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Since, Bo, Luke and Daisy are cousins, and Jesse is their uncle, what relation does the parents of the 3 cousins have to Jesse?

Were the dads or moms of the 3 cousins, brothers or sisters of Jesse? How many Brothers and sisters did Jesse have? How are the 3 cousins nephews and niece to Jesse?

I can never remember a time where and how they explained uncle Jesse raising the 3 cousins, other than the parents were killed in an accident.

Were they all going to a picnic and met their faith???

I know, curiosity killed the cat, but I have 8 more lives left...hahahaha.... :)

Since, Bo, Luke and Daisy are cousins, and Jesse is their uncle, what relation does the parents of the 3 cousins have to Jesse?

Were the dads or moms of the 3 cousins, brothers or sisters of Jesse? How many Brothers and sisters did Jesse have? How are the 3 cousins nephews and niece to Jesse?

I can never remember a time where and how they explained uncle Jesse raising the 3 cousins, other than the parents were killed in an accident.

Were they all going to a picnic and met their faith???

I know, curiosity killed the cat, but I have 8 more lives left...hahahaha.... :)

Some people, by that I mean Wikipedia which can't be used as a college source, have named that Uncle Jesse had to have 6 brothers to make all the Dukes that have shown up on the show first cousins to include Bo, Luke, and Daisy. I don't know if it was ever said on the show but that's what I found online.

Some people, by that I mean Wikipedia which can't be used as a college source, have named that Uncle Jesse had to have 6 brothers to make all the Dukes that have shown up on the show first cousins to include Bo, Luke, and Daisy. I don't know if it was ever said on the show but that's what I found online.

Wikipedia, I keep forgetting about that site....lol

I was just curious, thinking of making an rp about it and was searching for feed back from y'all...:)


Hey, here is what I gather from the information given on the show.

There are 7 cousins on the show - Daisy, Luke, Bo, Jeb Stuart, Judd Kane, Coy and Vance. If they're all cousins then their fathers were brothers, we know they dad's were brothers because they all carry the Dukes name (besides Judd who was adopted which is why he has a diff last name). Jesse however would only have 6 brothers because Luke and Judd came from the same dad. Therefore, they are Jesse's neice and nephews because they are the children of Jesse's brothers.

It was mentioned somewhen on the show that the parents were killed in the same automobile accident. An explanation for this could be that they were running shine together as that was the family buisness back then, though it was never specified on the show what automobile accident killed them. I think that was mentioned on the Family Tree on the 3rd Season DVD.

Hope this helps :)

Hey, here is what I gather from the information given on the show.

There are 7 cousins on the show - Daisy, Luke, Bo, Jeb Stuart, Judd Kane, Coy and Vance. If they're all cousins then their fathers were brothers, we know they dad's were brothers because they all carry the Dukes name (besides Judd who was adopted which is why he has a diff last name). Jesse however would only have 6 brothers because Luke and Judd came from the same dad. Therefore, they are Jesse's neice and nephews because they are the children of Jesse's brothers.

It was mentioned somewhen on the show that the parents were killed in the same automobile accident. An explanation for this could be that they were running shine together as that was the family buisness back then, though it was never specified on the show what automobile accident killed them. I think that was mentioned on the Family Tree on the 3rd Season DVD.

Hope this helps :)

Are you sure it's judd, I thought Luke's brother was Jed? In any case I did forget about him and now that you mention it, I had forgotten about Jeb Stuart. As for Coy and Vance, I don't really count them as dukes, because if John and Tom had stayed for the 5th season, we may have never heard of Coy or Vance.

As for the parents accident, could have been during a moon shine run gone bad, that makes sense to me.:)


The funny thing about coy is that him and john were friends before the show i think 2 or 3 years before the show and they both auditioned for bo, john was telling us this a dukesfest08 and he said the byron(coy) always beat him in the auditions except for this one if I remember correctly. Yeah dukes wasnt the same with coy and vance but I have to be loyal to how the dukes would want it and coy and vance are family and they did help take care of uncle jesse and daisy and the farm.


Yeah if you watch Brotherly Love again Luke's baby brother is called Judd Kane. Coy and Vance nethertheless are Dukes, whether or not they woulda been there if John and Tom hadn't left. if you think about it storyline wise, they're cousins too :)

And yeah about Byron, I met him, he's such a nice guy, a lot like John actually.

I love Jeb Stuart, he's the best Duke cousin they ever brought on the show, I wish they would have included him more. He's like Bo and Luke mixed together lol


I agree with everything you say Bo, but the part you said Judd was adopted. Judd wasn't adopted out. There was a fire at the hospital and the nurse to keep Judd from being killed. Took him from the hospital and raised him as her own not telling Judd until she was her death bed that he was a Duke and not her son. Luke's mom and dad had always thought that he died in the fire. That's why they never looked for him.


Yeah but for that to happen he had to have been adopted. It wouldn't have been legal for her to just take the baby from the hospital, she would have had to have given him back. Plus his birth certificate would have had the proper parents name on it. So technically, he was adopted it was just never said on the show ;) But yeah yer right, the did think Judd died in a fire :)


I still disagree with you there. (Please don't be madd;)). Because when Judd was telling Luke about his life he said they where always moving around. Leaving me to believe that she was afraid that they would be caught and she have to give Judd back.


It's funny that the person who rescued Jud was Mrs. Nelson and his name was Jud Kane. It's obvious the nurse did know his name and that in reality he was a Duke. I think she did take him as her own and maybe she got married or something at which point she adopted him (Jud Kane). Or actually maybe Kane is a middle name and he just used it for prize fighting....there are LOTS of possibilities.


And me...course maybe Kane was a middle name (it used to be tradition for middle names to be the mother's maiden name) Who knows....Im just real coonfused how Mrs Nelson (mrs implies that she was married or widowed) could have Jud and his last name of Kane...interesting.

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