Julieduke Posted August 20, 2009 Author Posted August 20, 2009 "Clay and Cassidy are in a coma and Salena has Meningitis and pneumonia and I believe Angel's recovering from an asthma attack." Lizzy says.Matt Says "Aunt Lizzy your not mad that I'm Bo Duke's nephew as well and I swear Sheriff Coltrane doesn't like me and I figured out why today but I think it's really stupid as well. Ashley I still uncomfortable taking money from our Aunt to take care of my tickets now I want to make a stand about them, don't you see it now as well."Ashley Says "Matt I don't understand and I know where you'll making that stand at as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 'Alright." Lizzy says.Daisy comes out of the back room "Hey Ash, Hey Matt"
Julieduke Posted August 20, 2009 Author Posted August 20, 2009 Daisy comes out of the back room "Hey Ash, Hey Matt"Matt Says "Hi Aunt Daisy, have you heard the good news now as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 Matt Says "Aunt Lizzy your not mad that I'm Bo Duke's nephew as well and I swear Sheriff Coltrane doesn't like me and I figured out why today but I think it's really stupid as well. Ashley I still uncomfortable taking money from our Aunt to take care of my tickets now I want to make a stand about them, don't you see it now as well."Ashley Says "Matt I don't understand and I know where you'll making that stand at as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke"Of course I'm not mad at you Matt." Lizzy sighs.
Julieduke Posted August 20, 2009 Author Posted August 20, 2009 "Of course I'm not mad at you Matt." Lizzy sighs.Ashley Says "Aunt Lizzy he's mad at his own sister because of some tickets which he doesn't think are fair and he's proposing not to pay them right now as well. I think it's stupid , and the twins and me need you at home right now Matt."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 Matt Says "Hi Aunt Daisy, have you heard the good news now as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae DukeDaisy said "I heard...congrats...Poor Sam, its killing her to be away from Clay"
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 Ashley Says "Aunt Lizzy he's mad at his own sister because of some tickets which he doesn't think are fair and he's proposing not to pay them right now as well. I think it's stupid , and the twins and me need you at home right now Matt."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke"So then don't pay them Matt. Go to jail and leave your pregnant wife alone." Lizzy says then mutters to herself, "Just add another thing to my plate."
Julieduke Posted August 20, 2009 Author Posted August 20, 2009 Daisy said "I heard...congrats...Poor Sam, its killing her to be away from Clay"Ashley Says "When is her and Angelica going to be able to go home now as well Aunt Daisy? I don't know how I could take if Matt was as sick as Clay is right now as well and honey Clay is your cousin as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
Julieduke Posted August 20, 2009 Author Posted August 20, 2009 "So then don't pay them Matt. Go to jail and leave your pregnant wife alone." Lizzy says then mutters to herself, "Just add another thing to my plate."Matt Says "But they wasn't fair Aunt Lizzy and well it's the Prinicpal of the matter and well I want to take a stand and that's all."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 Ashley Says "When is her and Angelica going to be able to go home now as well Aunt Daisy? I don't know how I could take if Matt was as sick as Clay is right now as well and honey Clay is your cousin as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae DukeMatt sighes "Im gonna pay the tickets..on my own"Daisy said "Angelica and Sam will be home tommarow...and Clay can't be there for them"
Julieduke Posted August 20, 2009 Author Posted August 20, 2009 Matt sighes "Im gonna pay the tickets..on my own"Daisy said "Angelica and Sam will be home tommarow...and Clay can't be there for them"Ashley Says "Fine pay them on your own and the $500 check is a actually can be considered a wedding gift them I was only trying to help and so was Aunt Julie as well Mat and why don't you talk to Uncle Cooter about filing in while Clay isn't well right now as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 Ashley Says "Fine pay them on your own and the $500 check is a actually can be considered a wedding gift them I was only trying to help and so was Aunt Julie as well Mat and why don't you talk to Uncle Cooter about filing in while Clay isn't well right now as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke"I don't think that's gonna be possible." Lizzy says.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 Ashley Says "Fine pay them on your own and the $500 check is a actually can be considered a wedding gift them I was only trying to help and so was Aunt Julie as well Mat and why don't you talk to Uncle Cooter about filing in while Clay isn't well right now as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae DukeMatt sighes "I dont know Ashley"
Julieduke Posted August 20, 2009 Author Posted August 20, 2009 "I don't think that's gonna be possible." Lizzy says.Ashley Says "Why not Aunt Lizzy, Matt needs a second job right now were broke right now as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 Ashley Says "Why not Aunt Lizzy, Matt needs a second job right now were broke right now as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke"With Clay being sick that means Dad has to pay for his sick leave...I don't know I'll take a look at Dad's books and see what we can do." Lizzy sighs.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 Ashley Says "Why not Aunt Lizzy, Matt needs a second job right now were broke right now as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae DukeMatt said "Can't Cooter just wait till Clay gets better?"
Julieduke Posted August 20, 2009 Author Posted August 20, 2009 "With Clay being sick that means Dad has to pay for his sick leave...I don't know I'll take a look at Dad's books and see what we can do." Lizzy sighs.Ashley looks and Says "Great listen when do you have to pay those tickets by Matt again and watch your driving please don't get anymore now as well."Matt Says "Very Funny now Ashley."Ashley Says "We've got to Grandpa next that we got married he would want to know I am his Granddaughter now as well Matt."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 Ashley looks and Says "Great listen when do you have to pay those tickets by Matt again and watch your driving please don't get anymore now as well."Matt Says "Very Funny now Ashley."Ashley Says "We've got to Grandpa next that we got married he would want to know I am his Granddaughter now as well Matt."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke"Have fun." Lizzy says as her and Daisy leave to go get some sleep.
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 Ashley looks and Says "Great listen when do you have to pay those tickets by Matt again and watch your driving please don't get anymore now as well."Matt Says "Very Funny now Ashley."Ashley Says "We've got to Grandpa next that we got married he would want to know I am his Granddaughter now as well Matt."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae DukeDaisy said "Ya'll stop! ya'll fight just like Clay and Sam I swear"
Julieduke Posted August 20, 2009 Author Posted August 20, 2009 Daisy said "Ya'll stop! ya'll fight just like Clay and Sam I swear"Matt Says "I'm Sorry Aunt Daisy well it's just were worried and let's go see everybody Ashley we need to stop doing this as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 Matt Says "I'm Sorry Aunt Daisy well it's just were worried and let's go see everybody Ashley we need to stop doing this as well."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae DukeAshley said "Yeah"then Daisy steped up "Matthew...Pay those tickets..my husband DOES NOT go easy on people who dont and you'll see what i mean if you dont get them tickets paid off"
Julieduke Posted August 20, 2009 Author Posted August 20, 2009 Ashley said "Yeah"then Daisy steped up "Matthew...Pay those tickets..my husband DOES NOT go easy on people who dont and you'll see what i mean if you dont get them tickets paid off"Ashley and Matt went to see them and he still didn't think they was very fair as well.Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 Ashley and Matt went to see them and he still didn't think they was very fair as well.Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae DukeDaisy said "Ya'll run into Enos ya'll are screwd"
Julieduke Posted August 20, 2009 Author Posted August 20, 2009 Daisy said "Ya'll run into Enos ya'll are screwd"Matt looked at Daisy and Ashley and didn't say one word as well. Ashley Says "If you want the five hundred dollars for those tickets just let me know anytime and I'll understand you playing with fire allright Matt."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 Matt looked at Daisy and Ashley and didn't say one word as well. Ashley Says "If you want the five hundred dollars for those tickets just let me know anytime and I'll understand you playing with fire allright Matt."Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae DukeDaisy gave Matt some money "I'm saying take this and if you dont ill nail you to that wall over there and make you a nice wall ornamant"
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