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Ricky comes in to the room and smirks. "Hey there Mikey. You ain't gonna try nothing funny are you if you are you're gonna have to be put out again." Ricky says.

Micheal says "I can't move what would I even try to be funny, kind of like that outfit you have on now."

Cue Anybody

Mikey brings Devon in all tied up

Micheal says "Oh that's not fair you outnumber us right now, why did you go after the girls in front of the restaurant they didn't nothing to do you now."

Cue Anybody

Micheal says "Oh that's not fair you outnumber us right now, why did you go after the girls in front of the restaurant they didn't nothing to do you now."

Cue Anybody

Mikey says "were going after them next, so then yall will all be here together, but theres a chance the girls might not live"

"You touch those girls, you'll meet my knife." Lizzy says walking out of her office.

Cue anyone.

Back at The Cabin

Julie hears the door creek downstairs and just waits she wished Uncle Devon and Micheal was here but she was scared right now.

Cue Anybody

"It's your choice Mikey. You go after them you won't live to regret it. You follow my orders and you'll be handsomely rewarded." Lizzy says.

Cue anyone.

Julie just stay real quiet as well. Mikey says "Sorry Red, but there's the Devon's nieces and they'll make him cooperate even better you never want anything to happen to family now. Besides I'm in charge not you Red."

Cue Anybody

Mikey says "they have to be caught, they know too much Lizzy"

"I don't care what they know. They are my best friends and I pay you to shut up and follow my orders. If I'm not mistaken you're just the bounty hunter I hired to nab these two. I'm the one that runs this business. Now shut up or I'll run you through." Lizzy spits.

"I'd listen to her if I were you." Tom says.

Cue anyone.

"I don't care what they know. They are my best friends and I pay you to shut up and follow my orders. If I'm not mistaken you're just the bounty hunter I hired to nab these two. I'm the one that runs this business. Now shut up or I'll run you through." Lizzy spits.

"I'd listen to her if I were you." Tom says.

Cue anyone.

Mikey sighes and says "okay"

"Here's the deal. You two, Devon and Micheal, are going to shut up, lose the file, and stay out of Georgia. You'll report that the rumors were false and you move on. I'll go back to my business and you'll pretend this never happened." Lizzy says.

Cue anyone.

Micheal says "Sorry, I can't do cutie now it's not in my nature."

Cue Anybody

Devon says "why are you so against us going to Hazzard"

"Because Hazzard is my turf. The local law doesn't care what I do. So the feds should keep their noses out of my business." Lizzy says. "And Micheal I have a name and a boyfriend. Trust me I ain't scared to cut you up a bit for pissing me off."

Cue anyone.

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