Come on."They went up the inside steps to the small apartment. Dixie turned the door knob and it opened a couple inches then the door stuck. She shoved it. Nothing, She shoved it harder. It opened where she could get her head in to see what was up. "OH, MY! LB!! Get up here!" she yelled."I just got a wrecker call!" he shouted back. "I'll wrecker YOUR call if you don't get up here!"she yelled back. LB now knew how his mild mannered cousin could be a Correctional Officer!"What in the world have you all done stored every broken part since I left Hazzard up here? Is there anything good up here?""Sure, it all good." said LB.Dixie was heading toward the phone. "You better get to the good stuff before I do!" she said, "Maybelle get me the Duke farm.""Hello." said Beth."Beth, is Bo finished with the General Lee?" asked Dixie."What's wrong. Yes, he just got done." said Beth.Dixie explained rather calmly, "My cousin LB and possible my brother are going ot die a horrible death if I don't talk to Bo."Knowing what she was talking about Beth laughed and said, "Honey, Dixie needs to talk to you. Is it that BAD?"Dixie replied, "Worse! I can't even get the door open!""Ok, here's Bo." replied Beth."Bo, help! Can you and Jesse come down here for a bit and help me, Debbie and LB get into the upstairs? Do you know anyone with a truck or where I can get a dumpster?"Laughing, Bo replied, "Relax the cavary is coming. There should be a dumpster out the second window. I'll get Mr. Peabody's dump truck!"LB had made 5 trips up and back to get car magazines, good parts, and anything he thought he'd need while she was on the phone. He had gotten the door open. Dixie found the window and had raised it. Yes, there was a dumpster there. "Debbie, if it's not nailed down pitch it!" she instructed. As she reached for a fuel tank of of something and tossed it. LB started to object but figured it would be easier to just retrieve it from the dumpster. Bo pulled up out front and saw the dumpster at the side being filled to overflowing. He shook his head and turned the truck to back into the other side of the garage. "Come on son." he said to Jesse. By nine o'clock all that remained in the apartment was the furniture. Even the mattresses were taken out. It was a good thing the girls were staying at Bo's. Dixie had plans to be at Ruebottoms' when they opened. For paint and cleaners she hadn't brought.When the work crew arrived at Bo's, Beth said, "Good Lord what happeed to you?" Dixie smiled, "LB survived barely! I hope what ever the girls cooked is good cold. need a shower. Will you call Maybelle, and tell her I'm here?"~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After everyone had showered, they sat down to a warmer up dinner of meatloaf and mashed potatos with the trimmings. By 11pm every one was heading to their beds, all but Dixie. Luke had still not called.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~When the fire crew broke for the night it was late by the time they had gotten to area where the showers and food were set up. Being the Senior Smokejumper, Luke had more responsibilities than the others. He was dealing with making sure they were feed, had their turn at a shower, and a place to grab a few hours sleep. When Luke had time to check his watch it wa 11:30pm, he rang the Hazzard operators number, "Maybelle, Dixie Davenport is expecting a call from me. She said she'd let you know where she is." Luke listened. "Thank you. She's at the farm? Yeah, go ahead and ring it."Dixie about jumped thorugh her skin as she had drifted off. She grabbed the phone to keep from waking the others. "Hello.""Sorry, I called do late. I thought you two were staying at the Garage?" Luke questioned. "That was the plan unitl I couldn't get the door open. I think Cooter and LB AND probably you and Bo have put every old part you've ever changed up there." she replied.Luke asked, "That bad?"She replied "Worse! Bo, Jesse and LB by default helped us get the stuff out! Tomorrow Debbie and I will start the first round of cleaning. Luke, where are you?" He laughed at her, "Turn on the TV to the news channel they are crawling around here. We are on the fire in Alabama." he said as if being several states away was the most normal thing he had ever done. "If the the winds would die down and we'd get some rain, we might get out of here in a day or two.""Your going to be on a single fire three days?" she questioned. Luke laughed, "I said two more days IF we're lucky! This thing is really going at it and it has plenty of fuel." Secretly, Luke hope this would be the last large fire they would have before the fire season ended. He could sure stand training others and preparing for the next season on a 9-5 basis. Ususally he dreaded the down time of the off seasons but not this year. "What has Bo been doing other than saving LB?" he asked. "He replaced a distributor on the General earlier before I got here." she said smiling in anticipation of Luke's reply."He what? Who timed him?" questioned Luke.This was the part of being away from home that bugged him.Smiling, Dixie replied, "Bo, I guess. LB was at the garage with me.""You know that I had timed and tuned him before I left?" Luke exclaimed.Dixie almost laughed, "Well, maybe in a few months things will get backto normal here and Bo won't be TRYING to work on the General Lee." she said humoring Luke. "I sure hope so." Luke replied, "I guess I had better let you get some sleep. Sounds like you have a rough day ahead of you." "You didn't paint a real cheery picture for your day either." she added. Luke replied, "Piece of cake. Besides, I love my job! Jump out of an airplane, fight a fire for hours then hike out. Easy!""Yeah, Right!" she replied. She heard some one call for him in the background. "I heard. I'll talk to ya when you can call.""Unless, things change it will be late tomorrow evening. I do love you." he said."After the junk I went through today you had better. I love you too. Night." She said."Night. Got to run." He replied. As Dixie hung up the phone she heard Beth leave her room quietly going to the bathroom. In less than a minute it was obvious that Beth was sick. Dixie knocked on the bathroom door, saying, "Beth, its me."In between getting sick, Beth replied, "I'm OK." Dixie tried the door. It was open. She got a cool cloth for Beth's head and took the seat beside her best friend on the side of the tub as Beth got sick in the toilet. After several minutes Beth regained her composure. "Looks, like I'm getting my answer. I have gotten sick at night with the boys and the girls in the mornings." Beth wiped her face again with the cool cloth. "Where is Bo?" asked Dixie. Beth smiled, "Asleep, I hope I didn't wake him over this."~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted January 29, 2005 Posted January 29, 2005 Dixie woke up early the next morning. She got up quickly, before realizing that she was in Hazzard, and it was Saturday. She went to the bathroom, took a shower, then went down to the kitchen. She wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep. So she fixed some coffee, enough for herself, and Bo. Beth had been ordered to drink decaf, which didn't exactly please her.Upstairs, the smell of coffee woke up Bo first, then Beth. He turned over and pulled Beth close. "You alright this morning, honey?" he asked her."Yeah. I'm fine.""I knew you were sick last night, but by the time I got awake, you were coming back to bed."She nodded. "It's gonna be a boy.""How'd you figure that out already?""Only the boys wake me up in the middle of the night. The girls wait until morning. And that includes the one I didn't give birth to." She smiled at Bo. He was known for getting a little excited and waking people up in the night."Well, then." He smiled, and pulled her closer."Bo, I don't know about all this. I can put up with a bunch of Duke boys now, but by the time this baby gets into his big-time trouble causin' years, I'll be gettin' to be an old lady."He grinned, "You're tougher than that, Sunshine.""Love you.""I love you, too."They got out of bed. Bo pulled his jeans on, and Beth put on her robe. Before they left their room, Bo put his arms around her again, and pulled her close to kiss her. She smiled, but pushed him away. "Come on! As much as I'd like to just stay here, we have company."Bo smiled and kissed her again. "Company can wait when it ain't but six on a Saturday morning. Besides, Dixie's family. She's free to do whatever.""Beauregard, we've got stuff to do.""Well, Elizabeth, that ain't got nothin' to do with gettin' up this early."She smiled, but said firmly, "Come on. Let's go."The two of them walked down stairs to find Dixie drinking a cup of coffee in the kitchen. She was currently studying her engagement ring for the umpteenth time. Only a few minutes later, Debbie came down. They all had coffee, except for Beth, who had a cup of hot cider, a new love introduced by one of her friends."Have you heard from Luke?" Bo asked."Yeah," Dixie replied. "He's workin' a fire. I'm worried about him.""You know Luke," Bo replied. "He's too cautious to get hurt.""If it was Bo," Beth said, sliding her arm around her husband, "Then, you'd have something to be worried about.""Very funny," Bo said with a sarcastic smile. "Thank you very much."Debbie smiled. She liked the Duke family. She knew that her friend was lucky to be becoming a part of it. Bo and Beth were so in love, and so were Dixie and Luke, though as of yet, she hadn't seen them together.The adults sat together awhile before the kids woke up, and all the wildness of a Saturday morning set in.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Meanwhile, in Alabama...Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 29, 2005 Author Posted January 29, 2005 The Smokejumpers were up well before dawn. The chiefs who run the fire were studying its progress through the night. At the morning briefings the Smokejumpers were given their assignments before heading to a local airport. The safety zones were layed out in case the wind shifted. The fire was progressing towards a camping area. Luke's team were going to make sure everyone had left. Ground crews would met them with trucks to evacuate the civilians that might be left. The way the fire was burning it would be blocking the enterance road in several spots and the ground crews would have to fight their way in and back out. The team managed to land perfectly into the camping area. There were two families who had tried to hook up their campers and pack up before leaving. Unfortunely, they took too long. Luke hadn't liked what he saw on the way down the fire was coming quickly up the mountain. The campground was on the top of the mountain. Fire traveled faster up hill than it did down hill. Luke gathered his team and the eight civilians. He looked to his Captain, "Take them, head down the mountain due East. There is a river at the bottom. I'm going to call in a water drop hopefully it will buy us some time. Move them out. I'll catch up." Without question she turned to the people with a calm, authoritive voice. "We need to move and move out now!"Luke took his radio, giving his position and requested a water drop. He also advised they had eight people they were moving toward the river just East of his position. He knew the fire was getting closer as the smoke was getting thicker. The Command Center verified his position and confirmed the water drop. Luke headed down the trail to catch up to his crew. He hoped they were making good time. When he caught up to them the plane was ready to make its drop. Luke instructed the civilians to get on their hands and knees then tuck their heads in case the drop did hit them. He took the smallest child and placed him under himself for protection. When the plane dropped the water they were indeed hit by some of the water. After checking that everyone was Ok, Luke got them moving again. He knew the fire was advancing. He put the child on his shoulders and carried him. They didn't have much time to reach the river. He hoped he could find them a way across. As they reached the river the fire was half way down the mountain. There was nowhere insight to cross. The river was deep but narrow. The Smokejumpers found a large tree tall enough to reach across the river. They wasted no time cutting it for a bridge. Once everyone was across the river the tree was cut so the fire couldn't travel it to the other side. Luke kept the group moving to where the ground crews would meet them. When the fire reached the river it had no place to go and went out. At least this one section had contained itself. Now they just had to fight their way out to get back to the base camp. Once out the Smokejumpers fought the fire with ground crews until dark. Then, returned to the base camp for showers, food and a little sleep. Luke learned that the fire was fifty percent contained. Maybe tomorrow would have be better. Luke was coming out of the Command Tent when he was stopped by a reporter with one of the women that had been in the group that the team had gotten to safety. The woman was making a big deal out of what Luke did. He gave a statement to the reporter playing down his and his team's role as best he could. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back in Hazzard.Dixie and Debbie had been cleaning since early that morning. Beth had wanted to come but Dixie refused to let her with the cleaners and paint smells. By supper time Dixie felt like they'd be ready to start painting tomorrow. She also planned to purchase a new mattress set so the next time she came in she could stay there and not be a bother to Bo and Beth. She and Luke had planned not to put a lot of money in the apartment as they figured they'd only be there a few months. She and Debbie were just getting ready to leave when they heard a car pull up. Looking down Dixie saw Jake getting out of the car. She smiled, "Debbie you want to know what Luke looks like. Well, your about to see what he looked like when I first met him. Come on." Pulling Debbie to the outside door. Debbie gave her a confused look. Dixie called, "Jake up here.""Hey, Dixie. I heard that LB was endanger so I thought I'd come check on him." he smiled. "Well, he lived but it was close. Thanks to Bo, Sr. and Jesse yesturday. I want you to met Debbie. We work together. Come on up." said Dixie. She had not told anyone the she was a Correctional Officer other than Luke, Cooter and LB. Of course with the other excitement no one had asked either. Debbie saw the handsome dark haired young man that came up the steps. Dixie continued her introduction, "Debbie this is Jake, Luke's son."Debbie looked a bit shocked. 'It seems Dixie left THAT part out. Though I can sure see why Dixie fell for his Dad. If I were say fifteen years younger.' she thought with a smile on her face. "Nice to meet you Jake.""Same here, Debbie." then he turned to Dixie. "You should have called me I'd been more than happy to have help you all out. With Bo, Jr. at school things are back to boring.""Well, I'll take you up on it tomorrow if you're willing to help us get a mattress up these steps?" said Dixie."I'll get LB to help me get it up here. But, I'm willing." said the young man. Dixie shook her head. 'You my friend are more like your Dad than you know.' she thought. It was as if Jake read her mind. "Have you heard from Luke?"She smiled, and replied, "Yes, he called me last night. He is suppose to call tonight though he said it would likely be late. Why don't you come out for supper and you can talk to him when he calls.""Ok, why will it be late?" he asked. Dixie wasn't sure if he knew anymore about Luke's job than she did. "He's on a fire in Alabama .....""Alabama? Whoa!" said the young man.Dixie laughed, "That was my reaction too! He said they might be showing some shots on the news channel but I haven't had time to look and I'm not sure I want to.""Let's go eat! Then we'll see if its showing the pictures." he insisted. "Ok." Dixie shut the door and headed to Debbie's small car. Jake shouted, "Race ya?"Debbie looked at him in disbelief. "He is kidding?"Dixie replied, "He had BETTER be kidding."They left for Bo's.Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted January 29, 2005 Posted January 29, 2005 Well, Jake wasn't kidding. As Dixie pulled up beside him, Jake floored the gas pedal in his '72 Firebird. Dixie knew her friends automatic transmission Accord had nothing on that car, but she refused to be beaten for not trying. She floored her own gas pedal, quickly realizing that it was no use with Jake shifting up to the next gear to pass her.Debbie was holding on for all she was worth, and Dixie was laughing. She hadn't had this much fun since she'd convinced Luke and Cooter to let her drive a Mustang in a race against them, and a few other friends.Jake yelled, "Yahhoooo!" as he came up on a jump. He took the jump without a second thought. After having seen Bo and Luke jump Dry Creek in the General, he figured his Firebird could handle it. He found himself wishing Bo, Jr. was with him to enjoy the moment.As they pulled into the driveway of the Duke farm, Beth walked out on the porch trying to figure out just what was going on. "Oh, my Lord!" she said, as she walked out onto the porch to see Jake's car screeching into the driveway sideways, followed by Dixie and Debbie, the brakes screaming as they tried to stop the car.Jake got out of his car, laughing hard, followed by an equally amused Dixie, and Debbie, who was not amused in the least. "You scared me to death, Dixie Davenport!" she exclaimed."Aw... No need to worry. I've been hangin' around the Duke boys and Cooter forever. Ain't nothin' to worry about."Beth walked over. "Don't listen to her," she said. "Being around the Duke boys and Cooter is more likely to make you a dangerous driver than anything.""Hey, Aunt Beth," Jake said, hugging her."Hey, Honey! How are you?""I'm doin' alright. Came over for supper. Dixie asked me to, so I could talk to Luke when he calls.""Oh! It'll be good to have you around some! We've missed ya since Bo, Jr. went back to school.""I've missed y'all, too."They went inside, talking all the way.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~At MSU, Bo, Jr. had just gotten a call. Jessica. She just wanted to talk, and that was just fine with him.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Luke was so tired he could barely hold his eyes open. And yet he'd promised Dixie he'd call. He picked up the phone and dialed the number. As he waited for the phone to be answered, all he could think about was seeing Dixie again.Speaking of Dixie... Cue Dixie... Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 29, 2005 Author Posted January 29, 2005 In the living room were Bo, Sr., Beth, Dixie, Debbie and Ruth Anne. The others were in bed by now. Jake had insisting on turning the TV on to maybe get a glimpse of the fire in Alabama, so far nothing had been mentioned. They all were talking lowly when the phone rang, Dixie answered on the second ring. She too had been tired from working harder than she ever thought of at 'work'. Bo teased, "You don't really want to talk to that cousin of mine do ya."Dixie hit him with a pillow as Beth elbowed him.Luke heard the comotion in the background of the phone. "Dixie, what is going on." "Nothing much just hit Bo with a pillow!" she said innocently. "Hey, someone wants to say 'Hi'." she handed the phone to Jake."Hey, Luke. We're watching the news but haven't seen anything on the fire." said Jake."Hey, yourself. We're making progress with it for now. The way the reporters are crawling around here I'd figure it being on TV. Just remember that not everything is as they report it." stated Luke."Ok, well, here's Dixie." he said handing the phone back to Dixie. She took the cordless phone and into the kitchen for supposedly a cup of coffee as they talkled. "Jake came over to the garage today as we were finishing up for the day. He's going to help me tomorrow."Luke repliled, "And to think I was worried about you tackling that mess alone.""Luke he is more like like you than you'd believe. He's not going to let me carry things up the steps, said he'd get LB to help. AND he out ran me today!" she exclaimed.Luke sighed. "He out ran you how?"Dixie replied innocently. "In Debbie's Accord." she said quietly so Beth wouldn't hear. "He jumped his Camero is partly why he beat me." "Oh, Lord." said Luke. "I have created monsters! I've been back in your life and in his less than a month and YOU TWO are racing!""It was probably the THIRD most fun I've had in years." she explained."Third?" he asked."Yeap. Seeing the hayloft with you. Riding in the General Lee with you and then racing today." she said."You know I can't wait to get there a straighten you two out!" he joked. "Seriously, though I never thought I'd miss you so much.""I have been just going through the motions for so very long. It is good to feel again. I have felt more 'at home' and more satified than I have in years. All this time you were right here and I was being stubborn." she said.Luke did know what she meant. "You weren't being stubborn. You had no idea things worked out like they did after you left.""Maybe, if I hadn't left. If I'd been stronger." she remembered the old bad times again. "I have something to tell you, Mr. Duke. I want to wait until our wedding night to tell you but I don't know if I can wait that long.""Just remember. Like us and good shine, if its worth having or telling it's worth waiting for." he reminded her. "Thanks, Luke." she said. "For what?" he asked she was being a bit sintamental tonight. She smiled and said, "For still loving me.""It should be me thanking you for putting up with ME!" he said as Randy montioned for him. "Da--. They found me. I've got to go. Remember I love you and tell that son of mine I love him too. AND I'll be home soon to straighten you both out. Oh, tell him he won't beat me!""I love you too. They are calling me too! Night." said Dixie."Night." Luke hung up to go see what his friend Randy wanted. He wanted to show him the interview Luke had done with the reporter about the fire. "I thought you wanted something important!" Luke said as he listened to the interview. "Oh, Lord, I hope they aren't watching this."~~~~~~~~~~~~Dixie went into the living room to see air views from a forest fire. It took just a second to see figure it was the Alabama fire that Luke was on. They were tellilng how many acres had burnt. Then it showed pictures of Smokejumpers jumping into the area. The reporter said, "We're waiting outside a Command post hoping to get word with the Smokejumper that lead his team and eight civilians out of that fire today while carrying a small child most of the way." The camera changed to the interview with Luke. "We just went in and did our jobs. They had not left when told to evacuate and got trapped the ground crews had to fight the fires in order to get in there. It was faster to fly us in." said Luke.The reporter asked, "You cared a child out?". Luke replied. "Yes, the fire was coming down the mountain behind us pretty quick. It was faster to carry him." The reporter kept on "When you reached the river, the fire was behind you? How did you cross?" Luke said, "There was a large tree we cut to make a bridge. After getting across we walked out until we met the ground crew with the trucks.""One more question?" the reporter asked, "How did you know which way to go to get away from the fire?"Luke replied, "We are briefed on the fires progress, winds, weather and have good maps of the area. We also have safety spots in case of emergenices like today. I was closer to that river than a safety zone.""You've been a Smokejumper how long?" the reporter pushed.Luke said, "Nine years. Now excuse me I have to go."The reporter said, "Thank you." and continued more details on the fire.Ruth Ann said, "I want to do that!" Quote
bethie88 Posted January 29, 2005 Posted January 29, 2005 "Well, you ain't gonna do no such thing!" Bo insisted, his "I am your father" voice turned on."But, dad." Ruth Anne was 16 years old, and she wasn't stupid. She knew that it would be a hard job, but she was a Duke, and she was up for the challenge. "Just give me a chance, and I'll prove you all wrong."Jake shook his head. "Lord, they make this whole thing look way worse than Luke said it was.""They sure do," Dixie agreed, knowing that, even though Luke said it wasn't that bad, she was going to worry about him until he was safe at his house."Hey, Beth," Bo said, "I'm going to get something to drink, you want anything?"She smiled. "You can get me some milk. I really want some milk.""You got it. How about y'all?" he added, looking around the room.Dixie asked for a beer, Jake took a glass of tea, remembering the talking to Luke had given him last time he had driven after a few drinks, and Debbie had a Diet Pepsi. Ruth Anne jumped up to help her dad, and they went to the kitchen together.When they returned, Bo passed the drinks around.After a little while, Jake had to go. He climbed into his Firebird, and smiled as Dixie called out to him, "I'll take ya next time. Just let me get a good car.""I'm probably askin' for a good hide tanning now, so don't get me started."Dixie laughed, so glad that Luke's son was such a good guy.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~At MSU, Bo, Jr. ........Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 29, 2005 Author Posted January 29, 2005 At MSU Bo, Jr. feeling just a bit more home sick than he had since his first week here. He had been plowing through the 'red tape' to get transfered by the end of the semster. Reviews for finals were starting. He had talked to Jessica several times since being back. He could hardly wait to be home. He flipped channels on the remote when something, well, someone familiar caught his eye. He flipped back in time to hear most of Luke's interview. "Matt. Hey, Matt come here." he called. "That's my Dad's cousin!""No way!" Matt said. Almost thinking Bo, Jr. was pitching him a tall tail. Until the writing on the TV screen read Luke Duke. The reporter was now telling more about the fire in Alabama. "Hey, you said he lived in Georgia." " He DOES! Beats me!" he looked at the clock. It was almost midnight. "It's too late to call tonight. I'll call tomorrow and see what's up."Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted January 30, 2005 Posted January 30, 2005 Bo, Jr. called his family first thing the next morning. "Hey, Dixie!" he said when she answered the phone."Hey, yourself! How are you?""I'm great! Didn't know you were back in Hazzard!"She filled him in on why she was there, and the state of the garage. He couldn't help laughing about the thoughts of trying to live above the garage. He had been to Cooter's garage at least a million times, and the state of the upper apartments was no laughing matter when you wanted to live there. Then he asked her what was up with Luke being in Alabama. She told him about the fires, and he knew she was worried. "Don't worry, Aunt Dixie," he said. "This is Uncle Luke. He'll be fine. He survived my dad's drivin' when they were young... Surely a little forest fire ain't nothin'."Dixie had to laugh at his observation. "True. But still...""You just worry about that apartment. I found out today that I'm outta here next semester, and back near Hazzard at GA Tech.""Good! See ya when ya get here, then.""Oh, I'll be home for Thanksgivin', too! Wish everybody could be there.""Me, too! But I know I'll be here! I have to stay here to make sure your mama doesn't cook too much. She needs to rest.""Try tellin' mama that," Bo Jr. said with a grin.They talked a little longer, then Dixie had to go back to the apartments to get more work done. She had so much to do...~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Luke was up and at 'em early every morning, but this morning, he woke up even earlier than usual and couldn't go back to sleep.He finally got up and got ready to fight the fire again. He was thankful that it was nearly contained at this point.As he went in, he could think of nothing but Dixie, and his family, and home. And mainly, getting the fire taken care of so that he could be with those people at home.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Dixie and Debbie, as well as LB and Jake were hard at work on the apartments. Dixie was excited when she realized that, if they continued to have Jake's help, the pace of getting all of this done would be a lot quicker. They might even be done by the next week...Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted January 30, 2005 Author Posted January 30, 2005 Luke's crew was contacted at noon to return to the base camp. The fire had been contained enough that the Georgia crews were being let go as soon as they could get packed up. Luke had a hundred things to over see, but turned to Randy, "Get things started I'll be there in five minutes." Randy had been a Smokejumper and with the fire services far too long not to recognize that look from his superior. As a matter of fact Luke, himself and Randy were the two who usually poked fun at the younger guys for calling 'home'. Randy just smiled a knowing smile at his friend and supervisor. Luke said, "Don't say it! Just get them started." he said as he reached for his cell phone and headed to find a quieter place. "Maybelle, Is Dixie Davenport still in Hazzard?" Maybelle laughed to herself. "Luke I have never known you to call any girl this much before. Yes, she's at the garage."Luke just said, "Well, she's not any girl. She's the one I'm marrying and this isn't before, it's now.""I hear you. I'm making the connection just calm down." she said."Sorry, I just wanted to call her before she heads out." said Luke knowing he'd been a little short with Maybelle. LB answered breathlessly, "Haz, .... zard Gar, .....age.""LB? Are you Ok?" Luke asked. "No, I am not ok! Are you sure you want to marry my cousin? She has tried to kill me and Jake!" LB said. "Owwww!"Dixie hit him over the head with a broom (fortunately it was the soft end) and took the phone, "Luke!" Jake and Debbie laughed at the cousins. "Surprised?" He asked.Dixie exclaimed, she had been slightly worried until she heard his voice and knew nothing was wrong, "Yes." she said."Good. I'll be out of here before dark. I wanted to tell you before you left for home. It may be really late before we get in and you have to work tomorrow. Why are you still there?" he asked.She said with a twinkle in her eyes, "Waiting on you to call!" she kidded. "I'm about done here. I should be on the road by 6."Jake interupted, "No, way is Beth going to let you two leave without supper.""Honey, Jake is right. We'll leave after supper." she said.Luke replied, "Give them all my love and tell them I hope I'll see them soon myself." "I'll do it." she said. "I'm so glad you're on your way home."She heard the fatigue in his voice, "Me too! I can't wait for this season to be over in a few weeks. I hate to run but I got to make sure they are getting this stuff done so we can head home. I love you!""I love you too! but why are you on the phone when you could be getting ready to leave?" Dixie asked."Sue me. I wanted to hear your voice today and it would have been way too late to call after I got home." he said."I'm glad you did. Now get out of Alabama!" she said playfully.Luke smiled, "On my way. Be careful going home. I love you."Dixie replied, "I love you too and you be carefull to. Bye.""Bye." he said as he set out to get these people on the road home. Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted January 31, 2005 Posted January 31, 2005 The weeks passed, far too slowly as far as Luke, Dixie, and Bo, Jr. were concerned. The adults wanted to get back to Hazzard and finally get married. Bo, Jr. wanted to get back to Hazzard to see his family and Jessica. From what he'd heard, Jake and Laura had become an item as well.Thanksgiving came, bringing Bo, Jr. home for at least a few days, but went just as quickly, sending him back to MSU for the final stretch. He couldn't wait until Christmas break, when he'd move his stuff to a dorm room at GA Tech.It took forever, but December finally came. Bo, Jr. said good-bye to Matt a little over a week before Luke's wedding, and set off, towing a U-Haul behind his dad's truck, since he'd left Stormy in Hazzard.When he pulled into the driveway of his home in Hazzard County, all he could do was smile. There were all the extra cars in the driveway. Dixie's Aspire, Luke's truck, Jeb's motorcycle, and Coy and Vance's cars. There was Cooter's wrecker, Daisy's Jeep, and an Accord Bo didn't recognise.Bo parked the truck and headed inside. When he walked in, he was immediately met by his mother at the door. "Hey, Mama," he said, kissing her cheek and hugging her."Hey, honey! I'm glad you got back before tonight.""Why's that?""There's supposed to be snow and ice tonight.""Did you say snow and ice?""Yeah...why?"Bo, Jr. grinned, "Prime weather to bust out the 4 wheelers.""Spoken like a true Duke boy," she said with a smile.Bo came into the livingroom to meet Debbie and see all the others.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~First thing the next morning, Bo, Jr. was awake before anybody else. He figured it was too early to call Jessica, but calling Jake was a different story."Morning, Jake," he said, when his cousin picked up the phone."Hey, man! What's goin' on?""Nothin' much. I'm back in town, now, though. The whole family is. So we talked last night, and decided to go out ridin' 4-wheelers today, after breakfast. You wanna come over and bring yours?""Sounds like a winner to me," Jake said with a smile.The family had breakfast, and Jake showed up. Then they headed out for a ride.Everyone began climbing onto 4-wheelers. Bo, Sr. and Beth were on Bo's green 300. Bo, Jr. took his own blue 300 with Caroline riding behind him. Coy took Ruth Anne's red one with cousin Daisy in place behind him. Vance was on Jesse's light blue 250 with Ruth Anne. Jesse wanted to drive one, but with the number of adults, he had to ride on Jake's green 300. Cooter and Michaela took a gray 300. Luke and Dixie took a purple one, and Jeb swung into place on the last green 300. Debbie took a seat on the back of the truck, when Jeb realized she was the only one not riding. He looked around, then said, "Hey, Debbie, hop on!"She couldn't help smiling at him. He smiled back as she swung into place behind him on the 4-wheeler. He turned around and looked at her, their faces a little closer than what Debbie was used to, but she wasn't complaining. "You ever done this before?" he asked."Nope," she said over the top of the scarf she was wearing."Well," he took her hands and put her arms around him. "Hold on tight and get close. You'll freeze your butt off."She had to laugh. But she felt a little strange being so close to him, but it wasn't a bad strange. She smelled cologne, and it smelled really nice. "You ready?" he asked, as he got ready to take off."I think so."Jeb nodded and stomped the gear pedal. The 4-wheeler shifted into first gear, and Jeb pressed the throttle with his thumb.The group headed down into the woods, where they commenced to slinging mud everywhere. They were all having a great time.Beth slid close to Bo and said softly in his ear, "You be careful, and remember you've got three people on here."Bo grinned. "I know."Debbie couldn't believe how much fun she was having. And being with Jeb Duke made it even more fun. He was really nice, and Debbie liked him. Alot more than she'd thought she would.Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted February 1, 2005 Author Posted February 1, 2005 Dixie had also not done this before but she had alway trusted Luke with her life. Luke knew Dixie well enough that he'd know if he worried her. He told her he'd take it easy until she got used to it. Luke knew not too much ever scared her. Bo, Sr. headed them across the fields and into the woods. He was indeed taking it pretty easy and paid attention not to get Beth real wet since it was pretty cold. She didn't need to get sick. He planned to take them into the hills where they often rode, then he'd let the others by if they wanted to go faster than he planned.Once at the hill climbs and mud holes Bo, Sr. pulled to the side to watch the present dare devils. Luke pulled up beside him letting Dixie see what the others were doing. He planned to take her through much slower than he figured Coy, Vance, Cooter and Bo, Jr. would go. He had also been watching Jeb. Luke had seen Jeb ride and jump motorcycles all him life. He knew he could handle the 4-wheeler just as well but he had Dixie's friend, Debbie on the back. Jeb also pulled up by Luke and Bo. Dixie asked Debbie, "Well are you having fun?" Debbie replied, "Yes, I am. I've never been out on the 'woods' like this. It is beautiful."Jeb turned to her, "I'll let you watch them, first to see if you want to try it with me."Luke assured their new friend, "Jeb can handle anything these guys will do. His a real 'hot dog' but he won't show off with you on there unless you want."From the distance another 4-wheeler was heard approaching. It was Jake who soon joined the others on the hill climbs. Quote
bethie88 Posted February 1, 2005 Posted February 1, 2005 Bo, Jr. and Jake were the biggest daredevils of the group, and Beth was just glad that everyone was wearing warm clothes, because Bo, Jake, Jesse, and Caroline were getting extremely muddy. Coy and Daisy were getting their fair share of the mud on them, and Vance was just waiting to get in on the fun, since the mudhole was only so big. Cooter was going a little slower since he had Michaela on with him. But she yelled, "Come on, Uncle Cooter! I drive this thing faster than that!!!"Cooter laughed and upshifted. Michaela laughed hard. This was more fun than riding alone, she decided. All of the kids loved their family. Including the Davenport branch.They took a curving dirt path away from the house. Beth was snuggled very close to Bo, trying to keep warm. The wind was blowing hard on them, and Beth had no desire to get too cold and get sick.They were having a great time. They rode for a few hours. Dixie and Debbie were enjoying themselves immensely, so their drivers, Luke and Jeb, respectively, decided that it might be OK to try a few more daredevilish stunts. Luke hit a mudhole, swinging the back wheels around. Dixie yelped, but then began to laugh. Jeb turned down another path, then turned a hard left without slowing down. He came back up in 4th gear, and hit a large bump. In a slow gear, it would have been nothing, but Jeb hit it so hard that all 4 wheels left the ground. Debbie screamed, and tightened her arms around him so that he could barely breathe. "Whoa. Easy now," he said calmly. "I ain't gonna letcha get hurt. I promise."She found herself snuggled close to Jeb, her head lying on his shoulder. "You OK?" he asked her."Yep," she said softly. "I'm just fine."Lunch ended up being at 3:00, because it took everyone that long to get cleaned up. Daisy, Dixie, Debbie, and the girls made a huge pot of vegetable soup, which everybody loved on such a cold day. After sitting around talking for a few hours, Bo stood up. "Alright, everybody. Ruth Anne said she'd keep the young'uns if y'all wanna go out jukin' at the Boar's Nest."Debbie, who happened, by some twist of fate to be sitting beside Jeb, looked at him. "Huh? What's jukin'?"Jeb laughed. "Just go put on somethin' perty, and we'll show ya."Debbie looked at him just a minute, unsure what he meant exactly. But Dixie smiled at her. "Just come on, honey! It's fun!"She led Debbie upstairs to pick an outfit.They all met in the living room, at 8:00. Debbie was wearing a blue denim dress, a little past knee length. Beth thought she was crazy as cold as it was, but something was different about Debbie that night. She'd done her makeup, and Daisy had done her hair. Daisy was the go-to woman for hair in the Duke clan. Jeb looked at her, a little smile on his face. Dixie was wearing a new pair of jeans and a button top over a tank top. Beth was dressed comfortably in a purple button top and jeans. She was just glad she wasn't showing all that much. At least on a jukin' night. Daisy was dressed in a pair of jeans, and an off-white top.All of the men were dressed in button tops with the top few buttons undone.They headed out to the Boar's Nest. They went inside, and the DJ was playing, "Could I Have This Dance." Luke and Dixie were the first on the floor, followed by Bo and Beth. Jake saw Laura across the room, and Bo, Jr. couldn't help smiling when he saw Jessica with her. As the music played, Jeb walked over to Debbie. "Well, Miss Debbie, would you like to dance?"She smiled. "I sure would."They went out on the floor, and Jeb pulled her very close. She laid her head on his chest without thinking. When the song ended, he lifted her chin to look into her eyes. "And that..." he said in a gentle tone,"...is jukin'."Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted February 3, 2005 Author Posted February 3, 2005 Jake and Bo, Jr. had had a long talk with Luke and Bo before going to the Boar's Nest with the older Dukes. They had told them about the girls who were no older than themselves and the fact they were drinking beer in the Boar's Nest. Like everywhere else the legal drinking age in Hazzard is now 21 though when Bo and Luke were growing up the age had been 18. Beth had volunteered to drive Luke's king cab truck home since everyone could fit in it so the others could drink if they wanted to. Since they were not driving, Bo and Luke had agreed as long as the law didn't know the boys were drinking they could join the young ladies in a beer or two. Luke smiled at the thought of how good Dixie herself had gotten at being undetected while drinking his beer when they were younger. Luke had been very careful to keep his beer in his hand so he'd not get into trouble if someone underage had gotten it. He had though Dixie older when she first took a drink of his beer. Because, of course, her father and Jesse had let her have a sip of shine occassionaly at the farm. They had all been so close to each other that age hadn't mattered.Dixie nudged Luke to watch Jake and Bo, Jr. as they were trying to impress the ladies. "God, that's scary." She said to Beth. "What is scary?" asked Beth."The fact we knew these two when they were that age and were coming on to us like that!" the whole large table of people almost fell into the floor laughing. Luke looked at Bo. "The boys aren't the only one trying to impress someone and unless I miss my guess it is working."Bo replied, "Yeah, I see that."The only one who had missed the picture was Dixie, "What are you two talking about?" Luke replied, "Haven't you noticed Debbie and Jeb?""No, what am I missing here?" she asked. She had her mind on Luke and arrangements for the wedding.Luke laughed, "Today she was almost ready to stay at home and not ride the 4-wheelers. Now, she has her head on Jeb's chest."Beth added, "And his hands aren't the only ones wondering either."Debbie had always been a rather shy individual outside of work. It seemed that at work she knew her job and did it well with confidence. She knew she could not be a meek push over and work with inmates. Yet, outside of her job it seemed to Dixie she had lost all confidence in herself. Dixie watched her friend for a few minutes. Then replied, "You know, you might have something there. Good for her. She was afraid she'd not fit in here."Beth was having a good time even though she was drinking Diet 7-up which was going right through her. She was about to head to the restroom for what felt like the hundreth time tonight when Dixie and Daisy caught up with her. While they were gone Luke took his opportunity to 'contribute' to the boys 'delinquency'. He ordered seven beers and a very light wine cooler. As he came by the boys table he sat four beers down, then took the rest to their table. He sat the other three beers down in front of him and Bo. The wine cooler he placed in Beth's spot and winked at Bo. Bo's eyes got wide as Luke explained, "Bo its more flavor than it is wine. Besides a little wine is OK. If she doesn't want it I'm sure Dixie or Daisy will drink it. Besides that clear pop she's drinking is killing her."Bo smiled at his cousins thoughtfulness towards his wife. Contrary to Uncle Jesse's beliefs it looked as if both Bo and Luke would make good husbands. Jesse had always said, 'The chances of you two having a family rate right up there with hogs producing beef!' Well, Bo thought, 'Uncle Jesse with number six on the way, looks like I've got a da-- good start! Then Luke, there has a very healthy handsome son over there with Bo, Jr. and who knows how many more will follow Jake.' Luke and Bo were the only two at the table. Luke looked over at Bo who seemed a million miles away. "Bo?, ..... Earth to Bo?, ......" he waved his hand in front of Bo's face, and asked, "What?"Bo grinned, "Man, just thinking of something Jesse used to say."Luke waited for Bo to tell him."Remember when Uncle Jesse would get mad at us and say.... 'The chances of you two having a family rate right up there with hogs producing beef!' ?" asked Bo.Luke laughed, "Yeah, I've heard that one more than once." He thought in silence then spoke with a tear in his eyes, "A toast to proving Uncle Jesse wrong."Bo smiled, also with a tear in his eyes. They raised their glasses for the toast. They had neither gotten over loosing Jesse. The young adults were at their table with each an empty glass of pop before them and a half full glass of beer when in walked Sheriff Straight. Luke was standing at the adults table when he saw the uniform come in. The family resemblance was there. Luke could only assume this was Sheriff Straight he walked over to the 'kids' table and said, "Thanks for watching our beers while we were dancing." He picked up the four half full glasses of beer as he handed Jake a ten dolllar bill. "I see you all are out of pop." as he nodded toward the door, calmly removing the beer glasses to the adults table. Jake took his father's hint and ordered four galsses of pop which they four young adults eagerly sipped. Laura said, "Man, that was too cool!"Jake beemed with Duke pride, "You should hear some of his and Bo's stories! That was nothing!"Sheriff Straight had heard that the entire 'Duke Clan' would be in town throughout the holidays. She had heard stories from Enos but had never had any trouble from Bo, Sr's family in the brief time she had been Sheriff.Everything was fine until, ....................Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted February 6, 2005 Posted February 6, 2005 Everything was fine until Bo, Jr. stood up to dance with Jessica and Jake with Laura. They were having a great time, but something was wrong. Jake knew it. He just didn't know why. He felt like someone was watching him. And he didn't like the feeling.It didn't take long for him to know why. Laura's old boyfriend, Nick, was there. And he was still sore about the last fight, in which he had decidedly lost. Even though he and his friends had outnumbered Bo, Jr. and Jake. But he had a plan this time. A plan that he was pretty sure would work. He walked over to where Jake and Laura were dancing. "Hey, Laura," he said, in somewhat of a harsh tone."Nick," she said, coldly. When he heard the voice of the other man, Jake had turned around quickly to face him."Hey, Jake," he said, trying to act calm. "I got a proposition for you...""What would that be?" Jake asked, not trusting the young man at all."You and me have us a one on one fight, no body else...""Just what do you mean by 'nobody else'?""I mean nobody but you and me.""Jake..." Laura whispered. "Don't do it...""Sorry, Laura," he whispered. Then he turned to Nick. "You're on. When and where."Nick smiled, and punched Jake hard in the nose. "Right here, right now."That made Jake mad, and he jumped on Nick like a duck on a junebug. He was mad. Very mad. Nick was swinging, but since he'd had far more to drink than Jake had, he was swinging wildly, and very rarely hitting his mark."Da--," he said, becoming angry at his inability to hit Jake.Bo, Jr. just stood back, knowing that this was his cousin's fight. Until a friend of Nick's, who was less drunk than his friend, jumped in to help. Jake was outnumbered, again... And Bo, Jr. didn't like that at all. So he jumped in to do his part.Meanwhile, at the adults' table, Beth was looking angrily at Bo. "Go do something!" she said."Honey, this is the boys fight, let 'em fight it.""But, Bo...""Beth, they're grown, and until they need me, I'm just fine lettin' them handle it."Beth just glared at him.The fight was progressing well for the Dukes until...Cue the future Mrs. Luke Duke Quote
DixieDavenport Posted February 6, 2005 Author Posted February 6, 2005 It managed to get a little too close to the adults table for Bo, Sr's. liking with Beth obviously pregnant. "Jeb get her out of here." said Bo as he gently headed his wife towards his cousin. Dixie waved Jeb off, "Come on Beth." She said as they headed to the ladies room until things cooled off. This was NOT Dixie's normal style but she thought Beth would leave her son easier if Dixie left Luke and Jake.After the ladies headed out of the line of fire, Bo and Luke had just stood up and picked up their mugs of beer when the fight landed on their table. In at blind rage Nick came up first and hit Luke in the ribs. His buddy stood up, saw a blonde head of hair, and swung on Bo, Sr. Bo or Luke needed a second invitation into the fight. Within seconds there was a free-for-all going on. The whole bar was fighting as Sheriff Strate walked in from the back room after hearing the disturbance! Her cousin Enos had told her about nights like this but she had NEVER encountered on of them before!Cue Beth Quote
bethie88 Posted February 7, 2005 Posted February 7, 2005 Sheriff Strate tried to pull the fight apart, but there was no point. By this time, the whole bar was fighting, including Cooter, Coy, Vance, and Jeb. Some were fighting for the Duke boys, but many didn't have that amount of good sense. Sheriff Strate shook her head before opening the door and firing her gun directly outside. At least that got everybody's attention. They all stopped fighting to see just what was going on. Sheriff Strate shook her head again. She walked over to where everyone was."You're all under arrest!" she exclaimed."Oh, Lord," Bo managed to say.They all stood up. By this time, Beth, Dixie, and Daisy had left the ladies' room. They walked into the barroom. Beth could only shake her head, as one of Sheriff Strate's deputies put cuffs on Bo, Luke, Bo, Jr., and Jake.As the deputy directed them to the door, Luke could only say, "Da--.""Double da--," Bo added."I second that motion," Bo, Jr. said.Jake agreed. The deputy was directing them toward the car. Bo and Luke hadn't been in a police car in a long time, and neither was looking forward to it.They knew one thing was for sure. This was going to be a long night.Cue Dixie Quote
DixieDavenport Posted February 8, 2005 Author Posted February 8, 2005 The young 'Dukes' followed the older guys lead. They were all co-operative in the search and booking process. Sheriff Strate announced to the guys in the booking department. "I can either house you all here tonight and see if you bond in the morning. It may be crowded or I can call for a couple vans and have you transported to the Tri-County Jail two hours away."The Dukes and Davenports answered. "Crowded is Ok."Nick and his friends knew they'd have trouble getting their families to come get them two hours away so they also agreed that 'crowded was Ok."Sheriff Strate placed Bo, Bo,Jr., Luke and Jake in cell 1 downstairs. As the door locked with a loud 'clink' the younger boys shivered obviously. Luke looked at the younger two and said, "Boys don't ever let that noise not bother you!" There were only two bunks. The younger two took the top bunk each setting against the corner of the cell facing each other. The older Dukes took the bottom bunk in similar positions. Coy and Vance took the top bunk in cell 2 as Cooter and Jeb took the bottom. Bo, Jr. asked, "You mean it still bothers you?"Bo and Luke looked at each other before answering together, "More than ever." Bo's thoughts went to Beth and their new baby as Lukes went to his up coming wedding. Bo, Sr. concluded, "It's Ok to act tough. But, if that noise ever doesn't bother you, something is wrong."Nick's friends took the spaces available in the large double bunked Holding cell upstairs with Nick and one of the others sleeping in the floor.Once all the guys were taken to the Courthouse the ladies got in Luke's truck and drove to the garage where they could call the Courthouse to see if there was anything they could do tonight. Sheriff Strate informed them that due to the large amount of bookings it wouldn't even be possible to see them tonight and the Judge would be in at 1000 am in the morning. NARRATOR: Now don't that just fry your taters? Once back at the farm Dixie and Debbie asked Beth if the deed to the farm had Bo's name on it? Because had if it did the deed could not be use to go Bo's bond and they'd have to bond Bo so he could sign to bond the others. Beth replied, "Bo has the deed put up. I'm not even sure how it reads. Come on." They all followed her to her and Bo's bedroom. She took out an old wooden box from a top dresser drawer. Opening the box she pulled out a fairly new document. Her hand shook as she handed it to Dixie. Dixie slowly opened it. Inside the folded papers was a hand written note in a very familiar hand writing. Without reading the bottom Dixie knew it was Jesse Duke's hand writing. Beth read the note out loud to the others though at times she had to pause to keep her emotions in check:'Beth, Daisy or whomever has the need of this deed:I hope that the reason for pulling out this deed is only because those nephews of mine are in a bit of hot water with Rosco and JD. I know my boys. Though Bo and Beth are living on the farm when this is written, there may come a time that this property that has been in the Duke family for over two hudred years is needed to get either Bo or Luke or the others out of trouble. I know if their name is on the deed that it can not be used to post bond. Therefore, I am recording it in Daisy's name as sole owner. Now, you boys have long since picked your own part of the farm. I want each of you to have your own part. I trust that you six love each other and me enough not to fight over this place on Earth. I know you boys! Daisy is the hope of this here family. Daisy, Honey, use this deed to help keep the boys out of trouble like I have all these years.' Beth paused. She could not read the rest without wiping her eyes before she handed the note to Dixie to finish reading, "I love each and every member of this family as much today as the day I wrote this. Now, get them boys OUT! Love Uncle Jesse.' Dixie, Daisy, Beth and the others sat silently for several minutes. Dixie, Daisy and Beth who had known Jesse the best of the ones gathered said together, "And we love you too, Uncle Jesse.'Now all that was to be done was to wait until 1000 am.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Back at the jail:Jake couldn't help but to ask, "Now what?"Luke said calmly, "We wait." Quote
1hellraiser Posted February 8, 2005 Posted February 8, 2005 Hey, dix the fic. is looking good, mind if i tag in for a chapter or 2 Quote
bethie88 Posted February 8, 2005 Posted February 8, 2005 BALLADEER: Now if there's one thing no Duke has ever been good at... it's waitin'.Bo, Luke, Bo, Jr., and Jake were all steadily pacing around their cell, one right after the other, since there was no room in the cell for each to have his own pacing path. In the next cell, Cooter, Coy, Vance, and Jeb were doing precisely the same thing. Cooter tried to poke his head out through the cell door, but it didn't work, so he simply said, "Bo... Luke... What do y'all figure on doin'?"Both of them shook their heads. "I don't know, Cooter," Bo said. "This ain't the same as it used to be. We used to only have to get 2 or 3 of us out of here. This is eight. And on top of that, ain't nobody out there to bring us the General to get away in.""Good point," Cooter said. "That's usually my end of the deal, ain't it?"They had to laugh just a little.Bo and his son got tired really quick. Bo climbed into his bunk, Bo, Jr. into his. They rolled over and tried to go to sleep. But not Jake or Luke. They were too busy thinking about things."Luke," Bo said, looking at his cousin.Luke looked at him. "What?""Why don't you and Jake get some rest. We got to go before the judge tomorrow, and I for one don't think we should all be sleepy.Luke shook his head. "I ain't never been able to sleep good in a jail."Bo nodded, "Don't worry, man. I know how it feels."Cue Dixie(BTW, 1hellraiser, if you have a question, please PM either me or Dixie, it throws the story off to have a post in the middle of it with nothing to do with it... But we'll get back to you...Lemme discuss this w/ Dixie) Quote
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