youngBO Posted February 13, 2009 Report Posted February 13, 2009 hey all yeah I know its been forever since I have gotten on the lines I have moved so I had to pack up all the cb gear and head for higher ground but that should have not kept me from checking in so my apologies ok so my fight continues with midway to get us a new Dukes game I have still heard nothing from them acknowledging a new game in the works but there is still a gleam in my heart that one day we will get that game I have also sent a message to Bo himself I am lucky enough to have sent John a message today and hopefully having him add me as a friend to myspace I already have him as a friend on his collier and co myspace but I now have the addy for him him and I told him about my plight to get us a new game and asked if him and the rest of the cast would join in the fight I know I am reaching here but its worth a shot and since they are an integral part of the show I thought that maybe there was a chance that they would help I also told him that a multi system game would be great so hopefully if all goes well and we get the game it will come out for Wii X-Box and PS3 please keep sending your messages to Midway games asking them for a new game so please do not think I have given up on this site and other Dukes fans that long for another game if you are interested in contacting them go to midways home page and go to the contact us area and if you like you can copy my message that I wrote explaining why we need another game and add your name telling them that you support a new game keep me posted with your progress keep em tween the ditches YoungBO__________________" its like a bald tired semi on a mile of red asphalt" YEEEE HAWWWW Quote
youngBO Posted February 13, 2009 Author Report Posted February 13, 2009 ok so I have went further still and got an an email addy to send your support to a new dukes game but I know that the admin is not too happy with us sending out links so go to their contact us page then to how do I contact midway us it will give a long www link copy that and send em my copied message if I still have it on here a single person can do so much but a group can achieve make a difference please join me in this YB Quote
youngBO Posted February 13, 2009 Author Report Posted February 13, 2009 under the long www thing there is a ask a ?? page go there to ask the ?? sry about the draggin along its been a while since I have sent them a message and they have changed things up a little bit since last time I sent them a message my humble apologies YB Quote
youngBO Posted February 13, 2009 Author Report Posted February 13, 2009 ok I sent another message to Midway in hopes of them getting the bigger picture for a new game we have not seen a new one since 2004 and its long overdue I also used ideas that I have gotten from ppl that have responded to my messages I thought of you as well and put those in there as well and hopefully they will see how important it is to us that we need to kep the Dukes spirit alive and kicking because I sure as life itself don't want to see the General in a Rust pile send them your concerns YB Quote
youngBO Posted February 14, 2009 Author Report Posted February 14, 2009 I have finally gotten a response not really the one that I had hoped for but one all the same on my last message that I sent to Midway I received this there are no current plans to release a Dukes of Hazzard video game please check back at their website for updates and info well upon this we must strive harder we have to get them interested to them they would rather Dukes get all dust covered on a shelf and forget about it to us that enjoy the show and love all things involved with Dukes we must push the issue please go to their website go to the contact us then ask a ? area then mention that we need a new game get their interests peaked to make another I have not heard from John yet on his involvement yet but I hope that he helps I know that he still is involved with Dukes where he can I don't know maybe I am crazy for believing that another game is possible and should drop the issue but I still believe and as long as you hold on to your beliefs that nothing is impossible if you are interested in pushing the issue for a new game please send a message to midway and let them know please get involved thanks YB Quote
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