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Bo said "they do..somewhat"

Julie Says "Why here and Luke and crazy about each other Bo anybody can tell right now as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

Bo said "we can"

Yammy looked and Daisy and Lizzy and just Says "Why don't the two of you like me and Daisy I'm not going to break Luke's heart now as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

Yammy looked and Daisy and Lizzy and just Says "Why don't the two of you like me and Daisy I'm not going to break Luke's heart now as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

Daisy smiled more as she thought of what Enos said to her the night before but Yammy ruined the thought "its not that i dont like ya! OKAY!"

Daisy smiled more as she thought of what Enos said to her the night before but Yammy ruined the thought "its not that i dont like ya! OKAY!"

Lizzy stands up and pulls out some cash. "Look, here's...five hundred dollars. This should last you a month or two till you get back on your feet. My father will fix your car for free just tell him where it's at. Now get the hell out of our lives and don't you dare come near Luke again. It's all your fault Daisy was fired now go." Lizzy says.

Lizzy stands up and pulls out some cash. "Look, here's...five hundred dollars. This should last you a month or two till you get back on your feet. My father will fix your car for free just tell him where it's at. Now get the hell out of our lives and don't you dare come near Luke again. It's all your fault Daisy was fired now go." Lizzy says.

Yammy leaves and zooms away then Daisy said "Enos told me he wanted to tell me somethin tonight..im scared Liz"

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