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Daisy smiled "gotta live in Hazzard to get our jokes, so weve seen the walk of fame, whats next"

Micheal says "Well there's Chinese theatre but what about some lunch that's one thing is my car can't do is make lunch."

Cue anybody

Daisy said "okay" and they heard KITT behind them use a quote of Micheals "women, impossible creatures"

Julie says "That's not funny what if we have Cooter lift your rearend up on you and park his truck now."

Cue Anybody

Michael said "KITT shut up and stop making me look like a jackass"

Daisy and Julie laugh and they reach the resturant

Julie says "Sorry about that Micheal, but I can't help it's just my personalty now."

Cue Anybody

Micheal opens the door of the resturant "its okay he does that when theres girls around"

Daisy and Julie go in the resturant and are overwelmed by the scent of Chinese food

Julie says "Smells so good ,do they have chopsticks here."

Cue Anybody

Julie laughs and smiles and says "Sorry about that now."

Cue anybody

Daisy nodds and they all sit down and eat and of course Micheal pays and they leave but when they did they got out side and two men were standing there with hand guns pointd at them and they were standing in front of KITT

Daisy nodds and they all sit down and eat and of course Micheal pays and they leave but when they did they got out side and two men were standing there with hand guns pointd at them and they were standing in front of KITT

Julie gasped and says "What do you want with us, we don't know nothing about nothing were just two country girls I swear."

Cue Anybody

Julie is crying in Micheals arms and says "That was scary why did they want us for, why are we so important to them."

Cue Anybody

Micheal said "im not sure Julie but im gonna make sure it doesnt happen again" and he lookes and Daisy who is in KITT in the front seat with her head down on the dash board

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