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This is a story of combinging my two favrote Shows Smallville and Duke of Hazzard. Jonathan Kent is dead.



Oliver Queen Bart, Victor, and AC. were back. and Bart said Olie we need Clark. Oliver looked at him and said I know But will he come and at that Bart was gone.


Clark was working on a tractor when he saw Bart. and Clark smiled. Bart said hay Buddy we need you. Clark said lead the way. and they super speed to Oliver's apartment.


Clark said what 's going on Oliver looked at him and smiled and said Lex has a new lap. and it's in the bunies. a Town called Hazzard. Clark looked at him. Ac smiled and said that is the same reaction that I gave him. Clark said Why Hazzard? Oliver said I don't know. but we need to do something and we need your help are you in. Clark smiled and said I'm in. Just let me call Chloe. and Oliver said Ya we will need watchtower too.


Bo and Luke were testing the general lee when they noticed something was going on in the old refinary. Bo said Maybe Boss is up to something. Luke looked and said No Bo I don't think it has anything to do with boss.

They saw men in black suits carry things into therefinery.


Boss Hogg had a vistor.

and Boss Said Mr Luthor I don't understand what a big fancy bussness man from Kanas want here in a small town in Georgia. Lex smiled and said I want to expand my bussness and Hazzard seams like a good place to start and he handed Boss Hogg a envlope of money. and Boss smiled and said nice doing bussness with you. Lex smiles and he left the offoce...


IT was real buzy. when Daisy saw 5 guys and a girl walk in that she never saw before. and she looked at the blond(Oliver) and said wow. and they sat down and she walked over to them and said Howdy I'm Daisy your watress welcome to Hazzard..Oliver smiled and said Hello Daisy. Clark looked at Oliver and said Olie we are here on Bussness. Oliver Just smiles.

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This is a story of combinging my two favrote Shows Smallville and Duke of Hazzard. Jonathan Kent is dead.



Oliver Queen Bart, Victor, and AC. were back. and Bart said Olie we need Clark. Oliver looked at him and said I know But will he come and at that Bart was gone.


Clark was working on a tractor when he saw Bart. and Clark smiled. Bart said hay Buddy we need you. Clark said lead the way. and they super speed to Oliver's apartment.


Clark said what 's going on Oliver looked at him and smiled and said Lex has a new lap. and it's in the bunies. a Town called Hazzard. Clark looked at him. Ac smiled and said that is the same reaction that I gave him. Clark said Why Hazzard? Oliver said I don't know. but we need to do something and we need your help are you in. Clark smiled and said I'm in. Just let me call Chloe. and Oliver said Ya we will need watchtower too.


Bo and Luke were testing the general lee when they noticed something was going on in the old refinary. Bo said Maybe Boss is up to something. Luke looked and said No Bo I don't think it has anything to do with boss.

They saw men in black suits carry things into therefinery.


Boss Hogg had a vistor.

and Boss Said Mr Luthor I don't understand what a big fancy bussness man from Kanas want here in a small town in Georgia. Lex smiled and said I want to expand my bussness and Hazzard seams like a good place to start and he handed Boss Hogg a envlope of money. and Boss smiled and said nice doing bussness with you. Lex smiles and he left the offoce...


IT was real buzy. when Daisy saw 5 guys and a girl walk in that she never saw before. and she looked at the blond(Oliver) and said wow. and they sat down and she walked over to them and said Howdy I'm Daisy your watress welcome to Hazzard..Oliver smiled and said Hello Daisy. Clark looked at Oliver and said Olie we are here on Bussness. Oliver Just smiles.

Daisy smiled sweetley "im Daisy Duke..who are ya'll"


Chloe smiled and said Hi I'm Chloe, (POINT TO cLARK) this is Clark, next to him is Bart, Oliver, AC AND Victor.

Just then Bo and Luke walked in and walked over to Bo and Luke Chloe looked at them and said wow. Oliver and Ac just looked at her. Luke said Daisy have you heard anything that Boss is doing in the old refinery/ Daisy Looked at him and said No Luke I haven't But her did have a guy her in a suit and he was bald looking for him I told him he was at his office in town.

Oliver looked at Clark and said Lex.

Chloe smiled and said Hi I'm Chloe, (POINT TO cLARK) this is Clark, next to him is Bart, Oliver, AC AND Victor.

Just then Bo and Luke walked in and walked over to Bo and Luke Chloe looked at them and said wow. Oliver and Ac just looked at her. Luke said Daisy have you heard anything that Boss is doing in the old refinery/ Daisy Looked at him and said No Luke I haven't But her did have a guy her in a suit and he was bald looking for him I told him he was at his office in town.

Oliver looked at Clark and said Lex.

Daisy said as she turned to the others "Lex? anyway, these are my cousins, the blonde on is Bo and the dark headed one is Luke"


Chloe said well glad to met you. Luke said Who is Lex? Oliver said can we go some where. were we can talk. Bo said sure our farm follow us. and

they all left.


bO SMILED AND SAID cHLOE WANT TO RIDE with us Chloe smiled and said Sure. So Chloe followed them to an Orange car and Bo went to pick her up. and Bo smiled and said the dorrs are welded it's a race car. and Chloe smiled and said Ok.

Chloe said well glad to met you. Luke said Who is Lex? Oliver said can we go some where. were we can talk. Bo said sure our farm follow us. and

they all left.


bO SMILED AND SAID cHLOE WANT TO RIDE with us Chloe smiled and said Sure. So Chloe followed them to an Orange car and Bo went to pick her up. and Bo smiled and said the dorrs are welded it's a race car. and Chloe smiled and said Ok.

Daisy smiled "if Bo is drivin Chloe is in for the shock of her life"


Clark smiled and said I think at this point nothing can shack Chloe. Oliver, Bart, Ac and Victor all laughted Daisy Just looked at them. Oliver said want to ride with us. Daisy smiled and said sure. and Oliver opened the door and Daisy got in. and oLIVER followed the general Lee back to the farm..

Clark smiled and said I think at this point nothing can shack Chloe. Oliver, Bart, Ac and Victor all laughted Daisy Just looked at them. Oliver said want to ride with us. Daisy smiled and said sure. and Oliver opened the door and Daisy got in. and oLIVER followed the general Lee back to the farm..

Daisy said "ya'll are real nice guys"


The General Lee Stopped and Clark got out of the car and he smiled and Oliver said well Clark it looks like you will be right at home here. and then Uncle Jesse came out of the barn and Luke interduced Uncle Jesse to everyone.


Oliver said we are here cause we heard thst Lex Luthor was here and he has done some things in Smallville Kanas and we think he is expanding. Bo said Here in Hazzard? Clark said Yes here. Smallville is were I'm from and it's also a small town.

The General Lee Stopped and Clark got out of the car and he smiled and Oliver said well Clark it looks like you will be right at home here. and then Uncle Jesse came out of the barn and Luke interduced Uncle Jesse to everyone.


Oliver said we are here cause we heard thst Lex Luthor was here and he has done some things in Smallville Kanas and we think he is expanding. Bo said Here in Hazzard? Clark said Yes here. Smallville is were I'm from and it's also a small town.

Daisy said "what kind of expandin' exactly"


Victor said Lex does experments on humams. and he's taking it out of Smallville. Bo Luke and Daisy Just looked at him. Luke said we will help you get Lex. Oliver said we can handle this we wouldn't want you to et hurt. Bo walked over to Olver and said you are strangers here in Hazzard and we are from Hazzard and we know Hazzard and the people. Bart looked at them and said Bo does have a point and Oliver said Ok but when we say leave you leave. Bo looked at him and said ok. and they shook on it. and they where about to make a plan when clark said wait a minute. and he said someone is in your barn. and then they wewnt to check it out and they saw two guys coming running out and Clark said Oliver there is a bomb and Olver said Go and Clar did super speed and got the bomb and threw it.and it exploded. and then he walked back over and Uncle Jesse said you are not telling us everything.

Victor said Lex does experments on humams. and he's taking it out of Smallville. Bo Luke and Daisy Just looked at him. Luke said we will help you get Lex. Oliver said we can handle this we wouldn't want you to et hurt. Bo walked over to Olver and said you are strangers here in Hazzard and we are from Hazzard and we know Hazzard and the people. Bart looked at them and said Bo does have a point and Oliver said Ok but when we say leave you leave. Bo looked at him and said ok. and they shook on it. and they where about to make a plan when clark said wait a minute. and he said someone is in your barn. and then they wewnt to check it out and they saw two guys coming running out and Clark said Oliver there is a bomb and Olver said Go and Clar did super speed and got the bomb and threw it.and it exploded. and then he walked back over and Uncle Jesse said you are not telling us everything.

Daisy was freakin out now


They went back in the house and Oliver said what we are about to tell you you cant tell anyone eles and The Dukes agreed. Oliver said well Victor said I;m one of the humans that Lex Luthor was expermenting on. You see the last thing I remember was I was in a car with my family and then I woke up in a Lap and I found out later that My whole had died in a car accident and I dided as well But I wasn't me anymore and he said I was part machine. Daisy said you don't look it. Vistoe smiled and Hug me. So daisy walked over and gave him a hug. and she felt the equment in him. And Daisy stepeted back and said wow.

They went back in the house and Oliver said what we are about to tell you you cant tell anyone eles and The Dukes agreed. Oliver said well Victor said I;m one of the humans that Lex Luthor was expermenting on. You see the last thing I remember was I was in a car with my family and then I woke up in a Lap and I found out later that My whole had died in a car accident and I dided as well But I wasn't me anymore and he said I was part machine. Daisy said you don't look it. Vistoe smiled and Hug me. So daisy walked over and gave him a hug. and she felt the equment in him. And Daisy stepeted back and said wow.

Daisy said down "this is way to weird"


Bart said that isn't all and then he did super speed to the kitchen and back again and Bo said wow. Uncle Jesse said where expermented on and Bart said No i WAS born this way Anc Ac told them about him and Oliver Told him about him and then it was Clarks turn and Clark said can we all step outside and they all did and Clark went to the tractor and picked it up. and Uncle Jesse said Ok Now I have seen everything. and Olver said that isn't all Clark can do. Luke said Ok now we know everything we will help you get Lex out of Hazzard.

Bart said that isn't all and then he did super speed to the kitchen and back again and Bo said wow. Uncle Jesse said where expermented on and Bart said No i WAS born this way Anc Ac told them about him and Oliver Told him about him and then it was Clarks turn and Clark said can we all step outside and they all did and Clark went to the tractor and picked it up. and Uncle Jesse said Ok Now I have seen everything. and Olver said that isn't all Clark can do. Luke said Ok now we know everything we will help you get Lex out of Hazzard.

Clark sped back and picked Daisy up and Daisy laughed "i hope Enos dont pull up,hed be mighty jealous"

Clark sped back and picked Daisy up and Daisy laughed "i hope Enos dont pull up,hed be mighty jealous"

Julie came out of the House and Says "Hello I'm Julie Duke who is everybody and what's the excitement oh listen I got a date tonight Daisy I can borrow your little black dress tonight as well."

Cue Anybody

Julie came out of the House and Says "Hello I'm Julie Duke who is everybody and what's the excitement oh listen I got a date tonight Daisy I can borrow your little black dress tonight as well."

Cue Anybody

Daisy said "i was gonna use it but my red one would look perfect on ya"


Oliver said Clark quit showing off. Now lets get to work.


LEX was tring to get the Lab under way wHEN ONE OF HIS MEN SAID Lex it didn't work. someone with powers was there tostop it. and Lex said ok It might be QREEN arrow and his freaks wE NEED stay on top of things. and double the guard. and Lex had some Kriptionite brought in and he stored it in a room.


Bo luke Oliver as GREEN ARROW went in the GENERAL LEE cause they Knew where it was at . and Chloe along with Uncle Jesse and Daisy stayed at the farm and Chloe turned on her computer and said Watchtower is up. and Olver said Ok watch tower. and they all left Clark and Bart Did super speed and Ac went by water. and Victor rodw in the General lee with Oliver and Bo and Luke.

Daisy said "i was gonna use it but my red one would look perfect on ya"

Julie Says "Okay it's some business guy here his name is Lex Luthor he's picking me up in his Porsche tonight."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

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