MaryAnne Posted October 22, 2008 Author Posted October 22, 2008 Oh great! Looks like the law might not win this fight! *facepalm*The black Stetsons are going to win this one and justice won't prevail! Eeeek! The suspense is killing me now because this is almost scary as the challenge. The outlaws plan to out the law with this challenge. Crickets and crocs! I don't think we can let this happen MA!Nope, we can't Val! I worked on my story some tonight and I'm pretty confident I can get it done by next Tuesday.I think. I hope.I'm prayin' anyway.... Quote
AlexJackson Posted October 22, 2008 Posted October 22, 2008 Why am I not surprised you'd dig that concept? Alex, ya got a one track mind... LOLCarlisle ain't got that kinda sense of humor. He'd arrest Alex, sure, but not with those kind of boots----umm, nevermind... Sorry MaryAnne, the only cop I'd allow to arrest me in boots like that is you! ... Quote
Julieduke Posted October 22, 2008 Posted October 22, 2008 Why am I not surprised you'd dig that concept? Alex, ya got a one track mind... LOLCarlisle ain't got that kinda sense of humor. He'd arrest Alex, sure, but not with those kind of boots----umm, nevermind... Sorry MaryAnne, the only cop I'd allow to arrest me in boots like that is you! ...Where can I read these stories everybody's writing once there posted later in the month. Quote
MaryAnne Posted October 26, 2008 Author Posted October 26, 2008 Sorry MaryAnne, the only cop I'd allow to arrest me in boots like that is you! ...Somehow I knew you'd say that. ROFLWhere can I read these stories everybody's writing once there posted later in the month.The stories will be posted at DOHFF after the 28th. I'll post all the appropriate announcements and links after then. Quote
AlexJackson Posted October 26, 2008 Posted October 26, 2008 Somehow I knew you'd say that. ROFL Well I wouldnt want to disappoint fact, I think you do need a pair of boots like that! *chuckles*What do you think? These boots are made for copping! Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 The Ghost Post Challenge is about to hit the deadline!MaryAnne says she got 4 new stories in today, in response to the challenge! Which ( witch? heh heh) brings our completed entries to 7! Congrats to all who completed a story, MaryAnne will have them posted soon! Am I done with my story? I'm still working on it. Yeah, yeah, I know what that means. But it's a few minutes till midnight , my time, so I get away with one more full in the flesh post here. Did MaryAnne finish her story? Well, I'll let her announce that one herself!Meantime....looks like I'd better get into the "spirit" of thangs....Yeah, all this time I've been goofing around in Photoshop, I could have been writing! Vain creature that I am, I got all caught up in the image. Literally. Ah well.... I'm sure the main character in my story doesn't mind extending her stay in oblivion just a little longer! Quote
AlexJackson Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 The Ghost Post Challenge is about to hit the deadline!MaryAnne says she got 4 new stories in today, in response to the challenge! Which ( witch? heh heh) brings our completed entries to 7! Congrats to all who completed a story, MaryAnne will have them posted soon! Am I done with my story? I'm still working on it. Yeah, yeah, I know what that means. But it's a few minutes till midnight , my time, so I get away with one more full in the flesh post here. Did MaryAnne finish her story? Well, I'll let her announce that one herself!Meantime....looks like I'd better get into the "spirit" of thangs....Finished! With two hours to spare!! Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 Finished! With two hours to spare!! I should ghost you up anyway. MUAHAHAHAAA!!! Skipper Duke 1 Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 Alex, you turned out more like a zombie than a ghost, but you're a good ghoul all the same! Man, I wouldn't wanna see this face across the table at breakfast... Quote
AlexJackson Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 Alex, you turned out more like a zombie than a ghost, but you're a good ghoul all the same! Man, I wouldn't wanna see this face across the table at breakfast...Thanks a lot Brian! Im a zombie and you look like Casper the friendly Coltrane! *chuckles* Quote
AlexJackson Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 Brian---Did you finish your story or are you Casper the friendly Coltrane for the next couple of weeks? Quote
MaryAnne Posted October 29, 2008 Author Posted October 29, 2008 Brian didn't finish his story and....I didn't either. So we're both Casper the Friendly Ghost Coltranes for the next coupla weeks! Quote
MaryAnne Posted October 29, 2008 Author Posted October 29, 2008 The Ghost Post Challenge is about to hit the deadline!MaryAnne says she got 4 new stories in today, in response to the challenge! Which ( witch? heh heh) brings our completed entries to 7! Congrats to all who completed a story, MaryAnne will have them posted soon! Am I done with my story? I'm still working on it. Yeah, yeah, I know what that means. But it's a few minutes till midnight , my time, so I get away with one more full in the flesh post here. Did MaryAnne finish her story? Well, I'll let her announce that one herself!Meantime....looks like I'd better get into the "spirit" of thangs....Yeah, all this time I've been goofing around in Photoshop, I could have been writing! Vain creature that I am, I got all caught up in the image. Literally. Ah well.... I'm sure the main character in my story doesn't mind extending her stay in oblivion just a little longer!I'm in oblivion across the board anyway. Your story, my story and now, here at HNet. ROFL. Well, like I said above I didn't get my story finished in time either. I am going to finish it but I don't think it'll be in time for Halloween. Meantime, our grand total of stories completed is eight! Now I gotta go back in the thread here to see if anyone else said they were gonna do a story and then didn't complete it. Otherise, Brian and I are gonna haunt this place all by ourselves for the next two weeks. Which will probably be entertaining nonetheless. Khee!I should have the stories posted up tomorrow night. I'll make the appropriate formal announcement here when I do! Congrats and great job to everyone who took part in the challenge! Quote
AlexJackson Posted October 29, 2008 Posted October 29, 2008 I'm in oblivion across the board anyway. Your story, my story and now, here at HNet. ROFL. Well, like I said above I didn't get my story finished in time either. I am going to finish it but I don't think it'll be in time for Halloween. Meantime, our grand total of stories completed is eight! Now I gotta go back in the thread here to see if anyone else said they were gonna do a story and then didn't complete it. Otherise, Brian and I are gonna haunt this place all by ourselves for the next two weeks. Which will probably be entertaining nonetheless. Khee!I should have the stories posted up tomorrow night. I'll make the appropriate formal announcement here when I do! Congrats and great job to everyone who took part in the challenge!A pair of Casper the Friendly Coltranes! So both Coltranes cousins are ghosts?? Hmmmmm this could be fun....*Breaks out the ouija board*Brian...MaryAnne... come in Brian and MaryAnne.... Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 You're summoning already? The irony is, you'll probably get more response outta us now that we're immaterial. O' course, we always been immaterial, or we couldn't afford to work here. BAHAHA--- ahem. Anyhow, what the hell do ya want, Alex? Quote
AlexJackson Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 You're summoning already? The irony is, you'll probably get more response outta us now that we're immaterial. O' course, we always been immaterial, or we couldn't afford to work here. BAHAHA--- ahem. Anyhow, what the hell do ya want, Alex?*looks at the ouija board*Whoa! This thing works great! Oh lets see...I'll have a roast beef on wheat bread with Swiss cheese and horse radish, oh! And a pint of coleslaw!Kidding! I'm kidding! *clears throat* Actually I just had a question for now. Is this spectral activity in just Hnet or does it apply outside of Hnet as well? I pose this question to both of you spirited spirits. I'm just concerned that someone could call Ghost Busters on you two and I dont want that! Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 You're enjoyin' this just a little too much, Alex. Now, as to your question. Namely, does this spectral circumstance apply to any of our other...haunts. Heh!Going off of the original spirit and intent of the challenge - it was meant for HNet. I really didn't think about going beyond that, as I didn't figure I'd end up going beyond to begin with, but heah we are.BOOOOOO!!! Sorry, that's been kinda buildin' up. Had to let it out. Where was I....Oh yeah. I was gonna say, I'll let MaryAnne weigh in on this - or weightless in on this, as the case may be. I kinda think, at first pale, that it would be difficult for MaryAnne to manage her blog with this ghost post shenanigan going on. To anybody not in on the scheme, it wouldn't make sense. It wouldn't affect my blog at all, since I hardly ever update the thing these days. Anyway, MaryAnne manages the DOHFF site too, and whether she decides to honor this condition any further and elsewhere is up to her. I'll go along with whichever way the wind blows. In the meantime, let's give her time to ghoul that one over. Man, it'll be a mercy when this thang is over with so my bad jokes will stop. MUAHAHAHAHAA! BWAAHAHAHA!! Quote
AlexJackson Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 You're enjoyin' this just a little too much, Alex. Now, as to your question. Namely, does this spectral circumstance apply to any of our other...haunts. Heh!Going off of the original spirit and intent of the challenge - it was meant for HNet. I really didn't think about going beyond that, as I didn't figure I'd end up going beyond to begin with, but heah we are.BOOOOOO!!! Sorry, that's been kinda buildin' up. Had to let it out. Where was I....Oh yeah. I was gonna say, I'll let MaryAnne weigh in on this - or weightless in on this, as the case may be. I kinda think, at first pale, that it would be difficult for MaryAnne to manage her blog with this ghost post shenanigan going on. To anybody not in on the scheme, it wouldn't make sense. It wouldn't affect my blog at all, since I hardly ever update the thing these days. Anyway, MaryAnne manages the DOHFF site too, and whether she decides to honor this condition any further and elsewhere is up to her. I'll go along with whichever way the wind blows. In the meantime, let's give her time to ghoul that one over. Man, it'll be a mercy when this thang is over with so my bad jokes will stop. MUAHAHAHAHAA! BWAAHAHAHA!! Me?? Enjoying this??? Well...the sandwich order was a golden opportunity I couldn't pass up! *Chuckles* Youre right though about this spectral activity not making sense beyond Hnet. And by all means Brian...keep the bad jokes coming! After all... we all need to be a little, spirited now and then, don't we?See? The bad jokes are just flying around like specters arent they? *laughs* Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 Well, we only had a ghost of a chance getting through this with any dignity. You know what I can't believe, is that everybody else finished their stories! Far as I know! I'm looking forward to reading them. I know MaryAnne's working on sorting them all out for uploading. Hm, this puts a whole new twist on the "ghost writer" thing, don't it.Which gives me another idea for a challenge within a challenge. Since MaryAnne and I are the last two without finishing a story....maybe we should have a spook-off. A contest to see who can finish their story first. The winner gets to un-ghost upon completion of the story. The loser.....well, what should the loser get? I gotta be careful just in case that's me. Hmmm.I'll have to dwell on it a spell. Quote
AlexJackson Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 Well, we only had a ghost of a chance getting through this with any dignity. You know what I can't believe, is that everybody else finished their stories! Far as I know! I'm looking forward to reading them. I know MaryAnne's working on sorting them all out for uploading. Hm, this puts a whole new twist on the "ghost writer" thing, don't it.Which gives me another idea for a challenge within a challenge. Since MaryAnne and I are the last two without finishing a story....maybe we should have a spook-off. A contest to see who can finish their story first. The winner gets to un-ghost upon completion of the story. The loser.....well, what should the loser get? I gotta be careful just in case that's me. Hmmm.I'll have to dwell on it a spell. I'm just as surprised as you are Brian, the way your posts were sounding, I thought you were as close to finishing as I was! As for your challenge within a challenge, a good idea! But if I may make a suggestion, as you said the winner gets their body back, so to speak, and the loser has to fulfill the two weeks being a ghost! Speaking of which... Um.... why am I suddenly typing like I'm a ghost?? Is this ghost transformation spreading?? Am I ghostifying too???? Quote
DaneyDuke Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 I'm just as surprised as you are Brian, the way your posts were sounding, I thought you were as close to finishing as I was! As for your challenge within a challenge, a good idea! But if I may make a suggestion, as you said the winner gets their body back, so to speak, and the loser has to fulfill the two weeks being a ghost! Speaking of which... Um.... why am I suddenly typing like I'm a ghost?? Is this ghost transformation spreading?? Am I ghostifying too????Alex, didn't anyone ever tell ya to be careful playing with an ouija board? Skipper Duke 1 Quote
DaneyDuke Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 Brian didn't finish his story and....I didn't either. So we're both Casper the Friendly Ghost Coltranes for the next coupla weeks!I'm really surprised. Does this mean MeadowMufn is gonna have to bring you both back? Quote
Brian Coltrane Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 I'm just as surprised as you are Brian, the way your posts were sounding, I thought you were as close to finishing as I was! As for your challenge within a challenge, a good idea! But if I may make a suggestion, as you said the winner gets their body back, so to speak, and the loser has to fulfill the two weeks being a ghost! Speaking of which... Um.... why am I suddenly typing like I'm a ghost?? Is this ghost transformation spreading?? Am I ghostifying too????No, you're just not payin' any dang attention to what you're doin'. Oh, I forgot. Booowaahahaha!!! Gotta remember to keep the basics covered. Let's see...wail n' moan...that's easy, I do that enuff...and make the stairs creak, ok that's easy....and make things go bump in the night.*BAM!* *crash!!* Ooops. Didn't know my astral from my elbow there. Poltergeistin' ain't as easy as it looks. Skipper Duke 1 Quote
AlexJackson Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 No, you're just not payin' any dang attention to what you're doin'. Oh, I forgot. Booowaahahaha!!! Gotta remember to keep the basics covered. Let's see...wail n' moan...that's easy, I do that enuff...and make the stairs creak, ok that's easy....and make things go bump in the night.*BAM!* *crash!!* Ooops. Didn't know my astral from my elbow there. Poltergeistin' ain't as easy as it looks.Aha! I seem to have fixed things now. *winces* Okay... thats bump in the night Brian, not wreck the joint! Do you have your chains to rattle? I think you forgot flickering the lights, doors opening and closing, making objects fly around the room... Quote
Meadowmufn Posted October 30, 2008 Posted October 30, 2008 Well, we only had a ghost of a chance getting through this with any dignity. You know what I can't believe, is that everybody else finished their stories! Far as I know! I'm looking forward to reading them. I know MaryAnne's working on sorting them all out for uploading. Hm, this puts a whole new twist on the "ghost writer" thing, don't it.Which gives me another idea for a challenge within a challenge. Since MaryAnne and I are the last two without finishing a story....maybe we should have a spook-off. A contest to see who can finish their story first. The winner gets to un-ghost upon completion of the story. The loser.....well, what should the loser get? I gotta be careful just in case that's me. Hmmm.I'll have to dwell on it a spell. I like the spook-off idea. The loser gets, as a parting (departing?) gift...GHOST POOP!!That's as charitable as I get tonight. Skipper Duke 1 Quote
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