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Testing, One...Two....

Brian Coltrane

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This is only a test. Just seeing how posting goes with the new server.

MeadowMufn said the site was movin' a little faster and I do believe she's right. On the old server, my posts were stallin' out here n' there. ( But since I'd crashed three computers into a tree this past year, I figured it was just me.)

I know some of y'all experienced "page not found" messages and other sporadic baloney on the old server. Our apologies for the inconvenience! Thanks for your patience during the downtime.

If you ever notice a problem with the Forums or any part of the site, please give us a holler at webmaster AT hazzardnet.com (spelled it out cuz we don't want to get spammed!). Much as we patrol the place, HazzardNet seems to have it's own sense of humor, and it likes to act up when we're not looking.

'Nuff said! Back to the shenanigans.


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Praise be with you........I was having severe Hazzard withdrawal symptons the past couple of days. Just glad to have my home away from back up and running.

For everyone that is new around these parts I want to let you know our moderators Brian Coltrane, Medaowmufn, & MaryAnne keep this place up like no other . These people do one helluva job for US , the Dukes fans. They fix the problems as quickly as they can, even tho they cause many of them...LOL -sorry just had to try and be funny on that one.. Seriously folks , if it was for their dedication to this whole site, we would have nothing and no place to go for one our favorite shows. So once again my hat is off to all of them...thank you for taking care of everything...


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Thanks! We're fans too so it only makes it that much more easy and fun to work on this site. And thanks to all of you who brought up any bugs you saw at the site in the last few days. I was busy most of last night squashin' 'em!

This year looks to be even better than last. There are some new features for the site on the horizon. I'm doing some testing here, some coding there. If it all works out, y'all are gonna have a ball with the finished product.

In the meantime, enjoy!


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Thank ya Cap'n! :) And yeah, we cause most of the screw ups around here but....at least we admit 'em when we do! KHEE! :D

Seriously tho', ditto on what Brian and Mufn said. We appreciate y'all's patience during the move and we also thank you for your continued patronage and support. As Mufn said, she's working on some new things for '05 and I too am working on some new content and goodies for HNet visitors for '05 as well. 2005 is shaping up to be a big year with the second season DVD, the movie and CMT airing the Dukes. Plenty to keep us busy! Yeeehaaa!!


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