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Have any of you ever stopped to consider the security issues involved when you have celebrities in an area? Think about the rock n roller who was shot dead by a nut case just two days ago! There are more crazies out there than you can imagine, and all it would take is ONE with a grudge to get onto these sets and kill a star and/or cast/crew members. Some jerk got onto the set and in where they were filming last night, because in his twisted brain, he thought it was perfectly okay to just walk into the place and hang out! And he refused to leave!! And how did he get in there? Ask the Livingston Parish Deputy who was supposed to be guarding the entrance. He was busy visiting with his local friends and family. This guy could have had a weapon and grudge - you never know! And time is money when making a movie. Some of you think these stars have absolutely nothing to do but hang out with the locals. They work long, tedious hours, just like the crew does, and I think Johnny and Sean have gone above and beyond when it comes to interacting with the crowds, and people still don't think it's enough. They won't get their picture and autograph and go home...... they stay and stay and stay, like they've been invited to a neverending party. I don't blame Jessica one bit for not walking into these crowds. People don't know when enough is enough. You have parents, who are supposed to be reasonably sane, dragging little kids and babies out in the cold damp night air, and standing there for HOURS on end, and for what? At one site, there were people with lawn chairs sitting in the middle of a road where traffic was trying to get by. Kids running all over the place, including in the road, unsupervised by their parents.

This is not a party. It is a work site where people are working on a project that will cost tens of millions of dollars, and where security is an issue for various and very legitimate reasons. You have expensive and dangerous equipment, and guess who would get sued if some idiot wanders onto the set seeking interaction with the stars, and ends up getting hurt?

Then you have the unauthorized visitors who think the food and such meant for the crew are there for them to eat! Movies have caterers because the crews work VERY LONG hours and cannot leave to go eat or get a snack. The food is there for the workers, not every idiot whose brother or sister is an extra or a cop, and snuck them on the set.

Work in the industry and you will understand.

And don't believe every bit of gossip you hear about the stars. They have good days and bad days just like the rest of us, only they have everyone under the sun watching them waiting for something they can jump on and run with.

And one final note. I have heard nothing but positive comments on this set about the folks here in Louisiana. Crew members have been amazed at the kindness and laid back attitude of locals in all of the areas, even when their roads are blocked, morning commutes delayed, etc.... A positive impression made by local folks makes Louisiana look good to the industry and makes them want to come back for future films.

Think about it. 8)


I just wanted to say thank you for your first class message about the making of this movie and the hard work going on in LA. I couldnt of said it better myself. I lived in California for a year and I do have a little experience in what goes on behind the scenes in making a feature film or a television show and let me tell you, people really dont have the slightest idea what goes on behind the scenes to make everything come together on a feature film. Please good people, dont be offended if Jessica Simpson or any other actor for that reason, cannot hang around for long periods of time signing autographs shaking hands and hugging because sometimes they simply dont have the time to do it. Plain and simple. There is a downside to being a star and in the public eye. These people are REAL people and when they sign on to a project, it is an enormous undertaking. I think as fans, we owe some respect to the actors that bring our favorite TV and movie characters to life. It really is hard work. If we get the chance to see a feature film being made in one of our hometowns, we need to take a step back and just watch from a distance, sometimes a really FAR distance. I have read some messages that Sean Scott and John Knoxville have been hanging around with fans and taking time out of their busy schedule to acknowledge them and let me just say , I think it is very kind and generous of them because in all honesty they really dont have to do it, but they are so my hat is off to them. That is a class act all the way in my book. PLease understand that im not trying to be rude ya'll

im just trying to reinforce some facts about moviemaking . Take care ya'll and be well!


I agree totally with what you have said. I live between Baton Rouge and Clinton, LA and have seen and heard a lot about the movie. I enjoy having them film thje movie in LA. It is very exciting. My morning commute has taken a little longer a couple of times because of road closures for the movie, but I don't mind at all. It is a small price to pay to have a major movie filmed here.

A lot of people here seem to feel that the actors owe something to the community. They do not owe us anything. Although I would love to meet them, I will not wait for hours near the sets. From what I've heard Johnny Knoxville, Sean W. Scott, and Jessica Simpson have been seen many places around town and have been very willing to sign autographs, take pictures, etc. People need to realize that they need their privacy too. Being a celebrity does not mean that you have to take hours out of your private time to interact with fans.


I agree 100%. Nobody here knows what it's like to ba a celebrity the calibre of Jessica Simpson and until you live a day in her shoes with the constant screaming and people calling you a b**ch because you can't possibly sign every autograph and maybe would like a couple hours of sleep, you should pipe down. She's here to film a movie, not sign autographs, take pictures or be tormented. Let the cast do their job, and let the people of this aren try and live their lives for these next few weeks


Although I agree with most of what you'r saying about actors and movie making I have to disagree with some of it. I live in French Settlement, La and I was present for some of the Boars Nest filming this past week. I was extremly excited about this movie being filmed here. I met Johnny Knoxville and he sighned autographs for as many people as he could. Johnny seems to be great guy who is down to earth and really enjoys his fans. Now I have heard a few rumors about Jessica Simpson such as "I can't wait toget out of this hick town." and " Get these hicks away from me." also she supposedly said that the only reason the movie was being filmed here was because Louisiana was trashy. Now like I said these are just rumors and I won't judge her on rumors. Last Thursday my seven yr old daughter and I stopped by the Boars Nest filming. We saw Jessica pass by a few times going back and forth from the set to her trailor. A little while later Jessica came up to her Range Rover preparing to leave for the evening. There was a group of about fifteen people including myself calling to Jessica smiling and waving including my daughter who I had picked up so she could see and wave to Jessica. Jessica then looked our way in what looked like disgust and jump into her vehicle. Now we weren't trying to get her attention while she was filming. All we wanted was maybe a smile and a wave, but I guess we were not worthy of it. Now you people can say what you want, but that was wrong and I could care less about the girl. As far as the movie goes I will watch it, but after that Miss Got My Nose Stuck In The Air Simpson will not get a penny of my money.

  • 2 weeks later...

Even thoughI hate jessica simpson witha passion, i can kind of defend heron that. Imagine that you have just worked an 18 hour day. And the day before that was 16 hours and you have only probably gotten at most 10 hours of sleep the whole week. Now you come and and have a chance to go get ome rest. You would be a little pissed off that a bunch of people who don't even know you that want to be your friend just because you are a star and have money start hounding you. You would be a little disgusted witht he people as well. Sean and johnny probably don't always feel like doing what they do with the autographs and hanging around either. but they are just better peopel than she could evr want to be. These people are in fact working and don't want to be hounded day and night. How would you feel if after a day at the office for eery single day, there are hundreds of people begging you to sign something. givem a break.

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