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Daisy said "call the date off, we'll explain later"

Julie Says "Okay, I got his cellphone number she calls Lex and tells him she has Mono and well that it's very catchy."

She hangs up and walks back outside and Says "Date cancelled he'll ask me out again now I told him I have Mono Daisy."

Cue Anybody

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Julie Says "Okay, I got his cellphone number she calls Lex and tells him she has Mono and well that it's very catchy."

She hangs up and walks back outside and Says "Date cancelled he'll ask me out again now I told him I have Mono Daisy."

Cue Anybody

Daisy laughed

Daisy laughed

Julie Says "Oh listen I don't actually have Mono but nobody wants the chance of getting it from somebody else and plus we kissed eariler so he's in a panic right now as well."

Cue Anybody

Julie Says "Oh listen I don't actually have Mono but nobody wants the chance of getting it from somebody else and plus we kissed eariler so he's in a panic right now as well."

Cue Anybody

Daisy laughed "well i got a hot date with a cop" and smirks at Clark before goin to get ready


Clark was at the lab first with Bart and Bart said Bro we need to wait for the others and then they saw the General Lee pull up and Clark said Boy scout to watch tower how many guards.

Chloe looked at her computer and said Boyscout there are more guards then we expect. I think they are expecting you. Oliver said Watch tower. what are their location? Chloe said wait a minute Green Arrow. and she looked and said there are two to three guards at every enterence. and there are more patroling the halls. Oliver said ok Watch tower thanks. and Olver said ok I will go in there the roof. Impulse and Boy Scout you threw the back Aucuman you you co threw the vents. CYBORG you and the Duke got threw the front. and everyone keep in touch with watchtower.

Clark was at the lab first with Bart and Bart said Bro we need to wait for the others and then they saw the General Lee pull up and Clark said Boy scout to watch tower how many guards.

Chloe looked at her computer and said Boyscout there are more guards then we expect. I think they are expecting you. Oliver said Watch tower. what are their location? Chloe said wait a minute Green Arrow. and she looked and said there are two to three guards at every enterence. and there are more patroling the halls. Oliver said ok Watch tower thanks. and Olver said ok I will go in there the roof. Impulse and Boy Scout you threw the back Aucuman you you co threw the vents. CYBORG you and the Duke got threw the front. and everyone keep in touch with watchtower.

Chloe sighed


Chloe said ok . Chloe noticed that there was Kriptionite in the building and she said Watchtower to Boyscout becarefull there is Kriptionite in the building. Clark said Ok Watchtower Thanks. and he kept walking and he spots Lex and Clark hides and Lex walks right past him and he said watchtower Lex is here.

Chloe said ok . Chloe noticed that there was Kriptionite in the building and she said Watchtower to Boyscout becarefull there is Kriptionite in the building. Clark said Ok Watchtower Thanks. and he kept walking and he spots Lex and Clark hides and Lex walks right past him and he said watchtower Lex is here.

Chloe said " what are we going to do about Lex?"


Oliver said right now nothing. we need to get this lab un avable to him. Bo looked at Cyborg and said Victor we know where the main office is Maybe he has infomation there and Victor smiles and said good idea Bo and then he said Cyborg to Green Arrow Country Bot #2 said they know where the office is and it might have info we need. and Green Arrow said Ok Go but be careful and tell the Coutry Boys to be careful as well cause it could be a trap. and Cyborg said Ok. and they left.

Oliver said right now nothing. we need to get this lab un avable to him. Bo looked at Cyborg and said Victor we know where the main office is Maybe he has infomation there and Victor smiles and said good idea Bo and then he said Cyborg to Green Arrow Country Bot #2 said they know where the office is and it might have info we need. and Green Arrow said Ok Go but be careful and tell the Coutry Boys to be careful as well cause it could be a trap. and Cyborg said Ok. and they left.

Bo said "how did we get caught up in this?"


Luke said I don't know Luck. and they both smile and said naaaa. and they lead Cyborg to the office.

meanwhile Clark had opened the wronge door it was the room full of Kriptionite. and Clark went down. and Chloe saw him and said Watch tower to green Arrow Boy scout is introuble I repead Boyscout is in trouble.

Luke said I don't know Luck. and they both smile and said naaaa. and they lead Cyborg to the office.

meanwhile Clark had opened the wronge door it was the room full of Kriptionite. and Clark went down. and Chloe saw him and said Watch tower to green Arrow Boy scout is introuble I repead Boyscout is in trouble.

Bo heard that "whats goin on with Clark?"


Cyborg said Clark is arlage to a green rock called Kriptionite it is peaces of his home planet. and it could kill him if his is proloned to it for a long time. Luke said Bo and I will go find Clark. Cyborg said Ok and he handed him a mic and said talk to watch tower she will tell you where he is. and Luke took it and put it on and said Watchtower this is Country Boy #1 Where is boy Scout? Chloe ssaid he is about 3 doors down from you. And Luke said we are on it Thanks Watchtower.

Cyborg said Clark is arlage to a green rock called Kriptionite it is peaces of his home planet. and it could kill him if his is proloned to it for a long time. Luke said Bo and I will go find Clark. Cyborg said Ok and he handed him a mic and said talk to watch tower she will tell you where he is. and Luke took it and put it on and said Watchtower this is Country Boy #1 Where is boy Scout? Chloe ssaid he is about 3 doors down from you. And Luke said we are on it Thanks Watchtower.

so Bo and Luke go look for Clark


Luke was looking, they went into the room and they didn see him and then Bo said Luke there he is and they ran to him But as they where about to get him some of Lex's Men showed up with guns and Bo and Luke couldn't move. Luke said we are in trouble..

Chloe heard him and she said Green Arrow Country Boys and Boyscout ar in trouble. Green arrow said on it watch tower. and Oliver left and next thing they lnew thy saw an Arrow and it hit the wall besid one of the men and Smoke started to come out and that gave Bo and Luke enough time to kick butt. and when Lex's Men were down they Picked up Clark and walked out of the room and Green Arrow shut the door. and Clark recovered and he said Thanks.

Luke was looking, they went into the room and they didn see him and then Bo said Luke there he is and they ran to him But as they where about to get him some of Lex's Men showed up with guns and Bo and Luke couldn't move. Luke said we are in trouble..

Chloe heard him and she said Green Arrow Country Boys and Boyscout ar in trouble. Green arrow said on it watch tower. and Oliver left and next thing they lnew thy saw an Arrow and it hit the wall besid one of the men and Smoke started to come out and that gave Bo and Luke enough time to kick butt. and when Lex's Men were down they Picked up Clark and walked out of the room and Green Arrow shut the door. and Clark recovered and he said Thanks.

Bo said "no problem we would go to the ends of the earth to protect friends"


And then Green Arrow said Cyborg got the info. and he heard Cyborge said Ya Sure. Green Arrow said Then come and met us we have ten minutes. Watchtower is everyone out. Chloe said Yes everyone is out. Ok and then everyone met up and they all walked out and Green Arrow hit the butten and the building started to explode.

And then Green Arrow said Cyborg got the info. and he heard Cyborge said Ya Sure. Green Arrow said Then come and met us we have ten minutes. Watchtower is everyone out. Chloe said Yes everyone is out. Ok and then everyone met up and they all walked out and Green Arrow hit the butten and the building started to explode.

Bo said "so what now?" over the explosion


Chloe was right there beside her. and Oliver smiles and said we are all fine we all made it. Bo looked at him and said But there were a few close calls. Clarks smiles and said this is my life. Bart said that's part of the thrill.

Chloe was right there beside her. and Oliver smiles and said we are all fine we all made it. Bo looked at him and said But there were a few close calls. Clarks smiles and said this is my life. Bart said that's part of the thrill.

Daisy said "so whats ya'lls next move?"

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