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What do you think of Julie getting pregnant so quickly after having twins?  

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  1. 1. What do you think of Julie getting pregnant so quickly after having twins?

    • Good
    • A Little fast now

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"I promise Luke ain't gonna hurt you and...if I did take custody I'd make sure she'd be able to see her Aunt Daisy. You'll see her as much as you see Molly and will see this new baby. Just cause she's my niece don't change nothing." Lizzy says.

Cue anyone.

Vidalia smiles and Says "Thank you, at least somebody you and Aunt Daisy and Uncle Enos wants me right now. I been rejected by everybody on my mother's side of the family and by my father, but I refused to cry in front of anybody about it Aunt Lizzy, Momma taught me that I'm a New Yorker and were strong and we don't cry when somebody hurts our feelings about something and we don't let them know that they did hurt our feelings either. Besides Momma claims that she descendent from Paul Revere but and I know who he is and what he did that was very brave thing for him do as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Posted (edited)
Meanwhile Luke had found his way back to his uncle's house and sat down at the kitchen table. Uncle Jesse sat across from him watching him carefully.

"How did you do it Uncle Jesse?" Luke asks.

"Do what?"

"Raise four little ones alone?"

"For a while there I had your aunt."

"But still...for most of the time you made it through with just yourself looking after us."

"By the time it was just the five of us, you and Bo had both picked up jobs. Three incomes for part of it, made it easier. What's this about Luke?"

"I can't do it."

"The baby, plus Molly and Salena you fear you'll let them down." Uncle Jesse said.

"I've always been able to do everything. I've never had to lean on anyone and now..."

"That's why you said no. To Vidalia."

"Four kids, three little ones and Salena's schooling next year. We won't make it through the first semester."

"Have you told Lizzy this?"

"Of course not...then I saw how unhappy Lizzy was when Daisy and Enos signed the forms I just...I lost it."

"You threatened her."

"Ever since we found out that Julie's father wasn't a Duke it's like everything's falling apart. I haven't felt this lost since Nam Uncle Jesse and I don't know what to do." Luke ran his hands through his hair and scratched his scalp. "I don't want to lose Julie or Lizzy or even Daisy but...This new baby, Vidalia, Brian's problems...I'm gonna lose her."

"Only because you don't let her know what's going on. There we times I thought your Aunt and I would lose everything even with all I did to stop it but...she was a stubborn woman. When she saw me changing she got right up in my face and forced me to tell her what was going on. I think that saved our marriage more than anything. She wouldn't let me get away with anything."

"I just...I'm so used to having all the answers, being able to think myself and others out of problems that when I don't have the answer..."

"Answer me seriously Luke. Are you scared of becoming your father?"

"My father?" Luke questions.

"You see what's happening to Brian and I think you're honestly scared of setting a bad example for Vidalia and you think you won't be able to hack it like your father couldn't and you'll cause Lizzy pain." Uncle Jesse clarifies.

"I guess that's part of it but...my bank account has been draining so fast with just Molly that I'm not sure it can sustain all five of us."

"Your bank account? Have you even considered asking Lizzy how she stayed above the water without you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Lizzy's made it three months in Atlanta without you just her and Molly and obviously she didn't go bankrupt. Would you have a problem with her supporting you?"

"It's not supposed to work like that." Luke says.

"Just think about it Luke." Uncle Jesse says standing. "These times they are a changing and turn the light out when you're done."

Cue anyone.

Salena Comes In and Says "Hi Dad, I wandering if you might be here as well listen I heard what happened with Brian and Vidalia that's pretty terrible but I was wandering one thing and that's what it with my Grandfather that your so scared of right now as well. Listen I glad that Angel and Cassidy are allright as well that was pretty scarier now if they would've seen me with Cassidy at that time they might've mistake me for Angel. People do this all the time, and I just don't understand it we don't look that much alike heck techinally were not even blood related so how we look that much alike now."

Cassidy here's everything and Says "But she still your cousin are you going to let a little thing like who here Grandfather is get in the way now Salena. There is a certain degree of resemblances between the two of your right now, I see where people might get the two of you mixed up now."

Salena Says "Well for one thing, I want to go to Oral Roberts University I know it might cost more but I could get a singing scholarship and then the costs will go down as well. And it's a really good school as well and I think nobody there will even know that Anita Blackwell was my Mother now and just think as well. I thinking of if I go into singing that it will be Christian-Country not just Country now, and they have really expanded the genre as well. There's Susie Luchsinger thats Reba McEntire's sister now and she can sing just as good as her sister and I even thinking about trying out for the school rodeo coming up now I know it's risky but it sounds really fun as well. And what's life without risk Dad and Cassidy."

Cassidy Says "Salena, your surprizing me right now? Do you know that people have really gotten hurt at Rodeo's now and wow I would've never that now and your right what's life without a little risk now."

Salena Says "Dad did you know that Mom always said I was a free spirit now and you know Cassidy they have safety equipment and look at basketball Angel could blow out her knew during a fall and than what would she do as well."

Cassidy Says "Never looked at it that way? I know one thing when the guys came and grabbed Ruby up after we was walking out of the docters office I about froze and the other guy told me to come quietly well he told me that why baby sister wouldn't get hurt and you know they was mean to me as well. I can't be what my Great-Grandfather would resort to get back at my father with now I heard that they treated Angel worst now, but how in the world did they know that where and what kind of car I was driving I just don't understand for the life of me right now about this as well."

Salena Says "Unless your Congress Tropicana told them what kind of car you was driving now that's always possible as well."

Cassidy Says "You got a point there Salena, but one thing I got some really good and apparently my parents found that there expecting twins boys I'm so happy for dad right now he was so upset when Mom lost the boys she carrying before they had Ruby."

Salena Says "I didn't know that your father and mother lost a baby as well, you know that never happened to my Mom ever I guess she was lucky then."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Edited by Julieduke
Salena Comes In and Says "Hi Dad, I wandering if you might be here as well listen I heard what happened with Brian and Vidalia that's pretty terrible but I was wandering one thing and that's what it with my Grandfather that your so scared of right now as well. Listen I glad that Angel and Cassidy are allright as well that was pretty scarier now if they would've seen me with Cassidy at that time they might've mistake me for Angel. People do this all the time, and I just don't understand it we don't look that much alike heck techinally were not even blood related so how we look that much alike now."

Cassidy here's everything and Says "But she still your cousin are you going to let a little thing like who here Grandfather is get in the way now Salena. There is a certain degree of resemblances between the two of your right now, I see where people might get the two of you mixed up now."

Salena Says "Well for one thing, I want to go to Oral Roberts University I know it might cost more but I could get a singing scholarship and then the costs will go down as well. And it's a really good school as well and I think nobody there will even know that Anita Blackwell was my Mother now and just think as well. I thinking of if I go into singing that it will be Christian-Country not just Country now, and they have really expanded the genre as well. There's Susie Luchsinger thats Reba McEntire's sister now and she can sing just as good as her sister and I even thinking about trying out for the school rodeo coming up now I know it's risky but it sounds really fun as well. And what's life without risk Dad and Cassidy."

Cassidy Says "Salena, your surprizing me right now? Do you know that people have really gotten hurt at Rodeo's now and wow I would've never that now and your right what's life without a little risk now."

Salena Says "Dad did you know that Mom always said I was a free spirit now and you know Cassidy they have safety equipment and look at basketball Angel could blow out her knew during a fall and than what would she do as well."

Cassidy Says "Never looked at it that way? I know one thing when the guys came and grabbed Ruby up after we was walking out of the docters office I about froze and the other guy told me to come quietly well he told me that why baby sister wouldn't get hurt and you know they was mean to me as well. I can't be what my Great-Grandfather would resort to get back at my father with now I heard that they treated Angel worst now, but how in the world did they know that where and what kind of car I was driving I just don't understand for the life of me right now about this as well."

Salena Says "Unless your Congress Tropicana told them what kind of car you was driving now that's always possible as well."

Cassidy Says "You got a point there Salena, but one thing I got some really good and apparently my parents found that there expecting twins boys I'm so happy for dad right now he was so upset when Mom lost the boys she carrying before they had Ruby."

Salena Says "I didn't know that your father and mother lost a baby as well, you know that never happened to my Mom ever I guess she was lucky then."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

What Cassidy, Salena and Luke didn't know that somebody was listening as well but Cassidy didn't care she was happy about the baby brothers her Mom was expecting right now she suspected that her father was happy but just as worried as her Uncle Luke right now was about the baby coming up right now as well.

Bo walks in and Says "Hey Luke, Salena and Cassiy I heard all three of you right now I know there's alot of things to think about right now and Salena are you sure you want the rodeo now that's pretty risky as well."

Salena Says "I know the risk involved right now, and it seems that I'm willing to take them Uncle Bo as well. I don't want to be the pretty brunette cheerleader my whole life now heck I can't stand cheerleader's myself there so stuffy and full of themselves as well there pretty and they know and that's just rubs me the wrong way now."

Cassidy Says "Well I tried out but I didn't make it thow they told me I wasn't bubbly enough to be a cheerleader when I went for it. I wonder how the top ones liked there flat tires now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

What Cassidy, Salena and Luke didn't know that somebody was listening as well but Cassidy didn't care she was happy about the baby brothers her Mom was expecting right now she suspected that her father was happy but just as worried as her Uncle Luke right now was about the baby coming up right now as well.

Bo walks in and Says "Hey Luke, Salena and Cassiy I heard all three of you right now I know there's alot of things to think about right now and Salena are you sure you want the rodeo now that's pretty risky as well."

Salena Says "I know the risk involved right now, and it seems that I'm willing to take them Uncle Bo as well. I don't want to be the pretty brunette cheerleader my whole life now heck I can't stand cheerleader's myself there so stuffy and full of themselves as well there pretty and they know and that's just rubs me the wrong way now."

Cassidy Says "Well I tried out but I didn't make it thow they told me I wasn't bubbly enough to be a cheerleader when I went for it. I wonder how the top ones liked there flat tires now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

That Night it seems that Faith and Hope couldn't sleep and Micheal got up to take care of them and it seems he had seen that Angel was holding Faith and she Says "Oh, it's so quiet ever since Ashley quit school well I couldn't help it and don't mind helping you and Mom right now besides there my sisters as well. And look at these beautiful faces here how could anybody turn them down now, but I am concerned about everything going on right now it's real mess and did you see Mom just freeze she thought that Brian was coming after her again. I've seen that look from her before, usually right before he hit her and she would go from herself to something less. She never talks about it anymore but I think she still scared of him right now but these beautiful girls here well I don't know what I've done if my Great-Grandpa had somebody kidnap then it would've hit me really hard now. You should've seen how worried Cassidy was when she realized that Ruby wasn't in the same room as me and Cassidy was back at his mansion she wore the worst look on her face as well. You do know also that when Aunt Shannon has the twins boy late or ontime I hope not another set of twins early again, well they'll be the first boys in the family in a long time right now."

Back In New York City, Debbie had called Brian this guy she had met online on Myspace.com she had really liked he had told her that he had a ten year old daughter and a baby on the way but she wasn't with the either kids mother right now. She had seen it was late but she had worked a really late shift and she didn't get a break to call him at that time now. She was looking forward to meeting with him he had told her that he was living in a place called Hazzard County, Georgia and it's just a techinalty right now. She had no idea about the trouble brewing down there now and she the phone kept ringing as well at his house.

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Posted (edited)
That Night it seems that Faith and Hope couldn't sleep and Micheal got up to take care of them and it seems he had seen that Angel was holding Faith and she Says "Oh, it's so quiet ever since Ashley quit school well I couldn't help it and don't mind helping you and Mom right now besides there my sisters as well. And look at these beautiful faces here how could anybody turn them down now, but I am concerned about everything going on right now it's real mess and did you see Mom just freeze she thought that Brian was coming after her again. I've seen that look from her before, usually right before he hit her and she would go from herself to something less. She never talks about it anymore but I think she still scared of him right now but these beautiful girls here well I don't know what I've done if my Great-Grandpa had somebody kidnap then it would've hit me really hard now. You should've seen how worried Cassidy was when she realized that Ruby wasn't in the same room as me and Cassidy was back at his mansion she wore the worst look on her face as well. You do know also that when Aunt Shannon has the twins boy late or ontime I hope not another set of twins early again, well they'll be the first boys in the family in a long time right now."

Back In New York City, Debbie had called Brian this guy she had met online on Myspace.com she had really liked he had told her that he had a ten year old daughter and a baby on the way but she wasn't with the either kids mother right now. She had seen it was late but she had worked a really late shift and she didn't get a break to call him at that time now. She was looking forward to meeting with him he had told her that he was living in a place called Hazzard County, Georgia and it's just a techinalty right now. She had no idea about the trouble brewing down there now and she the phone kept ringing as well at his house.

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Salena Says "Hey Cassidy you got Angel's baby picture here somewhere I just curious about something right now?"

Cassidy looks and Says "Yeah it's right here, but why you know even has infants the two of wouldn't look alike right Salena?"

Salena Says "Well yeah, but I have my newborn picture in my purse and I just thought I would take a look at the two of them for just a minute now. And just think about something right now well what my Mom and her Mom were cousin or even sisters by some chance well that would increase the chances of the two of us looking alike now Cassidy."

Salena pulls out her newborn picture and Cassidy finds Angel's as well and they look at both and it seems that even there newborn picture look alike now as well. Cassidy looks and Says "Well there's no way of explaining this now and it's kind of strange right now but Angel found our grandmother's diary and it seems that she had a twin brother and that everybody thought he died when he was six months old but he didn't. What if he's really your grandfather Salena, did you ever meet him in person now?"

Salena Says "No, actually I don't even know what his name was to begin with now but I'm Julian Tropicana the 2nd's granddaughter well than it would make sense very much as well."

Cassidy Says "Are you sure you don't know who your Grandfather is right now Salena?"

Salena Says "All Mom knew that her father was born in Columbus, Ohio and that's it not even a name to go on but it's really weird if Julian Tropicana the 2nd turned out to be my Grandfather well the Congressman would be my Great-Grandfather and I would be a double cousin to you Cassidy and actually blood related to Angel now."

Cassidy Says "Haven't thought about that now? But listen, we got to get up for school why don't you call Lizzy and tell her your staying here so she doesn't think something happened to you like what happened to Angel and me now okay."

Salena looks And Says "Allright, I guess I can do that and besides I think I'm way too tired to drive back to Lizzy's house right now to begin with right now as well. And you know Cassidy, they say it's dangerous to drive when your overtired like I am right now but I didn't bring anything for school to wear now."

Cassidy looks and Says "Were the same size Salena, borrow something of mine and just tell the teachers the dog ate your homework if you left something at home."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Edited by Julieduke
Salena Says "Hey Cassidy you got Angel's baby picture here somewhere I just curious about something right now?"

Cassidy looks and Says "Yeah it's right here, but why you know even has infants the two of wouldn't look alike right Salena?"

Salena Says "Well yeah, but I have my newborn picture in my purse and I just thought I would take a look at the two of them for just a minute now. And just think about something right now well what my Mom and her Mom were cousin or even sisters by some chance well that would increase the chances of the two of us looking alike now Cassidy."

Salena pulls out her newborn picture and Cassidy finds Angel's as well and they look at both and it seems that even there newborn picture look alike now as well. Cassidy looks and Says "Well there's no way of explaining this now and it's kind of strange right now but Angel found our grandmother's diary and it seems that she had a twin brother and that everybody thought he died when he was six months old but he didn't. What if he's really your grandfather Salena, did you ever meet him in person now?"

Salena Says "No, actually I don't even know what his name was to begin with now but I'm Julian Tropicana the 2nd's granddaughter well than it would make sense very much as well."

Cassidy Says "Are you sure you don't know who your Grandfather is right now Salena?"

Salena Says "All Mom knew that her father was born in Columbus, Ohio and that's it not even a name to go on but it's really weird if Julian Tropicana the 2nd turned out to be my Grandfather well the Congressman would be my Great-Grandfather and I would be a double cousin to you Cassidy and actually blood related to Angel now."

Cassidy Says "Haven't thought about that now? But listen, we got to get up for school why don't you call Lizzy and tell her your staying here so she doesn't think something happened to you like what happened to Angel and me now okay."

Salena looks And Says "Allright, I guess I can do that and besides I think I'm way too tired to drive back to Lizzy's house right now to begin with right now as well. And you know Cassidy, they say it's dangerous to drive when your overtired like I am right now but I didn't bring anything for school to wear now."

Cassidy looks and Says "Were the same size Salena, borrow something of mine and just tell the teachers the dog ate your homework if you left something at home."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Daisy said "Vid this is the country, you wanna cry about something, you can"

Daisy said "Vid this is the country, you wanna cry about something, you can"

Luke looks at his daughter and his niece and although he can see Anita in Salena she also reminds him of Lizzy. "Bo, I have seriously screwed up." Luke says.

"I'd say so." Bo answers.

At Daisy's House Lizzy hugs Vid tighter and looks at the ceiling. "You mom was right. It's not good to show everything you're thinking and feeling but when you're with family it's best to let it out because other wise it'll tear you apart. I don't want to see that happen to you doll. Just let it out." Lizzy says.

Cue anyone.

Luke looks at his daughter and his niece and although he can see Anita in Salena she also reminds him of Lizzy. "Bo, I have seriously screwed up." Luke says.

"I'd say so." Bo answers.

At Daisy's House Lizzy hugs Vid tighter and looks at the ceiling. "You mom was right. It's not good to show everything you're thinking and feeling but when you're with family it's best to let it out because other wise it'll tear you apart. I don't want to see that happen to you doll. Just let it out." Lizzy says.

Cue anyone.

Vidalia looks and Says "I miss my mom, and why is did my dad screw up again Aunt Lizzy it just gets me sometimes as well."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenostrait

Luke looks at his daughter and his niece and although he can see Anita in Salena she also reminds him of Lizzy. "Bo, I have seriously screwed up." Luke says.

"I'd say so." Bo answers.

At Daisy's House Lizzy hugs Vid tighter and looks at the ceiling. "You mom was right. It's not good to show everything you're thinking and feeling but when you're with family it's best to let it out because other wise it'll tear you apart. I don't want to see that happen to you doll. Just let it out." Lizzy says.

Cue anyone.

Salena Says "Dad, don't worry maybe that what you did wasn't that bad now I don't understand as well right now."

Cassidy Says "I don't either, I wish somebody will tell what happened as well nobody says anything right even if you ask them about it."

Salena Says "I really wish, what happened today by the looks neither does Uncle Bo as well. Dad, can't you least tell me how you screwed up right but if you don't want you don't have to as well."

Cassiy Says "Listen, I'm tired all I know is the Aunt Callie called here and says she needs to talk to her brother and that's urgent as well and that she's never seen her sister freeze like she did today as well."

Salena Says "See I really wish I knew what was going on right now? And why does it involve Vidalia Davenport as well isn't she in New York City with her mother right now as well? That child is one stubborn child I thought my little brothers were but she's more stubborn than them right now for only ten she wants to be boss allreadry."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Posted (edited)
Salena Says "Dad, don't worry maybe that what you did wasn't that bad now I don't understand as well right now."

Cassidy Says "I don't either, I wish somebody will tell what happened as well nobody says anything right even if you ask them about it."

Salena Says "I really wish, what happened today by the looks neither does Uncle Bo as well. Dad, can't you least tell me how you screwed up right but if you don't want you don't have to as well."

Cassiy Says "Listen, I'm tired all I know is the Aunt Callie called here and says she needs to talk to her brother and that's urgent as well and that she's never seen her sister freeze like she did today as well."

Salena Says "See I really wish I knew what was going on right now? And why does it involve Vidalia Davenport as well isn't she in New York City with her mother right now as well? That child is one stubborn child I thought my little brothers were but she's more stubborn than them right now for only ten she wants to be boss allreadry."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Back At The Jail, Brian couldn't sleep and he Says "Oh why did I tell that pretty reporter what Angel and Cassidy's car looked there's no magazine article on Congressman Tropicana family. Oh Julie and Bo are going to hate me for this I feel like a jerk right now, that wasn't very fair as well. I can't believe I did that as well and told them what Callie's car looked like as well she'll really not going to like me now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Edited by Julieduke
Back At The Jail, Brian couldn't sleep and he Says "Oh why did I tell that pretty reporter what Angel and Cassidy's car looked there's no magazine article on Congressman Tropicana family. Oh Julie and Bo are going to hate me for this I feel like a jerk right now, that wasn't very fair as well. I can't believe I did that as well and told them what Callie's car looked like as well she'll really not going to like me now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Salena lets out a yawn, and tells Cassidy she is tired right now and Cassidy see and hears her do that and she's hoping she takes the cue that their fathers want to talk in private right now.

Cassidy Says "Goodnight suddenly I'm tired right now you know life in Hazzard can be different somedays." She had noticed that her Mom had Ruby in bed and she was asleep right now and she walks off and looks at Salena Says "You know something right now, right what can it be as well."

Salena Says "Well I had heard from around town and Lizzy told me that Brian attack our Aunt Daisy and pinned her to the floor and that it seems that Aunt Callie and the Sheriff worked together and that's what's going on right everything else it's not my business because when Lizzy got home she packing dad's suitcase and I had mentioned that I wanted to talk Uncle Jesse. And she told me don't worry she it don't bother her right now, I just think she wanted to be by herself at that moment she looked like she was ready to cry as well. She did tell me that she got into a agruement with Dad, and that doesn't concern that she wasn't going to tell me and if I wanted to find out what was wrong well to ask him."

Cassidy Says "This must be huge, she usually tells you what's bothering her Salena your like best friends right now I don't understand what's going on right now as well. But I still think somebody in the county must've told somebody that knew the Congressman what are cars looked like as well."

Salena Says "I think so do, but nobody in our family would do that not even by mistake now they wouldn't mess up like that Cassidy. But lately Brian had been acting strange for about a week now and I wanted to say something to do him about what was bothering but I decided it wasn't worth the bother Cassiy."

Cassidy Says "Yeah me too, Brian has been acting strange lately hey I still got my day bed roll out the bottom mattress it's allreadry made and don't snore everytime Angel would sleepover I think a steam engine was in the room."

Salena Says "That's not very nice for your cousin now Cassidy!"

Cassidy Says "Well it's true she snores and keeps telling me she doesn't now I don't understand that logic now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Salena lets out a yawn, and tells Cassidy she is tired right now and Cassidy see and hears her do that and she's hoping she takes the cue that their fathers want to talk in private right now.

Cassidy Says "Goodnight suddenly I'm tired right now you know life in Hazzard can be different somedays." She had noticed that her Mom had Ruby in bed and she was asleep right now and she walks off and looks at Salena Says "You know something right now, right what can it be as well."

Salena Says "Well I had heard from around town and Lizzy told me that Brian attack our Aunt Daisy and pinned her to the floor and that it seems that Aunt Callie and the Sheriff worked together and that's what's going on right everything else it's not my business because when Lizzy got home she packing dad's suitcase and I had mentioned that I wanted to talk Uncle Jesse. And she told me don't worry she it don't bother her right now, I just think she wanted to be by herself at that moment she looked like she was ready to cry as well. She did tell me that she got into a agruement with Dad, and that doesn't concern that she wasn't going to tell me and if I wanted to find out what was wrong well to ask him."

Cassidy Says "This must be huge, she usually tells you what's bothering her Salena your like best friends right now I don't understand what's going on right now as well. But I still think somebody in the county must've told somebody that knew the Congressman what are cars looked like as well."

Salena Says "I think so do, but nobody in our family would do that not even by mistake now they wouldn't mess up like that Cassidy. But lately Brian had been acting strange for about a week now and I wanted to say something to do him about what was bothering but I decided it wasn't worth the bother Cassiy."

Cassidy Says "Yeah me too, Brian has been acting strange lately hey I still got my day bed roll out the bottom mattress it's allreadry made and don't snore everytime Angel would sleepover I think a steam engine was in the room."

Salena Says "That's not very nice for your cousin now Cassidy!"

Cassidy Says "Well it's true she snores and keeps telling me she doesn't now I don't understand that logic now."

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Luke looks at Bo and explains everything from the time Vidalia showed up with the social worker till the time he reached Uncle Jesse's hoping the girls weren't listening. "I don't know what to do Bo...I always have and now...God, I'm so scared." Luke says.

"You need to talk with Lizzy. If anything she'll help you past this." Bo says.

"Have you ever had to face down an angry, pregnant Lizzy?"

"She scares the crap out of you."

"Of course she does. I love her so much and I don't know what to do." Luke says.

"Talk to her and make her understand." Bo answers.

Cue anyone.

Luke looks at Bo and explains everything from the time Vidalia showed up with the social worker till the time he reached Uncle Jesse's hoping the girls weren't listening. "I don't know what to do Bo...I always have and now...God, I'm so scared." Luke says.

"You need to talk with Lizzy. If anything she'll help you past this." Bo says.

"Have you ever had to face down an angry, pregnant Lizzy?"

"She scares the crap out of you."

"Of course she does. I love her so much and I don't know what to do." Luke says.

"Talk to her and make her understand." Bo answers.

Cue anyone.

Salena and Cassidy had accidently heard and they was surprized and went to sleep it seems that they didn't want to know anymore right now. Just then the phone rings at the Farm and Callie is waiting for somebody to answer it right now, she hopes nobody gets mad at the hour she called at right now. She had seen the guy in the car follow her here and now he was just watching and she was nervous right now, and even thow she was cop herself this was scaring her right now.

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Posted (edited)
Salena and Cassidy had accidently heard and they was surprized and went to sleep it seems that they didn't want to know anymore right now. Just then the phone rings at the Farm and Callie is waiting for somebody to answer it right now, she hopes nobody gets mad at the hour she called at right now. She had seen the guy in the car follow her here and now he was just watching and she was nervous right now, and even thow she was cop herself this was scaring her right now.

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Angel had gotten Faith settle down and she had her asleep and was sleeping herself but she fell asleep in her Mom's rocking chair in the nursery thow. Julie had gotten up because she wondered if the babies were up and she saw that all three of her daughters were in the nursery. She had remembered when she first bought this house it was going to be a multimedia library with all the entertainment stuff in it but it ended up being storage and them when she learned about the baby when Angel was thirteen she turned it into a Nursery that was never used until six weeks ago. This was originally Angel's room here but it got too small and she didn't like how sun came through as well, her daughter wanted the bigger bedroom after a while. She wonders what the twins will be like in five years will they get into trouble, and will they stay on the sidelines. Will they grow up to be chearleaders and cheering on the Football team or play chess and never go to a game themselves. She had seen her Micheal, had went to sleep finally and she just walked around because she couldn't wait to have boy she hoped this next baby was boy because she was forty right now and it was now or never. The Docter had told her sometimes things like this happen when you least expect, she chuckled that her sister certainly wasn't expecting to be pregnant herself as well. She worried for Ashley and Jack's twins they were three months early premeeies she found out had a whole other set of worries she didn't even know about and she found first hand what her mother worried and later Uncle Jesse and her Aunt worried about as well. She should bring the twins in the spend the day with her father, he kept asking her about this and she always keeps putting off telling him there too little but there not so little now and he's been patient with her as well.

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Edited by Julieduke
Angel had gotten Faith settle down and she had her asleep and was sleeping herself but she fell asleep in her Mom's rocking chair in the nursery thow. Julie had gotten up because she wondered if the babies were up and she saw that all three of her daughters were in the nursery. She had remembered when she first bought this house it was going to be a multimedia library with all the entertainment stuff in it but it ended up being storage and them when she learned about the baby when Angel was thirteen she turned it into a Nursery that was never used until six weeks ago. This was originally Angel's room here but it got too small and she didn't like how sun came through as well, her daughter wanted the bigger bedroom after a while. She wonders what the twins will be like in five years will they get into trouble, and will they stay on the sidelines. Will they grow up to be chearleaders and cheering on the Football team or play chess and never go to a game themselves. She had seen her Micheal, had went to sleep finally and she just walked around because she couldn't wait to have boy she hoped this next baby was boy because she was forty right now and it was now or never. The Docter had told her sometimes things like this happen when you least expect, she chuckled that her sister certainly wasn't expecting to be pregnant herself as well. She worried for Ashley and Jack's twins they were three months early premeeies she found out had a whole other set of worries she didn't even know about and she found first hand what her mother worried and later Uncle Jesse and her Aunt worried about as well. She should bring the twins in the spend the day with her father, he kept asking her about this and she always keeps putting off telling him there too little but there not so little now and he's been patient with her as well.

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait

Julie knew that her first born will be getting married, and eventually have kids of her own she just look so cute in the rocking chair right now. It seems she forget to Faith back in her crib she went and got her camera and got a quick picture and just the it in the drawer it seems that the first picture she'll have them together she wants her babies to remember her small they were once and this will be perfect. She had thought wait a minute my family would love this quiet moment as well, she had found her cameraphone left on the changing table as well and gets the quiet moment. She had found everybody's number she didn't care about how much each picture mail was going to cost her right now she wants to share in the joy right now. She had wondered what they will say when they get this message she knows her brothers hates being interrupeted when he is sleeping but since what went on today she doubted he was sleeping right now. Him and Luke was probaly up at Uncle Jesse discussing what her cousin did today, she knew that her father wouldn't go home because of his job and he didn't want patrol right now he always sent one of the deputies on Night Patrol. She hoped that Daisy and Lizzy could eventually forgive Luke for what he did, and sure did make a darn fool of himself today as well. She knew that Ashley wished her twins weren't so early but once there born you can't do nothing about there here and that's what her docter told her three months ago as well. She had wondered what caused Brian, to change so dramastically right now he had everything going for him in his life he had a ten year daughter and a baby on the way and his family would do anything for him. Why did he have to go mess that up for now.

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenostrait

Julie knew that her first born will be getting married, and eventually have kids of her own she just look so cute in the rocking chair right now. It seems she forget to Faith back in her crib she went and got her camera and got a quick picture and just the it in the drawer it seems that the first picture she'll have them together she wants her babies to remember her small they were once and this will be perfect. She had thought wait a minute my family would love this quiet moment as well, she had found her cameraphone left on the changing table as well and gets the quiet moment. She had found everybody's number she didn't care about how much each picture mail was going to cost her right now she wants to share in the joy right now. She had wondered what they will say when they get this message she knows her brothers hates being interrupeted when he is sleeping but since what went on today she doubted he was sleeping right now. Him and Luke was probaly up at Uncle Jesse discussing what her cousin did today, she knew that her father wouldn't go home because of his job and he didn't want patrol right now he always sent one of the deputies on Night Patrol. She hoped that Daisy and Lizzy could eventually forgive Luke for what he did, and sure did make a darn fool of himself today as well. She knew that Ashley wished her twins weren't so early but once there born you can't do nothing about there here and that's what her docter told her three months ago as well. She had wondered what caused Brian, to change so dramastically right now he had everything going for him in his life he had a ten year daughter and a baby on the way and his family would do anything for him. Why did he have to go mess that up for now.

Cue LizzyJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenostrait

Luke said "i think i should talk to Daisy too, but facing down and angry Dasiy isnt good either, and now that shes pregnant, itl be worse"

Luke said "i think i should talk to Daisy too, but facing down and angry Dasiy isnt good either, and now that shes pregnant, itl be worse"

Lizzy flips open her cell phone and looks at the picture. "That's so sweet." She mutters. Then louder she adds "I have to be going Vid. You take care of yourself and listen to your Aunt you hear me. I'll talk to you later Daisy."

Cue anyone.

Lizzy flips open her cell phone and looks at the picture. "That's so sweet." She mutters. Then louder she adds "I have to be going Vid. You take care of yourself and listen to your Aunt you hear me. I'll talk to you later Daisy."

Cue anyone.

an hour after Lizzy left, Luke knocked on Daisys door

Daisy said "its okay, but i was so scared of you after yesterday"

"I'm real sorry. If I could take it back I would. I didn't mean it...I just...with everything going on I couldn't handle the possibility of our small family getting bigger so quick. Is Vidalia in bed?" Luke asks.

Cue anyone.

"I'm real sorry. If I could take it back I would. I didn't mean it...I just...with everything going on I couldn't handle the possibility of our small family getting bigger so quick. Is Vidalia in bed?" Luke asks.

Cue anyone.

Daisy said "yes, i just put her to sleep, but dont try anything"

Daisy said "yes, i just put her to sleep, but dont try anything"

"I won't I promise. I just don't want her to overhear anything. I can see how much Lizzy loves her but...the thought of having custody of four kids scared the crap out of me and I over reacted." Luke says.

Cue anyone.

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