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Bo stood up as well after getting Jesse's nod of permission, clearing the table with Daisy, leaving the things on the table that Luke might want. Soon enough he was chattering happily with her, throwing banter back and forth.

Jesse however continued to watch his eldest, noticing the stare that was set firmly on the plate in front of him, eating as if in a trance. Once more, Luke's mind was overactive and you could practically see the wheels in his head turning furiously. Luke hated not knowing something, hated feeling in the slighest bit out of contol...and Jesse could see whatever it was that was troubling him was doing just that...and it was eating at him.



Luke's breath caught in his throat as if he had been watching a scary movie and someone just grabbed his shoulder. He let out his breath softly when he realized it was his uncle and that he must have zoned-out again. "Sorry Uncle Jesse...did you say somethin'?"


Jesse smiled gently.

"Normally no...but they know you two boys...you've worked with kids before when you coached the basketball team...you helped out lil Terry Lee when he was upset...I don't think they'd have any qualms about you helpin out with them..."


"I don't know...I guess you just turn up and see what they need you to do...could be anythin from lookin after the kids t'helpin with things around the orphanage."

Jesse replied, getting up to give his plate to Bo and Daisy who were still bantering with each other.

"Just thought it might be somethin interestin fer you to do."


Luke soon finished his plate, picking it up and carrying it to the sink. "That was real good Dais," he said sinking his dishes into the sudsy water, giving Bo a playful scuff on the head for sticking his tongue out at Daisy after she had been reprimanded by Jesse.

Daisy giggled. "Thank ya...for the compliment and the back-up."

"Anytime," said Luke getting his jacket preparing to go back out to the barn and restack the hay, the flier somehow having disappeared.


"It's a rational fear...I can't help it..." said Luke over his shoulder as he walked out the door.

"Now where's he off to?" asked Daisy looking out the window as he retreated back to the barn. "Ah ah..." she said shooting Bo a glare, his hand full of soap bubbles. "You do and you'll be sorry...I'm having a good hair day and I wanna keep it that way!"


"You better run Bo Duke!" she screamed grabbing a sudsy frying pan from the water and taking off after him.

"Don't slam...the door," added Jesse as the screen door slammed shut. He shook his head with a chuckle, not bothering to intervene, knowing Daisy could more than hold her own with a barroom full of men. She could certainly handle Bo.

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