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God Is Great, Beer Is Good, And People Are Crazy

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"It was expected of you, no one would look twice at you being in a beauty pageant but me...tomboy of the century who hates getting dressed up in a beauty pageant...the last person I told laughed at me until I was nearly crying." Lizzy says.

Daisy said "im sorry i laughed at you...i know ya hate me for it" she looks out the window nearly in tears her self

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Daisy said "im sorry i laughed at you...i know ya hate me for it" she looks out the window nearly in tears her self

"I'm not talking about you. You caught on rather quick...Cooter laughed in my face for nearly five minutes when I mentioned it. I don't want ta tell Bo but if I don't does that mean I don't trust him?" Lizzy asks.

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Daisy sighes "im pregnant before marriage..i dont want people to think bad of me and im such good friends with Cooter"

"Well Cooter loves you, you know that. You're like a second daughter to him. And David doesn't really know you but he knows how much I care which reminds me he's got a friend in Austin who will let us stay at his place for the concert." Lizzy says.

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"Well Cooter loves you, you know that. You're like a second daughter to him. And David doesn't really know you but he knows how much I care which reminds me he's got a friend in Austin who will let us stay at his place for the concert." Lizzy says.

Daisy said "thats great Liz.. and i cant wait to get to your house..tonight..me and you..were gonna have fun.. remember last time?"

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