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Daisy walked over to Bo "im sorry"

"It's alright." Bo answers. Then they all settle down to a dinner that has Lizzy stunned.

"Bo Duke, my god where did you learn to cook? This is some of the best food I have ever tasted." Lizzy says. Bo grins and looks at Austin.

"Sarah-Beth and a little from Daisy. When you left I was resigned to eating junk food and take out until Austin ran out of baby food. Sarah-Beth helped me out for a while until I was good enough to go about it on my own. And that is all she did for me." Bo says making sure everyone understands he's still devoted to Lizzy. She grins and nods. After being informed of most of the past four years everyone retires to the living room where the kids go to play and Lizzy is filled in on the more sensitive stuff.

"It's alright." Bo answers. Then they all settle down to a dinner that has Lizzy stunned.

"Bo Duke, my god where did you learn to cook? This is some of the best food I have ever tasted." Lizzy says. Bo grins and looks at Austin.

"Sarah-Beth and a little from Daisy. When you left I was resigned to eating junk food and take out until Austin ran out of baby food. Sarah-Beth helped me out for a while until I was good enough to go about it on my own. And that is all she did for me." Bo says making sure everyone understands he's still devoted to Lizzy. She grins and nods. After being informed of most of the past four years everyone retires to the living room where the kids go to play and Lizzy is filled in on the more sensitive stuff.

Daisy and Lizzy talk for awhile and about how Daisy is still tryin to get over loosing her daughter so quickly

"Yeah I guess but I realized that didn't mean he loved me any less it just meant that he couldn't give me everything I wanted." Lizzy says.

Daisy nodded "yeah, you know, last night, i was looking at old pictures, and it brought up old memorys, remember how we met that day at school, that was the same day we became best friends, my memorys fuzzy though"

Daisy nodded "yeah, you know, last night, i was looking at old pictures, and it brought up old memorys, remember how we met that day at school, that was the same day we became best friends, my memorys fuzzy though"

"I believe I ran into Bo and fell backwards on my butt. He being the gentleman he was offered me a hand up but you came in shouting at him for pushing me over and before he could explain what happened some senior Jock came up and started picking on me so both you and Bo jumped to my defense." Lizzy say smirking.

"I believe I ran into Bo and fell backwards on my butt. He being the gentleman he was offered me a hand up but you came in shouting at him for pushing me over and before he could explain what happened some senior Jock came up and started picking on me so both you and Bo jumped to my defense." Lizzy say smirking.

Daisy smiles "now i remember, i wanted to slap that guy, but i stoped my self"

"That was you that day?" Bo asks pulling Lizzy to lean against him.

"What can I say you loved having girls fall at your feet." Lizzy says.

Daisy said "Bo,Luke and Enos were all three ladies men back then, remember when i hooked up with Enos and you hooked up with Bo back in 8th grade, all those girls on the cheer team started hating us"

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