DaneyDuke Posted February 16, 2010 Posted February 16, 2010 (Note: At the moment, this story is for me and Kristy. Thank you, Daney)“Lambykins,” J.D. Hogg said. “We don’t have enough funds.”“You sure there isn’t enough in my personal account?” She looked at her husband curiously.“How much did the manager tell say you had?” J.D. answered by asking a question.Miss Lulu took two bank receipts from her purse on his desk. “Today, around seven hundred dollars.” She put the slips of paper on the open ledger. “I haven’t gone on shopping trips…”“You haven’t…”“So you won’t mind if I charge all the decorating and catering to my card?”The country commissioner glanced down at the ledger. Yes, I do actually. He thought to himself. “Are you gonna have a budget?”Miss Lulu smiled. “I’d really like to go a little over if it’s possible.”“How little?” J.D. continued staring at the bank receipts.“Maybe fifty or a hundred dollars,” Lulu said. “Not that much.”“Not that much,” the county commissioner repeated. “When is this event again?”“Next weekend,” Lulu answered.J.D looked at Lulu and suggested. “Shouldn’t you be placing an ad at the newspaper?”“Jefferson, you’re so good with planning!” Lulu exclaimed. “I should let you get back to your work. Bye sugar plum.” She grabbed her purse and hurried toward the door.“Bye,” Boss watched Lulu walk out of his office, then returned to his work. (cue Kristy please) Quote
Garrett Duke Posted February 16, 2010 Posted February 16, 2010 Exhaustion seems to melt over Kristy's numb body as she stares blankly down at the paper work that clutters across her old desk while her mind continues to be lost back at home. Back at home where her eighteen month old son is the sickest he has ever been, her four year old daughter seemingly coming down with the same thing, her younger brother has been left behind to babysit and on top of it all, the bills continue to fall upon them. Bills that they are unable to pay or know how to. Deep down, she knows it isn't much different than what it probably is for everyone else in town, but she still can't shake the heavy burden that seems to be on top of her. Even though there is two other adults in the house that helps out as much as they can.Taking a deep breath, she stands up from her old chair just in time to hear her boss' door open and close and as she looks up she finds Lulu Hogg slowly stepping away from the door. Putting a smile on, Kristy moves to her open door way and says, "It's nice seeing you here, Miss Lulu."At hearing her name, Lulu Hogg slowly turns around and a warm and welcoming smile spreads across her face as she moves towards her husband's secretary. "Well if it isn't Kristy Duke," Lulu speaks, "you are looking as lovely as ever. Tell me, how's those darlin' kids of yours? I haven't seen them around in awhile."Kristy shrugs. "Well at the moment they aren't too darlin' you ask me. They are both sick with ear infections and what seems to be a bad cold," she states as she watches over Lulu's shoulder as Rosco enters the room. Looking back at Lulu, she continues, "but according to Applebee, with his medicine, they should be back to their normal self in a few days.""Poor things," Lulu states, "you let me know if you need anything from me. I'd be glad to watch them for you while mean ol' Hogg has you working.""Thanks for the offer," Kristy states while noticing Rosco staring angrily at her, "but they're with Garrett right now and there is always LB to help out too." "Kristy Duke," Rosco barks from his desk, "if you wanting to keep this here job, I suggest you get to work before Hogg comes out and sees you standing there like that. You know he frowns upon -""Rosco Pervis Coltrane!" Lulu snaps turning around and Rosco seems to sink further into his chair as his sister raises her voice at him, "Will you leave the poor woman alone already! My husband is pretty damn lucky she's here at work at all with her kids sick and all! Give her a break already!""I. . .I was only trying to warn her," Rosco states quietly as he grabs some paper out of a basket and acts to be working on them."Don't give him no bother," Lulu turns back to Kristy, "he only acts scary. Well honey, I have some work to do if I am ever going to get it done. You let me know if I can be of any help, you hear?""Sure do. Thanks Lulu," Kristy waves at Lulu as Lulu turns and begins to walk towards the door leading to the hallway. Kristy eyes the aging sheriff momentarily who attempts to ignore her before she slips back down into her chair to stare back down at the paper work. Picking up her favorite pen her dad had given her before they had left Knoxville, she slowly begins to fill out the paper work while she forces her thoughts away from home and onto the work she is being paid to do.(Cue Daney) Quote
Garrett Duke Posted April 15, 2010 Posted April 15, 2010 The tall and lean body of the youngest Duke cousin is bent over and lying half way under the orange hood of the beloved race car he had helped build with his oldest cousin. His thoughts are heavily entwined of thoughts of his date with Clare Wenthworth and thoughts of The General. Only to produce mixed emotions of happiness and excitement that had formed from his first date with Clare and mixed with anger and frustration directed from The General. "Hey cuz," comes a familiar voice from behind him to force Bo to jump slightly before he backs out from the hood to stand up and look around to be facing his older cousin. "I should have known you'd be out here with The General."Bo slowly nods at his cousin before he turns back to the open hood, staring down at the hood. "And here I am," he finally states as he wipes a thick lock of blond hair out of his eyes to spread grease and oil into his bright hair.Luke gives Bo a sad smile while shaking his head at Bo. "You are just so damn stubborn, you know that right?" Luke finally asks as he steps up to The General while takes in his cousin, silently admiring him. Silently admiring Bo's sharp and strong determination to work at getting what he wants no matter on how improbable it may be or how many times that people try to convince him of how impossible it may be to get what he wants. While Luke's strong hopes and desires are often dulled and deflated by the harsh reality of how impossible it may be. Leaving him often times giving up on getting to where or what he wants. With their friendship, their differences towards attaining what they want often times works well together to balance them out while other times it causes friction and arguments between the two. "I mean," Luke finally breaks his silence, "we went over this two days ago of how The General needs official help; meaning new car parts and other things we don't have access to. He needs to go see Doctor Cooter to fix him up. Not us. And in order for him to go to Cooter and get the new parts, we need money to pay him for it. Money we don't have."Bo sends Luke a harsh look, anger directed at his cousin despite knowing that Luke was right, but too stubborn to accept it. "So just like that, you're just going to give up on him, huh, Luke?" he finally shoots back at him as the front door to the house squeaks open and he glances over Luke's shoulder to watch their uncle stepping out on the porch. Turning to Luke he states, "Well you may be willing to give up on him, but I ain't. Heck, I hope I don't get sick or get in some horrible accident where the doctor says I don't have much of a chance of ever waking up. You'll just give up on me too, I suppose!""Stop being so childish Bo! You know damn well what I mean. Your problem is that you're too damn stubborn for your own good!" Luke snaps back at him, his eyes fall from his cousin down to The General, "I don't want to accept it as much as you don't, but sooner or later, reality has to sink in and to be faced. Not ignored. Ignoring it won't make it go away or make it get better. Reality being that we don't have the money to fix The General right now. So until we can find work to get the money to fix him up, we will have to leave him be."Bo shakes his head at Luke. "Well couldn't we borrow money or the parts from Cooter and pay him back when we get the money?" Bo asks, too impatient to wait for the money to come, "Like we did a few months ago.""I already talked to Cooter about it," Luke shakes his head, "he says he don't have the parts or money to spare us this time. Hogg's raised his mortgage up and he is barely making ends meet at the moment.""Damn," Bo cusses and as sadness clouds his baby blue eyes, guilt courses through Luke at deflating the hope that Bo had tightly held onto. "You're right," Bo pauses to look up at Luke to send confusion through Luke, "I shouldn't have raced him as hard as I had yesterday or jumped that damn pond. I just saw Rosco behind us and pushed The General. If I hadn't -""Stop blaming yourself, Bo. It's not me that was right. If it wasn't for you pushing the General as you had or jumping the pond, we'd be in jail right now and probably stay there for the next few years. That is unless we were lucky enough to have someone else clear our names for us, because I can tell you right now no one would have the money to bail us out. Leaving us in jail while Jesse and Daisy struggled to take care of the farm on their own. If it wasn't for you and The General, we'd be in jail," Luke confidently responds, "What I said to you yesterday was harsh and uncalled for. I was just upset and you just happened to be there to take it out on. I'm sorry.""Luke's right. You did what you needed to do to get away from Rosco. No one is at blame here. The General's just sick as you two got sick so many times growing up. It just happens. We just need to find a way to fix him up and back to health again as Applebee helped you two do so many years ago," Jesse speaks up for the first time, drawing both the boys' attention, "But until you all find the way to fix him back up, Daisy fixed dinner and it is on the table.""Yes sir," Luke responds placing a comforting hand upon Bo's tense shoulder, "What's for dinner."Jesse sends Luke a stern look. "You have to ask that, Luke?" he finally questions, "Rice and beans.""Again?" Bo complains, "We've had that all week and I'm - ""Stop your complaining Beauregaurd!" Jesse sternly yells, making both boys jump, "We don't have no more money for groceries and all we have available is rice and beans. Though if it will make you happy to hear, we are almost out of that as it is. Once we're out, we're out of food all together and we don't have money for groceries to get any more. So if you don't want to eat it, fine, suit yourself; that'll leave more for the rest of us. The choice is yours!"Bo and Luke look at each other and then up at Jesse and nod. "Rice and beans it is then," Luke breaks the silence as he walks up the stairs and Bo slowly follows him there."Sorry," Bo mutters under his breath, "for complaining. You're right, we're lucky to have what we have." Together they walk into the kitchen where Daisy is setting down the last of their plates at the table with glasses of water in front of the plates.Jesse forces a small smile through the guilt that has been eating within him for the past couple of days. Guilt at the lack of his ability to support and feed his family as they all deserve to be fed and supported while worry for his uncertain future rush within him. Mortgage was due in only a week and so far they only had enough money to pay a fourth of it, if they couldn't come up with the money by next week, they'll be evicted. Evicted from the only place he had to call home.Sighing heavily, he sits down at the head of the table and glances around the table at his two nephews and at his neice who worriedly watches him. Once more he forces a small smile in attempt to convince them everything was going to be OK. "Your meal looks very good, Daisy," he says to Daisy who only nods, knowing he is trying to be positive about the meal and their situation. He looks away from Daisy and at everyone before saying, "Dinner is ready and on the table. We all should count ourselves lucky to have what we had and do have." He bows his head, "Let's say Grace."(CUE DANEY - sorry to post out of turn.) Quote
DaneyDuke Posted April 19, 2010 Author Posted April 19, 2010 (It's alright!) Daney looked at the older businessman. They were conversing outside an office door. "You really don't have any?" She asked. There were only ten vehicles scattered about the eleven spot capacity lot. And that had given her an idea."Not at the moment," Ace Parker replied to the young woman. "No trade either, Danielle." While it was a nice and clean car, easy to sell. He knew Jesse would be very unhappy. He heard a sigh in response. Daney sighed. Then inquired quickly. "You'll call if you do?" "Of course," Ace answered. "Appreciate that, sir." The brunette smiled. "It's always worked out before," he commented with a crooked grin. "Yeah," Daney saw his encouraging expression and began to turn and leave. "Have a good evening, Mr. Parker." "You too, sweetheart." His hand reached for the handle of the office door. He watched her take a few steps before going inside to the desk. Instead of sitting in the chair and doing paper work, Ace peered through the blinds. Observed the young woman stare toward the cloudy sky. Daney stood in the parking lot, thinking about other choices. If only it was harvest time, then there would be work for Bo and Luke. That wasn't for a few months... (cue Kristy or Garrett!) Quote
Garrett Duke Posted April 24, 2010 Posted April 24, 2010 "Rosco!" Boss Hogg's angry voice echoes loudly off the hollow thin wooden walls that surrounds the local Hazzard law man. Instantly fear and worry spread through his numb body as he finds himself instictively jumping to his feet. Halfway around his cluttered desk, Rosco finds himself wondering why he allows the town's commissioner boss him around as he does, why he always finds himself answering to Hogg's every beck and call; why he allows the commissioner to disrespect him with each meeting they have. Sure, the commissioner is his brother in law and they've known each other for years, but that was surely no excuse to put up with his demanding abuse. In fact, it should give Hogg another reason to respect him, and yet. . ."Yes Boss," Rosco hears himself say as he halfway opens Boss' closed door to peer in through the open part. "Get in here," Boss snorts as he looks up from his desk, a half lit cigar stuck in his mouth, "close the door behind you." Rosco nods shortly before stepping into the commissioner's office and quietly shuts the door behind him to walk silently to the front of Hogg's wooden desk. "Your fat sister," Hogg starts up again as he eyes his sheriff with demanding brown eyes, "just left here and you know what she wanted?""To be treated with respect," Rosco mutters silently under his breath, avoiding eye contact with Boss."What was that?" Boss asks, eyeing his sheriff questionably before he shakes it off, "Never mind that. We got problems," he puffs out a cloud of cigar smoke, "she wants money. No...she's gone off with my money to run her little event! The nerve of that lady to stroll in here and asking to go over budget with it!""What's the problem, Boss?" Rosco asked, confused, "You agreed with it to begin with. Told her it would be good for her to do it, to be in charge. Now that she's doing it, you see it as a problem?""Damn right I do," Boss nods, chomping on the butt of his cigar, "I only agreed for it to happen so that she'll be out of my hair and out of my way when I am working on my own project." Boss goes silent. "Look the problem is that she wants the money, she wants me to be in charge of the planning. If I did the planning it would surely get in the way of the project and with Helm's people...he'd have a fit if he knew."Rosco sighs heavily as the room fades into quiet. Hogg always got himself into these predictaments and then it was him who would get the blunt end of the deal by listening to him gripe about his problems, about what he himself got himself into it. If Hogg was anyone else, he'd have learned from his mistakes by now and moved on, would have changed their ways. Not Hogg. He was too greedy and selfish to change or to learn from his mistakes. In his eyes they weren't his mistakes, they were to be blamed on Rosco or someone else. Perhaps I should just sit back and watch him take the fall for his actions this time, see how he thinks of me then. Perhaps he'd appreciate all that I do for him a little bit. . .Rosco thinks silently."Wait a minute here, Boss," Rosco states instead, "you tellin' me you had my sister all fired up about this event thing that you gave her the idea for only for you to team up with someone to get something for yourself?""Is it great or what?" Hogg smiles boastfully, ignorant of Rosco's anger, "She gets to feel like she is in charge and to lead the whole thing while I'll be getting a fat pay check at the end."Rosco shakes his head as angry thoughts rush at him. "This is lower than low...even for you Hogg!" Rosco hisses as he leans into Hogg's desk, Hogg sinks lower in his leather chair, surprised at Rosco's intense anger. "Lulu is my sister...she's your wife! This is something that she is looking forward to, this is something that is important to her and you're just going to run in there and ruin it for her. And why? Just so you can find another way to illegally earn an extra dollar to blame on someone else. Well," Rosco goes silent as he takes a step back from Hogg's desk, proud of himself for once standing up to his brother in law, "this time, you're on your own, Hogg. I'm not going to sit here and listen to it or to help you rob my sister of what is earned to her. She deserves better than that...and at the moment, she deserves better than you."Intense silence explodes within the stuffy room as Hogg stares at his sheriff in complete shock. He slowly opens his mouth to yell at his sheriff only to close his mouth and slowly stand up upon weak legs. "Rosco Coltrane, I can't believe you have the nerve to walk into my office and talk to me that way!" Boss finally yells as he angrily punches his wooden desk to make Rosco jump in fear, "I am the town commissioner, I am your boss...I am to be respected and I will not tolerate such attitude toward me as that! I am half the mind to take your badge and gun right now and send your sorry self out that door with hopes of never seeing you again! Lucky for you, I can't afford another or a different sheriff at the moment," he sighs heavily as he falls back into his chair, still confused at his sheriff's outburst, "you understand where you stand right now? You talk or treat me that way again, you will be out of a job and find yourself having to find a way to support your own self."Rosco nods. "I understand, just as much as you understand me. I've been through it all with you Hogg and I am not complaining. We've had good times. We've had bad times. Through it all, I've been there with you and for you. I just think it is time you respect me and give me the credit I deserve," Rosco pauses, surprised with himself for saying it aloud, "but above all, I am asking you not to ruin this event for Lulu. This is important to her and if you were to go in there and do whatever it is you're thinking of doing, it'll hurt her more than you'll ever know. Or would probably care to know."Hogg sits back in his chair, his anger slowly sizziling out with awe at the boldness his sheriff is now displaying him and despite his anger, he can't help but to silently applaud Rosco's effort at righteousness. Hiding his emotions, Hogg nods silently for a moment, putting a face of thoughtfulness towards his sheriff. "Well Rosco. What's done is done. I can't go back now. You know how it is," he leans foward and shrugs as if to say there is nothing he could do about it, "but I will keep your wishes in mind and see what I can do."Rosco stares at Hogg for a long moment, lost in thought of what Hogg may mean about what is done is done. Sighing heavily, he shakes his head. "You never learn, do you Hogg? That the only thing that comes from these greedy plans of yours, is trouble. How often do you get away with the money compared to how often you are caught?" Rosco pauses, "One of these times, when you pair up with a new 'business partner' with one of your greedy schemes, it's going to back fire on you and you're going to get hurt...or worse." He breathes out heavily. "You just don't learn. . .""I learn more than you'll ever know, Rosco," Hogg states matter of factly as he grabs another cigar out of his gold box along with a lighter. "Well Rosco, aren't there tickets you should be writing out right now? Sure the Duke boys are probably up to no good right about now, don't you think you should go check them out and see what they're up to?" Hogg motions towards the door with his lit cigar, "There's the door, Rosco. I don't want to see that face of yours until you've earned me some more ticket money or unless you have one or both of them boys in handcuffs. Understand?"Rosco goes to say something until he sees Hogg's angry demanding eyes staring at him. Closing his mouth, he slowly nods. "Yes sir," he finally states as he eyes Hogg hardly for a long moment before he slowly walks out of Hogg's office, slamming the door behind him.(cue Daney ) Quote
DaneyDuke Posted May 17, 2010 Author Posted May 17, 2010 “That looks correct,” Lulu answered. She was at the Hazzard Gazette, going over details with the editor. “How soon do you want the flyers?” Mr. Amos inquired. “What do you recommend?” Lulu replied. Mr. Amos smiled. “We could have them ready in a few days. That would give you 2 weeks. ” “That sounds good,” Lulu agreed cheerfully. She reached for her purse on the desk. “Do I need to pay now?” “When you pick the flyers up,” Clyde said. “Ok, thank you.” Lulu smiled. “You’re welcome,” Clyde glanced pass the county commissioner’s wife to where staff members were busy preparing the next day’s articles.Over at the pool hall in the alley behind the bank; Daney stood talking to B.B. Davenport. There wasn’t many people there. “Why don’t you get a loan?” he asked.“Jesse wouldn’t accept,” she replied. “Probably think I did something illegal to obtain it.” B.B looked curiously at the younger woman. “Have you considered seeing if any previous clients need help?” Daney smiled. “Nice suggestion, B.B.” “It was nothing,” B.B. chuckled heartily for a moment. “I gotta get going,” he commented. “Take it easy!”“You too,” Daney watched him leave. She was thinking about what he mentioned, when someone tapped her on the shoulder.She turned and saw a familiar face. “Redding?” “Yeah,” the dark blond haired man smiled. “How’s Luke?”“Alright, he should be at the farm if you have time to stop.” Daney responded. She thought maybe a visit from a friend would cheer her cousins and uncle up a bit. “My vehicle is over at the garage right now,” Redding paused. “Cooter thought it might be tomorrow afternoon.” “I could drive you out there,” Daney offered. “Go pick the boys up and have ‘em meet you some place?” “Why don’t we call and see what they’d like to do?” Redding inquired. “Ok,” Daney agreed. Neither Bo or Luke had been in a pleasant mood when she left the house earlier. Maybe it would be better to check if they, Daisy and Jesse wanted company. (cue Garrett) Quote
Garrett Duke Posted June 20, 2010 Posted June 20, 2010 A heavy wave washes over they youngest Duke's tired and tense body as he glances up to take in the work that he had done today. Only for frustration and disappointment to heavily drown within him. Frustration and disappointment at seeing how little he had gotten done compared to how much work lies ahead for him to do. Work that will have to wait for tomorrow now that the sun slowly fades in the evenning sky. Bo Duke was always the one to be optimistic and hopeful. Always the one to look for the bright side of things, of life. Always the one to find something positive or nice about something or someone. Of course there has been times in his young life that he had been disappointed and deeply hurt as events in his past has slid away from his optimistic thinking and turned into bad. Or as the people he tried to trust, tried to think positive of, tore through his trust and used him. But not always. And if life was to be worth living, in Bo's eyes, things had to stay positive and hopeful. Otherwise, why get out of bed each morning if you are only going to expect something bad or sad to happen?But, this afternoon, as Bo stands shirtless in the afternoon sun, looking over the field he had just been working in, he feels all of his optimistic views and hopes deflate within him. Deflate into the reality of the harsh world that surrounds him.For two years now, Hazzard has been plagued with a harsh and brutal drought that seems to grow worse and worse by the day. And now that summer has finally evolved around them, the drought is bound to get worse as the sun gains more heat with each passing day. More heat, less rain. Looking up at the sky, Bo silently attempts to think back upon the last time they had seen rain fall from the sky only to come up empty. He knows it has rained. It has rained here and there a little at a time in the past couple of years. But never enough to really help the fields thrive, the land thrive. Each night, the farmers of Hazzard pray for rain before going to bed. Though prayer has yet to be answered, everyone's faith seems strong enough to accept that it will rain when it is suppose to rain. That they will survive it one way or another. After all, without faith and hope, they are left with nothing to hold onto. Nothing to hope for. Nothing to look forward to. Without the faith that has been handed down to them, they had nothing.Despite the faith Bo had been taught, the lessons he has been taught, looking over the field, Bo once again wonders if the farm is worth it. With so much work done and left to be done on the farm, Bo knows as well as any other farmer in Hazzard, that there will be nothing given back in return for their work. With the drought, most of the crops will dry up and die. Leaving little to sell. What is sold, won't be bought at the price it is worth. Leaving them with no money in return. But to give up on the land, to give up working the fields, you'd be giving up on the farm. On the farm they all had been raised and taught on. The farm and the work that comes with the farm, is the only life that Bo knows. The only life he can accept. Though looking at the fields and feeling the pain steadily grow through his numb body, for the first time since he can remember, the thought of quitting it all seems to be the best option for him. The only option. Feeling the sweat drip down his hot body, he entertains the thought of packing up and leaving the farm, of moving into town or into Atlanta. Of a life without farm animals to take care of, fences to post, crops to dig and to take care. A life of luxury and ease, in his mind. A way of life that seems so foreign to Bo that it doesn't seem acceptable or possible. As if that way of life was lived on an entire different planet. After all, all Bo knew, was the farm. The farm that he now yearns to leave and to quit once and for all. Despite knowing, deep down, to give up on the farm, would to be give up on himself. To quit on himself. Farming is who he is.Yet, he knows, even if he could, he couldn't just up and walk away. Couldn't quit the farm. Couldn't escape from it. To do that, would hurt his uncle more than the drought has hurt his uncle. And after all his uncle has done and went through for him, Bo couldn't do anything that would hurt him. He would work the farm, til the land, take care of what needs taken care of on the farm no matter what pain and the lack of outcome, for his uncle. Farm and family is what matters most to his uncle and Bo would do what it takes to be done in order to keep them both up and running for his uncle. For his uncle who acts so bold and brave, who attempts to hide his worry and fear that the drought has placed upon him. Yet Bo knows that the drought has hit his uncle hard with harsh sadness and worry that he tries to hide from his family. Bo hears himself sigh aloud in his own worry. Each day is a day of struggle. A struggle to survive. After all, if the land is thriving, so is the family. But with the drought, leaves each farmer and their family struggling to survive. Struggling to make ends meet. Every month the Dukes have to fight and search for a way to pay for the mortgage on time, every week struggle to get money for food and drink, every cold and sickness that has gone by the past couple of years has went without a doctor visit. Times were hard for everyone in Hazzard and it hurts Bo to think that there is little to nothing he can do to help the families in Hazzard out. That he can't even help his own family out.Luke had offered to get a part time job as Daisy had. But Jesse was quick to deny him. Saying that he needed both boys at the farm, not at a job. Sure they could do the job when it got dark, but Jesse was quick to say the boys needed their sleep. Needed some time to themselves, to do what they wanted to do. One way or another, Jesse declared, they would make it work. Looking at the land and the brown speckled throughout the green, thinking of their empty cupboards at the house, Bo wonders how they will. Swallowing hard, Bo turns away from the large field to grab his sweat drenched blue t-shirt off of the fence post and his eyes fall upon The General that lies parked in front of the farm house across the street. Only to send his heart tightening deep within him as he is reminded of his small disagreement he had with Luke yesterday. He had argued his side and stuck stubbornly with The General when Luke was so willing to just give up on their beloved car. Yet, deep down, Bo knows Luke is right. Knew it at the time as well. But he couldn’t admit to it aloud or to himself for that matter. The General felt like a member to their family just as much as Luke and Jesse did and now they were being forced to allow The General to sit parked sick and broken in front of the farm. To sit there to scream for the whole world to hear just how poor they are, just how bad things are for them. After all, everyone knows how important The General is to them. For The General to stay parked and broken only means they don’t have the money to fix him up as they once did.If only he could get The General fixed up, for the engine to powerfully roar awake, Bo knows he could register him into any race within Georgia and take home the winning money. Money that they could use on the farm. But they’d need the money to fix him up though. And as Jesse had reminded him yesterday when he brought the idea up over their spoonful of beans, that The General would still have to have money to fix him up after each race. Money to sign up for the race. Money for gas. Money they don’t have.So, The General lies parked sick and broken in front of the porch where Bo had last parked him at only for sadness and guilt to tear within him. Sadness and guilt for doing that to The General. After how many times the car had brought them away from the law, saved them from the bad guys and this is how he is to repay their faithful car. Deep down he feels like he has now betrayed The General, that he is abandoning the car that has saved him and Luke out of countless situations. But what else could he do? The General is broken and sick and needs new parts and more professional help, as Luke had bluntly told him yesterday, and in order to get him the help he needs, they’d need money. Money they don’t have. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted June 20, 2010 Posted June 20, 2010 Shaking his head in disappointment and sadness, Bo walks away from the field to tiredly walk over to the mail box that stands across the street from the dirt driveway. Opening the metal lid, Bo leans against the post, feeling the aches and pains spread through his tired body before he yanks out a thick pile of envelopes and fliers. He scans through the envelopes only for more grief and sadness to hit him to see the bills that is advertised on the cover. Bills demanding money they don’t have.Turning to the first flier, Bo’s dark mode subsides a bit as his baby blue eyes that is dulled by his dark mode lands upon the large bold letters that spread across the top half of the flier. In bright purple bold letters, it reads: LULU HOGG’S FIRST ANNUAL CAR SHOW! Below in typed letters it gives the time and date and how to register for it. Below the lettering is Hogg’s familiar white Cadillac along with a red Mustang that is parked next to it. Under the cars it gives information upon the events which includes prize money for the car that is voted to be in the best condition and shape, the best taken care of. “The General could win hands down,†Bo hears himself state as he looks over the flier and up at his beloved car as he feels a small hint of hope threaten to rise within him.Hope that he knows will be squashed out as it has been countless times in the past few months. If they were to enter The General, they’d have to fix him up and have him up in working order. The General would have to be perfect as he always is. Except now that Bo had broken him during a race that led into being chased by the county sheriff. And once more, he reminds himself that they don’t have the money to fix him up. If they had money, it would go into the mortgage that is due in a couple of days. Or food. Not The General. Quote
DaneyDuke Posted July 13, 2010 Author Posted July 13, 2010 Daisy stared at the flyer on the bulletin board at the Boar’s Nest. It seemed so unfair that the General wouldn’t be able to enter the car show. If only the event had been a few weeks ago before all the bills were due. Life didn’t seem to work that way. She watched her younger cousin tending bar, pick up the phone receiver. It was probably just someone looking for a customer who hadn't gone home yet. (Kristy, I will be posting a little each evening for a few days for this) Quote
DaneyDuke Posted August 14, 2010 Author Posted August 14, 2010 (Sorry for the delay) "Boar's Nest," Daney answered and then smiled. "Redding, what a pleasant surprise." She exclaimed cheerfully. She was quiet for a bit as the other party spoke. "I'm not sure, that would be fun and help out a lot..." "Help out a lot." Walking up to the bar area, Daisy heard the last few words. She knew they were trying to think of ways to help. The slightly older cousin wondered if maybe this was someone with a simple detective case. She smiled and listened some more.(Cue Kristy, sorry its not the best. Might have a little more but don't want to delay your muses.) Quote
Garrett Duke Posted August 14, 2010 Posted August 14, 2010 Back at the farm, Bo sets the pile of mail on the table to only be picked up a moment later by Luke as he walks into the kitchen to see who it was entering the house. Luke snorts a few times while shaking his head and throwing the bills on the table. A moment later he finds the flier Bo had earlier looked at and excitement momentarily enters his eyes. "Now look at this Bo," he shoves it front of Bo to see who only nods and steps back, knowing what is to come, "See if you didn't go and wreck The General the other day, we could have entered and won this thing. Would have helped some to pay off these here bills. Plus Chicasaw has that big annual race we could be entering in to win. But can we?" He looks up accusingly at Bo."Don't think I already know that, cuz?" Bo is quick to snap back at him, not in a mood to hear one of Luke's 'I told you sos.' "I thought we all went over this yesterday. I did what had to be done in order to prevent getting falsely arrested. I do believe it was you that pointed out that if I hadn't done that, we'd be in jail and the farm would be left for Jesse and Daisy to tend after. Now you're changing your mind over a damn flier?"Luke shakes his head while running a hand through his hair. "I know," he sighs heavily, "but it don't mean I have to like it none. If there was some way to get the money to rebuild The General back into shape," looking down at the flier for a long moment he goes silent as an idea instantly falls into place. Looking up at Bo, he puts on a smile to receive a questioning look from Bo. "I got it!" he pauses as he puts a comforiting hand on Bo's tense and sweaty shoulder, "Let's go Bo!""Let's go?" Bo questions, "Where?""Never mind now. I'll explain on the way," Luke quickly makes his way to the door where he grabs Jesse's keys that hang on the key holder. "Jesse! We're borrowing your truck!"Luke opens the door just as Jesse quickly makes it into the kitchen with a bewildered look. "Where on earth are you two going? It's already five and the animals have yet been fed, the fence still needs tending and we need to fix that leak in the ceiling in the living room! Y'all promised me you'd fix the leak today and yet it's still dripping away from yesterday's shower!" Jesse yells, looking at the boys with stern blue eyes that demand a proper answer, "Where you going that's more important than taking care of this farm?!"Luke comes to a dead halt at seeing Jesse's anger, yet through the anger, Luke is able to see clearly the root behind the anger. It's not his asking to borrow the truck or them leaving now. His anger is rooted in deep intense fear and panic at the situation they are now in. They have always been poor and they have struggled and fought hard in the past to keep the farm as well as pay off bills and put food on the table. But nothing as severe as how it seems now. With mortgage due in a few days they have yet to come up with only half of the mortgage payment and that is without paying for food or groceries or gas or anything else that daily living costs. Losing the farm has been the devastating thought that has kept their beloved uncle up worrying about."Calm down Jesse. I know we promised and I apologize for that. If we don't get to it today, we'll do it first thing in the morning. Something has come up," Luke pauses as he glances over at Bo who still seems lost and taken aback to Jesse's anger outburst on them. Looking at Jesse he continues, "that I feel may help us with paying off the mortgage in a few days. If I didn't feel it important, I wouldn't be running off on you like this. Especially after promising to take care of it today. Besides," Luke goes silent for moment as he looks outside at the darkening sky, "it's getting late as it is. We couldn't start on it now as it is without it getting dark on us."Jesse eyes his nephews for a long time, surprised by Luke's sense of calmness that seems to build guilt down within him for losing his temper at them. Sighing heavily, he slowly nods. Luke wouldn't back up on his word without a good reason or if he didn't know what he was doing. Trusting Luke, he states, "OK, take the truck. But I'll be execting you and Bo up on the roof first thing in the morning. Rain or shine. Got that?""Yes sir," Luke stiffly agrees while bo quietly nods, looking at Luke for guidance and reassurance. "We'll be back shortly."Jesse watches his two nephews walk out onto the porch and climb into his old truck before Luke starts it up and slowly backs up onto the dirt road. After they drive away and out of sight, he slowly takes a step back to pick up the bills only for his eyes to fall upon the dropped flier. "That's how he's planning on paying the mortgage," Jesse speaks aloud to himself as he picks the flier up and reads it, "but how you plan on fixing up The General, Luke?"Hearing himself question aloud to no one, he slowly makes his way over to the window to look out at the ailing General only for more guilt and sadness to plague him. Guilt and sadness at seeing the beloved car sit out there ailing and having no way to fix him up or to get him feeling better. The General was as much a part of the family as his nephews are, the car almost seeming human at times, and with how much The General has done to save and rescue his nephews, he deserved the best treatment. Not to be sat in front of the farm house and abandoned as he has been the last couple of days. If that thought didn't break Jesse's heart, the thought of how badly it's been killing the boys to leave their beloved car parked and ailing as they have due to the lack of money, broke Jesse's heart the rest of the way.(CUE DANEY) Quote
DaneyDuke Posted September 22, 2010 Author Posted September 22, 2010 Luke didn’t plan to use the General for the Chickasaw race. But until he got a definite answer, the dark haired cousin didn’t want to get Bo’s hopes up. If things were slow at the Boar’s Nest, she’d might’ve left. The younger man watched the familiar scenery on a drive, they had made hundreds of times. Inspite of his curiosity, the only noise in the truck was both humming to the radio. Soon the truck came to a stop in the tavern parking lot. Next to the very vehicle that Luke had been thinking about earlier. Luke let out a sigh of relief. Put the shifter into park, then turned the ignition off. He took the keys and got out of the truck. Bo got out of the passenger door. Bo watched as Luke turned the truck off. They got out and headed into the Boar’s Nest, still not saying a word to one another. “Should have signed a contract…” was blaring from the jukebox, as the boys walked to the bar counter. Bo noticed a slight change in Luke’s expression, and then noticed Daney actually was signing paperwork. “Thank you, Redding.” She said and laid the pen down on legal papers. It was then she saw Bo and Luke. “Hey fellas,” She greeted her cousins. “Got something to help outta little.” She paused and looked at Redding. “Redding hired me.” “Yeah, what kind of job?” Bo stared at the blond haired man. “Howdy, Redding.” “Howdy Redding,” Luke echoed the greeting. “Hi fellas,” Redding answered, he removed the paperwork from the counter and held it out for them. “Here’s the details.” Luke accepted the document and begin to read. Daney watched the older and younger cousins read the proposal. “Not much,” she offered. “Yeah,” Luke agreed. He held the paperwork out toward his friend. “Thanks Redding,” He paused. “Sure appreciate it.” For the moment, the thought of asking Daney to use Hunter for the Chickasaw race seemed a definite no. He didn’t want his younger cousin to give up work that would probably look good on an investigator resume. “Aren’t y’all suppose to be working on the ceiling?” Daisy inquired from the behind the counter. She had been waiting on customers when Luke and Bo had walked in. “Tomorrow,” Bo replied. Their attention turned toward a table of rowdy patrons. Boasting about various car events happening over the next few weeks. Daney looked at her male cousins. She studied their demeanor for only a few seconds. She didn’t even need that much time, to know how they felt about the General out of commission. She figured their pride would keep them from accepting an offer. “Luke,” she queried loudly. “How ya feel about driving Hunter in that race?” “Huh?” He exclaimed. He thought he’d have to agree to a month of chores for her to even consider the idea.“Already signed up,” Daisy announced. Everyone turned their head slightly to look at her with registration paper in both hands. “You thought of everything,” Bo teased happily. He didn’t care to discuss the specifics of Hunter being in a race. All that mattered was the opportunity for the General getting back on the road. “Except for serving us a beer.” Daisy giggled. “Daney, time to check on the booths.” Luke listened to the playful banter between his younger cousins, as Bo wandered away in the direction of a cute girl by the jukebox. And when his own female cousins were out of earshot. He took the seat on the other side of the dark blond haired man. “You like her?” he asked casually.“You oughta know,” Redding grinned. “she don’t like mixing professional and personal. Neither do I.” He saw Luke’s eyebrows arch for a moment in an unspoken question. “Then why am I helping out?” “Um hum,” Luke pursed his lips. “Some folks just like to,” Daney interrupted by sitting an opened bottle of beer on the counter in front of each of them. “Enjoy,” She turned to get a tray of beverages for Bo and other customers ready. (Garrett, are you at the Boars Nest? Kristy & L.B.?) Quote
Garrett Duke Posted September 25, 2010 Posted September 25, 2010 Sitting at small table nearby by himself, Garrett Duke silently listens into the conversation that takes place several feet behind him. Only to send mischeiveious and ornery thoughts to cross his mind and a small grin crosses his face and he confidently takes a drink of his beer. Bo Duke was his twin brother according to their birth certificates and all the horrible stories his parents had told him while growing up in Knoxville, Tennesse; yet they had very little in common with each other. And they were definately not identical twins. One could possibly guess them to be cousins, very few would accuse them to be brothers, but no one would ever guess them to be brothers. They looked nothing like the other. And in Garrett's cold and hard eyes, he couldn't be happier about that. He didn't know how he could stand looking at himself in the mirror every day if he knew he looked like Bo. Not only did they have nothing in common with each other or that they didn't look alike, but they couldn't stand each other. Bo was able to ignore Garrett for the most part, but Garrett being who he was, couldn't help but to cause conflict with Bo. If he was being forced to live in this small hick town of Hazzard, he could at least find something to do to occupy his time.And now as he tips back onto the back legs of the wooden chair, his thoughts continue to sift through what he had just heard while thinking of his own beloved muscle car that sits in the garage at his house that he shares with his sister and LB Davenport. Of signing up for the same race that his cousins and his brother are currently talking about. He had been excited to be able to sign up for a race that he knew Bo and Luke were unable to race at, but now it seems they may have found a way to race without their junk car. But instead of being disappointed about it, he is ignited with new ideas of how he can finally prove himself to be the better driver. Only for his thoughts to fall back to Kristy, his and Bo's older half sister, who would once again be upset at him for having such thoughts. And he silently hears her griping at him to get along with Bo, to be nice; for her sake. But he was in Hazzard for her sake, he wasn't about to start getting along with the likes of Bo.Sighing heavily, he takes a last drink of his beer before dropping the chair back to all fours and smashes out the butt of his cigarette before standing up. Feeling his finger once again tracing his thick scar that runs down his neck, as he finds himself doing out of habit, he pulls his hand away and slowly turns towards the door.(Cue Daney) Quote
DaneyDuke Posted October 10, 2010 Author Posted October 10, 2010 Bo figured it was a past vehicle incident between him and Daney made the decision. He once heard someone say that experiences changed people. Besides, he drove the General more than Luke. He continued paying attention to the semi cute girl at the jukebox. Stopping at the table next to where Garrett was, Daney said politely. “Have a nice evening Garrett.†He liked people to stay outta his business. It would be rude not to acknowledge him. She concentrated on the patrons waiting for their beverages.Redding noticed Luke’s expression change. The dark haired man went from taking a casual sip to long sip of the amber colored liquid. “Something wrong?†he asked quietly. Luke still had the bottle in his right hand. He tried to discreetly gesture toward Garrett with his left hand. “That’s Bo’s biological twin,†while slightly inebriated. The oldest make Duke cousin paused. He’s got such an intense dislike for this town, can you believe that?†“Not really,†Redding paused. “Why does he stay here then?†“They also have an older biological sister that lives here. She has 2 little ones everyone adores.†Luke replied, starting to feel a little buzzed. “Think he was in some kind of trouble?†He lifted the bottle to his mouth and took another sip.“Like you and Bo…†Redding suggested. The bottle came mid way to the counter. “I guess,†Luke agreed. He glanced from his female cousins waiting on customers to Bo enjoying the actions of a semi cute girl. “Would Bo drive another car in that race?†Redding inquired. “That’s really nice but you’ve already helped enough,†He insisted. While that conversation was taking place, Daney took the tray with 2 drinks over to Bo and his friend. “Sorry ‘bout the wait.†The youngest Duke cousin took the bottled beer, while the young woman took the glass of ice tea with a splash of vodka. “It’s ok, Daney.†Bo replied. “Boss will be happy when receipts are added up tonight.†“Yeah,†she agreed. She looked at the young woman and grinned. “He’s a really good dancer.†Tried to compliment another attribute of Bo’s besides driving. She felt a twinge of guilt about picking Luke over Bo. When it came to really important matters, they got along. Like anyone trying to mess with Jesse. “Nite Garrett,†Daisy said. She went behind the bar counter to do a little bookkeeping. Some patrons looked like they were getting ready to leave, and it was nice to have the bill ready. Where she overheard the last few sentences of Redding and Luke’s conversation. She liked Redding. He seemed like a “safe†guy. Maybe that was what Garrett needed? Maybe then he’d have more of an interest in staying in Hazzard County? She thought to herself. Quote
Garrett Duke Posted October 18, 2010 Posted October 18, 2010 *Garrett eyes his cousin seriously for a moment, half in thought of how he could crush Bo's pride in the race and half in thought of what how he should respond to his cousin's warm departure comments. After all the fights he finds himself in in her bar, of the trouble he creates for her family, she still remains to treat him nicely. Only for him to wonder why. Not that he means to shove family away or set out to create trouble, it just seems to happen for him for one reason or another. Supposedly it was his attitude according to his dad back in Knoxville or the Duke patriarch here in Hazzard. But whether they liked it or not, it was who he was and they could either accept him or not. It didn't bother him any way. Finally, Garrett nods at Daney. "Nite Daney," he forces a small smile at her before he shoves the door open and walks out into the chilly night and walks over to his motorcycle. Sitting on top of it and kicking back the kick stand, he begins to think of all the work that will need to be done on Spitting Cobra, his rebuilt Mustang, if he is to beat Bo or Luke and win the race. And since Bo or Luke wouldn't have the General Lee to race, it'd really show the lack of driving ability either one has without the help of their junk beloved race car. Only to send his thoughts racing of what he would do with the money he won in the race.Driving out of the parking lot of The Boar's Nest, Garrett begins his slow journey back home, in no hurry to get there, but having no where else to go, decides that he has little choice but to return home. Quote
DaneyDuke Posted December 28, 2010 Author Posted December 28, 2010 Daney parked Hunter in the driveway of a three story house in a suburb of Atlanta. It belonged to the owners of an art gallery. On the passenger seat was the box of Civil War items. The paperwork in a legal size envelope. She didn’t bother to lock the vehicle after getting the box and provenance. Hazel eyes noticed the coffee colored curtains ruffle while walking to the brick sidewalk in front of the porch. Inside the house, Robin Maxwell stood at the oversized living room window. The curtain edge held in her hand for a moment. She watched the white bloused, cream colored pants woman walk up to the porch. She stepped over to the front door and opened it. “Hi, you must be Daney.†“Yes ma’am,†Daney replied. “Please come in,†Robin said. “You can put the box on the coffee table.â€â€œOk,†Daney stepped inside the foyer. She heard the door close, while moving toward the coffee table, in a room to the left. She almost dropped the box, when she noticed an entire wall was a built in bookcase. The shelves were almost full. “Wow,†she exclaimed out loud and gently put the box onto the cherry wooden coffee table. She glanced to get the paperwork. “We love to read,†Robin responded. “Me too,†Daney answered and held the envelope toward the dark haired older woman dressed in a white blouse and grey pants. Robin smiled and reached for the envelope. She looked over the paperwork and put it back in the envelope. She placed that down next to the box and then removed an item from the box. Daney quietly observed Robin read the paperwork, and start looking at each item from the box. It took about twenty minutes for Robin to look over all the items. “Everything is as described,†she commented. “Would you like a glass of tea or something?†“Yes ma’am,†Daney said. “That would be very nice.†“The kitchen is back here,†Robin went out in the hallway and toward the kitchen. It was about the size of the farm’s kitchen and living room. There was a double set of French doors that led to the patio and backyard. Robin went to the cupboard next to the stove and got 2 glasses. She sat them on the counter and went to the refrigerator for the iced tea. They were not quite finished with their beverage when Robin said “I want to show you something in the garage.†“Sure,†Daney replied and followed her to the door on the far side of the room. In the garage was six late 60s and early 70s model vehicles. Robin giggled as she heard Daney gasp in surprise at a dark green stock car. It looked exactly like Hunter. “You don’t see many of those on the road anymore.†She said. “No ma’am,†Daney agreed. “How long have you owned her?†“My very first car,†Robin answered. “She only gets out about once a year now for a car show.†She paused. “Redding said you’re going to let your cousin use yours for a race?†“Yeah,†Daney said quietly. “The General Lee isn’t running and they ain’t got money to fix him.†Her gaze fell on the wall where the tool cabinets were, she began to confide in Redding’s friend. “Would they have time to fix him before the race tonight?†Robin asked. Daney looked at her. “Maybe.†“My brother owns a salvage yard and body shop,†Robin said. “He might have the parts they need.†“I don’t know how they’ll feel about that,†Daney admitted. “He used to be a racer,†now it was Robin confiding. “He loves to help people out.†She paused. “We haven’t been to a race in awhile. It’ll be a nice outing for Kel and me.†She walked back into the kitchen and the phone on the wall. She picked the receiver up and put it to her ear. She dialed a number. “Finch, you have any parts for a 69 Dodge Charger?†There was a pause. “I’ll call you back in a few minutes with the list. Thanks.†She pressed the part of the phone where it would reset to make another call. She looked at Daney. “Anyone besides your cousins who know what parts?†“Cooter,†Daney answered and gave the phone number to the garage. At the garage in Hazzard, Cooter had just finished pumping gas for a customer. He hurried over to the desk and grabbed the phone receiver. He listened to the voice on the other end. He wasn’t quite sure what to make of the request. “Well ma’am,†He named off the parts that the General Lee needed. “Thank you for helping Bo and Luke out.†He said before hanging up. He considered calling the Duke farm, didn’t want to ruin the surprise. He went over to his tools and selected one. Then turned to work on the vehicle inside the garage.(Continued in next post) Quote
DaneyDuke Posted December 29, 2010 Author Posted December 29, 2010 Few hours later, a yellow truck with “Wren Auto Body & Salvage†in black lettering on the doors drove onto the Duke family property. The driver saw two men working on a stack of firewood. Bo and Luke were alerted by the truck’s noisy engine. They glanced at the vehicle, then each other in puzzlement. “What’s going on?†Bo whispered. “I don’t know,†Luke replied. They walked toward the vehicle as the driver got out. “Luke?†Finch said, leaving the truck door open. “Finch?†Luke answered. Bo watched his dark haired cousin and the stranger shake hands. Luke seemed happy to see this person. After a moment of the two talking about the Marines. “And this is my cousin Bo,†Luke introduced the younger blond. “It’s nice to meet you,†Finch said. “You too,†Bo paused. “What brings you to our farm?†He asked. “Y’all don’t have a 69 Charger that needs parts?†He said. “My sister had some Civil War items dropped off today,â€â€œDaney,†Luke and Bo interrupted. “Yeah,†Finch said. “I don’t know if you’ll get your car done for the race, at least you’ll be able to enter the car show.â€â€œIt’s a really nice offer but we can’t accept,†Luke responded. Finch smiled. “Robin said you’d say that.†“Our uncle Jesse wouldn’t like it,†Bo said. “I wouldn’t like what?†the elderly farmer stepped to where his nephews and the stranger stood. “Jesse, Finch knows Luke from the Marines. Daney meet his sister Robin today on her assignment.†Bo blurted out. “Finch wants to give us the parts to fix the General Lee.†Jesse looked from his nephews to the stranger. “And if my boys don’t take these parts, they’re going to end up in scrap pile?†“Possibly, sir.†Finch acknowledged. “They’d be doing you a favor by accepting?†Jesse said. Daney had telephoned and asked before giving Finch directions. It made him feel good to know his nephews and nieces respected him. “Yes, sir.†Finch agreed. “Well, I best let y’all get to work.†Jesse smiled and turned to walk back to the house. He heard his nephews say thank you. “You’re welcome,†he replied.(cue Garrett or Kristy) Quote
Garrett Duke Posted December 29, 2010 Posted December 29, 2010 Garrett Duke stiffly stands up to stare down into the hood of 'Spittin' Cobra', his beloved 1971 Mustang Mach I, and takes in all of his hard work he had put into making the car what it is. He had built the car up from scrap years before his sister and him moved to Hazzard with the help of his dad and his dad's privately owned garage. Now, years later, the car remains his pride and joy. Even over his expensive new motorcycle he got a couple of years ago. Nothing, in his eyes, could ever be better or even as close as good as 'Spittin' Cobra'.And maybe that was why he held such a huge grudge and hatred over his twin brother who had his own built muscle car that he raced and bragged over. Back in Knoxville, Garrett had been known as the best mechanic and the best driver around. But here in Hazzard, he is over looked, as his brother has the large reputation as being the best mechanic and driver around. With his cousin close behind. Leaving them Garrett's number one and two competition. And of all the times they have raced or compared their mechanical talents, Garrett, finds himself coming in second or third. The few times Garrett has came in first was when The General wasn't up to power or when the sheriff got in the way of their race. Despite having his legendary reputation of being the best in Knoxville, he couldn't out race or out work his twin brother and their cousin.Except maybe now. Except maybe now that The General was out of commission for the race to leave Bo and Luke out of their normal set of wheels and placing them into someone else's car. "Tonight Cobra," Garrett speaks aloud as he closes the hood of his car, "is our night to shine. We'll beat them real good tonight and show them exactly who's the best. We are."He goes silent as he walks over to the driver's door and slowly opens it before being interrupted from behind."Well Garrett," Garrett turns around to face Kristy who stands on the sidewalk with Jamie and Shay standing next to her, "I hate to be the one to burst your bubble there," she shrugs as she lets go of Jamie's hand to approach him, "but I just got a call from LB."Garrett eyes her questionably. "Despite how much I despise that hick and don't see what you seem to see in him, I don't see why that would burst my bubble," Garrett smugly states, "if I had a bubble, that is."Kristy rolls her eyes. "You just can't stand anyone else to be happy, can you? You refuse to allow yourself to be happy so you try to go ruin happiness for everyone around you. Is that it? Well, it's not going to work with me or with LB. The kids love LB as do I. If you can't accept that, then well," she shrugs, "I guess it's too bad for you." She goes silent as her greenish blue eyes fades away from her over confident half brother to take in his pride and joy; his car. She sighs heavily as she recalls the conversation she had with LB only minutes ago that had brought a rush of mixed emotions over her. Mixed emotions because she knew that it would only upset Garrett once he found out, but sooner or later he would know."Believe it or not, I've accepted it," Garrett finally breaks the silence, "I was only giving you a hard time. I think you know that, Kris.""I know, was only playing along," Kristy flashes a smile at Garrett, "You've put in a lot of work on Cobra today. He looks great...and fast.""Like always," Garrett gives her a small smile as he closes the door, "but that's not why you're out here is it? What does this phone call from LB have to do with me?"Kristy gives him a smile. "LB just got word from Cooter," she pauses for a moment to look back at Jamie and Shay who have found some toys in the yard to play with. Turning back to Garrett, she continues, "that Bo and Luke has accepted car parts for to fix The General up for tonight's race."Garrett lets out a breath of frustration as he glances at Cobra, his premature excitement at having one up on Bo and Luke quickly deflates from within him. Looking back at Kristy, he asks, "Car parts? From who? Where?""Someone in Atlanta got word that they were in need of help. Someone who had a few car parts lying around, I guess," Kristy answers."Damn," Garrett states, resting upon Cobra. "I should have known it was too good to be true."Kristy shakes her head. "Don't understand why you're upset about it. You've got Cobra in excellent shape. You're a great driver. Wouldn't you want to beat them equally matched?""Equally matched? There's two of them. One of me. How's that equal?" Garrett is quick to question, though deep down, know she is right. "Yeah perhaps I'd rather beat them in their junk car, but how many times have I beat them, Kris? I'm done coming in second to them!""Second isn't all that bad, Garrett. Just means you all are good at what you do, but I wouldn't give up on Cobra just yet. Or yourself," Kristy states as she pats him on the shoulder, "it should make for a great race tonight."Garrett only nods as he turns back to his car as he takes it in, thinking of what else he could do to better his car, his driving ability before tonight's race."Well Garrett," Kristy begins to walk towards her kids, "lunch is ready. Feel free to take a break and join us.""C'mon Uncle Garrett," Jamie and Shay both call out to him."Sorry, but I've got work to do," Garrett states as he climbs into the driver's seat of Cobra and starts it up. For a long moment he sits listening to the powerful pur of the engine before he slowly backs it up on the dirt road before taking off. Lighing a cigarette to help ease his nerves, Garrett starts on his way to a private dirt track in hopes of pushing Cobra to it's limits in an extra way to get ready for tonight's race.(CUE DANEY) Quote
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