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Michael Knight meets Dukes of Hazzard!

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"It won't. If it does and I want you to warn me. If you ever feel like something's changing like you're feeling left out you just let me and Daddy know and we'll do everything to change that." Lizzy says.

Austin noded and said "okay"

Daisy held her kids in her lap "same goes for you too and Kayle is only a baby still..i dont know how this will affect her"

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Daisy nodded

Julie and Micheal had their twins with them in the waiting room and Julie had put them in Micheal's arm and she goes to stand up and passed out and a Nurse rushed right over and looked at her husband and Says "We'll get somebody for you wife Mr. Knight and those twins are so darn cute as well."

Cue LizzJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

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Julie and Micheal had their twins with them in the waiting room and Julie had put them in Micheal's arm and she goes to stand up and passed out and a Nurse rushed right over and looked at her husband and Says "We'll get somebody for you wife Mr. Knight and those twins are so darn cute as well."

Cue LizzJackson-Davenport or daisydukeXenosstrait or Elly Mae Duke

Michael nodds

Daisy thinks about something but just confuses her self and stops

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