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Micheal said "im not sure Julie but im gonna make sure it doesnt happen again" and he lookes and Daisy who is in KITT in the front seat with her head down on the dash board

Julie says "Come on it's going to happen again, were going to talk to our Uncle about this right Micheal thank you so much."

Cue Anybody

Julie says "Come on it's going to happen again, were going to talk to our Uncle about this right Micheal thank you so much."

Cue Anybody

Micheal gets in the front seat of KITT on the drivers side after Julie gets in and he lookes and Daisy and then fires up the engine and starts for the cabin headquarters and when they got there the shakey Daisy and and Julie were met my Devon

Micheal gets in the front seat of KITT on the drivers side after Julie gets in and he lookes and Daisy and then fires up the engine and starts for the cabin headquarters and when they got there the shakey Daisy and and Julie were met my Devon

Julie says "Uncle Devon, they tried to kidnap me and Daisy but Micheal stopped them they had guns as well."

Cue Anybody

Devon said "my gosh, Daisy was right, they tracked you, all you two can do is stay here ill contact the others in Hazzard about it"

Julie says "Please do, and don't tell them I'm still sobbing about and very scared about the whole thing right now."

Cue Anybody

Julie says "Please do, and don't tell them I'm still sobbing about and very scared about the whole thing right now."

Cue Anybody

on Devons orders Micheal took Daisy and Julie to there room and locked all the windows which were bulletproof and left and Daisy and Julie were sitting on the same bed looking at each other

on Devons orders Micheal took Daisy and Julie to there room and locked all the windows which were bulletproof and left and Daisy and Julie were sitting on the same bed looking at each other

Julie says "Well were safe at least if he hadn't come out when he did we might not be here right now Daisy."

Cue Anybody

Daisy nodds "but he cant save us forever"

Meanwhile in a cabin on the outskirts of town Little Red is picking at a sandwich as the two goons walk in. "Uh boss." Little Ricky says.

"I'm awfully disappointed in you two." Red says.

"But Boss that man..."

"That man was the one you two were after in the first place." Red snaps.

"But he had two girls..."

"The girls don't matter Ricky. They're not the ones trying to shut down my operation. I want Micheal Knight in my office tomorrow by sunset or the two of you will be sleeping with the fishes got it?"

"Yes Boss." The goons walk out and Ricky looks at his partner. "I knew it was a bad idea going into business with that little..."

"Don't say it," Matt warns. "You know Red is concerned about profits. If anything happens to them we lose our income and your baby won't get the food it needs."


"No buts Ricky."

"You didn't have to be so rough on them Red." Tom mutters walking out of the shadows.

"If my operation gets blown by two out of towners then we both get locked up for years. Tom know I can't afford that."

"Then turn straight and get a real job."

"Where's the fun in that?" Little Red asks.

Cue anyone.

Meanwhile in a cabin on the outskirts of town Little Red is picking at a sandwich as the two goons walk in. "Uh boss." Little Ricky says.

"I'm awfully disappointed in you two." Red says.

"But Boss that man..."

"That man was the one you two were after in the first place." Red snaps.

"But he had two girls..."

"The girls don't matter Ricky. They're not the ones trying to shut down my operation. I want Micheal Knight in my office tomorrow by sunset or the two of you will be sleeping with the fishes got it?"

"Yes Boss." The goons walk out and Ricky looks at his partner. "I knew it was a bad idea going into business with that little..."

"Don't say it," Matt warns. "You know Red is concerned about profits. If anything happens to them we lose our income and your baby won't get the food it needs."


"No buts Ricky."

"You didn't have to be so rough on them Red." Tom mutters walking out of the shadows.

"If my operation gets blown by two out of towners then we both get locked up for years. Tom know I can't afford that."

"Then turn straight and get a real job."

"Where's the fun in that?" Little Red asks.

Cue anyone.

Daisy and Julie come in the dining room and see Micheal talking to Devon "oh hey guys" Daisy says

Devon sighes "they might be trying to get through you two to get to me"

Julie says "But why, you have a boring job right. Micheal has the risky one from what I seen eariler hey do you think it was the same two guys that flatten my tire in Hazzard."

Cue Anybody

Daisy said "i dont think so hes around the same age as us, or what did you mean?"

Julie says "I meant when he gave us that ride a few days ago and I was giving him a hard time and he was so mad at me that day as well."

Cue Anybody

Daisy said "hes got a worse temper than Bo and Luke and Enos combined"

Micheal says "Hey I heard that I protected the two of you just eariler didn't I now."

Julie says "But you still got a temper Micheal."

Cue Anybody

Daisy said "lets get back to our room, well let the men talk"

Julie says "Okay Daisy, and you know I like this place next time I might go the Universial Studios."

Julie went back and looked out the window and says "Daisy, there's some dark sedans out there this doesn't look too good right now."

Cue Anybody

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